38 research outputs found

    Peer feedback through SNSs (Social Networking Sites): Pre-service teachers’ views about using Facebook for peer feedback on microteachings

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    The aim of this study is to determine the views of pre-service teachers on the use of Facebook for providing peer feedback on their microteachings. To serve this aim, a case study was conducted with 38 English language pre-service teachers. Firstly, these pre-service teachers did their microteachings and uploaded the videos of these microteachings to a Facebook group opened by the researchers. Then, it was provided that the members of this Facebook group which were their classmates comment on these videos. In order to collect data, an open-ended questionnaire which was formed by the researchers was conducted to the pre-service teachers. The findings showed that the pre-service teachers were positive towards using peer feedback through Facebook (PFF after then) in teacher education. PFF helped them be aware of their weaknesses and strengths in their both pedagogic and linguistic knowledge. Thus, it was suggested that SNS like Facebook could be benefited in teacher education to improve both pedagogic and content knowledge of pre-service teachers. © 2016, Ankara University. All rights reserved

    Peer feedback through SNSs (Social Networking Sites): Pre-service teachers’ views about using Facebook for peer feedback on microteachings

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    The aim of this study is to determine the views of pre-service teachers on the use of Facebook for providing peer feedback on their microteachings. To serve this aim, a case study was conducted with 38 English language pre-service teachers. Firstly, these pre-service teachers did their microteachings and uploaded the videos of these microteachings to a Facebook group opened by the researchers. Then, it was provided that the members of this Facebook group which were their classmates comment on these videos. In order to collect data, an open-ended questionnaire which was formed by the researchers was conducted to the pre-service teachers. The findings showed that the pre-service teachers were positive towards using peer feedback through Facebook (PFF after then) in teacher education. PFF helped them be aware of their weaknesses and strengths in their both pedagogic and linguistic knowledge. Thus, it was suggested that SNS like Facebook could be benefited in teacher education to improve both pedagogic and content knowledge of pre-service teachers. © 2016, Ankara University. All rights reserved

    Visual acuity and intraocular pressure values in patients with phacomorphic glaucoma following phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation

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    Objectives: To evaluate the efficiency of phacoemulsificationand uncomplicated Intraocular Lens (IOL) implantationsurgery on visual prognosis and intraocular pressurecontrol on eyes with phacomorphic glaucoma.Materials and methods: Totally 17 eyes of 17 patientswith phacomorphic glaucoma who underwent cataractsurgery was evaluated retrospectively. Intraocular pressure(IOP), best corrected visual acuity, axial length, thicknessof the lens and anterior chamber depth of the caseswere measured preoperatively and postoperatively.Results: Ten cases (59 %) were male and 7 (41%) werefemale. The mean age of the cases was 63.8 ± 10.3 years(40-83). The average follow up period was 12.1 ± 6.7months (3-26). Preoperative average intraocular pressurewas 44.7 ± 10.02 mm Hg (30-70), and the average IOPin the last postoperative follow up was 12.8 ± 1.9 mm Hg(10-16). There was no IOP increase in any eye during followup. Decrease in IOP in the first postoperative day wasstatistically significant (p<0.001). Preoperative averageaxial length was 22.1 ± 0.7 mm (21.0 - 24.2) and averagelens thickness was 5.5 ± 0.2 mm (5.1 - 5.9). Preoperativeand postoperative average anterior chamber depthwere 1.5 ± 0.3 mm (0.9 - 2.1) and 2.6 ± 0.1 mm (2.4 - 2.9)(p<0.001). Significantly increases in visual acuity weredetermined postoperatively in 14 (82%) cases.Conclusion: It was concluded that in cases with phacomorphicglaucoma, uncomplicated phacoemulsificationand IOL implantation is safe and effective procedure inimproving visual acuity and controlling IOP

    Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde Organik Balık Yetiştiriciliği İmkânlarının Araştırılması

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    Araştırma Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde bulunan Artvin, Rize, Trabzon, Gümüşhane, Bayburt, Giresun ve Ordu illerini kapsamaktadır. Bölge illerinde kayıtlı bulunan, 3 ton/yıl kapasitenin üzerinde ve tatlı sularda (kaynak suyu ve dere suyu) alabalık yetiştiriciliği yapan işletmeler, organik su ürünleri üretimi açısından incelenmiştir. Sektörde organik tarım konusunda önemli bilgi eksikliği olduğu gözlenmiştir. Alabalık çiftliklerinde yapılan incelemeler sonucunda işletme sahiplerinin sadece %33 lük bir kısmı organik tarımı daha önce duyduklarını belirtmişlerdir. Ayrıca işletme sahiplerinin sadece % 4’ü organik su ürünleri yetiştiriciliğinden haberdar olduklarını belirtmişlerdir. İncelenen işletmelerin çok büyük bir kısmının (%91) yetiştiricilikle ilgili kayıt tutma özelliklerinin olmadığı görülmüştür. Gümüşhane, Artvin ve Rize (yüksek kesimler) illerinde diğer illerimize nazaran önemli sayılabilecek bir organik yetiştiricilik potansiyeli bulunmaktadır. Bu da işletmelerin bulundukları bölgelerin kirlilik kaynaklarından uzak bakir bölgeler olmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Giresun ve Ordu illerinde bulunan bazı işletmelerin yoğun fındık tarımından dolayı tarımsal kirlilik (gübre-pestisit) riski altında bulundukları, özellikle fındık gübreleme dönemlerinde balık ölümleri görüldüğü bazı çiftlik sahipleri tarafından ifade edilmiştir. Ayrıca Trabzon, Rize, Giresun ve Ordu İllerimizin sahil kesimine yakın bölgelerde bulunan bazı işletmelerde, dere suyunun bulanması, ısınması ve çeşitli kirlilik problemleri nedeniyle yetiştiricilikte çeşitli sorunlar yaşandığı, diğer bölgelerden biraz daha yoğun hastalık görüldüğü gözlemlenmiştir. Arazi çalışmalarında, uygun potansiyel görülen işletmelerde yapılan su analizleri sonuçlarıyla, Dünya’da organik alabalık yetiştiriciliği ile ilgili su kalite kriterlerini belirten sertifikasyon kuruluşlarının değerleri karşılaştırılmış ve incelenen birçok işletmenin su özelliklerinin bu kriterleri sağladığı görülmüştür

