30 research outputs found

    Research results of application of reflexo-therapy in correction of myopia

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    Objective: To develop the optimum scheme of acupuncture, aimed at improving the functional status of the visual analyzer in patients with myopia. Materials. Treatment was conducted in the main group by reflexology courses in 10 procedures and basic therapy in the control group, only basic therapy. The examination included the classic ophthal-mologic research methods, ultrasound and Doppler echoofthalmografy with color mapping of blood vessels — the ophthalmic artery (OA), central retinal artery (CRA) and posterior long ciliary arteries (ZDTSA), the study of visual efficiency and visual assessment of the subjective expression of asthenopia. The results of these studies were subjected to statistical analysis using the method of variation statistics with the computation of the arithmetic mean (M), the average error of the arithmetic mean (m) and the level of significance (p). Differences between mean values were considered significant if the probability of errors on the distribution of Student»s less than 0,05. The result showed a pronounced effect method of acupuncture on the clinical features, hemodynamic and ergonomic eye, the severity of visual fatigue and general condition of patients. Conclusion. The use of corporal-auricular acupuncture technique in patients with myopia allowed to increase the visual acuity without correction in 1,6 times, visual acuity with correction in 1,2 times, lower rates of subjective and objective refraction in an average of 29.8 and 32.4%, increase rates of accommodation of more than 1,5 times, to increase blood flow velocity characteristics in the GA by an average of 9.7, the CAC at 33.4 and ZDTSA by 27,5%. All this is possible to reduce the severity of subjective indicators of asthenopia in 58% of cases and to increase visual efficiency by 11,3

    Possibilities of magnetic resonance tomography in identification and diagnostics of neurosyphilis forms

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    Aim: To evaluate the possibilities of the magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) in diagnostics and identification of neurosyphilis. Materials and methods: A total of 1387 patients with different forms of documented neurosyphilis were examined to study the deficiency of neurological function. The diagnosis of neurosyphilis was confirmed by CSF-study. MRT was performed in 57 cases. Results: Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) in 6 patients showed no pathology, 16 patients had arachnoid cystic changes and in 16 cases hydrocephaly occurred. Cerebral cortical atrophy was presented in 13 patients, in 12 cases — multifocal changes were visualized, 12 patients had white matter structural changes. Two cases required diagnostics. A 59-year-old man was hospitalized with epileptic seizure, progressive dementia and multifocal neurologic symptoms. A 40-year-old man was examined with recurring episodes of acute cere-brospinal accident and progressing cognitive disorders. Conclusion: MRT could be used in differential diagnostics of neurosyphilis imitating space-occupying lesions of cerebrum and spinal cord, tumors of central nervous system and could help to define the form of neurosyphili

    Optimally shaped terahertz pulses for phase retrieval in a Rydberg atom data register

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    We employ Optimal Control Theory to discover an efficient information retrieval algorithm that can be performed on a Rydberg atom data register using a shaped terahertz pulse. The register is a Rydberg wave packet with one consituent orbital phase-reversed from the others (the ``marked bit''). The terahertz pulse that performs the decoding algorithm does so by by driving electron probability density into the marked orbital. Its shape is calculated by modifying the target of an optimal control problem so that it represents the direct product of all correct solutions to the algorithm.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Foci of nosocomial measles in Russia in the years 2011–2019

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    Objective. To identify the main causes of nosocomial measles outbreaks and factors that caused stable secondary transmission of this infection in healthcare institutions. Materials and methods. We analyzed 336 nosocomial measles outbreaks according to the data from 1521 ‘Reports of epidemiological investigation of measles cases…’ registered between 2011 and 2019. We performed operational and retrospective epidemiological analysis, as well as evaluation and descriptive analysis. Results. Our retrospective analysis demonstrated that nosocomial measles outbreaks were registered every year with the number of reported cases ranging from 7 (in 2011) to 105 (in 2018). Most frequently, outbreaks were registered in infectious disease hospitals (32%) and departments for infectious diseases in multidisciplinary hospitals among patients with acute respiratory viral infections (28.1%). Less frequently, measles was diagnosed among patients treated in other hospital departments, dispensaries (18.6%), admission departments (11.8%), and polyclinics (9.5%). The factors that contributed to the emergence of nosocomial measles outbreaks included no alertness for measles among doctors and poor epidemic prevention and control in hospitals. Conclusion. To reduce the incidence of nosocomial measles, it is necessary to ensure that patients admitted to hospitals (non-emergency hospitalization) and caregivers have information about measles vaccinations. It is also important to increase the vaccination coverage among healthcare professionals and promote compliance with sanitary and epidemiological control measures in hospitals. © 2021, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved

