27 research outputs found

    Virus Identification in Unknown Tropical Febrile Illness Cases Using Deep Sequencing

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    Dengue virus is an emerging infectious agent that infects an estimated 50–100 million people annually worldwide, yet current diagnostic practices cannot detect an etiologic pathogen in ∼40% of dengue-like illnesses. Metagenomic approaches to pathogen detection, such as viral microarrays and deep sequencing, are promising tools to address emerging and non-diagnosable disease challenges. In this study, we used the Virochip microarray and deep sequencing to characterize the spectrum of viruses present in human sera from 123 Nicaraguan patients presenting with dengue-like symptoms but testing negative for dengue virus. We utilized a barcoding strategy to simultaneously deep sequence multiple serum specimens, generating on average over 1 million reads per sample. We then implemented a stepwise bioinformatic filtering pipeline to remove the majority of human and low-quality sequences to improve the speed and accuracy of subsequent unbiased database searches. By deep sequencing, we were able to detect virus sequence in 37% (45/123) of previously negative cases. These included 13 cases with Human Herpesvirus 6 sequences. Other samples contained sequences with similarity to sequences from viruses in the Herpesviridae, Flaviviridae, Circoviridae, Anelloviridae, Asfarviridae, and Parvoviridae families. In some cases, the putative viral sequences were virtually identical to known viruses, and in others they diverged, suggesting that they may derive from novel viruses. These results demonstrate the utility of unbiased metagenomic approaches in the detection of known and divergent viruses in the study of tropical febrile illness

    CD8αα intraepithelial lymphocytes arise from two main thymic precursors

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    TCRαβ+CD4−CD8α+CD8β− intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (CD8αα IELs) are an abundant population of thymus-derived T cells that protect the gut barrier surface. We sought to better define the thymic IEL precursor (IELp) through analysis of its maturation, localization and emigration. We defined two precursor populations among TCRβ+CD4−CD8− thymocytes by dependence on the kinase TAK1 and rigorous lineage-exclusion criteria. Those IELp populations included a nascent PD-1+ population and a T-bet+ population that accumulated with age. Both gave rise to intestinal CD8αα IELs after adoptive transfer. The PD-1+ IELp population included more strongly self-reactive clones and was largely restricted by classical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. Those cells localized to the cortex and efficiently emigrated in a manner dependent on the receptor S1PR1. The T-bet+ IELp population localized to the medulla, included cells restricted by non-classical MHC molecules and expressed the receptor NK1.1, the integrin CD103 and the chemokine receptor CXCR3. The two IELp populations further differed in their use of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) α-chain variable region (Vα) and β-chain variable region (Vβ). These data provide a foundation for understanding the biology of CD8αα IELs