66 research outputs found

    Septoriablotch epidemic process on spring wheat varieties

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    The Septoriablotch of spring wheat leaves and ears is one of the most economically significant infections in the Siberian region. In the control systems of Septoriablotch the main ecologically safe element is resistant  varieties, which are designed to slow down the pathogens reproduction rate and slow down or stop the development of the epiphytotic process. The purpose of the work was to clarify the species composition of Septoriablotch  pathogens for West Siberian regions and spring wheat varieties, to study the epiphytotic process of Septoriadifferentially on the leaves and ears of varieties, and to evaluate the activity of seed transmission of Parastagonospora  nodorum. Studies were carried out in 2016–2018 according to generally accepted methods. Septorialeaf and ear  blotch of spring wheat is widespread in West Siberia and the Trans-Urals, causing a decrease in yield by up to 50 %  or more with the deterioration in grain quality. The causative agents of the disease are P. nodorum, Septoria tritici,  and P. avenaef. sp. triticae, and the species ratio varied across the regions and varieties, and within plant organs.  In Novosibirsk Region, P. nodorumcompletely dominated; S. triticiwas 13.8 times less common; and P. avenae f. sp. triticaewas a singleton. In Tyumen Region, the dominance of P. nodorumwas disrupted in some geographic  locations by S. triticiand P. avenaef. sp. triticae. In Altai Krai, P. nodorumpredominated at all points studied; S. tritici and P. avenaef. sp. triticaewere found everywhere, but 5.6 and 8.6 times less often, respectively. The study of spring  wheat varieties of different origins has not revealed any samples immune to Septoriablotch. A differen tiated manifestation of resistance to Septorialeaf and ear disease has been established. Some varieties show complex resistance, combining reduced susceptibility to Septorialeaf and ear disease. Seed infection with P. nodorumin the  regions of Siberia reached 7 thresholds and was largely (52.5 %) determined by the August weather conditions.  The study of the collection of spring wheat varieties from three Siberian regions has revealed the following trend.  Transmission of P. nodorumwith the seeds of varieties was the most active (7.6 %) in Novosibirsk Region and somewhat weaker in Omsk Region (5.7 %). The most favorable phytosanitary situation was in Kurgan Region, where  varieties transmitted P. nodorumto a low degree (2.1 %), below the threshold

    Postmortem tissue changes and dynamics of their impedance parameters: a preclinical experimental study

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    Background. Establishing regularities in postmortem intervals comprises one of the main tasks of the forensic science of death and cadaveric phenomena. The knowledge of these regularities is directly related to reconstructing the postmortem conditions and, consequently, to determining the postmortem interval. Objective. To analyze postmortem changes in cadaver tissues and dynamics of their impedance parameters under the conditions of natural biocenosis. Methods. The study involved the cadavers of model biological objects – eight pigs, aged one to two months, weighing up to 10 kg. Experimental studies of cadaver decomposition were carried out under natural biocenosis conditions, daily for 28 days with two replications. Changes in cadaver tissues during decomposition were recorded and analyzed. The subject of biophysical studies was the tissue impedance parameters of three diagnostic zones of the biological object: the musculocutaneous flap, the cartilaginous part of the third rib and the calcaneal tendon. Impedance measurements for each postmortem interval were performed at five studied current frequencies: 100 and 120 Hz, 1, 10 and 100 kHz. A total of 2,400 readings were taken. Statistical analysis of the study results was carried out by means of Statistica 8.0 (StatSoft Inc., USA). Results. Postmortem biological changes in cadaver tissues correlate with the nature of their impedance dynamics. The study of impedance under conditions of natural biocenosis established its identical dependence on the postmortem interval for all current frequencies of the study of all diagnostic zones of model biological objects: in the initial interval of 0–4 days, the impedance gives a “surge” followed by a smoother decrease. Cadaver tissues were recorded to indicate the presence of impedance dispersion in general in the studied frequency range and the absence of dispersion directly for high frequencies. Conclusion. Understanding the causes and essence of postmortem processes contributes to assessing and substantiating changes in any characteristics of tissues measured quantitatively, including impedance indicators, as well as to predicting the prospects of their use for specific practical purposes, in particular, for determining the postmortem interval


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    A new spectrophotometric technique has been developed for the determination of boron in the waters using berillon III and 8 % glycerol in slightly acidic reaction conditions, reaction time is 20 min. The total amount of time spent on the definition of boron, is 90 minutes. The determination range is 0.008 – 0.8 μgL-1.Keywords: boron, boric acid, spektrophotometry, berillon III, glycerol(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.016T.A. Kazakova1, O.A. Tutunnik2, Yu.M. Dedkov11 Moscow Regional State University, Moscow region, Mytischi, Russian Federation2V.I. Vernadsky Institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry of the Russian Academy Science,  Moscow, Russian FederationРазработана новая спектрофотометрическая методика определения бора в водах с помощью бериллона III в 8 %-ной по глицерину слабокислой среде. Время протекания реакции составляет 20 мин, общее время анализа - 90 мин. Диапазон определяемых содержаний бора составляет от 0.008 до 0.8 мкг/мл.Ключевые слова: бор, борная кислота, спектрофотометрия, бериллон III, глицерин DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.01


