17 research outputs found

    Yield performance of crops and soil chemical changes under fertilizer treatments in a mixed cropping system

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    Yields of maize, melon, cassava and cowpea as well as changes in soil chemical contents were examined under different fertilizer treatments in a mixed cropping system. The results showed that fertilizer treatments had significant effects on the yields of maize, cassava and cowpea but nosignificant effect on melon yield. Total nitrogen decreased in all the plots after cropping and available phosphorus reduced from initial value of 4.72 mg/kg to between 3.37 mg/kg where no fertilizer was added and 3.83 mg/kg under inorganic fertilizer. Exchangeable potassium decreased in all the plots irrespective of fertilizer type and the changes ranged between 25% under organic fertilizer and 53% under inorganic fertilizer treatment. The level of organic carbon decreased by about 17% under organicfertilizer but by 59% where inorganic fertilizer was applied. Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) increased by 21% and 20%, respectively with the application of organic fertilizer. Though yields of crops increased with application of inorganic fertilizer, organic fertilizer and combination of both in this experiment, changes in soil nutrients status after cropping showed that the fertilizer rates used might not be able to sustain soil fertility under the system

    Growth and yield performance of some improved soybean varieties as influenced by intercropping with maize and cassava in two contrasting locations in Southwest Nigeria

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    Four improved varieties of soybean (TGX 1448-2E, TGX 1445-2E, TGX 1485-1D and TGX 1019-2E) were evaluated for growth and yield performance under intercropping system with maize and cassava atIbadan and Oniyo in 2001 and 2002. Plant height at harvest, number of pods per plant, weight of 100 seeds and seed yield were used to assess the performance of improved varieties of soybean while grain yield and fresh tuber yield were considered for maize and cassava under the intercropped. Combined analysis of variance of growth and yield parameters showed variations among improved varieties of soybean, maize and cassava for intercropping, location, year and their interactions. Soybean variety TGX 1485-1D with highest number of pods per plant, weight of 100 seeds and seed yield was the most desirable variety for intercropping with maize and cassava across the two locations. Maize grain yield and cassava fresh tuber yield were similar among the four improved varieties of soybean in their response under the intercropped across the two locations. Higher seed yields ofsoybean varieties were obtained from Oniyo (derived savanna agro ecology) compared to Ibadan (rain forest agro ecology) probably due to differences in climatic conditions. The study has indicated thatTGX 1485-1D, which was highest yielding across the different locations, will fit well into the farming systems of small-scale farmers of Southwest Nigeria

    Influence of poultry manure and NPK fertilizer on yield and yield components of crops under different cropping systems in south west Nigeria

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    Field experiments were conducted in two villages (Oniyo and Moloko Ashipa) representing two agro ecologies in the south west area of Nigeria during 2000 and 2001 cropping seasons. The objective was to determine the effects of NPK fertilizer and poultry manure on the yield and yield components in cassava/maize/melon systems. The factors were (1) cropping systems: cassava/maize/melon, sole cassava, sole maize and sole melon; and (2) fertilizers: no fertilizer, NPK 15-15-15 (400 kg/ha), poultry manure (5 t/ha), 2.5 t/ha poultry manure + 200 kg/ha NPK 15-15-15 and mineral fertilizer (NPK 15-15-15). Intercropping had no significant effect on cassava root yield but it reduced maize and melon seed yield compared to sole cropping. Land equivalent ratio (LER) values were however higher under intercropping than sole cropping. Crop yields were statistically the same under NPK alone and NPK + poultry manure but significantly higher than both poultry manure alone and control in both location

    Evaluation of four improved soybean varieties under different planting date in relayed cropping system with maize under soybean/maize/cassava intercrop

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    Field experiments were conducted at Ibadan; Southwest Nigeria in 2001 and 2002 to evaluate the effects of relayed intercropping of four improved soybean varieties with maize in soybean/maize/cassavaintercropped. Intercropping depressed maize grain yield and cassava fresh tuber yield. The response observed in the yields of maize and cassava under different soybean varieties in intercropping systemswith maize and cassava was not significant. Soybean plant height at harvest, number of days to 50 percent flowering, number of pods per plant, weight of 100 seeds and seed yield were significantlyaffected by intercropping systems. Soybean variety TGX 1019 – 2E gave the highest values (66.69, 20.73 g and 1.02 t/ha) for number of pods per plant, weight of 100 seeds and seed yield, respectively,under intercropping systems. The response observed in 2001 and 2002 was significant for weight of 100 seed and seeds yield. The higher values (18.53 g and 0.87 t/ha) were obtained for 2001 compared to that of 2002. The number of weeds per 1 m x 1 m guardant significantly varied among intercropping systems. Cassava/soybean relayed with maize under intercropping system gave the least values (50.29and 35.63) at 5 and 7 weeks after sowing respectively. Among the four improved soybean varieties evaluated under intercropping, TGX 1019 – 2E and TGX 1448 – 2E gave the least values at 7 and 9 weeks after sowing

