22 research outputs found

    幼稚園教育要領改訂に伴う保育内容領域「表現」に求められる授業内容に関する考察 : 新しい教職課程のモデルカリキュラムとの比較を通して

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    幼稚園教育要領等改訂に伴う保育内容領域「言葉」に求められる授業内容に関する一考察 : 領域「言葉」の授業内容を「表現する言葉」の視点から考える

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    Statistical survey of 114 cases of Microsporum canis infection in Nagasaki prefecture.

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    A Case of Calciphylaxis Associated with Multiple Skin Ulcers on the Extremities

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    Preparation and Redox Studies of α<sub>1</sub>- and α<sub>2</sub>‑Isomers of Mono-Ru-Substituted Dawson-type Phosphotungstates with a DMSO Ligand: [α<sub>1</sub>/α<sub>2</sub>‑P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>II</sup>(DMSO)]<sup>8–</sup>

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    Both α<sub>1</sub>- and α<sub>2</sub>-isomers of mono-Ru-substituted Dawson-type heteropolytungstates with a DMSO ligand, [α<sub>1</sub>-P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>II</sup>(DMSO)]<sup>8–</sup> and [α<sub>2</sub>-P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>II</sup>(DMSO)]<sup>8–</sup>, are prepared from the α<sub>2</sub>-isomer of a monolacunary derivative, [α<sub>2</sub>-P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>]<sup>10–</sup>. Reaction of [α<sub>2</sub>-P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>]<sup>10–</sup> with Ru­(DMSO)<sub>4</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub> under hydrothermal conditions produces [α<sub>2</sub>-P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>II</sup>(DMSO)]<sup>8–</sup> as a main product together with [α<sub>1</sub>-P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>II</sup>(DMSO)]<sup>8–</sup>, [PW<sub>11</sub>O<sub>39</sub>Ru<sup>II</sup>(DMSO)]<sup>5–</sup>, and [P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>18</sub>O<sub>62</sub>]<sup>6–</sup> as byproducts. By addition of KCl to the reaction mixture, K<sub>8</sub>[α<sub>2</sub>-P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>II</sup>(DMSO)] is isolated in a moderate yield. On the other hand, reaction of [α<sub>2</sub>-P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>]<sup>10–</sup> with Ru<sub>2</sub>(benzene)<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>4</sub> under hydrothermal conditions produces an isomeric mixture of [P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>III</sup>(H<sub>2</sub>O)]<sup>7–</sup> (α<sub>1</sub>-isomer/α<sub>2</sub>-isomer ratio: ca. 8/1) as a main product together with [PW<sub>11</sub>O<sub>39</sub>Ru<sup>III</sup>(H<sub>2</sub>O)]<sup>4–</sup> and [P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>18</sub>O<sub>62</sub>]<sup>6–</sup> as byproducts. By addition of acetone to the reaction mixture, K<sub>7</sub>[P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>III</sup>(H<sub>2</sub>O)] is isolated in a good yield. Reaction of [P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>III</sup>(H<sub>2</sub>O)]<sup>7–</sup> with DMSO produces [α<sub>1</sub>-P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>III</sup>(DMSO)]<sup>7–</sup> as a main product and [α<sub>2</sub>-P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>III</sup>(DMSO)]<sup>7–</sup> as a minor product. By addition of KCl and acetone, the α<sub>1</sub>-isomer K<sub>8</sub>[α<sub>1</sub>-P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>II</sup>(DMSO)] is isolated in a good yield. Both compounds are fully analyzed by CV, NMR (<sup>1</sup>H, <sup>13</sup>C, <sup>31</sup>P, and <sup>183</sup>W), IR, UV–vis, elemental analysis, mass spectroscopy, and single-crystal structure analysis. Assuming that isomerization does not occur during the reaction of [P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>III</sup>(H<sub>2</sub>O)]<sup>7–</sup> with DMSO, the isolated [P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>III</sup>(H<sub>2</sub>O)]<sup>7–</sup> contains the α<sub>1</sub>-isomer as a main compound with the α<sub>2</sub>-isomer as a minor compound. Unusual transformation of the α<sub>2</sub>-isomer of [P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>]<sup>10–</sup> to the α<sub>1</sub>-isomer occurs. Redox behaviors of [α<sub>1</sub>-P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>II</sup>(DMSO)]<sup>8–</sup> and [α<sub>2</sub>-P<sub>2</sub>W<sub>17</sub>O<sub>61</sub>Ru<sup>II</sup>(DMSO)]<sup>8–</sup> are compared together with Ru­(DMSO)-substituted α-Keggin-type heteropolytungstates, [α-XW<sub>11</sub>O<sub>39</sub>Ru­(DMSO)]<sup><i>n</i>−</sup> (X = Si, Ge, and P)


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    The purpose of this study is to clarify the factors that affect effective group discussions when using online whiteboard during face-to-face design activities for high school students in the classroom during the pandemic. Using a case study approach, the research was conducted at Fukusho High School in Fukuoka, Japan. Through the questionnaire survey, face-to-face discussions when combined with the use of online whiteboard, offers real-time verbal and non-verbal feedback that enabled effective group discussions during the design process. In addition, students’ competencies in using digital devices may not influence the effectiveness of communications during group discussions and their motivations in using online whiteboard. The current findings may provide a useful hypothesis for further study to verify the correlations between students’ competencies, effectiveness in communications when using online whiteboard during face-to-face discussions, and students’ motivations in using online whiteboard.The published version is available from the link in "Related DOI"「関連DOI」より出版版閲覧可

    Concentrated protein body product derived from rice endosperm as an oral tolerogen for allergen-specific immunotherapy--a new mucosal vaccine formulation against Japanese cedar pollen allergy.