    Идентификация белков плазмы крови человека с использованием внутренних пептидных стандартов в панорамном протеомном анализе

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    LC-MS/MS allows identification of thousands of proteins in the complex proteomes. However, a significant part of a proteome remains inaccessible for identification due to the absence or poor quality of MS/MS spectra. The method described herein allows identifying the desired proteins of human blood plasma by comparing aligned chromatographic data of digested by trypsin sample and the same sample with spikedin synthetic peptides. Identification of human blood plasma proteins is archived by assigning tandem mass spectra of spiked-in peptides to the corresponding aligned chromatographic peaks of proteolytic peptides. Using the described approach we have identified 19 low abundant proteins in human blood plasma, which corresponded to 19 synthetic peptides used in the study. SRM verification of the identifications with isotopically labelled standards (SIS) confirmed the presence in the plasma of above 17 proteins.Использование метода панорамной жидкостной хроматографии-масс-спектрометрии (ЖХ-МС/МС) позволяет идентифицировать в сложных протеомах до нескольких тысяч белков. Однако значительная часть протеома остается недоступной для идентификации из-за отсутствия или плохого качества МС/МС спектров. Описываемый в данной работе метод повышает вероятность идентификации белков плазмы крови человека путем выравнивания хроматографических данных образца смеси протеолитических пептидов и этого же образца, разбавленного синтетическими пептидами. Такая идентификация происходит в результате сопоставления тандемных масс-спектров синтетических пептидов с соответствующими выровненными хроматографическими пиками протеолитических пептидов. Используя данный подход, мы выявили 19 низко представленных белков плазмы крови человека, соответствующих 19 синтетическим пептидам, выбранным для исследования. Проверка идентификаций методом мониторинга диссоциативных переходов с изотопно-мечеными стандартами подтвердила наличие в плазме 17 белков


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    Dietotherapy along with medicinal and external treatment is one of components of complex treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) in children. Severe forms of alimentary allergy are treated with special formulas based on casein hydrolisates. Clinical effectiveness of such formula was studied in 20 patients 2–7 months old intolerant to proteins of cow’s and goat’s milk. Treatment resulted in remission achievement, lessening of external therapy and cancellation of medicinal one in all children including those with cutaneous and gastrointestinal symptoms of AD.Key words: children, atopic dermatitis, dietotherapy, casein hydrolysate, SCORAD.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. – 2010;9(3):97-101)</p


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    Dietotherapy along with medicinal and external treatment is one of components of complex treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) in children. Severe forms of alimentary allergy are treated with special formulas based on casein hydrolisates. Clinical effectiveness of such formula was studied in 20 patients 2–7 months old intolerant to proteins of cow’s and goat’s milk. Treatment resulted in remission achievement, lessening of external therapy and cancellation of medicinal one in all children including those with cutaneous and gastrointestinal symptoms of AD.Key words: children, atopic dermatitis, dietotherapy, casein hydrolysate, SCORAD.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. – 2010;9(3):97-101

