25 research outputs found

    Examination of the vertebral heart scale and anatomical structure of different dog breeds by computed tomography

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    This study aims to reveal the statistical difference by measuring the vertebral heart scale and anatomical structures of the heart in different dog breeds. The vertebral heart scale (VHS) has recently been described as a method for measuring the heart silhouettes of dogs and cats. Vertebral heart scale (VHS) may vary in dog and cat breeds due to age, weight, etc. Twenty-one dogs (10 males and 11 females) of different ages and weights were used. Among the dog breeds used are the French Bulldog, Russian Poodle, Rottweiler, Jack Russell, Golden Retriever, King Charles, Pekingese, Belgian Shepherd, Husky, Chihuahua, Cocker, Terrier, Bulldog, Bouvier and Flanders breeds. Multislice detectors were scanned at 80 kV, 200 MA, 639 mGY, and 0.625 mm slice thickness. The resulting images were saved in Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) format. The obtained sections were measured in 3D-Slicer software. Thoracic height (TH) and cranial vena cava (CVC) measurement parameters were statistically significant with weight (P<0.05). Vertebral heart scale (VHS) was not statistically significant with any parameter in the correlation analysis (P>0.05). At the correlation table of animal weight with the measurements, it was seen that it had a very significant positive correlation with other measurement parameters except vertebral heart score (VHS) (P<0.01). Vertebral heart scale was determined as 9.09±1.37 vertebrae in females and 9.50±0.52 vertebrae in males. The study aims to contribute to veterinary anatomy, surgery and internal medicine

    Eyelid tumors in dogs: 47 cases retrospective study (2006-2017)

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    Çalışmada 2006-2017 yılları arasında İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı Kliniği’ne göz kapağında kitle şikayeti ile getirilen ve sağaltımları yapılan toplam 47 köpeğe ait göz kapağı tümörleri olguları retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Olguların ayrıntılı göz muayenesi yapıldı. Kitlelerin uzaklaştırılmasında V şeklinde eksizyon yeğlenerek, tümör tam katlı olarak bölgeden uzaklaştırıldı. Yapılan histopatolojik inceleme sonucu, meibomian bezlerden köken alan neoplazmaların çoğunlukta olduğu belirlendi. Çalışma sonunda elde edilen veriler ile göz kapağı tümörü oluşumunda ırk predispozisyonu, yaşın ve cinsiyetin etkisi ile en yaygın görülen göz kapağı tümörü belirlenip, kullanılan cerrahi yöntemin rekonstruktif blefaroplastiye gerek kalmadan, kitlelerin uzaklaştırılmasında yeterli olduğu görüldü.In this study, the eyelid tumors and the treatment results of 47 dogs referred to Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Surgery with a complaint of eyelid masses were evaluated retrospectively. Cases underwent detailed ophtalmic examination. A V-shaped excision was performed and the tumor was removed in full-thickness. Histopathological examination revealed that most of the neoplasms originating from the meibomian glands were observed. The most common eyelid tumors and formation of the eyelid tumors with respect to the race predisposition, and effects of age and sex were defined. The surgical method used were sufficient for removal of the masses without the necessity of a reconstructive blepharoplasty

    Kalça Displazisinde Tanı ve Tedavi Seçenekleri

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    K&ouml;peklerde kal&ccedil;a displazisi eklem instabilitesi ve osteoartritle karakterize kompleks bir genetik rahatsızlıktır, b&uuml;y&uuml;k ve dev ırk k&ouml;peklerde daha &ccedil;ok g&ouml;zlenir. Kal&ccedil;a displazisi genlerinin ekspresyonu, gıda t&uuml;ketimi, v&uuml;cut ağırlığı, yaş, hormonlar ve egzersiz gibi bir&ccedil;ok &ccedil;evresel fakt&ouml;rden etkilenir. Kal&ccedil;a displazisinin en &ouml;nemli nedeni, femur başının asetabulum dışına sublukse olmasıyla karakterize, kal&ccedil;a ekleminin aşırı laksitesi olarak ifade edilebilir. Anamnez, klinik muayene ve fiziksel muayene bulgularına g&ouml;re tahmini bir tanı konulabilirse de, radyografi hala kal&ccedil;a displazinin tanısında kullanılan primer tanı aracı olma &ouml;zelliğini muhafaza etmektedir. K&ouml;peklere OFA tarafından normal kal&ccedil;a yapısına sahip olduğuna dair sertifika verilebilmesi i&ccedil;in 2 yaşından b&uuml;y&uuml;k olmaları gerekir. Diğer yandan &uuml;reticiler ellerinde tutacakları k&ouml;pekleri daha gen&ccedil; yaşta se&ccedil;mek zorunda olduklarından, veteriner hekimler zor bir durumla y&uuml;zleşmek zorunda kalırlar. Diğer yandan tedavide konservatif, medikal ya da cerrahi y&ouml;ntemlerden hangisinin se&ccedil;ileceğine karar vermek diğer bir tartışmalı konudur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kal&ccedil;a displazisi, k&ouml;pek; tan

    Evaluation of the stance phases of warmblood sport horses on soft and hard surfaces by infrared optical sensors

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    The aim of the study was to assertain the differences in walking time of sport horses by investigating their stance phases on soft versus hard surfaces using infrared sensors. A total of 15 warmblood sport horses were used in the study. Three different stages of the stance phase were examined, including initial contact, foot flat and propulsion, alongside assessment of walking pace and step-length. It was observed that the horses were inclined to walk more slowly on soft surfaces compared to hard ground. The amount of time spent in the foot flat position constituted the majority of the stance phase on both surfaces. Propulsion length during the stance phase was shorter on soft surfaces in comparison to hard ground. While the ratio of contact length in forelimbs was lower on hard ground compared to soft surfaces, in hind limbs this ratio was higher on hard ground. Objective data obtained through gait analysis systems are thought to serve as a potential auxiliary diagnostic tool in diseases associated with the locomotor system manifested by lameness, particularly in equine veterinary medicine. In the future, the relevant systems that could offer rapid results through current technology are anticipated to provide accurate preliminary assumptions to evaluate the potential of horses regarding their walking, trotting, and leaping capacity before competitions through such studies