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    Increasing popularity of asparagus bean (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) − a new for Russia vegetable crop requires comprehensive study including resistance to biotic environmental factors. Composition of pathogens of germinating seeds, plants (roots, leaves, stems, fruits) of large collection of asparagus bean from the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) and the Bioresource Scientific Collection of the CSBG SB RAS UNU No. USU 440534 have been investigated. Plants of 87 samples of asparagus bean were grown in the unheated plastic film greenhouse on the south of Western Siberia (54 ° N lat. 83 ° E) and examined for infestations of diseases in the Central Siberian Botanical Garden and Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (Novosibirsk). The infection of seeds with pathogenic micromycetes was determined according to GOST 12044-93 (similar to common beans) using the methods of mycological analysis and the Petri-dish moist chambers, also on Chapek media and KDA media. The main pathogenic micromycetes are: on germinating seeds − species of the genera Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria, Mucor, Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum; on seedlings − Fusarium solani; during fruiting on fruits and stems − B. cinerea and S. sclerotiorum; on the root collar − S. sclerotiorum. The dominant forms of white mold were stem, root collar, fruits. Five samples that showed a high level of resistance to B.cinerea and S.sclerotiorum have been selected. System for asparagus bean disease surveillance which should be built in the calendar-phenological sequence, has been recommended.Спаржевая вигна [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] – новая для России овощная культура, возрастающая популярность которой требует ее всестороннего изучения, включая устойчивость к биотическим факторам среды. В Центральном Сибирском ботаническом саду СО РАН и Новосибирском госагроуниверситете (г. Новосибирск) впервые изучили состав возбудителей и степень поражения болезнями прорастающих семян, растений (корневая система, листья, стебли, плоды) ее большой коллекции из ВНИИ им. Н.И. Вавилова и биоресурсной научной коллекции ЦСБС СО РАН УНУ № USU 440534, включающей 87 сортообразцов в условиях необогреваемой пленочной теплицы на юге Западной Сибири (54°с. ш. 83°в. д.). Зараженность семян вигны патогенными микромицетами определяли по ГОСТ 12044-93 (аналогично фасоли) методами микологического анализа и «влажной камеры». Микологический анализ семян проводили на универсальных питательных средах Чапека и КДА. Этиологию пятнистостей и гнилей устанавливали методами прямого микроскопирования и «влажной камеры». Основные патогенными микромицетами на вигне в Сибири являются: на прорастающих семенах – виды родов Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria, Mucor, Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum; на сеянцах – Fusarium solani; в период плодоношения на плодах и стеблях – B. cinerea и S. sclerotiorum; на корневой шейке – S. sclerotiorum. К основным грибным заболеваниям вигны в условиях защищенного грунта юга Западной Сибири относились белая и серая гнили, вызываемые, соответственно, S. sclerotiorum и B. cinerea. Доминирующие формы проявления белой гнили – стеблевая, прикорневая, плодовая. Выделены 5 сортообразцов, показавших высокий уровень устойчивости к B.cinerea и S.sclerotiorum. Рекомендована система надзора за болезнями вигны, которая должна строиться в календарно-фенологической последовательности


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    Symmary. The purpose of our study was to investigate of adaptive potential in Kyiv junior school children with found iodine deficiency. The examination of 50 children aged 6–12 was carried out. That suggested determining ioduria in one-time urine portions followed by estimating the median, physical endurance in children and finding the Roofie index (RI), and also estimating the level of cardiovascular system and its adaptive potential with calculating functional changes index (FChI) in conventional units (points). As a result of research iodine deficiency was found in most examined schoolchildren. The iodurine median was within the range of 70–100 mcg/l in 33 schoolchildren (66 %), which indicates mild degree of iodine deficiency (ID). In 10 children (20 %) the median was less than 70 mcg/l which indicates average degree of ID. In 7 children (13 %) the iodine excretion in urine within the range of 100–200 mcg/l which was the best result (the optimal result). According to the results obtained, cardiovascular system functional indicator (RI) was below the average (within the range between 10 and 14 points) in 16 children (32 %). 29 children (58 %) had the low level (over 15 points). In estimating FChI it was found that the most part of children (38,76 %) had adaptation mechanisms strain, and 7 children (12 %) had insufficient adaptation level. The study of iodine supply in Kiev schoolchildren aged 6–12 showed the content of mild and moderate degree of ID in 86 % of children. Roofie index was below average and low in 45 children (90 %). Cardiovascular system functional indicator showed that the most part of children (38, 76 %) had adaptive mechanisms strain, the level of insufficient adaptation was 7 %. РЕЗЮМЕ. Мета дослідження – вивчення адаптаційних можливостей школярів молодших класів міста Києва з підтвердженим йододефіцитом (ЙД). Проведено обстеження 50 дітей віком 6–12 років, яке передбачало визначення йодурії у разових порціях сечі з подальшим розрахунком медіани; фізичної витривалості дітей з визначенням індексу Руф’є; оцінку рівня функціонування системи кровообігу та її адаптаційного потенціалу з розрахунком Індексу функціональних змін (ІФЗ). Йодна недостатність виявлена у 86 % обстежених, переважно легкого ступеня. 16 дітей (32 %) мали індекс Руф’є нижче середнього, 29 (58 %) – низький, у 5 школярів (10 %) був середній рівень. Дослідження ІФЗ показало, що у 90 % обстежених були порушення адаптації різного ступеня вираженості. Дослідження йодної забезпеченості показало наявність ЙД легкого та середнього ступеня у 86 % дітей. При оцінці функціонального стану серцево-судинної системи виявлено, що 76 % дітей мали напруження механізмів адаптації. Індекс Руф’є у 90 % школярів не відповідав достатньому резерву системи кровообігу. Зміни функціонального стану та адаптаційних резервів серцево-судинної системи пов’язані певним чином із забезпеченістю організму йодом