    Population immunity and structure of measles cases in the Russian Federation

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    Relevance. In recent years, in Russia, against the background of a stable high (no less than 95%) coverage of live measles vaccine (GI) inoculations of decreed groups of the population for almost twenty years, increases in morbidity have been registered, reaching the indicators of 3.3(2014) and 3.1 (2019) per 100 ths population and local outbreaks involving the child population. This situation has raised doubts among a number of researchers about the reliability of high vaccination coverage in children and adults. In this regard, some researchers assumed the loss of post-vaccination immunity and suggested revaccination against measles every 10 years for people up to 50 years old. Others suggested serological examination of certain cohorts of the adult population without taking into account the vaccination history for timely detection and vaccination of individuals with primary post-vaccination failures and who have lost post-vaccination immunity. The purpose of the work: to assess the state of population immunity for some manifestations of the epidemic process of measles infection and the feasibility of changing the tactics of vaccination against measles. Materials and methods. The work uses epidemiological operational and retrospective analysis. The research is based on the analysis of official statistics № 2, № 5, № 6, reports of regional centers, «maps of the surveillance of a case of suspected measles…», information and analytical bulletins of the National scientific and methodological center for the supervision of measles and rubella (NNMC). A total of 18,750 documents were analyzed. The average values, the average standard error, the correlation coefficient of the series, the reliability of the correlation coefficient, and the regression coefficient were calculated. Results and discussion. One of the indirect indicators of the state of population immunity is the ratio of vaccinated and not vaccinated against measles in the structure of patients. The analysis showed a steady trend towards the prevalence of cases not vaccinated against measles in the structure: since 2011, more than 70%, and since 2017 – more than 80%. The percentage of vaccinated people is decreasing from 12.8% to 5.4% (2017) and has stabilized in the last 2.5 years at the level of 5.4–7.2%. Over the past 2 years, there has also been some stabilization of the proportion of people twice vaccinated – 9.4–9.8%. Intensive indicators of morbidity confirmed the General trend of extensive indicators. In addition, over the past 3 years, the intensive incidence rate of those vaccinated is 14 times lower than that of those not vaccinated against measles. All this testifies to the lack of accumulation of susceptible individuals due to the loss of post-vaccination immunity and confirms the adequacy of the strategy and tactics of vaccination against measles in our country. The calculation of the regression coefficient showed that with an increase in vaccination coverage of the entire population by one percent, the incidence of measles among unvaccinated people will increase by 1.34 per one hundred thousand unvaccinated people against measles. The prevalence of foci without infection spread (more than 80%) during the analyzed period, and the restriction of secondary measles spread by the second generation of infection reproduction in foci with two or more cases of measles, multiple circulation of genotypes and subtypes of the measles virus also characterizes a fairly high population immunity. Conclusion. The steady predominance of lesions 1 case, limiting secondary spread of infection in outbreaks, the maintenance of the epidemic process of measles through an unvaccinated population indicate adequate tactics and strategy for measles immunization in our country. At the same time, the achieved 74.1% vaccination coverage of the entire population is clearly not enough to prevent sustained endemic transmission of the measles virus, since the reproductive index R<1 can be maintained with vaccination coverage of at least 95%. To increase population immunity, it is necessary to search for new forms of work of pediatricians and therapists with the population to form a commitment to immunization, as well as to legislate responsibility for the consequences of refusing vaccinations, as is done in a number of States. © Tsvirkun OV et al


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    In 2002, the WHO Regional Office for Europe developed the Strategic Program for the Prevention of Measles and Congenital Rubella Infections in the European Region, which was revised in 2004. As a result of the revision, an additional target was set to eliminate endemic rubella in the region by 2010. Rubella is a disease well controlled by vaccination that accounts for a theoretical potential to interrupt its global transmission. Since 2013, the Russian Federation has been implementing the National Rubella Elimination Program. Elimination criteria have been revised as the Program proceeds. Currently, the main criterion for rubella elimination is the absence of endemic (local) virus transmission for at least 36 months, which should be confirmed by molecular genetic research methods. In addition, in the Russian Federation, an incidence rate of less than 1 case per 1 million population is also used as one of the elimination criteria. Since 2013, due to a high (over 95%) coverage of preventive vaccinations a decrease in incidence rates and their stabilization at a level of less than 1 per 1 million population since 2014 state in favor of successfully implemented Program. Genetic monitoring of rubella virus strains circulating in human population noted the termination of endemic virus transmission. While implementing the Elimination Program, the prevailing virus genotypes that circulate in Russia were found to be genotypes 1E and 2B showing a global distribution. The data obtained after molecular genetic monitoring allowed to find that the strains isolated during this period belonged to different clusters accounting for in favor of being imported. Considering the above factors such as high vaccination coverage, low incidence rate and lack of endemic virus transmission, the 2017 WHO Committee on verification of measles and rubella elimination assigned the Russian Federation the status of a country that has achieved rubella elimination. The continuation of the phase of infection elimination is confirmed annually. This article presents the results on comprehensive assessment of rubella elimination status in the Russian Federation by specialists from the National Scientific and Methodological Center for Measles and Rubella and WHO EURO Moscow regional reference laboratory for measles and rubella based on 2019 epidemiological data and molecular genetic studies. © 2022 Saint Petersburg Pasteur Institute. All rights reserved