18 research outputs found

    Toward a quantum generalization of equilibrium statistical thermodynamics: A-k Dynamics

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    We show that the quantum statistical mechanics (QSM) describing the quantum and thermal properties of objects only has the sense of a particular semiclassical approximation. We propose a more general microdescription than in QSM of objects in a thermal bath with the vacuum explicitly taken into account; we call it A -k dynamics. We construct a qualitatively new model of the object environment, namely, a quantum thermal bath. We study its properties including the cases of a "cold" and a "thermal" vacuum. We introduce the stochastic action operator and show its fundamental role in the microdescription. We establish that the corresponding macroparameter, the effective action, plays just as significant a role in the macrodescription. The most important effective macroparameters of equilibrium quantum statistical thermodynamics-internal energy, temperature, and entropy-are expressed in terms of this macroparameter

    Toward a quantum generalization of equilibrium statistical thermodynamics: A-k Dynamics

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    We show that the quantum statistical mechanics (QSM) describing the quantum and thermal properties of objects only has the sense of a particular semiclassical approximation. We propose a more general microdescription than in QSM of objects in a thermal bath with the vacuum explicitly taken into account; we call it A -k dynamics. We construct a qualitatively new model of the object environment, namely, a quantum thermal bath. We study its properties including the cases of a "cold" and a "thermal" vacuum. We introduce the stochastic action operator and show its fundamental role in the microdescription. We establish that the corresponding macroparameter, the effective action, plays just as significant a role in the macrodescription. The most important effective macroparameters of equilibrium quantum statistical thermodynamics-internal energy, temperature, and entropy-are expressed in terms of this macroparameter

    Quantum-mechanical analog of the zeroth law of thermodynamics (to the problem of incorporating thermodynamics into the quantum-mechanical theory)

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    The presented approach to incorporate the stochastic thermodynamics into the quantum theory is based on the idea, proposed earlier by the authors, to consistently consider the stochastic influence by the environment considered as the whole and described by the wave functions of arbitrary vacua. In this research, a possibility of the explicit incorporation of the zeroth law of stochastic thermodynamics into the quantum-mechanical theory in the form of the saturated Schr̈odinger uncertainty relation is realized. This allows a comparative analysis between the sets of arbitrary vacuum states, namely, squeezed coherent (SCSs) and correlated coherent (CCSs) states, to be carried out. A possibility to establish a relation between SCSs and CCSs, on the one hand, and thermal states, on the other hand, is discussed. © A.D. SUKHANOV, O.N. GOLUBEVA, V.G. BAR'YAKHTAR, 2013

    Quantum-mechanical analog of the zeroth law of thermodynamics (to the problem of incorporating thermodynamics into the quantum-mechanical theory)

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    The presented approach to incorporate the stochastic thermodynamics into the quantum theory is based on the idea, proposed earlier by the authors, to consistently consider the stochastic influence by the environment considered as the whole and described by the wave functions of arbitrary vacua. In this research, a possibility of the explicit incorporation of the zeroth law of stochastic thermodynamics into the quantum-mechanical theory in the form of the saturated Schr̈odinger uncertainty relation is realized. This allows a comparative analysis between the sets of arbitrary vacuum states, namely, squeezed coherent (SCSs) and correlated coherent (CCSs) states, to be carried out. A possibility to establish a relation between SCSs and CCSs, on the one hand, and thermal states, on the other hand, is discussed. © A.D. SUKHANOV, O.N. GOLUBEVA, V.G. BAR'YAKHTAR, 2013


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    Some achievements and some problems of elementary particles modern physics and cosmology. The theory of super symmetry is analyzed together with its ideological basis in superstring theory context. Тhe peculiarities of the Minimal Super symmetric Standard Model are considered. The main problems on the way of unifying of theory of general relativity and Standard Model of the electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions of quarks and leptons are discussed.В статье рассмотрен ряд достижений и проблем современной физики элементарных частиц и космологии. Анализируется теория суперсимметрии и ее идеологическая основа в контексте теории суперструн. Рассмотрены особенности Минимальной суперсимметричной стандартной модели. Обсуждаются основные проблемы на пути объединения общей теории относительности и стандартной модели электромагнитных, слабых и сильных взаимодействий кварков и лептонов

    Регистрация гравитационных волн - триумф общей теории относительности (как включать новые факты в преподавание физики)

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    The article traces the backbone concepts put by A. Einstein and his associates in the creation of the general theory of relativity. It is concluded that it is necessary to include the fundamentals of the general theory of relativity in the educational process of elective disciplines for students of technical and non-physical natural sciences training and specialties and in teaching the discipline «Concepts of Modern Natural Science» in order to maintain students’ interest in the latest discoveries and prospects related to the fundamental role of theory in the development of modern science.В статье прослеживаются системообразующие концепции, положенные А. Эйнштейном и его сподвижниками в основу создания общей теории относительности. Сделан вывод о необходимости включения основ общей теории относительности в образовательный процесс элективных дисциплин для студентов технических и нефизических естественнонаучных направлений подготовки и специальностей и при преподавании дисциплины «Концепции современного естествознания» с целью поддержания интереса студентов к новейшим открытиям и перспективам, связанным с фундаментальной ролью теории в развитии современной науки

    A ratio of the shear viscosity to the density of entropy for helium

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    We have studied the ratio (n/s) of the shear viscosity η to the density of entropy s for helium as a function of the temperature and have established that the minimal value, (n/s)min, satisfies the Kovtun-Son-Starinets inequality, (n/s)min ≥ (h/4ΠKB). © V.G. BAR'YAKHTAR, E.D. BELOKOLOS, O.N. GOLUBEVA, A.D. SUKHANOV, 2014


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    The paper deals with the issues of the methodology of an interdisciplinary course on the problem of nonlinearity in modern natural science for a wide audience, including the humanities.В работе рассматриваются вопросы методологии междисциплинарного курса по проблеме нелинейности в современном естествознании для широкой аудитории, включая гуманитарные специальности

    A ratio of the shear viscosity to the density of entropy for helium

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    We have studied the ratio (n/s) of the shear viscosity η to the density of entropy s for helium as a function of the temperature and have established that the minimal value, (n/s)min, satisfies the Kovtun-Son-Starinets inequality, (n/s)min ≥ (h/4ΠKB). © V.G. BAR'YAKHTAR, E.D. BELOKOLOS, O.N. GOLUBEVA, A.D. SUKHANOV, 2014