69 research outputs found

    Identification of a novel SEREX antigen family, ECSA, in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Diagnosis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) may improve with early diagnosis. Currently it is difficult to diagnose SCC in the early stage because there is a limited number of tumor markers available.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifty-two esophageal SCC SEREX antigens were identified by SEREX (serological identification of antigens by recombinant cDNA expression cloning) using a cDNA phage library and sera of patients with esophageal SCC. Sequence analysis revealed that three of these antigens were similar in amino acid sequences, and they were designated as ECSA (esophageal carcinoma SEREX antigen)-1, -2 and -3. The ECSA family was also similar to an EST clone, hepatocellular carcinoma-associated antigen 25a (HCA25a). Serum antibody levels to ECSA-1, -2 and -3 were significantly higher in patients with esophageal SCC than in healthy donors. Based on the conserved amino acid sequences, three peptides were synthesized and used for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). The serum antibody levels against one of these peptides were significantly higher in patients with esophageal SCC. This peptide sequence was also conserved in FAM119A, GOSR1 and BBS5, suggesting that these are also ECSA family members. Reverse transcription followed by quantitative PCR analysis showed that the mRNA expression levels of ECSA-1, -2 and -3 and FAM119A but not of HCA25a, GOSR1 and BBS5 were frequently elevated in esophageal SCC tissues.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have identified a new gene family designated ECSA. Serum antibodies against the conserved domain of the ECSA family may be a promising tumor marker for esophageal SCC.</p

    Transoral surgery for superficial head and neck cancer: National Multi‐Center Survey in Japan

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    Head and neck cancers, especially in hypopharynx and oropharynx, are often detected at advanced stage with poor prognosis. Narrow band imaging enables detection of superficial cancers and transoral surgery is performed with curative intent. However, pathological evaluation and real-world safety and clinical outcomes have not been clearly understood. The aim of this nationwide multicenter study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of transoral surgery for superficial head and neck cancer. We collected the patients with superficial head and neck squamous cell carcinoma who were treated by transoral surgery from 27 hospitals in Japan. Central pathology review was undertaken on all of the resected specimens. The primary objective was effectiveness of transoral surgery, and the secondary objective was safety including incidence and severity of adverse events. Among the 568 patients, a total of 662 lesions were primarily treated by 575 sessions of transoral surgery. The median tumor diameter was 12 mm (range 1–75) endoscopically. Among the lesions, 57.4% were diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma in situ. The median procedure time was 48 minutes (range 2–357). Adverse events occurred in 12.7%. Life-threatening complications occurred in 0.5%, but there were no treatment-related deaths. During a median follow-up period of 46.1 months (range 1–113), the 3-year overall survival rate, relapse-free survival rate, cause-specific survival rate, and larynx-preservation survival rate were 88.1%, 84.4%, 99.6%, and 87.5%, respectively. Transoral surgery for superficial head and neck cancer offers effective minimally invasive treatment

