19 research outputs found

    FALL ARMYWORM Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): THREAT TO MAIZE PRODUCTION IN NIGERIA

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    necessitated an urgent survey to determine the extent and level of damage caused by FAW. A total of seventy-four(74) farms were surveyed and information was collected using a guided questionnaire. The survey revealed thatthe pest was widely spread, evidenced by its high presence recorded in most of the farms visited. The number offarms under attack was about 92.3% in Ogun, 87.5% in Ondo and 87.0% in Oyo States. However, damageseverity varied from one State to the other. The States of Ogun (76.9%) and Oyo (52.%) situated in the rainforestand derived savannah transitional zones recorded highest damages. There was a significant positive correlationbetween the severity of damage and farm size (r=0.27; p<0.05), with significant negative correlation betweenseverity of damage and age of plant(r = -0.30, p <0.05). The study therefore recommends the need to giveadequate sensitization to farmers on pest management as soon as they are noticed on the farm. There is need toalso assist in the design of an appropriate Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy against FAW infestationand efficiency in management of this pest, especially with large farm sizes and plants at their early stages ofdevelopment

    Development and determination of larval stages of fall armyworm on some staple crops

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    Fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a serious emerging pest of maize ( Zea mays L.) and many other alternative crop hosts in sub-Saharan Africa. Adequate knowledge on the development of S. frugiperda on maize and other alternative host crops is important in the development of integrated pest management programmes. The objective of this study was to determine the larval developmental stages of FAW using head capsule and other body morphometrics of FAW on maize and other alternative host crops in Nigeria. Food hosts (maize, cassava and cowpea) were replicated five times and arranged in a Completely Randomised Design. The results showed that mean growth ratio of larval development on maize, cassava and cowpea were 1.51, 1.54 and 1.50, respectively; and all conformed to Dyar\u2019s rule. Head capsule width of larval instars showed six frequency peaks, representing six larval instars. Mean width of head capsule from the first to sixth larval, in the three crops, were significantly different. The shortest (14 days) and longest (17 days) developmental periods were recorded on maize and cassava. Pupal weight and length were not significantly different among the crops. There was a linear and significant correlation (maize = 0.98, cassava = 0.98 and cowpea = 0.99) between the stages of larval development and head capsule width. The number of larval instars of FAW, duration of their developments and the weights of larva and pupa on maize, cassava and cowpea are useful information in determining the number of generations of FAW on each crop. This information could, therefore, be applied in decision making on the appropriate time and duration of application of control actions when these crops are infested.La chenille l\ue9gionnaire d\u2019automne (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), est un important ravageur \ue9mergent du ma\uefs ( Zea mays L.) et de nombreuses autres cultures h\uf4tes alternatives en Afrique subsaharienne. Des connaissances ad\ue9quates sur le d\ue9veloppement de S. frugiperda sur le ma\uefs et d\u2019autres cultures h\uf4tes alternatives sont importantes dans le d\ue9veloppement de programmes de lutte int\ue9gr\ue9e contre les ravageurs. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait de d\ue9terminer les stades de d\ue9veloppement larvaire de la chenille l\ue9gionnaire d\u2019automne en utilisant la capsule c\ue9phalique et d\u2019autres morphom\ue9tries corporelles de la chenille l\ue9gionnaire d\u2019automne sur le ma\uefs et d\u2019autres cultures h\uf4tes alternatives au Nigeria. Les h\uf4tes alimentaires (ma\uefs, manioc et ni\ue9b\ue9) ont \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9pliqu\ue9s cinq fois et dispos\ue9s selon un plan compl\ue8tement al\ue9atoire. Les r\ue9sultats ont montr\ue9 que le taux de croissance moyen du d\ue9veloppement larvaire sur le ma\uefs, le manioc et le ni\ue9b\ue9 \ue9tait respectivement de 1,51, 1,54 et 1,50 ; et tous se conform\ue8rent \ue0 la r\ue8gle de Dyar. La largeur de la capsule c\ue9phalique des stades larvaires a montr\ue9 six pics de fr\ue9quence, repr\ue9sentant six stades larvaires. La largeur moyenne de la capsule c\ue9phalique de la premi\ue8re \ue0 la sixi\ue8me larve, dans les trois cultures, \ue9tait significativement diff\ue9rente. Les p\ue9riodes de d\ue9veloppement les plus courtes (14 jours) et les plus longues (17 jours) ont \ue9t\ue9 enregistr\ue9es sur le ma\uefs et le manioc. Le poids et la longueur des pupes n\u2019\ue9taient pas significativement diff\ue9rents entre les cultures. Il y avait une corr\ue9lation lin\ue9aire et significative (ma\uefs = 0,98, manioc = 0,98 et ni\ue9b\ue9 = 0,99) entre les stades de d\ue9veloppement larvaire et la largeur de la capsule c\ue9phalique. Le nombre de stades larvaires de la chenille l\ue9gionnaire d\u2019automne, la dur\ue9e de leur d\ue9veloppement et les poids des larves et des pupes sur le ma\uefs, le manioc et le ni\ue9b\ue9 sont des informations utiles pour d\ue9terminer le nombre de g\ue9n\ue9rations de la chenille l\ue9gionnaire d\u2019automne sur chaque culture. Cette information pourrait donc \ueatre appliqu\ue9e dans la prise de d\ue9cision sur le moment et la dur\ue9e appropri\ue9s d\u2019application des actions de contr\uf4le lorsque ces cultures sont infest\ue9es

