10 research outputs found

    Bipolar recurrent nova outbursts – I. Hydrodynamic models

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    We describe hydrodynamic models of bipolar outbursts in recurrent nova systems containing a red giant with a dense wind. Two mechanisms are investigated for the production of the bipolarity observed in the outbursts of some such systems - a model in which the outburst occurs as a point explosion in an anisotropic wind, and one in which the wind is isotropic but the outburst itself is intrinsically bipolar. It is argued on the basis of radio observations of RS Oph (1985) that the latter model is more likely to be appropriate. The numerical computations of bipolar explosions also show that the ejection of parcels of gas at highly supersonic, and oppositely directed, velocities into a dense surrounding medium gives rise to bowshocks which interact in such a way as to give a dense ring of material in a plane normal to the line of ejection

    Gateway state-mediated, long-range tunnelling in molecular wires

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    If the factors controlling the decay in single-molecule electrical conductance G with molecular length L could be understood and controlled, then this would be a significant step forward in the design of high-conductance molecular wires. For a wide variety of molecules conducting by phase coherent tunneling, conductance G decays with length following the relationship G = Aexp-\b{\eta}L. It is widely accepted that the attenuation coefficient \b{\eta} is determined by the position of the Fermi energy of the electrodes relative to the energy of frontier orbitals of the molecular bridge, whereas the terminal anchor groups which bind to the molecule to the electrodes contribute to the pre-exponential factor A. We examine this premise for several series of molecules which contain a central conjugated moiety (phenyl, viologen or {\alpha}-terthiophene) connected on either side to alkane chains of varying length, with each end terminated by thiol or thiomethyl anchor groups. In contrast with this expectation, we demonstrate both experimentally and theoretically that additional electronic states located on thiol anchor groups can significantly decrease the value of \b{eta}, by giving rise to resonances close to EF through coupling to the bridge moiety. This interplay between the gateway states and their coupling to a central conjugated moiety in the molecular bridges creates a new design strategy for realising higher-transmission molecular wires by taking advantage of the electrode-molecule interface properties

    Role of Porphyromonas gingivalis gingipains in multi-species biofilm formation

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    BackgroundPeriodontal diseases are polymicrobial diseases that cause the inflammatory destruction of the tooth-supporting (periodontal) tissues. Their initiation is attributed to the formation of subgingival biofilms that stimulate a cascade of chronic inflammatory reactions by the affected tissue. The Gram-negative anaerobes Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola are commonly found as part of the microbiota of subgingival biofilms, and they are associated with the occurrence and severity of the disease. P. gingivalis expresses several virulence factors that may support its survival, regulate its communication with other species in the biofilm, or modulate the inflammatory response of the colonized host tissue. The most prominent of these virulence factors are the gingipains, which are a set of cysteine proteinases (either Arg-specific or Lys-specific). The role of gingipains in the biofilm-forming capacity of P. gingivalis is barely investigated. Hence, this in vitro study employed a biofilm model consisting of 10 ¿subgingival¿ bacterial species, incorporating either a wild-type P. gingivalis strain or its derivative Lys-gingipain and Arg-gingipan isogenic mutants, in order to evaluate quantitative and qualitative changes in biofilm composition.ResultsFollowing 64 h of biofilm growth, the levels of all 10 species were quantified by fluorescence in situ hybridization or immunofluorescence. The wild-type and the two gingipain-deficient P. gingivalis strains exhibited similar growth in their corresponding biofilms. Among the remaining nine species, only the numbers of T. forsythia were significantly reduced, and only when the Lys-gingipain mutant was present in the biofilm. When evaluating the structure of the biofilm by confocal laser scanning microscopy, the most prominent observation was a shift in the spatial arrangement of T. denticola, in the presence of P. gingivalis Arg-gingipain mutant.ConclusionsThe gingipains of P. gingivalis may qualitatively and quantitatively affect composition of polymicrobial biofilms. The present experimental model reveals interdependency between the gingipains of P. gingivalis and T. forsythia or T. denticola

    Chemical Pathology of Diseases Involving Myelin

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