    イリョウ ケア カンレン ハイエン ニ カンスル マエムキ エキガク チョウサ

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    医療ケア関連肺炎(HCAP)は,ATS/IDSAの肺炎のガイドライン(2005年)にて提唱された概念である.当院におけるHCAPの特徴を明らかにする目的で前向き研究を行った.2010年1~12月に獨協医科大学越谷病院呼吸器内科に市中肺炎で入院した患者を対象とした.HCAPと市中肺炎(CAP)の判断にあたっては, HCAP疑い因子の有無をアンケートにより調査した.それ以外の介入は行わず,背景因子,肺炎重症度,肺炎の再燃の有無について調査した.年齢はHCAP 73±10歳,CAP 65±9歳(p<0.05)と両群間で有意差を認め,HCAP群では悪性腫瘍の合併が多く(p<0.05),自立度が低かった(p<0.05).入院時検査所見,胸部X線点数は,両群間に有意差を認めなかった.肺炎重症度は,A-DROPでは,HCAP群が,軽症30%,中等症63%,重症7%,CAP群が,軽症75%,中等症12%,重症13%で,有意差がみられた(p<0.05)が,PSIスコアでは,重症度に有意差を認めなかった.30日以内の肺炎再燃はHCAP群で21%,CAP群では0%であった.本研究より,HCAPでは,入院時の重症度に関らず,より慎重な経過観察が必要であることが示唆された.詳細にHCAP危険因子に関する病歴を聴取し,HCAPをCAPと誤認しないようにすることが重要である.Backgrounds:Healthcare associated pneumonia(HCAP) is a new concept proposed in guidelines for themanagement of adults with hospital-acquired, ventilatorassociated,and healthcare-associated pneumonia by ATS/IDSA. Several retrospective studies investigating the characteristicof HCAP in Japan have been performed. However,at present, a cohort study exploring the characteristic ofHCAP in Japan has not been published.Patients and Methods:This study was a prospectiveobservational study. Patients with pneumonia who admittedto Dokkyo Medical University Koshigaya Hospital betweenJanuary and December in 2010 were enrolled in this study.After giving informed consent, the patients were requestedto fill out a questionnaire designed to obtain informationabout risk factors of HCAP and divided into groups, HCAPor CAP, and their clinical characteristics were observed.Results:Mean age of enrolled patients were 73±10 yr inHCAP and 65±9 yr in CAP (p<0.05). The percentage ofpatients with malignant diseases were higher in HCAPgroup (p<0.05). There were no statistically significant differencesin WBC, CRP or chest X ray score on admissionbetween the groups. A-DROP score showed statistically asignificant difference between the groups while PSI scoredid not. The recurrence of pneumonia within 30 days afterdischarge of hospital was 21 % in HCAP groups but 0 % inCAP group.Conclusion:This study showed that patients withHCAP need to receive more careful care and observation toprevent recurrence even though the severity of pneumoniaon admission was not very high. It is crucial to take patients\u27history carefully to identify correctly whether a patientis with HCAP or CAP

    Improvement in Intestinal Coenzyme Q10 Absorption by Food Intake

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    Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is widely consumed as a food supplement because of its recognition as an important nutrient in supporting human health. Absorption of compounds from the gastrointestinal tract is one of the important determinants of oral bioavailability. However, the absorption of dietary CoQ10 is slow and limited due to its hydrophobicity and large molecular weight. The absorption of orally applied compounds can be enhanced by interactions with food or food components. Thus, we investigated the effect of food intake on the absorption of CoQ10 after oral supplementation. In this study, we demonstrated that food intake enhanced the intestinal absorption of CoQ10. In order to improve intestinal absorption of CoQ10 after oral supplementation, we developed an emulsion formulation. Intestinal absorption of CoQ10 after administration of the emulsion formulation was also enhanced by food intake. Moreover, the peak concentration and the extent of absorption after administration of the emulsion formulation were greater than those after administration of a suspension formulation. It is possible that administration of CoQ10 in an emulsion formulation enhances the pharmacological effects of CoQ10

    Challenges of a new integration : the making of the National Museum of African American History and Culture

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    2016年秋、国立アフリカ系アメリカ人歴史博物館(NMAAHC)が首都ワシントンに開館した。「アフリカ系アメリカ人のレンズ越しに」というスローガンの下、NMAAHCはアフリカ系の経験をアメリカ社会に「新たに人種統合」することを目指している。本論は、コレクションの収集と所蔵品目録の作成、展示と発信型プログラムの開発に焦点を当て、「新たな人種統合」に向けたNMAAHCの挑戦を具体的に考察した。NMAAHCは「道なきところに道をつくる」というアフリカ系の伝統的な精神を踏襲しつつ、より包含的で社会的に責任のある展示やプログラムを作り上げたと結論付けた。In the fall of 2016, the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) opened on the National Mall. Using the slogan Through the African American Lens, the NMAAHC endorses a New Integration of African American experience into the larger American Story. This article illuminates the challenges the NMAAHC faced in its preparation of its inaugural exhibitions and programs, focusing particularly on three arenas: collection building and cataloging, exhibition development, and program outreach. The article concludes that the NMAAHC developed a more inclusive and socially responsive museology through numerous breakthroughs making a way out of no way, embodying the African American traditional resilience.論文(Article