3,420 research outputs found

    A Unified Valuation Framework for Dividends, Free Cash Flows, Residual Income, and Earnings Growth Based Models

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    Valuation techniques are important to practitioners and academics. Although theoretically equity value equals the present value of expected dividends, in practice, higher-level metrics such as free cash flows, earnings, and book values are used for valuation. This paper helps us understand these metrics by: (1) providing a common and simple theoretical framework that shows how these alternative valuation metrics can be used instead of dividends; (2) using the common framework to provide the theoretical underpinnings of earnings-based valuation

    Custo de produção, produtividade e renda do eucalipto conduzido para uso múltiplo no norte pioneiro do Estado do Paraná.

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    On the relevance of earnings components in valuation and forecasting

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    Pre-print also submitted to SSRN Archive. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1007/s11156-013-0347-yThis paper articulates the links between relevance of an earnings component in forecasting (abnormal) earnings and its relevance in valuation in a nonlinear framework. The analysis shows that forecasting relevance does not imply valuation relevance even though valuation irrelevance is implied by forecasting irrelevance. Firstly, I consider an accounting information system where earnings components "add up" to a fully informative earnings number. Secondly, I analyze two accounting systems where a "core" earnings component is the relevant earnings construct for valuation and the second earnings component is irrelevant but may be predictable and relevant in forecasting other accounting items. I find that dividend displacement effect on earnings and the dynamics of individual earnings components are critical in this analysis

    The valuation of European financial firms

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    We extend the recent literature concerning accounting based valuation models to investigate financial firms from six European countries with substantial financial sectors: France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK. Not only are these crucial industries worthy of study in their own right, but unusual accounting practices, and inter-country differences in those accounting practices, provide valuable insights into the accounting-value relationship. Our sample consists of 7,714 financial firm/years observations from 1,140 companies drawn from 1989-2000. Sub-samples include 1,309 firm/years for banks, 650 for insurance companies, 1,705 for real estate firms, and 3,239 for investment companies. In most countries we find that the valuation models work as well or better in explaining cross-sectional variations in the market-to-book ratio for financial firms as they do for industrial and commercial firms in the same countries, although Switzerland is an exception to this generalization. As expected, the results are sensitive to industrial differences, accounting regulation and accounting practices. In particular, marking assets to market value reduces the relevance of earnings figures and increases that of equity

    A Unified Valuation Framework for Dividends, Free Cash Flows, Residual Income, and Earnings Growth Based Models

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    Valuation techniques are important to practitioners and academics. Although theoretically equity value equals the present value of expected dividends, in practice, higher-level metrics such as free cash flows, earnings, and book values are used for valuation. This paper helps us understand these metrics by: (1) providing a common and simple theoretical framework that shows how these alternative valuation metrics can be used instead of dividends; (2) using the common framework to provide the theoretical underpinnings of earnings-based valuation

    Luz e temperatura na germinação de sementes de pimenta longa (Piper hispidinervum) e pimenta-de-macaco (Piper aduncum).

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    As espécies Piper hispidinervum e Piper aduncum destacam-se como produtoras de óleos essenciais ricos em compostos de interesse às indústrias de perfumaria e produtos fitossanitários, como o safrol e dilapiol. Essas espécies encontram-se em processo de domesticação e estudos sobre o processo germinativo de suas sementes são escassos. Assim, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a viabilidade de sementes de P. hispidinervum e P. aduncum, buscando determinar um protocolo eficiente para a realização do teste de germinação para cada espécie estudada. O trabalho foi conduzido no período de julho a agosto de 2008, sendo as sementes submetidas a diferentes combinações de temperatura e de luz: 20 °C e 25 °C sob luz branca e difusa; e 20-30 °C alternando escuro (16 h) e claro (8 h), totalizando cinco tratamentos. O tratamento utilizando a temperatura de 25 °C com incidência de luz branca foi o que produziu melhores resultados, com maiores valores de porcentagem e velocidade de germinação sendo, portanto, indicado para avaliação da qualidade fisiológica das sementes de pimenta longa e pimenta-de-macaco

    Salmonella Pathogenesis and Processing of Secreted Effectors by Caspase-3

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    The enteric pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium causes food poisoning resulting in gastroenteritis. The S. Typhimurium effector Salmonella invasion protein A (SipA) promotes gastroenteritis by functional motifs that trigger either mechanisms of inflammation or bacterial entry. During infection of intestinal epithelial cells, SipA was found to be responsible for the early activation of caspase-3, an enzyme that is required for SipA cleavage at a specific recognition motif that divided the protein into its two functional domains and activated SipA in a manner necessary for pathogenicity. Other caspase-3 cleavage sites identified in S. Typhimurium appeared to be restricted to secreted effector proteins, which indicates that this may be a general strategy used by this pathogen for processing of its secreted effectors
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