994 research outputs found

    An investigation on the mechanics of homogeneous expansion in gas-fluidized beds

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    The Richardson and Zaki (1954, Sedimentation and fluidization. Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng. 32, pp. 35–53.) equation has been used extensively to investigate the expansion profiles of homogeneous gas-fluidized beds. The experimental value of the parameter n appearing in the equation indicates how significantly interparticle forces affect the expansion of these beds, revealing the relative importance of these forces with respect to the fluid dynamic ones. In this work, we modeled the stable expansion of gas-fluidized beds of different diameter, accounting for enduring contacts among particles and wall effects. We solved the model numerically to obtain the bed expansion profiles, back-calculating from them the values of the parameter n. For all the cases considered, we observed that the values of n are higher than those obtained by purely fluid dynamic correlations, such as those advanced by Richardson and Zaki, and Rowe (1987, A convenient empirical equation for estimation of the Richardson and Zaki exponent. Chem. Eng. Sci. 42, pp. 2795.). This effect was more pronounced in beds of smaller diameter. To validate our model, we carried out fluidization and defluidization experiments, analyzing the results by means of the Richardson and Zaki equation. We obtained a reasonable agreement between numerical and experimental findings; this suggests that enduring contacts among particles, which are manifestations of cohesiveness, affect homogeneous bed expansion. This effect is amplified by wall friction

    Penciptaan Lukisan Ornamentis dengan Teknik Sablon

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    Penciptaan lukisan ornamentis dengan teknik sablon memang bukan salah satu karya pertama yang telah dibuat, namun penulis merasa tertantang untuk membuat karya lukis ornamentis dengan teknik sablon.Betujuan untuk menciptakan karya lukis ornamentis dengan teknik sablon serta menambah kreatifitas dalam dunia seni lukis.Dalam penciptaan karya lukis ornamentis dengan teknik sablon terinspirasi dari beberapa seniman yakni sweeneypen dan alex konahin sebagai sumber inspirasi utama, penulis mengembangkan sebuah ide dengan menciptakan menggunakan teknik sablon.Dalam proses penciptaan dimulai dari pencarian ide konsep kemudian menentukan tema, bentuk / gaya, media, teknik. Kemudian eksekusi karya dengan mengunakan teknik sablon bertema harapan dan keinginan. Kata Kunci : Seni lukis, Ornament, Ornamentis, Lukis sablon

    Analisis Program Bantuan Pengembangan Usaha Ekonomi Produktif (PUEP) Bagi Koperasi di Kabupaten Tegal

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    This research is proposed to analyze the results of The Development Programme of Business Productives to supported the Cooperations Development of Tegal Regency.This analysis shows that of The Development Programme of The business productive of The Cooperations in generally to influenced financials perspective ,members and markets servicing perspective but not to influenced either organization perspective or partnerships perspective of the Cooperations Development

    Studi Evaluasi Pembangunan Ekonomi Kabupaten Tegal Periode 2001 – 2005

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    This research is purposed to evaluation the economic development process of Tegal Regency. The economic outcomes evaluation is important to know how the success of development activities, inhabiting factors and affectivities of the economic development policy to support the economic development activities of Tegal regency during five years, 2001 to 2005. The measurement of the economic outcomes should be met two approaches, the macro economic indicators and the regional economic indicator

    Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM): Evidence from Nigeria

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    In this paper, we apply the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to the Nigerian stock market using weekly stock returns from 110 companies listed on the Nigerian stock exchange (NSE) from January 2007 to February 2010. In order to enhance the precision of the beta estimates and reduce the statistical problems that arise from measurement errors in individual beta estimates, the securities were combined into portfolios. The results generally invalidate the CAPM’s predictions that higher risk (beta) is associated with a higher level of return and that the intercept should be equal to zero when estimating SML. The claim by the CAPM that the slope of the Security Market Line (SML) should equal the excess return on the market portfolio is also not supported by this study. This in effect, invalidates the prediction of the CAPM as far as Nigeria is concerned. Keywords: CAPM, Nigerian Stock Exchange, Returns, Portfolio Returns, Beta, Risk-free rate, Stocks,  Anomalie