    Competitive Ability of Two Moths, Sitotroga cerealella(OLIV.)and Ephestia cautella(WLK)in Sorghum

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    Electronic structure and optical properties of HgSe

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    We have performed the density functional theory calculations of mercury selenide compound using the plane-wave pseudo-potential (PWPP) method within the generalized gradient approximation to investigate the electronic structure and dielectric response of this compound in its zinc blende phase. The calculated lattice and volume parameters are in consonance with other experimental and theoretical works. The electronic structure of the compound showed that mercury selenide exhibited a semi-metallic property with a negligible direct band gap of about 0 eV at high symmetry gamma-point. Real and imaginary parts of dielectric function as a function of photon energy have been also obtained

    Approximate Solutions of the Effective Mass Klein-Gordon Equation for Unequal Potentials

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    Using a suitable approximation scheme to the centrifugal barrier, we solved the 3-dimensional Klein-Gordon equation for e_ective mass potential under unequal scalar and vector Coulomb-Hulthen potential in the framework of parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov method. The e_ects of the screening parameter, the e_ective masses and the potential strengths on energy were graphically and numerically studied in details. It is noted that the relativistic energy of the Klein-Gordon equation under unequal scalar and vector Coulomb-Hulthen potential is highly bounde

    Tolerance of Tithonia diversifolia and Chromolaena odorata in heavy metal simulated-polluted soils and three selected dumpsites

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    Soil heavy metals pollution is of global concern in view of their flow through the food chain. The convectional, physical, and chemical approaches to remediate polluted soils are usually expensive and not eco-friendly. Phytoextraction is a promising alternative because of the cost effectiveness and eco-friendliness. Therefore, this study was designed to determine the abilities of Chromolaena odorata (Co) and Tithonia diversifolia (Td) to extract heavy metals from polluted soil.Soil analysis was done in part per million (ppm) before Td and Co were grown separately on sixty soil samples of 6.5 kg each collected from 3 selected dumpsites in Irese, New Stadium, and a control site (Ijare), Akure in Ondo State. Three replicates of the soil samples collected from Ijare were simulated with 10 g/kg each of cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) and used in assessing the phytoextraction capabilities of Co and Td. Two grams per kilogram of each of the heavy metals were mixed together and used in simulating three soil samples collected from Ijare and phytoextraction capabilities of Co and Td assessed. A control experiment using soil sample from Ijare was also set up in three replicates for Co and Td. Soil analyses were also carried out after the experiment in ppm. Plant biomass was assessed. Heavy metal contents in roots, shoots and soil samples were analyzed after harvest to determine the bioaccumulation (BF). Data obtained were subjected to one way Analysis of Variance at α0.05.The most contaminated soil sample before and after the experiment was obtained in soil sample (mg/kg) from OD with Cd = 0.08 and 0.071, Zn = 1.92 and 1.85, Fe = 8.44 and 6.94, Cu = 3.04 and 2.54 and Pb = 1.4 and 0.93 respectively. The highest fresh and dry weights (g) for Td and Co were recorded in the plants grown in the control soil. The fresh weight (g) for Td and Co shoots and roots were 110.58 and 52.90; and 48.41 and 7.18 respectively. The dry weights (mg) for Td and Co shoots and roots were 20.56 and 4.68; and 16.66 and 0.36 respectively. Uptake of heavy metals in T. diversifolia and C. odorata tissues (ppm) were Cd (0.43 and 0.06), Zn (6.57 and 3.8), Cu (3.93 and 2.21), Pb (2.37 and 1.94) and Fe (55.15 and 32.82) respectively.This study showed Tithonia diversifolia and C. odorata were capable of reducing heavy metals in polluted soils. Thus the plants are good candidates for the phytoextraction of heavy metals from polluted soils. Keywords: Phytoremediation, Heavy metals, Tithonia diversifolia, Chromolaena odorat

