28,567 research outputs found

    The mechanism for the electrooxidation of procarbazine pharmaceutical preparation in alkaline media and its mathematical description

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    The mechanism for the electrooxidation of procarbazine in alkaline media has been proposed. The process is realized completely on the electrode surface and is adsorption-controlled. The oscillatory behavior in this case is more probable, than for neutral media and may be caused by influences of electrochemical oxidation and salt dissolution from the electrode surface

    Demonstration of new possibilities of multilayer technology on resistive microstrip/ microdot detectors

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    The first successful attempts to optimize the electric field in Resistive Microstrip Gas Chamber and resistive microdot detectors using additional field shaping strips located inside the detector substrate are describedComment: Presented at the RD-51 mmini week, CERN, June 201

    Mapping the train model for earthquakes onto the stochastic sandpile model

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    We perform a computational study of a variant of the ``train'' model for earthquakes [PRA 46, 6288 (1992)], where we assume a static friction that is a stochastic function of position rather than being velocity dependent. The model consists of an array of blocks coupled by springs, with the forces between neighbouring blocks balanced by static friction. We calculate the probability, P(s), of the occurrence of avalanches with a size s or greater, finding that our results are consistent with the phenomenology and also with previous models which exhibit a power law over a wide range. We show that the train model may be mapped onto a stochastic sandpile model and study a variant of the latter for non-spherical grains. We show that, in this case, the model has critical behaviour only for grains with large aspect ratio, as was already shown in experiments with real ricepiles. We also demonstrate a way to introduce randomness in a physically motivated manner into the model.Comment: 14 pages and 6 figures. Accepted in European Physical Journal

    The role and potential of tripartite partnerships to promote strong sustainable consumption in the context of Brazil: an evaluation of possibilities and risks

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    The growing concern about persisting environmental problems caused by overconsumption in the context of Brazil must be understood as an issue of democratic character. However, there is a gap in research examining models that can drive change of sustainable-related issues such as sustainable consumption. Critically evaluating existing literature, we discuss the potential of tripartite partnerships (TPPs) to advance sustainable consumption practices. We argue that multi-sector partnership approaches such as TPPs involving multiple actors can strengthen a socio-political basis for the advancement of public policies and inter-sectorial dynamics offering mechanisms that can foster sustainable consumption. By applying a TPP model as analytical lens, we explore prevalent possibilities and risks of promoting sustainable consumption in the context of Brazil

    Quantification of Maceration Changes using Post Mortem MRI in Fetuses

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    BACKGROUND: Post mortem imaging is playing an increasingly important role in perinatal autopsy, and correct interpretation of imaging changes is paramount. This is particularly important following intra-uterine fetal death, where there may be fetal maceration. The aim of this study was to investigate whether any changes seen on a whole body fetal post mortem magnetic resonance imaging (PMMR) correspond to maceration at conventional autopsy. METHODS: We performed pre-autopsy PMMR in 75 fetuses using a 1.5 Tesla Siemens Avanto MR scanner (Erlangen, Germany). PMMR images were reported blinded to the clinical history and autopsy data using a numerical severity scale (0 = no maceration changes to 2 = severe maceration changes) for 6 different visceral organs (total 12). The degree of maceration at autopsy was categorized according to severity on a numerical scale (1 = no maceration to 4 = severe maceration). We also generated quantitative maps to measure the liver and lung T2. RESULTS: The mean PMMR maceration score correlated well with the autopsy maceration score (R(2) = 0.93). A PMMR score of ≥4.5 had a sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 64%, for detecting moderate or severe maceration at autopsy. Liver and lung T2 were increased in fetuses with maceration scores of 3-4 in comparison to those with 1-2 (liver p = 0.03, lung p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: There was a good correlation between PMMR maceration score and the extent of maceration seen at conventional autopsy. This score may be useful in interpretation of fetal PMMR

    Coeficiente de repetibilidade para o caráter maturação de frutos em tucumanzeiros (Astrocaryum vulgare Mart.).

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    Popularmente conhecido como tucumanzeiro, Astrocaryum vulgare Mart. é uma palmeira que possui maior ocorrência nas regiões Norte e Nordeste do país, cujos frutos são muito apreciados pelas populações locais e que vêm sendo indicados para uso como matéria prima ao mercado de biodiesel, por terem alto teor de óleo na polpa e amêndoa. Contudo, poucas informações agronômicas sobre essa espécie estão disponíveis. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar o coeficiente de repetibilidade para o caráter maturação de frutos em tucumanzeiros. No período de maio/2011 a março/2013 foram avaliadas 23 plantas de tucumanzeiro conservadas no Banco Ativo de Germoplasma da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. Em todas as plantas foram marcadas e acompanhadas três inflorescências até a maturação para a obtenção do número de dias necessários para a completa maturação. Os coeficientes de repetibilidade para este caráter foram obtidos por três métodos. As inflorescências avaliadas apresentaram, em média, 253,14 dias para completar a maturação. Os valores dos coeficientes de repetibilidade e determinação apresentaram baixas magnitudes sugerindo que para se obter o valor real dos indivíduos será necessário um número consideravelmente alto de medições (de 35 a 47 inflorescências pelos métodos dos componentes principais e ANOVA, respectivamente). Assim, é necessário maior amostragem para realizar estudos sobre o comportamento da maturação dos frutos de tucumanzeiro