11 research outputs found

    Interlocked attosecond pulse trains in slightly bi-elliptical high harmonic generation

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    The ellipticity of high harmonics driven by bi-chromatic (e.g. w - 2w) fully tuned by varying the polarization of the pump components. In order to start revealing the underlying mechanism of this control, we explore a relatively simple regime of this scheme that still gives rise to full control over the harmonics ellipticities. In this regime, the pumps are only slightly elliptical and the high harmonic radiation consists of two (different) interlocked attosecond pulse trains (APTs). We formulate a semi-analytic model that maps the high harmonic ellipticity to properties of the APTs harmonic decompositions. Utilizing this model, we reconstruct these APTs variables from measurements of the high harmonics ellipticities. This ellipticity-resolved spectroscopy of interlocked APTs may be useful for ultrafast probing of chiral degrees of freedom

    A dynamical symmetry triad in high-harmonic generation revealed by attosecond recollision control

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    A key element of optical spectroscopy is the link between observable selection rules and the underlying symmetries of an investigated physical system. Typically, selection rules directly relate to the sample properties probed by light, yielding information on crystalline structure or chirality, for example. Considering light-matter coupling more broadly may extend the scope of detectable symmetries, to also include those directly arising from the interaction. In this letter, we experimentally demonstrate an emerging class of symmetries in the electromagnetic field emitted by a strongly driven atomic system. Specifically, generating high-harmonic radiation with attosecond-controlled two-color fields, we find different sets of allowed and forbidden harmonic orders. Generalizing symmetry considerations of circularly polarized high-harmonic generation, we interpret these selection rules as a complete triad of dynamical symmetries. We expect such emergent symmetries also for multi-atomic and condensed-matter systems, encoded in the spectral and spatial features of the radiation field. Notably, the observed phenomenon gives robust access to chiral processes with few-attosecond time precision

    Качество спермы быков красных пород ОАО племпредприятие «Барнаульское» и устойчивость её к криоконсервации

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    The characteristic of bulls-producers of red breeds of OAO Barnaulskoe breeding enterprise on the quality of sperm and its resistance to cryopreservation are presented. The breeding enterprise has examined samples of water, soil, feed for the content of heavy metals. In the studied samples, no excess of the LOC was found. The research results were processed on a PC using population statistics methods. Angler bulls produced the largest amount of ejaculates unsuitable for cryopreservation. It is 20.6%. According to this indicator, they surpassed the producers of red Danish and red steppe breeds by 4.1-7.8%. The animals of the latter breed showed the smallest amount (1.7%) of ejaculates rejected after defrost. In Angler bulls, this indicator was 5.95%, in red Danish bulls it was 2.95%, which is 3.52 and 1.75 times higher than in red steppe breeders (P <0.01-0.001). Significant differences were established between individual bulls of the red steppe breed in the number of ejaculates rejected before cryopreservation (2.84-22.29%) and after defrost (0-7.09%). The differences between breeds in the frequency of rejected ejaculates before freezing and after cryopreservation indicate a certain role of heredity in the resistance of animals for these indicators. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient between these traits was 0.312. It indicates the possibility of preliminary assessment and selection of bulls according to the first indicator. But the final assessment of the bull-producers can be made by the frequency of rejected ejaculates after thawing. We propose to consider the issue of additional accounting in breeding programs for the resistance of the seed of bulls-producers to cryopreservation.Приведена характеристика быков-производителей красных пород ОАО Племпредприятие «Барнаульское» по качеству спермы и устойчивости её к криоконсервации. В районе разведения племпредприятия исследовали пробы воды, почвы, кормов на содержание тяжелых металлов. В изученных пробах не выявлено превышения ПДК. Результаты исследования обработаны на персональном компьютере с использованием популяционно-статистических методов. У быков англерской породы получено наибольшее количество эякулятов, непригодных для криоконсервации, составившее 20,6%. По этому показателю они превзошли на 4,1–7,8% производителей красной датской и красной степной пород. У животных последней породы выявлено наименьшее количество (1,7%) эякулятов, выбракованных после размораживания. У быков англерской породы этот показатель составил 5,95 %, у красных датских – 2,95 %, что в 3,52 и 1,75 раза выше по сравнению с красными степными производителями (P<0,01–0,001). Установлены значительные различия между отдельными быками красной степной породы по количеству выбракованных до криоконсервации эякулятов (2,84–22,29%) и после размораживания (0–7,09%). Различия между породами по частоте выбракованных эякулятов до замораживания и после криоконсервации свидетельствуют об определенной роли наследственности в устойчивости животных по этим показателям. Коэффициент ранговой корреляции Спирмена между этими признаками составил 0,312, что указывает на возможность предварительной оценки и отбора быков по первому показателю. Но окончательную оценку быка-производителя можно сделать по частоте выбракованных эякулятов после размораживания. Предлагается рассмотреть вопрос о дополнительном учете в селекционных программах устойчивости семени быков-производителей к криоконсервации


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    Histological methods were used to study structural changes in the thymus and pelvic lymph nodes of SVA mice on day 18 after transplantation of ascitic Ehrlich tumor into the prostate gland. On day 18 of the experiment, a complete replacement of normal tissue with atypical cells, disorganization of the thymus structure - an increase in the volume of cortical matter, the number of epithelial reticular cells, a decrease in the number of immunoblasts in the cortical and cerebral matter was found. In the lymph nodes, on day 18, metastases were determined, follicular reaction was detected, increased transport function, against the background of an increase in the number of lymph vessels in the prostate


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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the structural transformations of Wistar rats liver after oral administration of lead salts. Under the conditions of acute experiment during 5 days the Wistar rats were orally administered the lead acetate solution in the amount of 3 mg/kg. Histological studies were carried out at OSMU upon the completion of the experiment. Effect of toxic doses of lead causes symptoms of both steatosis and hydropic degeneration of the liver. It is assumed that the appearance of hepatic steatosis reflects the reaction of hepatocytes to hemic hypoxia caused by the action of lead, while the signs of hydropic degeneration expressed in varying degrees reflect its direct toxic effect


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    The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the structural transformation in rats' tongue tissue after oral administration oflead salts. Under the conditions of acute experiment during 5 days Wistar rats were orally administered the lead acetate solution in the amount of 24 mg per day. Histological studies were carried out at OSMU upon the completion of the experiment. Effect of toxic doses oflead results in symptoms of both hyperkeratosis and destruction of tongue tissue. It is assumed that the oxidative stress and tissue irritation, induced by lead intoxication, causes pathological changes in the shape, height and number of filiform papillae of the tongue. This results in hyperkeratosis, hydropic degradation of the epithelium and in the presence of an inflammatory infiltrate in the connective tissue


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    The article presents a clinical case of a posttraumatic injury of branchial plexus. As a result of head-on car collision the driver suffered an injury of left brachial plexus and its branches, multiple rib fractures, a broken left collarbone. Formation of posttraumatic edema ultimately led to interruption of venous and lymphatic drainage from the left axillary basin. A posttraumatic keloid and unremoved bone pieces aggravated the manifestations of edema, which persisted 6 months. This strongly challenged the rehabilitation aimed to restore nerve conduction