23 research outputs found

    Jones-matrix tomography of biological tissues phase anisotropy in the diagnosis of uterus wall prolapse

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    The work consists of two parts. In the first part - we mapped a distribution of optical activity and birefringence in polycrystalline networks of biological tissues. The Jones-matrix formalism is used for accessible quantitative description of these types of optical anisotropy. We demonstrate that differentiation of polycrystalline networks of biological tissues can be performed based on the statistical analysis of distribution of rotation angles and phase shifts associated with the optical activity and birefringence, respectively. In the second part we defined - practical operational characteristics, such as sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of Jones-matrix reconstruction of optical anisotropy were identified with the special emphasis on biomedical application, specifically for differentiation of two types of pathology: prolapse and albuminuria

    3D Mueller-matrix mapping of biological optically anisotropic networks

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    The paper consists of two parts. The first part presents short theoretical basics of the method of azimuthally-invariant Mueller-matrix description of optical anisotropy of biological tissues. It was provided experimentally measured coordinate distributions of Mueller-matrix invariants (MMI) of linear and circular birefringences of skeletal muscle tissue. It was defined the values of statistic moments, which characterize the distributions of amplitudes of wavelet coefficients of MMI at different scales of scanning. The second part presents the data of statistic analysis of the distributions of amplitude of wavelet coefficients of the distributions of linear birefringence of myocardium tissue died after the infarction and ischemic heart disease. It was defined the objective criteria of differentiation of the cause of death

    Wavelet analysis for polarization inhomogeneous laser images of blood plasma

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    The possibilities of the local wavelet-analysis of polarization-inhomogeneous laser image of human blood plasma were considered. The set of statistics, correlation and fractal parameters of the distributions of wavelet-coefficients that are characterize different scales of the polarization maps of polycrystalline networks of amino acids of blood plasma were defined. The criteria for the differentiation of the transformation of birefringence optical-anisotropic structures of blood plasma at different scales of their geometric dimensions were determined

    Jones-matrix diagnostics of the structure and classification of optical properties inherent to birefringent polycrystalline networks of human biological tissues

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    Performed in this work is the complex statistical, correlation and fractal analysis of coordinate distributions of Jones-matrix elements corresponding to birefringent networks of liquid crystals in human biological liquids (saliva, blood plasma, bile). The authors have determined the values and ranges for changing statistical, correlation and spectral moments of the 1-st to 4-th orders that characterize Jones-matrix images of these objects. Ascertained are objective criteria for classification and differentiation of optical properties inherent to polycrystalline networks of biological crystals with various kinds of spatial symmetry: dendrite, spherolite and cluster ones

    Laser autofluorescent microscopy of histological sections of parenchymatous biological tissues of the dead

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    The results of laser autofluorescence microscopy of the distribution of the intensity of the MLA of polycrystalline structures of biological tissue preparations are presented. The data of a statistical analysis of the distribution of the magnitude of the intensity of MLA networks of biological crystals of histological sections of tissues of the spleen and kidney with the parenchymal morphological structure of the dead with different levels of blood loss are presented

    Polarization Correlometry of Birefringence Images of Human Blood Layers

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    To analyze the coordinate-like structure of Stokes-parametric and Mueller-matrix images of optically anisotropic components of biological tissues, the two-point polarization-correlational approach was applied. On this basis parameters the method of cross-correlational definition of parameters (average sizes, asymmetry factor) of correlational contour was developed, which defines the topographical structure of the characteristic meanings of Stokes-parametric and Mueller-matrix images of histological sections of biological tissues

    3D Mueller-matrix mapping of biological optically anisotropic networks

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    In the set of works it were defined the algorithms and methods of polarimetric and correlation obtaining of the information about 2D distributions of optical anisotropy of biological tissues. As the basis of theoretical description of the method of 3D Mueller-matrix mapping it was used the results obtained in

    Jones-matrix tomography of biological tissues phase anisotropy in the diagnosis of uterus wall prolapse

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    In the ground of this work it has been chosen the matrix approach for investigation of the structure of biological objects. Theoretical backgrounds of the method of mapping of anisotropy parameters of polycrystalline component of biological layers are in details provided in the set of work