4 research outputs found

    Variation of some biochemical markers of stress in six (06) chilli cultivars (Capsicum spp) under water deficit conditions at the flowering and fruiting stages of their development

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    In Togo, pockets of drought at unexpected periods in crop cycles constitute a major obstacle for the peppers cultivation. The study aims to assess water deficit tolerance of six (06) chilli cultivars which differ by their physiology and their importance value index, at the flowering and fruiting stage of their development. The test was carried out in 10 L vegetation pots in a greenhouse using an experimental split-plot device. The plants are irrigated by successive weighing of the pots, at a period of 3 days, during which the controls are irrigated at 70 % of the useful water reserve (UWR), while the stressed treatments maintain restriction of water content to 30 % of the UWR. At the end of the water shortage cycle, proline, total chlorophylls and malondialdehyde were assayed by spectrophotometry. The results show a better level of tolerance of the cultivars Gobi, Tongor, ICRAD-I and ICRAD-III with a strong accumulation of proline and weak malondialdehyde, as well as a weak degradation of chlorophyll pigments, unlike the cultivars Adibolo and Gboyébéssé. These results are useful for effective crop monitoring of chilli and for a better planning of an irrigation program. Keywords: Chili; drought; tolerance; biochemical markers; Togo


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    Methods: An ethnobotanical study was conducted in 38 of forty ethnic groups in Togo between 2003 and 2010 in order to encourage the recovery of minor food crops or underutilized plants. Semi structural interviews were used. Minor and underutilized food plants involved in socio-cultural roles were determined. Results: Of the 137 minor food or endangered species identified , 47 species regrouped into 19 species and 36 local varieties possess socio- cultural roles for the surveyed populations. 33 plants provide to people a role in cultural identity or marker , defining lunar calendars and cropping , prosperity or affirmation in society and liberation or freedom from bondage. The establishment of good neighborly relations and hospitality, protection against thieves and pests and ceremonial roles or worship roles involve twenty plants. Some plants have the same role in most ethnic groups. Other roles are insured by different plants according to people. Conclusion: These plants mark the material and ideal relations between man and nature as well as an essential part of the foundation and functioning of whole society. Their loss can cause a loss of symbolic capital and more broadly, a breakdown of social relations

     Varietal diversity and conservation of cultivated yam (Dioscorea cayenensis, Dioscorea rotundata and Dioscorea alata) in Kara region (Togo)

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    L’igname est une culture stratégique au Togo. L’inventaire des variétés cultivées dans différents agro-éco-systèmes traditionnels permettent la sauvegarde et de ce patrimoine génétique ainsi que son utilisation dans des programmes de sélection. Des enquêtes ethno-botaniques ont été conduites dans 30 localités de la région de la Kara a permis de recenser 134 variétés: 122 de D. cayenensis-D. rotundata (57% précoces et 43 % tardives) et 12 de D. alata. La richesse variétale par localité varie de 7 à 30 variétés avec une moyenne de 19 ± 6 et une prédominance de D. cayenensis-D. rotundata. Dans 22% des localités, la diversité variétale a augmenté du fait des introductions (19 %) du Bénin (52 %), du Ghana (40 %) et du Nigeria (8 %). Les acquisitions variétales se font par achat (72 %), héritage (65 %), échange (45 %) et don (35 %). L’adoption d’une variété est déterminée par des critères agronomiques, commerciaux, technologiques, socio-culturels. Dans 78 % des localités, il y a une réduction de la diversité variétale du fait des pressions économiques, technologiques et sociales. 82 % des variétés sont faiblement distribuées et nécessitent une action urgente de conservation au champ. Cette conservation peut se faire dans 9 localités qui abritent 80 % de la richesse variétale totale. Mots clés: Ignames, perte de variétés, érosion génétique, conservation, Togo.  Yam is a strategic crop in Togo. Inventory and evaluation of cultivated varieties in different traditional agroeco-systems allows safeguard of this genetic heritage and its use in breeding programs. As welle ethnobotanical surveys were conducted in 30 localities of Kara region. The inventory allowed the recording 134 yam varieties distributed as follow 122 of D. cayenensis D. rotundata complex (57 % early varieties and 43 % late varieties) and 12 varieties of the type D. alata. The varietal richness by site varies betewen 7 and 30 with a predominance of D. cayenensis-D. rotundata. Varietal diversity has increased in 22 % of villages because of varietal introductions representing 19.2 % of the varieties. They come mainly from Bénin (52 %), Ghana (40 %) and Nigeria (8 %). The exchange (45 %), inheritance (65 %), the gift (72.5 %) and the purchase (35 %) are the varieties acquisition modes. In contrast to 78% of the localities there is a reduction of varietal diversity. Ten main factors mainly agronomic and social are the cause of the reduction. 83 % of the varieties are sparsely distributed and require urgent action on farm conservation because they are endangering. The storage may be done in 9 over the 30 localities that has about 80% of the varietal diversity.  Keywords: Yam, varieties loss, genetic erosion, conservation, Togo

    Epidemiology of black Sigatoka of banana (Musa spp.) in ecological zone IV of Togo

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    La banane est le fruit le plus consommé au monde et aussi en Afrique de l’Ouest. Cependant, les plantations de bananiers sont souvent attaquées par un champignon ascomycète appelé Mycosphaerella fijiensis M., responsable de la maladie des raies noires (MRN) ou cercosporiose noire avec des pertes de rendement supérieures à 50%. L’objectif de cette étude est d’identifier les variétés de bananiers résistantes, tolérantes et sensibles à la MRN. Cette étude a été menée dans quinze (15) plantations de bananiers et plantains dans la zone écologique IV du Togo. Les résultats nous ont montré que l’incidence de la maladie (IM) varie de 91,0 ± 21,6 à 100% ± 0,00 dans les champs et l’indice de sévérité (IS) varie de 94,0% ± 23,5 pour la variété Dankodu à 145,0% ± 96,4 pour la variété Agbavé, ce qui indique que toutes les variétés de cette zone seraient très sensibles. Nos travaux de sélection en serre, nous permettrons d’identifier les variétés sensibles et d’envisager les voies de stimulation de la défense naturelle de ces variétés par inoculation d’un éliciteur. Mots clés: bananier, cercosporiose noire, incidence, TogoBananas are the most consumed fruit in the world and in West Africa. However, banana plantations are often attacked by an ascomycete fungus called Mycosphaerella fijiensis M., responsible for black leaf streak disease (BLSD) or black Sigatoka with yield losses greater than 50%. The objective of this study is to identify varieties of bananas that are resistant, tolerant or susceptible to BLSD. This study was carried out in fifteen (15) plantations of bananas and plantains in ecological zone IV of Togo. The results showed that the disease incidence (IM) varies from 91.0 ± 21.6 to 100.0% ± 0.00 in the fields and the severity index (IS) varies from 94.0% ± 23.5 for the Dankodu variety to 145.0% ± 96.4 for the Agbavé variety, which indicates that all varieties found in this zone would be very sensitive. Our selection work in the greenhouse will allow us to identify the susceptible varieties and to consider ways of stimulating the natural defense of these varieties by inoculation with an elicitor. Keywords: banana, black Sigatoka, incidence, Tog