84 research outputs found

    Evidence for folate-salvage reactions in plants

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    Folates in vivo undergo oxidative cleavage, giving pterin and p-aminobenzoylglutamate (pABAGlu) moieties. These breakdown products are excreted in animals, but their fate is unclear in microorganisms and unknown in plants. As indirect evidence from this and previous studies strongly suggests that plants can have high folate-breakdown rates (approximately 10% per day), salvage of the cleavage products seems likely. Four sets of observations support this possibility. First, cleavage products do not normally accumulate: pools of pABAGlu (including its polyglutamyl forms) are equivalent to, at most, 4-14% of typical total folate pools in Arabidopsis thaliana, Lycopersicon esculentum and Pisum sativum tissues. Pools of the pterin oxidation end-product pterin-6-carboxylate are, likewise, fairly small (3-37%) relative to total folate pools. Second, little pABAGlu built up in A. thaliana plantlets when net folate breakdown was induced by blocking folate synthesis with sulfanilamide. Third, A. thaliana and L. esculentum tissues readily converted supplied breakdown products to folate synthesis precursors: pABAGlu was hydrolysed to p-aminobenzoate and glutamate, and dihydropterin-6-aldehyde was reduced to 6-hydroxymethyldihydropterin. Fourth, both these reactions were detected in vitro; the reduction used NADPH as cofactor. An alternative salvage route for pABAGlu, direct reincorporation into dihydrofolate via the action of dihydropteroate synthase, appears implausible from the properties of this enzyme. We conclude that plants are excellent organisms in which to explore the biochemistry of folate salvage

    Mitochondrial impairment activates the Wallerian pathway through depletion of NMNAT2 leading to SARM1-dependent axon degeneration.

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    Wallerian degeneration of physically injured axons involves a well-defined molecular pathway linking loss of axonal survival factor NMNAT2 to activation of pro-degenerative protein SARM1. Manipulating the pathway through these proteins led to the identification of non-axotomy insults causing axon degeneration by a Wallerian-like mechanism, including several involving mitochondrial impairment. Mitochondrial dysfunction is heavily implicated in Parkinson's disease, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, hereditary spastic paraplegia and other axonal disorders. However, whether and how mitochondrial impairment activates Wallerian degeneration has remained unclear. Here, we show that disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential leads to axonal NMNAT2 depletion in mouse sympathetic neurons, increasing the substrate-to-product ratio (NMN/NAD) of this NAD-synthesising enzyme, a metabolic fingerprint of Wallerian degeneration. The mechanism appears to involve both impaired NMNAT2 synthesis and reduced axonal transport. Expression of WLDS and Sarm1 deletion both protect axons after mitochondrial uncoupling. Blocking the pathway also confers neuroprotection and increases the lifespan of flies with Pink1 loss-of-function mutation, which causes severe mitochondrial defects. These data indicate that mitochondrial impairment replicates all the major steps of Wallerian degeneration, placing it upstream of NMNAT2 loss, with the potential to contribute to axon pathology in mitochondrial disorders

    Homozygous NMNAT2 mutation in sisters with polyneuropathy and erythromelalgia.

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    We identified a homozygous missense mutation in the gene encoding NAD synthesizing enzyme NMNAT2 in two siblings with childhood onset polyneuropathy with erythromelalgia. No additional homozygotes for this rare allele, which leads to amino acid substitution T94M, were present among the unaffected relatives tested or in the 60,000 exomes of the ExAC database. For axons to survive, axonal NMNAT2 activity has to be maintained above a threshold level but the T94M mutation confers a partial loss of function both in the ability of NMNAT2 to support axon survival and in its enzymatic properties. Electrophysiological tests and histological analysis of sural nerve biopsies in the patients were consistent with loss of distal sensory and motor axons. Thus, it is likely that NMNAT2 mutation causes this pain and axon loss phenotype making this the first disorder associated with mutation of a key regulator of Wallerian-like axon degeneration in humans. This supports indications from numerous animal studies that the Wallerian degeneration pathway is important in human disease and raises important questions about which other human phenotypes could be linked to this gene

    Simultaneous single-sample determination of NMNAT isozyme activities in mouse tissues.