    Electricity Crisis and Manufacturing Productivity in Nigeria (1980-2008)

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    Many researchers and policy makers have often emphasized the importance of adequate and regular electricity supply towards increasing manufacturing productivity in Nigeria. In line with this, this study was carried out to evaluate the impact of electricity crisis on the manufacturing productivity growth in Nigeria.The variables in the model include, manufacturing productivity index (as dependent variable) while electricity generation, capacity utilization rate, government capital expenditure on infrastructures and exchange rate (represent the independent variables). The study employed the ordinary least square multiple regression to analyze the time series data between 1980 and 2008. The result of the study shows that electricity generation and supply in Nigeria under the reviewed period impacted negatively on the manufacturing productivity growth, due to unnecessary government’s spending on non-economic and unproductive sectors.In view of the findings,  the study suggest among others, a reverse of the ugly trend of poor electricity supply through the initiative of independent power project, as proposed by some states in Nigeria. Keywords: Electricity Crisis, Manufacturing, Productivity, Nigeria, 1980-2008


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    A survey work on ectoparasites’ infestation was carried out on dogs (Canis sp.) at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Isale-igbein, Abeokuta, Ogun State. This survey lasted for six weeks, during this period; thirty four (34) dogs were examined for ectoparasites’ infestation. The dogs brought to the Teaching Hospital for treatments were examined with the consent of their owners by the use of questionnaire. Questionnaires were administered to dog owners, where information about the age, sex, location, control method was asked and ticks were collected from the dogs. The results of the survey showed high prevalence of tick infestation on the exotic dogs (65.4%), on the female dogs (66.7%), on the dogs that are 2 years of age and above (88.9%), on the free range dogs (85.7%), on the wooden confined dogs (71.4%) and on the dogs that powder was used as a control method (68.2%) of the infested dogs brought to FUNAAB VTH with no traces of other ectoparasites on the dogs. Only two species of ticks were found Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Rhipicephalus boophilus during this survey. The high prevalence of tick infestation and no infestation by other ectoparasites in the study carried out shows that the dog owners control the ectoparasites but not as adequate as it ought to be and this inadequate hygienic attention given to the dogs brought about the high infestation of ticks on some of the dogs. Although in this survey mono-infestation was recorded on almost all the infested dogs and only one double-infestation was observed with ticks of cattle namely; R. boophilus, this should not be considered as less significant maintenance of the hosts of these ticks.   &nbsp

    External Debt, Economic Growth and Investment in Nigeria

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    This study examines the impact of external debt on the level of economic growth and the volume of investment in Nigeria between 1980 and 2008. We adopt the Debt Cum-Growth model along with the Investment model while the econometrics analysis techniques of multiple regressions were employed. The result of the analysis indicates that there exists a positive relationship between external debt, economic growth and Investment; this was confirmed by the coefficient of determination (R2­) of about 79.8% .While the findings reveal that the current external debt ratio of GDP stimulates growth in the short term, the Private Investment which is measure of real and tangible development shows a decline. The study recommends among others that government should ensure that appropriate measures are put in place to achieve optimal use of borrowed funds so that servicing such funds will not invoke economic crises and erode the level of private investment which is central to the overall economic growth and development. KEYWORDS: Debt overhang, debt rescheduling, debt burden, Investment, Consumption, Illiquidit

    Responsiveness of Industrial Growth to External Debt Question in Nigeria

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    A high level of industrial growth is associated with higher economicgrowth and development. Still the argument remains whether this mechanismissustainable in Nigeria, given the low level of access to external capital flows andlowdomestic capital investment. The study, therefore, employed AutoregressiveDistributed Lag Model (ARDL), variance decompositions, and impulse responsefunctions to examine the long-run ef ect of external debt on industrial growthinNigeria. The study used time series data from 1985 to 2019, and the findings revealthat external debt has a negative and significant ef ect on industrial growth inthelong run. The evidence from the sensitivity analysis also indicated a negativeresponse of industrial growth to external debt. Consequently, policymakers in Nigeriamust ensure ef ective management of external borrowing through evidence-basedpolicies on external debt and domestic capital formation that can create enablingbusiness environment and stimulate investors’ confidence to accelerate real industrialgrowth in Nigeria