799 research outputs found

    Gamma-Ray Constraints on Neutralino Dark Matter Clumps in the Galactic Halo

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    According to high resolution cold dark matter (CDM) simulations, large virialized halos are formed through the constant merging of smaller halos formed at earlier times. In particular, the halo of our Galaxy may have hundreds of dark matter clumps. The annihilation of dark matter particles such as the neutralino in these clumps generates γ\gamma-ray fluxes that can potentially be detected by future experiments such as GLAST. We find that, depending on the parameters of the clump density profile and on the distribution of clumps in the Galactic halo, the contribution to the diffuse γ\gamma-ray background from clumps can constrain the properties of neutralinos such as the mass and annihilation cross section. We model the density profile of clumps by three representative dark matter profiles: singular isothermal spheres (SIS), Moore profiles, and Navarro, Frenk and White (NFW) density profiles and calculate the spectrum and angular distribution in the sky of the γ\gamma-ray flux due to neutralino annihilation in the clumpy halo of the Galaxy. The calculations are carried out in the context of two different scenarios for the distribution of clumps in the Galaxy and their concentrations, which result in very different conclusions.Comment: 24 pages, 7 ps fig

    Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays from Young Neutron Star Winds

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    The long-held notion that the highest-energy cosmic rays are of distant extragalactic origin is challenged by observations that events above 1020\sim 10^{20} eV do not exhibit the expected high-energy cutoff from photopion production off the cosmic microwave background. We suggest that these unexpected ultra-high-energy events are due to iron nuclei accelerated from young strongly magnetized neutron stars through relativistic MHD winds. We find that neutron stars whose initial spin periods are shorter than 4(BS/1013G)1/2\sim 4 (B_S/10^{13}{\rm G})^{1/2} ms, where BSB_S is the surface magnetic field, can accelerate iron cosmic rays to greater than 1020\sim 10^{20} eV. These ions can pass through the remnant of the supernova explosion that produced the neutron star without suffering significant spallation reactions. For plausible models of the Galactic magnetic field, the trajectories of the iron ions curve sufficiently to be consistent with the observed arrival directions of the highest energy events.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, replaced with revised version, some references adde

    Unresolved Unidentified Source Contribution to the Gamma-ray Background

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    The large majority of EGRET point sources remain without an identified low-energy counterpart, and a large fraction of these sources are most likely extragalactic. Whatever the nature of the extragalactic EGRET unidentified sources, faint unresolved objects of the same class must have a contribution to the diffuse extragalactic gamma-ray background (EGRB). Understanding this component of the EGRB, along with other guaranteed contributions from known sources, is essential if we are to use this emission to constrain exotic high-energy physics. Here, we follow an empirical approach to estimate whether a potential contribution of unidentified sources to the EGRB is likely to be important, and we find that it is. Additionally, we show how upcoming GLAST observations of EGRET unidentified sources, as well as of their fainter counterparts, can be combined with GLAST observations of the Galactic and extragalactic diffuse backgrounds to shed light on the nature of the EGRET unidentified sources even without any positional association of such sources with low-energy counterparts.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Ap

    The Effect of a Non-Thermal Tail on the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect in clusters of galaxies

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    We study the spectral distortions of the cosmic microwave background radiation induced by the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in clusters of galaxies when the target electrons have a modified Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution with a high-energy non-thermal tail. Bremsstrahlung radiation from this type of \\ electron distribution may explain the supra-thermal X-ray emission observed in some clusters such as the Coma cluster and A2199 and serve as an alternative to the classical but problematic inverse Compton scattering interpretation. We show that the SZ effect can be used as a powerful tool to probe the electron distribution in clusters of galaxies and discriminate among these different interpretations of the X-ray excess. The existence of a non-thermal tail can have important consequences for cluster based estimators of cosmological parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, version to be published in ApJ. Let

    Physics with Cosmic Neutrinos, PeV to ZeV

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    We begin with a brief overview of highest-energy cosmic ray data, and the experiments which will perform neutrino astronomy. We then discuss two particle physics aspects of neutrinos. They are possible long-lifetime decay of the neutrino, and a measurement of the neutrino-nucleon cross-section at a CMS energy orders of magnitude beyond what can be achieved with terrestrial accelerators. Measurement of an anomalously large neutrino cross-section would indicate new physics (e.g. low string-scale, extra dimensions, precocious unification), while a smaller than expected cross-section would reveal an aspect of QCD evolution. We then discuss aspects of neutrino-primary models for the extreme-energy (EE) cosmic ray data. Primary neutrinos in extant data are motivated by the directional clustering at EE reported by the AGASA experiment. We discuss the impact of the strongly-interacting neutrino hypothesis on lower-energy physics via dispersion relations, the statistical significance of AGASA directional clustering, and the possible relevance of the Z-burst mechanism for existing EE cosmic ray data.Comment: 19 pages including 6 figures, Proc. YITP "Neutrinos" Oct. 200

    Nucleation of quark matter bubbles in neutron stars

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    The thermal nucleation of quark matter bubbles inside neutron stars is examined for various temperatures which the star may realistically encounter during its lifetime. It is found that for a bag constant less than a critical value, a very large part of the star will be converted into the quark phase within a fraction of a second. Depending on the equation of state for neutron star matter and strange quark matter, all or some of the outer parts of the star may subsequently be converted by a slower burning or a detonation.Comment: 13 pages, REVTeX, Phys.Rev.D (in press), IFA 93-32. 5 figures (not included) available upon request from [email protected]

    Observational constraints on the Internal Structure and Dynamics of the Vela Pulsar

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    We show that the short spin-up time observed for the Vela pulsar during the 1988 ``Christmas'' glitch implies that the coupling time of the pulsar core to its crust is less than \sim 10 seconds. Ekman pumping cannot explain the fast core-crust coupling and a more effective coupling is necessary. The internal magnetic field of the Vela pulsar can provide the necessary coupling if the field threads the core with a magnitude that exceeds 1013 10^{13} Gauss for a normal interior and 1011 10^{11} Gauss for a superconducting interior. These lower bounds favor the hypothesis that the interior of neutron stars contains superfluid neutrons and protons and challenge the notion that pulsar magnetic fields decay over million year time scales or that magnetic flux is expelled from the core as the star slows.Comment: Latex with aasms4 style file, 15 pages, 1 ps figur

    On The Origin of Very High Energy Cosmic Rays

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    We discuss the most recent developments in our understanding of the acceleration and propagation of cosmic rays up to the highest energies. In particular we specialize our discussion to three issues: 1) developments in the theory of particle acceleration at shock waves; 2) the transition from galactic to extragalactic cosmic rays; 3) implications of up-to-date observations for the origin of ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs).Comment: Invited Review Article to appear in Modern Physics Letters A, Review Sectio