    Community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections in an adult population with HIV infection in a Nigerian tertiary hospital

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    Objective: Lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) are 25-fold more common in people with HIV than in the general population. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of community-acquired LRTI and its associated factors in an adult population of people living with HIV (PLWH) in a Nigerian tertiary Hospital.Methodology: This was a prospective study done at the HIV clinic of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) Teaching Hospital Osogbo, Nigeria. It involved 130 randomly selected adult participants with a confirmed HIV-positive serology. The participants were followed up for a period of one year while looking out for symptoms and signs suggestive of LRTI.Results: The participants had a mean age of 41.9±10.02 years and a male to female ratio of 0.4:1. Seventeen (13.9%) of the participants developed LRTI during the study period and this was significantly associated with CD4 count and cigarette smoking history.Conclusion: LRTI is common among PLWH in Osogbo, and it occurs more commonly in those with low CD4 Tcell count and those with a history of cigarette smoking. Keywords: Lower respiratory tract infection, HIV, pneumonia

    HIV Related Stigma and Discrimination: The Attitudes and Behavior of Workers in Insurance Companies in Lagos State

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    One of the greatest health problems threatening the human race is the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIV/AIDS stigma and its related discrimination is a major constraint to the prevention and control of HIV. The HIV/AIDS pandemic has had a selective impact on young men and women who constitute the main stay of the workforce. This study aims to assess the opinion of workers in a corporate setting regarding HIVrelated stigma and discrimination and their attitudes towards HIV positive persons in the workplace. A cross sectional descriptive study was carried out. Asemi-structured, self-administered pre-tested questionnaire was filled by four hundred workers in three randomly selected insurance companies in Lagos State. All workers present at work on the day of the survey were given the questionnaires to fill. All questionnaires were filled independently and collected immediately after they had been filled. Data was collated and analyzed using Epi info software version 6. Most of the respondents (83%) were of the opinion that HIV positive persons were being unfairly treated in the society and almost all of them (93%) believed that they did not deserve such treatment. However up to 25% of them felt that an employer had the right to deny a person employment solely based on his/her HIV status and up to 15% believed that HIV positive persons should be isolated. Fortyfour percent of respondents would not share an office computer with a known HIV positive coworker, 47.7% would not share the same eating utensils and 55.9% would not share the same toilet with a known HIV positive co-worker. Similarly, up to 64% felt that there should be separate dining facilities for HIV positive persons and almost 60% felt that there should be separate toilet facilities for HIV positive persons. This was despite the fact that over 95% of the respondents were aware that HIV could not be transmitted by such means. Almost a quarter (23.5%) of the respondents would not openly associate with known HIV positive persons. There was no statistically significant relationship between sex, income, ethnicity or religion and the decision to openly associate with HIV positive persons. (p>0.05) however educational level was found to be significantly associated with the decision to openly associate with HIV positive persons. (

