385 research outputs found

    Charm and longitudinal structure functions with the Kharzeev-Levin-Nardi model

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    We use the Kharzeev-Levin-Nardi model of the low xx gluon distributions to fit recent HERA data on charm and longitudinal structure functions. Having checked that this model gives a good description of the data, we use it to predict F2cF^c_2 and FLF_L to be measured in a future electron-ion collider. The results interpolate between those obtained with the de Florian-Sassot and Eskola-Paukkunen-Salgado nuclear gluon distributions. The conclusion of this exercise is that the KLN model, simple as it is, may still be used as an auxiliary tool to make estimates both for heavy ion and electron-ion collisions.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Structure functions at small x_Bj in a Euclidean field theory approach

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    The small-x_Bj limit of deep inelastic scattering is related to the high-energy limit of the forward Compton amplitude in a familiar way. We show that the analytic continuation of this amplitude in the energy variable is calculable from a matrix element in Euclidean field theory. This matrix element can be written as a Euclidean functional integral in an effective field theory. Its effective Lagrangian has a simple expression in terms of the original Lagrangian. The functional integral expression obtained can, at least in principle, be evaluated using genuinely non-perturbative methods, e.g., on the lattice. Thus, a fundamentally new approach to the long-standing problem of structure functions at very small x_Bj seems possible. We give arguments that the limit x_Bj -> 0 corresponds to a critical point of the effective field theory where the correlation length becomes infinite in one direction.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX file (including 6 eps-figures

    Leptoquark Contribution to the Higgs Boson Production at the LHC Collider

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    In this report we study how a light-scalar leptoquark could affect the Higgs boson production cross-section at the LHC collider. We construct the most general renormalizable and gauge invariant effective Lagrangian involving the standard model particles and a scalar, isoscalar leptoquark, \eta. The total cross-section for pp -> H+X is then calculated for different values of the unknown parameters \lambda_eta, m_eta and m_H.(Here \lambda_eta is the coupling associated with the Higgs-leptoquark interaction.) We find that if \lambda_eta is moderately large and m_eta is around a few hundred GeV, then the cross-section is significantly larger than the standard model value.Comment: 9 pages, 4 postscript figure

    From Deep Inelastic Scattering to Photoproduction: A Unified Approach

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    The strikingly different high energy behaviours of real photoabsorption cross-sections with Q^2 = 0 and the low x proton structure function at large Q^2 are studied from a laboratory frame viewpoint, in which the x and Q^2 dependence reflects the space-time structure of the interaction. This is done using a simple model which incorporates hadron dominance, but attributes the striking enhancement observed at HERA at very low x and high Q^2 to contributions from heavy long-lived fluctuations of the incoming photon. Earlier published predictions of the model for the then unknown behaviour of the structure function at small x and intermediate Q^2 are shown to be strikingly confirmed by recent experimental data. A simultaneous analysis of real photoabsorption data and structure function data for 0 <= x < 0.1 and 0 <= Q^2 <= 15 GeV^2 is then reported. An excellent fit is obtained, with all parameters in the restricted ranges allowed by other physical requirements.Comment: 23 pages, LaTex, 11 figures, Submitted to Physical Revie

    Photoproduction off Nuclei and Point-like Photon Interactions Part I: Cross Sections and Nuclear Shadowing

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    High energy photoproduction off nuclear targets is studied within the Glauber-Gribov approximation. The photon is assumed to interact as a qqˉq\bar{q}-system according to the Generalized Vector Dominance Model and as a ``bare photon'' in direct scattering processes with target nucleons. We calculate total cross sections for interactions of photons with nuclei taking into account coherence length effects and point-like interactions of the photon. Results are compared to data on photon-nucleus cross sections, nuclear shadowing, and quasi- elastic ρ\rho-production. Extrapolations of cross sections and of the shadowing behaviour to high energies are given.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Heavy quark production via leptoquarks at a neutrino factory

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    The proposed neutrino factory (NF) based on a muon storage ring (MSR) is an ideal place to look for heavy quark production via neutral current (NC) and charged current (CC) interactions. In this article, we address the issue of contribution coming from mediating leptoquarks (LQ) in νμ(νˉe)N\nu_\mu (\bar\nu_e)-{\rm N} interactions leading to the production of b(bˉ)b(\bar b) at a MSR and investigate the region where LQ interactions are significant in the near-site experiments.Comment: 12 pages latex, 10 ps figures, uses axocolour.sty, Slightly revised version to appear in PR

    Signal and Backgrounds for Leptoquarks at the LHC II: Vector Leptoquarks

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    We perform a detailed analyses of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) capability to discover first generation vector leptoquarks through their pair production. We study the leptoquark signals and backgrounds that give rise to final states containing a pair e+e- and jets. Our results show that the LHC will be able to discover vector leptoquarks with masses up to 1.3-2.1 TeV depending on their couplings to fermions and gluons.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, REVTe

    Signal and Backgrounds for Leptoquarks at the LHC

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    We study the potentiality of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to unravel the existence of first generation scalar leptoquarks. Working with the most general SU(2)LU(1)YSU(2)_L \otimes U(1)_Y invariant leptoquark interactions, we analyze in detail the signals and backgrounds that lead to a final state containing a pair e+ee^+e^- and jets. Our results indicate that a machine like the LHC will be able to discover leptoquarks with masses up to 2--3 TeV depending on their couplings.Comment: 37 pages, revtex, uses epsfig.sty (included), 15 figures (included

    Signal and Backgrounds for the Single Production of Scalar and Vector Leptoquarks at the LHC

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the potentiality of the CERN Large Hadron Collider to study the single production of leptoquarks via ppe±qpp \to e^\pm q\to leptoquark e±q\to e^\pm q, with e±e^\pm generated by the splitting of photons radiated by the protons. Working with the most general SU(2)LU(1)YSU(2)_L \otimes U(1)_Y invariant effective lagrangian for scalar and vector leptoquarks, we analyze in detail the leptoquark signals and backgrounds that lead to a final state containing an e±e^\pm and a hard jet with approximately balanced transverse momenta. Our results indicate that the LHC will be able to discover leptoquarks with masses up to 2--3 TeV, depending on their type, for Yukawa couplings of the order of the electromagnetic one.Comment: Revtex, 23 pages, 11 postscript files. Uses axodraw.sty (included) and epsfig.sty. Typos corrected. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    The BFKL Pomeron in 2+1 Dimensional QCD

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    We investigate the high-energy scattering in the spontaneously broken Yang - Mills gauge theory in 2+1 space--time dimensions and present the exact solution of the leading lns\ln s BFKL equation. The solution is constructed in terms of special functions using the earlier results of two of us (L.N.L. and L.S.). The analytic properties of the tt-channel partial wave as functions of the angular momentum and momentum transfer have been studied. We find in the angular momentum plane: (i) a Regge pole whose trajectory has an intercept larger than 1 and (ii) a fixed cut with the rightmost singularity located at j=1j=1. The massive Yang - Mills theory can be considered as a theoretical model for the (non-perturbative) Pomeron. We study the main structure and property of the solution including the Pomeron trajectory at momentum transfer different from zero. The relation to the results of M. Li and C-I. Tan for the massless case is discussed.Comment: 28 pages LATEX, 3 EPS figures include