    Evaluation of renal volume by ultrasonography in patients with essential hypertension in Ile-Ife, south western Nigeria

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    Background and aims: To determine renal volume in adult patients with essential hypertension and correlate it with age, sex, body mass index (BMI), body surface area (BSA) and duration of hypertension. Patients and methods: A total of 150 patients (75 males, 75 females) with essential hypertension and normal renal status were evaluated sonographically in this prospective study. Fifty healthy individuals (25 males, 25 females) without hypertension were also evaluated as control. Renal volume was then calculated from the kidney’s length, width and anterio-posterior diameter using the formula L*W*AP*0.523. Results: The range of renal volume obtained was 51.65-205.02 cm3, with a mean of 114.06±29.78 cm3 for the left kidney and 47.37-177.50 cm3 with a mean of 106.14±25.42 cm3 for the right kidney. The mean volumes of the right and left kidneys in males (112.98±25.56 cm3 and 123.11±32.49 cm3, respectively), were significantly higher than in females (99.31±23.07 cm3 and 105.01±23.77 cm3, respectively). Renal volume correlated significantly with BSA and BMI, but decreased with age. The renal volume showed no correlation with duration of hypertension. Conclusion: Renal volume is higher in the left than the right kidney in hypertensive patients of both sexes and female hypertensive patients have smaller kidney size compared to males. The study also shows that volume of both kidneys decreases with age and positive correlation between renal volume, BSA and BMI. However, there is no correlation between renal size and duration of hypertension.Keywords: essential hypertension; renal volume; ultrasonograph

    Influence of cassava planting patterns and pruning methods on crop yield in a cassava-based cropping system

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    Field experiments were conducted at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria on the effect of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) planting pattern and pruning methods on cassava yield and yield of associated crops, namely, maize (Zea mays L.), melon (Colocynthis vulgaris L.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in a cassava-based cropping system. Cassava planting patterns had significant effects on maize and melon yield in the 1995 but had no effects in 1996. Cowpea yield values under triangular planting pattern were 15 and 19% higher than regular planting pattern in 1995 and 1996, respectively. Its yield components differed only slightly under the two planting patterns. Number of cassava tubers and tuber weight plant-1 were superior under triangular planting pattern to regular planting pattern. The overall yield of cassava was, however, higher under regular planting pattern than triangular planting. The least cowpea yield and yield components were recorded under unpruned cassava. Yield and yield components of cassava reduced when pruned irrespective of the type of pruning method. Key Words: Cowpea, maize, Manihot esculenta, Zea mays RÉSUMÉ Des expériences de champs étaient conduites à l'Université d'Ibadan-Nigeria sur les effets de la façon de planter et de l'élagage du manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz) sur son rendement et le rendement des plantes associées, notamment, le maïs (Zea mays L.), le melon (Colocynthis vulgaris L.) et le niébé (Vigna unguiculata) dans un système de culture basé sur le manioc. La façon de planter le manioc avait un effet significatif sur le rendement du maïs et du melon en 1995 mais pas en 1996. Les valeurs du rendement du niébé en arrangement triangulaire étaient 15 et 19% plus élévées que celles obtenues par arrangement régulier en 1995 et 1996 ; respectivement. Les composantes du rendement diffèrent très légèrement sous les deux arrangements. Le nombre de tubes de manioc et le poids de tube par plante étaient supérieurs dans l'arrangement triangulaire par rapport à l'arrangement régulier. Le rendement du manioc était, cependant, élévé sous l'arrangement régulier par rapport à l'arrangement triangulaire. Le rendement le plus faible du niébé et des ses composantes étaient enregistrés sous le manioc dont l'élagage n'a pas été pratiqué. Le rendement et les composantes du rendement du manioc étaient réduits quand l'élagage était pratiqué. Mots Clés: Niébé, maïs, Manihot esculenta, Zea mays African Crop Science Journal Vol.12(2) 2004: 115-12

    Effects of land quality, management and cropping systems on cassava production in southern western Nigeria

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    The study was carried out to assess the effects of land quality, management and cropping system on cassava production in the derived savanna and rain forest of southwestern Nigeria. Soil quality wasstudied from farmers’ fields which had been under cassava cultivation for at least ten (10) years. The yield data obtained from different crop mixtures and management practices were compared with theperformance of cassava. The results showed great diversity of soils suitable for cassava production but good management and cropping system determined the yield. Maximum yield (78.5 t.ha-1) of cassavawas recorded on fertile, sandy clay loam soil (Apomu series, Eutric Luvisol) intercropped with maize, followed with cowpea in relay cropping. Lowest yield (3.3 t.ha-1) was obtained on degraded low fertilitycompacted sandy soil of shante series (Albic Luvisol) under maize/cassava/crop mixture, with cashew. The results indicated that the more the use of appropriate agricultural input, management level and land requirement, the more the yield of cassava across the ecological zones studied

    Outcomes of triplet pregnancies in Sagamu, Nigeria

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    No Abstract. Nigerian Medical Practitioner Vol. 47(5) 2005: 99-10