41 research outputs found

    Marmara Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi'nin 50. yılı

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    Determination of genotype distribution and Allele frequencies of XRCC1 (Arg399Gln) and XRCC3 (Thr241Met) polymorphisms in Turkish population

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    Amaç: XRCC1 geni, serbest oksijen radikallerinin, iyonize radyasyonun, ultraviyole ve alkilleyici mutajenlerin yaptığı baz değişimi sonucu oluşan baz kesip çıkarma (eksizyon) onarımı ve DNA tek zincir kırılmalarının onarılmasında rol alan proteinleri kodlar. XRCC3 geni kimyasal ajanlar ve iyonize radyasyona karşı kromozomal bütünlük ve hücre direncini sağlayan çift zincir kırıkları, çapraz bağları ve homolog rekombinasyonda önemli bir rol oynamakta ve bu nedenle genomun stabilitesi için kritik önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türk popülasyonunda XRCC1 (Arg399Gln) ve XRCC3 (Thr241Met) polimorfizmlerinin genotip dağılımı ve allel frekanslarının belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada Türk popülasyonunda XRCC1 (Arg399Gln) ve XRCC3 (Thr241Met) polimorfizmleri, polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu - restriksiyon parça uzunluğu polimorfizmi (PCR-RFLP) yöntemi kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Bunun için aralarında akrabalık ilişkisi bulunmayan sağlıklı 260 gönüllüden alınan kan örnekleri kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışmamızın sonuçlarına göre XRCC1 (Arg399Gln) polimorfizmi için 104 (%40) bireyin Arg/Arg, 128 (%49,2) bireyin Arg/Gln ve 28 (%10,8) bireyin Gln/Gln genotipine sahip olduğu, Türk popülasyonunda Arg alel frekansının %64,6, Gln alel frekansının ise %35,4 olduğu tespit edilmiştir. XRCC3 (Thr241Met) polimorfizmi için ise 89 (%34,2) bireyin Thr/Thr, 122 (%46,9) bireyin Thr/Met, 49 (%18,9) bireyin Met/Met genotipine sahip olduğu, Türk toplumunda Thr ve Met alel frekanslarının sırasıyla %57,7 ve %42,3 olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Çalışmamız XRCC1 (Arg399Gln) polimorfizmi, sağlıklı Türk popülasyonunda yapılan örneklem büyüklüğü açısından en kapsamlı çalışmadır, ayrıca bu çalışma XRCC3 (Thr241Met) polimorfizminin sağlıklı Türk popülasyonunda dağılımının değerlendirildiği ilk çalışmadır. Bu sonuçlar klinikte bireye özgü tedavi yaklaşımlarının geliştirilmesini, çeşitli maruziyetlerde ve hastalıklarda Türk popülasyonunun vereceği cevabın değerlendirilerek riskli bireylerin belirlenmesini sağlayacaktır.Objectives: XRCC1 gene encodes proteins which take part in base excision repair resulting from base exchanges made by free oxygen radicals, ionizing radiation, ultraviole and alkylating mutagens and in repair of DNA single-strand breaks. XRCC3 gene plays an important role in double strand breaks, crosslinks and homologous recombination which ensure chromosomal integrity and cell resistance against chemical agents and ionizing radiation, and is therefore critical for the stability of the genome. The purpose is to determine genotype type and allele frequencies of XRCC1 (Arg399Gln) and XRCC3 (Thr241Met) polymorphisms in Turkish population. Materials and Methods: In this study, the polymorphism of XRCC1 (Arg399Gln) and XRCC3 (Thr241Met) was investigated using the polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method in the Turkish population. For this, blood samples were used from 260 healthy volunteers with no consanguinity. Results: According to the results of our study, for the XRCC1 (Arg399Gln) polymorphism, 104 (40%) individuals had Arg/Arg, 128 (49.2%) individuals had Arg/Gln and 28 (10.8%) individuals had Gln/Gln genotype; in the Turkish population, the frequency of Arg allele was determined as 64.6% and the allele frequency was to be 35.4%. For the XRCC3 (Thr241Met) polymorphism, 89 (34.2%) individuals had Thr/Thr, 122 (46.9%) individuals had Thr/Met, 49 (18.9%) individuals had Met/Met genotype; and in Turkish population, Thr and Met allele frequencies were found to be 57.7% and 42.3%, respectively. Conclusion: Our study is the most comprehensive study about XRCC1 (Arg399Gln) polymorphism in terms of sample size of healthy Turkish population, and this is the first study to evaluate the distribution of XRCC3 (Thr241Met) polymorphism in the healthy Turkish population. These results will enable the development of individual-specific treatment approaches in the clinic, and the identification of risky individuals by evaluating the response of the Turkish population in various exposures and diseases

    Chemical composition and in vitro mutagenic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. essential oil from Turkey

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    The essential oil obtained from Lavandula angustifolia Mill. (Lavander) has many pharmacological effects, including antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial and carminative effects. Lavandula angustifolia essential oil (LEO) contains monoterpene compounds, mainly linalool and linalyl acetate and various phenolic acids such as caffeic acid, vanillic acid, ferulic acid and chlorogenic acid. The hydrodistillation of the aerial parts of L. angustifolia produced a pale yellow oil. Gas chromatography-Gas chromatography/Massspectrometry (GC-GC/MS) results showed that LEO contains monoterpene alcohols that primarily include linalool (35.91%), 4-Terpineol (6.10%), α-Terpineol (4.49%) and lavandulol (2.49%). As a result of the cytotoxicity analysis of LEO, the IC50 value was found to be 0.372 mg/mL. LEO was found to be non-mutagenic against the bacterial test strain Salmonella typhimurium TA 98 with S9 fraction while the highest concentration (9.58 mg/mL) was found to be either mutagenic or cytotoxic against TA 98 without S9 fraction. The essential oil’s antioxidant capacity was found 6.522±0.069 mg/mL while the total phenolic content was 1.22±0.04 mg GAE/g extract (Gallic acid equivalent/g extract). Anti-inflammatory activity of LEO was 1.238± 0.026 mg/mL while that of indomethacine was 0.022±0.003 mg/mL. In conclusion, when the results are evaluated in terms of in vitro biological activities, LEO can be considered as a potential herbal product with active compounds that should be examined in future studies.Istanbul Medipol Universit