    Sera gölündeki aynalı sazan(Cyprinus carpio L. ,1758)' ların büyüme özellikleri üzerine bir araştırma

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    TEZ347Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1986.Kaynakça (s.54-58) var.vi, 60 s. : rnk. res. ; 30 cm.

    Peer Feedback Through SNSs (Social Networking Sites): Student Teachers’ Views about Using Facebook for Peer Feedback on Microteachings

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to determine the views of pre-service teachers on the use of Facebook for providing peer feedback on their microteachings. To serve this aim, a case study was conducted with 38 English language student teachers.  Firstly, these student teachers did their microteachings and uploaded them to a Facebook group opened by the researchers. Then, it was provided that their classmates comment on these videos. In order to collect data, an open-ended questionnaire was conducted with the student teachers. The findings showed that the student teachers were positive using peer feedback through Facebook (PFF after then) in teacher education. PFF helped them be aware of their weaknesses and strengths in their both pedagogic and linguistic knowledge. Thus, it is suggested that SNS like Facebook are benefited in teacher education to improve both pedagogic and content knowledge of student teachers.

    Extraction and Analysis of Autonomous System Level Internet Map of Turkey

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    At the high level, the Internet is a mesh that is composed of thousands of autonomous system (AS) connected together. This mesh is represented as a graph where each autonomous system is considered as a node and the connections with Border Gateway Protocol neighbored autonomous systems considered as an edge. Analysis of this mesh and visual representation of the graph gives us the AS level topology of the Internet. In recent years there are increasing numbers of studies that are focused on the structure of the topology of the Internet. It is important to study the Internet infrastructure in Turkey and to provide a way to monitor the changes to it over time. In this study we present the AS level Internet map of Turkey with explanation of each step. In order to get the whole AS level map, we first determined the ASs that geographically reside in Turkey and afterwards determined the interconnections among this ASs, along with international interconnections. Then we extracted the relations between connected ASs and analyzed the structural properties of AS infrastructure. We explained the methods we used in each step. Using the extracted data we analyzed the AS level properties of Turkey and we provide the AS level Internet map of Turkey along with a web-based software that can monitor and provide information of ASs in Turkey

    Türkiye'nin Otonom Sistem Seviyesinde İnternet Haritasının Çıkarımı ve İncelenmesi

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    İnternet, üst seviyede incelendiğinde, Otonom Sistem (OS) olarak temsil edilen binlerce ağın birbirine bağlandığı, dünyayı saran her OS'nin bir düğüm ve Border Gateway Protokolü komşuluğu olan diğer OS'ler ile birleşmesinin bir link olarak kabul edildiği örgüdür. Bu örgünün incelenmesi ve grafiğe dönüştürülmesi, İnternet'in otonom sistem seviyesindeki topolojisini verir. İnternet topolojisi üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar son yıllarda ivme kazanmıştır. İnternet altyapısı üzerinde araştırma yapılması ve düzenli takip edilen bir sistemin geliştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye'de bulunan OS'lerin bağlantı haritası çıkarılması adım adım aşamaları ile birlikte sunulmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmada öncelikle Türkiye'de bulunan OS'ler tespit edilmiş ve bu OS'ler arasındaki bağlantı yurtdışı uluslar arası bağlantıları ile birlikte elde edilmiştir. Tespit edilen OS'ler arası ilişkiler ortaya konularak, Türkiye'nin internet altyapısının yapısal özellikleri belirlenmiş ve bunlar belirlenirken kullanılan metotlar ortaya konulmuştur. Yapılan bu çalışmalar doğrultusunda çeşitli analizler yapılmış, hazırlanan yazılım ile Türkiye'nin otonom sistem seviyesindeki internet topolojisi çıkarılmıştır

    The Sturgeons: Fragile Species Need Conservation

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    Sturgeon is among the oldest fishes in the world. They are living in natural waters of Europe, Asia and the Northern America for 200 million years. Once abundant in lakes and rivers throughout the Northern Hemisphere, sturgeon stocks are now highly endangered, mostly due to over-harvesting and severe habitat alterations. Sturgeons are among the most valuable aquatic species in the world. They are prized for their delicate flesh and world famous caviar. They have also interesting evolutionary status and life history. Several species of sturgeon occurred in the Black Sea basin and in the waters of the neighbouring countries. At present more than 27 sturgeon species are found living throughout the world of which seven species are found distributed in the Black Sea and its drainage basin, namely beluga ( Huso huso ), Russian sturgeon ( Acipenser gueldenstaedtii ), common sturgeon ( A. sturio ), sterlet ( A. ruthenus ), ship ( A. nudiventris ), stellate ( A. stellatus ) and Persian sturgeon (A . persicus ). The stocks have declined rapidly due to multi-factorial causes such as overfishing, destruction of critical habitats through construction of dams and dikes on the rivers obstructed the migration of the fish, industrial pollutions and fishing during spawning period. In this paper, the present status of sturgeons in the world and Turkey has been discussed in terms of threats, conservation measures and restorat ion activitie