    Sexually transmitted infections knowledge, practices and treatment: assessing facility treatment gap among female sex workers in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Background:  Globally as significant progress was made in reducing new cases of viral STI specifically HIV and HPV, new strains of antibiotic resistant STI causing organisms emerged. Key population having high burden of bacterial STI also have high prevalence and incidence of HIV. This study was carried out to assess knowledge about STI, HIV and HCT as well as to identify prevention and treatment practices for STI among brothel based female sex workers in two urban communities in Lagos state.Materials and Method: A cross sectional descriptive study design was used; sample size of 300 was calculated. The study population is females who sell sex in brothels in two communities in Lagos. Simple random sampling was used to select 15 brothels from the list of brothels compiled in each local government through community mapping. The rooms in the brothel were the unit of sampling, 10 female sex workers were interviewed in each of the brothels using a pre tested questionnaire. Data analysis was done with IBM SPSS statistics version 20. Frequencies percentages and means were generated. Relationship was demonstrated using Chi square at p<0.05Results: The mean age was 27.77 + 6.16, majority were less than 30years of age (72.0%), single (75.7%), from the southsouth zone of Nigeria (57.0%) and had at least a secondary school education (51.7%). Three quarters of the single FSW had steady sexual partners. A high proportion of the respondents still have misconceptions about routes of transmission and prevention of HIV. About half (53.3%) had good knowledge of HIV/AIDS, 90.0% knew that Ebola Virus Disease can be sexually transmitted and 62.0% had good knowledge of the symptoms of STI. A high proportion reported symptoms of STI (25.0% genital itching, 14.7% genital discharge). Treatment was obtained mostly from the chemist (44.0%) followed by self-medication (42.7%) and health facility (38.7%). Over two thirds have been tested for HIV. All the respondents reported condom use with paying and non-paying casual partners but consistent use was higher with paying partners. A high proportion (77.0%) reported burst condom which was treated by using antibiotics. FSW who were single (p=0.002) and those from the South South-zone of Nigeria (p=0.010) were more likely to be knowledgeable about STI symptoms. Young FSW (<24years) were more likely to use female condoms (p=0.023) and get tested for HIV (p=0.008).Conclusion: FSW in this study had high burden of STI and poor treatment practices. A high proportion also had poor knowledge of HIV and STI. Health workers did not play a major role in giving information about HIV/HCT and STI or in providing treatment. There is a need to promote referrals, linkages and contact between healthcare workers and this vulnerable group to ensure access to correct information and appropriate treatment.Keywords: STI, Female Sex Workers, Lago

    Seedling growth and nutrient uptake of African Star Apple (Chrysophyllum albidum) in response to soil type and AMF inoculum

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    Most Tropical crops thrive under the rain-fed conditions, albeit with negative environmental effects having its toll on plant growth and productivity at the slightest abiotic stresses. Symbiotic relationships with plant-microbial organisms can provide varying degrees of ameliorative influences leading to drought tolerance and/or resistance and improved crop nutrient uptake responses. Experiments conducted in 2017 in Abeokuta, Nigeria evaluated the performances of 6- months old African star apple – Agbalumo (Yor.) (Chrysophyllum albidum) seedlings when cultivated in three soil types (clayey, loamy and sandy soils) and inoculated with three arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) strains (Funneliformis mosseae (Fm), Rhizophagus irregularis (Ri), Glomus etunicatum (Ge) while the untreated served as control. The results showed that plants in loamy soil had an initial taller response, plants in sandy had thicker girth than those in loamy and clayey soils and wider spread than plants in sandy soil. Significantly higher K-uptake was observed for plants in sandy soil while the reverse was with P-uptake. AMF inoculation had no significant influence on P-uptake and other nutrient elements compared to control. Proximate content analysis was varied with higher values for fat content (FC) and crude fibre for plants in sandy and clayey soils, higher crude protein in loamy, and higher sugar content for plants in loamy and sandy soils. With exception to lower FC of plants in Ri, there was no significant difference among plants inoculated with AMF. In conclusion, C. albidum seedlings had better growth performances in loamy soil, but had no significant growth response to applied AMF inoculation