    Investigation of antioxidant and anticonvulsant activity of Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra

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    Epilepsy is a state characterized by sudden, recurrent epileptic seizures that are not initiated by an identifiable event. There are various studies has been shown that Hypericum species may be used for their anticonvulsant potentials. Besides, the relationship between anticonvulsant activity and antioxidant effect has already been shown in the literature. In the current study, H. triquetrifolium was investigated for the first time for its potential antioxidant and anticonvulsant potential using in vitro and in vivo test models. H. triquetrifolium extracts were tested with DPPH assay, FRAP assay, copper (II) ion reducing antioxidant capacity assay, and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity assay to understand their antioxidant potential. Especially, methanolic extract of H. triquetrifolium was shown the highest antioxidant activity. Moreover, a pentylenetetrazole (PTZ, 80 mg/kg, i.p.)-induced seizure model was conducted to analyze the anticonvulsant activities of H. triquetrifolium extracts in mice. In addition, this study revealed that H. triquetrifolium decreased the ratio of severe seizures and increased the mean onsite of mortality and survival rate in a dose-dependent manner. It is thought that the anticonvulsant effect may be either related to the antioxidant potential of H. triquetrifolium or its interference in the GABAergic system

    Evaluation of knowledge level about asbestos exposure in urban transformation construction areas

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    Since Turkey is in an earthquake zone, historically there has been a lot of demolition in various cities, including Istanbul which contains many historical places. Residents of Istanbul are subject to calamity regulations and plans that fall under these regulations. Older buildings, and those in a state of disrepair which are not in compliance with regulations, are demolished to make the city safer. In this context, urban transformations are based in Istanbul. In many cases Istanbul’s demolitions reveal carcinogenic asbestos fibers, which are known to have carcinogenic effects. Building employees are directly exposed to asbestos dust, and the local community is indirectly exposed. Protecting against the negative health affects of asbestos on building employees who are working in buildings unknown to have asbestos is under discussion. The aim of this study is to create awareness of asbestos and to protect against its negative affects on building employees working in urban transformations areas. Surveys show that the employes are uninformed about asbestos and its effects. The projects must continue to create awareness.World Health Organization U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: EPA Centre International de Recherche sur le Cance

    The role of pharmacists in Kırklareli (Turkey) as primary health care providers

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    This study was carried out in Kırklareli in 2005. The aim was to investigate the role of pharmacists as primary health care providers. In 63.5% of the total number of 55 pharmacies taking part in the research, there was no health care service within a 150 meter range. The remaining pharmacies, constituting 36.4%, did have health care services within a 150 meter range. These were in the proximity of either village clinics (55%), state hospitals (35%), or private hospitals (10%). 51.9% of the pharmacists are female and 48.1% male, and usually, they employ 1 or 2 assistants; only 1.9% do not employ an assistant. The assistants are between the ages of 20-29, and most of them are high school graduates. 27.4% of them work 10 hours a day, and 43.5% of them work 11 hours a day. 23.3% of the medicine sold in pharmacies in the most recent week of the study was unprescribed. 84% of the pharmacists told the patient to inform them of any adverse reactions and/or side effects. In the case of adverse reactions and/or side effects, 57.7% of patients informed the pharmacist before consulting a doctor. 100% of the pharmacists guided the patient to TÜFAM (The National Pharmacovigilance Centre-in Turkey). Pharmacists encounter drug poisoning very infrequently (5.7%) and respond to it 100% of the time. In the most recent week of the study, no one applied for an HIV test. 94.1% of the pharmacists do not approve of the selling of over-the-counter drugs. As a result of this study, we learned that provisions for the primary health care services given at pharmacies were not present in existing legislation, although there is a demand for them in the affected communities

    Investigation of DNA damage and DNA repair capacity in patients with colorectal cancer and their first degree relatives

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    Objective: Studies have reported that genetic susceptibility and environmental factors play an important role in the formation of colorectal cancer (CRC). Individuals with incidence of colorectal cancer in the first-degree relatives are about twice as likely to develop CRC as those without any family history. Biomarkers are often utilized for the determination of increased risk of cancer. The aim of our study was to investigate the potential DNA damage using by comet assay and chromosomal aberrations (CAs), measurement of DNA repair capacity by using challenge assay as biomarkers of susceptibility in peripheral lymphocytes of CRC patients and their first degree relatives. Methods: Peripheral blood samples were taken from untreated patients diagnosed with CRC (n=56), their first degree relatives (n=50) and healthy controls (n=25) were analyzed by comet assay and challenge assay and CAs. Results: Chromosomal aberration frequency by chromosomal aberration technique in peripheral blood lymphocytes in CRC patients and their first degree relatives were not statistically different as compared with the controls (p>0.05). However, a statistically significant increase in DNA damage was observed by comet assay (p<0.001). Challenge assay demonstrated statistically significant reduction in DNA repair capacity in CRC patients (p<0.001) and as in their first degree relatives (p=0.001) as compared with the controls. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that comet assay can be used as a biomarker for detecting DNA damage in CRC and challenge assay can be utilized clinically for identification of CRC susceptibility in individuals who has relatives with CRC