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    A novel assay procedure has been developed to allow simultaneous activity discrimination in crude tissue extracts of the three known mammalian nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase (NMNAT, EC isozymes. These enzymes catalyse the same key reaction for NAD biosynthesis in different cellular compartments. The present method has been optimized for NMNAT isozymes derived from Mus musculus, a species often used as a model for NAD-biosynthesis-related physiology and disorders, such as peripheral neuropathies. Suitable assay conditions were initially assessed by exploiting the metal-ion dependence of each isozyme recombinantly expressed in bacteria, and further tested after mixing them in vitro. The variable contributions of the three individual isozymes to total NAD synthesis in the complex mixture was calculated by measuring reaction rates under three selected assay conditions, generating three linear simultaneous equations that can be solved by a substitution matrix calculation. Final assay validation was achieved in a tissue extract by comparing the activity and expression levels of individual isozymes, considering their distinctive catalytic efficiencies. Furthermore, considering the key role played by NMNAT activity in preserving axon integrity and physiological function, this assay procedure was applied to both liver and brain extracts from wild-type and Wallerian degeneration slow (Wld(S)) mouse. Wld(S) is a spontaneous mutation causing overexpression of NMNAT1 as a fusion protein, which protects injured axons through a gain-of-function. The results validate our method as a reliable determination of the contributions of the three isozymes to cellular NAD synthesis in different organelles and tissues, and in mutant animals such as Wld(S)

    NAD Metabolism and Related Drug Compounds

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    Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a long-known universal coenzyme for cellular redox reactions that takes metabolic origin from the B3 vitamin “niacin”; in recent times, it has also been found to participate as a consumed substrate in an increasingly diverse range of cellular reactions and processes, including signal transduction, DNA repair, and post-translational protein modifications. Because of that, in recent years, medicinal chemists have become interested in the therapeutic potential of molecules affecting the interactions of NAD with NAD-dependent enzymes. Further, enzymes involved in de novo biosynthesis, salvage pathways, and downstream utilization of NAD have been extensively investigated and implicated in a wide variety of diseases. These studies have bolstered NAD-based therapeutics as a new avenue for discovering and developing novel treatments for medical conditions, such as cancer, neurodegeneration, aging, etc. Industrial and academic groups have produced structurally diverse molecules, which target NAD metabolic pathways, with some candidates advancing into clinical trials. However, further intensive structural, biological, and medical studies are needed to facilitate the design and evaluation of new generations of NAD-based therapeutics. Not long ago, scientists from AstraZeneca analyzed interactions of NAD-binding motifs of approximately 500 NAD-dependent human enzymes towards NAD itself or its analogues and, based on more than 2000 crystal structures, they came to the conclusion that the NAD-binding protein class is largely underrepresented in drug discovery. There are nearly 500 human protein kinases and their inhibitors, which bind at the ATP-binding domain of these enzymes and have been successfully developed and are now on the market. In contrast, only a few drugs interacting with the NAD-binding domain of NAD-dependent enzymes have been approved. On the other hand, pyridines and niacin-related compounds are also environmentally and dietarily available, often abundantly too, as a consequence of human activities or behaviors, e.g., when pesticides or food additives are used in agriculture or in the food industry. These compounds, exactly like any other pyridine-like drug, may interfere variously with endogenous NAD metabolism of cells, thus, becoming fully accessible and eventually dangerous for human health. Recent accumulating evidence suggests that such environmental toxicity is possible and likely mediated by off-targeting effects on NAD metabolism. This Special Issue will focus on NAD metabolism and the latest developments and discovery of small-molecule regulators acting within this pathway, i.e., activators or inhibitors, both naturally occurring and synthetic. One focus is on the NAD-dependent enzymes that are linked to selected disorders or diseases and on their drug targeting for therapy. Moreover, outside this, it can also be focused on the environmental pyridines still “orphan” of function or missing their targets. Original research articles, perspectives, and reviews on the discovery, mechanism of action, characterization, validation, comparative analysis, structural investigation, etc., are all welcome