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    The endoplasmic reticulum-derived type-I protein body (PB-I) from rice endosperm cells is an ideal candidate formulation for the oral delivery of bioencapsulated peptides as tolerogens for allergen-specific immunotherapy. In the present study, PBs containing the deconstructed Japanese cedar pollen allergens Cryptomeria japonica 1 (Cry j 1) and Cry j 2 were concentrated by treatment with thermostable α-amylase at 90°C to remove the starch from milled rice powder, which resulted in a 12.5-fold reduction of dry weight compared to the starting material. The modified Cry j 1 and Cry j 2 antigens in this concentrated PB product were more resistant to enzymatic digestion than those in the milled seed powder despite the absence of intact cell wall and starch, and remained stable for at least 10 months at room temperature without detectable loss or degradation. The high resistance of these allergens could be attributed to changes in protein physicochemical properties induced by the high temperature concentration process, as suggested by the decreased solubility of the antigens and seed proteins in PBs in step-wise-extraction experiments. Confocal microscopy showed that the morphology of antigen-containing PB-Is was preserved in the concentrated PB product. The concentrated PB product induced specific immune tolerance against Cry j 1 and Cry j 2 in mice when orally administered, supporting its potential use as a novel oral tolerogen formulation


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    A 57-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital for the further evaluation of a left adrenal incidentaloma measuring 45 mm x 33 mm. She had no signs of the clinical manifestation of hypercortisolism. An endocrine evaluation revealed that her ACTH level was normal and cortisol values were almost normal pattern excluding the value at 9 PM slightly rising, however, the cortisol was not completely suppressed by the overnight administration of 1 mg dexamethasone. These findings indicated that subtle abnormalities of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis were present in this case. After 3 months, surprisingly, the ACTH was suppressed to low levels. Further hormonal investigations revealed that the cortisol level was normal but had an abnormal diurnal rhythm and was not suppressed completely by a 1 mg or an 8 mg overnight dexamethasone dose. Adrenal scintigraphy revealed positive uptake in the left adrenal tumor with no uptake in the right adrenal gland. The patient underwent a left laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Microscopically, the tumor displayed histopathological features in common with ACTH-independent macronodular adrenocortical hyperplasia , including clear cell predominance, a pattern of small compact nests in clear cell areas, and a cord-like arrangement of small compact cells. An in situ hybridization study demonstrated the hybridization signals for P-450scc, 3β-HSD, P-450c21, P-45011β, and P-45017αwhich were observed in the clear cells as well as compact cells, the compact cells being more intensely stained. This case indicates the ability of autonomous cortisol production to become clear during a very short term and a more detailed and careful short-time follow-up should be recommended in patients with adrenal incidentalomas.症例は57 歳,女性.45 mmx 33 mmの左副腎偶発腫瘍の精査目的で当科に入院となった.高コルチゾール血症による身体所見は認めず,内分泌学的検査では,コルチゾールの夜間9時の値が軽度上昇している以外は,ACTH,コルチゾール値ともほぼ正常で日内リズムも保たれていた.しかしデキサメサゾン1mg 抑制試験ではコルチゾールは完全には抑制されなかった.よってわずかな間脳下垂体副腎系の異常が示唆され,腫瘍径も4cm を超えており摘出も検討したが,患者さんは保存的経過観察を希望され手術は施行しなかった.ところが3ケ月後の血液検査でACTH 値は感度以下の低値で,コルチゾール基礎値は正常であるが,デキサメサゾン1mgまたは8mg 抑制試験でコルチゾールは完全に抑制されなかった.アドステロール副腎シンチグラフィー検査では左副腎腫瘍に高集積を認め,右副腎には集積を認めなかった.そこで今回患者さんの同意を得て腹腔鏡下で左副腎摘出術を施行した.摘出副腎腫瘍は光顕像ではACTH-independent macronodularadrenocortical hyperplasia (AIMAH)の組織像であり,in situ hybridization studyではcompact cellにより強いP-450scc, 3β-HSD,P-450c21,P-45011βそしてP-45017αのシグナルが認めた.本症例は短期間のうちにコルチゾールの自律的分泌能が明確となった副腎偶発腫瘍の一例であり,より注意深い,詳細な,短期間のうちの内分泌学的経過観察が副腎偶発腫瘍に対して必要であることが示唆された