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    The introduction of the latest genetic techniques into practice could discover a basis for the comorbidity of genetic epilepsies and behavioral disturbances with cognitive impairments. Some chromosomal syndromes are characterized by a specific electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern, the type of seizures, and the variant of the course of epilepsy. This paper describes a case of synaptic RAS GTP-ase-activating protein 1 (SYNGAP1) gene mutation in a 9-year-old female patient with eyelid myoclonic epilepsy, atypical absences, and atypical autism with mental retardation. The patient’s parents visited a physician for epilepsy (myoclonic absences), markedly delayed psycho-speech development, and specific communication problems in the child. The characteristics of autistic behavior were manifested from birth; routine EEG recorded epileptiform activity at the age of 2 years; epileptic seizures appeared at 5 years. Valproic acid and levetiracetam in this patient exerted a good effect on seizures; however, a clinical and encephalographic remission was achieved by a combination of levetiracetam and ethosuximide. The clinical case including the neurological and psychic statuses, logopedic characteristics, the result of psychological testing, and video-EEG monitoring findings are analyzed in detail.The SYNGAP1 gene is located on chromosome 6p21.3. About 50 cases of SYNGAP1 syndrome are now known worldwide. After normal maternal pregnancy and delivery, the patients show delayed psychomotor development with pronounced regression at 1 to 3 years of age. At this age, there are diffuse polyspike discharges on the EEG or an onset of generalized epileptic seizures (atonic, myoclonic, eyelid myoclonic, and absence seizures), commonly photosensitivity and autoinduction, mental development stops, speech regresses, behavioral disorders that are typical of autism develop. Drug-resistant epilepsy is noted in approximately half of the described cases. There is a correlation between the severity of epilepsy and cognitive deficit

    Expression of CD80 and HLA-DR molecules on blood monocytes in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    We examined expression pattern of CD80 and HLA-DR pro-inflammatory molecules on the monocytes in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), depending on the clinical form of the disease and susceptibility of the pathogen to anti-tuberculosis drugs. The study involved forty-five patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary TB (25 men and 20 women aged 18 to 55 years, average age — 44.0±12.4 years). The control group included 15 healthy donors with similar socio-demographic characteristics as in TB patients. Venous blood was used as biomaterial for assays. Studies of the monocyte immunophenotype were carried out by flow cytometry of whole blood cells using Cytoflex flow cytometer (Beckman Coulter, USA) with specific monoclonal antibodies (eBioscience, USA). We determined the content of cells expressing surface markers of monocytes, i.e., CD14, CD45, CD80, and HLA-DR. The results of this study were evaluated using SPSS Statistics 17.0 standard software package and Microsoft Excel. In the course of the study, we have suggested a working hypothesis that the monocytes in TB patients, still being in circulation, can express activation markers during their migration to inflammation focus, especially CD80 and HLA-DR molecules. Analysis of the total CD14+ monocyte number showed its decrease in all forms and variants of clinical course of pulmonary tuberculosis compared with the control group. Assessment of pro-inflammatory markers expressed on CD14 positive monocytes, i.e., HLA-DR activation marker and CD80 co-stimulatory molecule, showed that the number of monocytes with HLA-DR expression in all TB patients was higher than in healthy donors. HLA- DR expression on CD14+ monocytes in the group of patients with infiltrative TB proved to be 15% higher than in patients with disseminated TB. The expression of CD80 on CD14+ monocytes in TB patients showed no differences between the groups and varied within the normal range. Hence, an imbalance within monocyte population in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, regardless of its clinical form and drug sensitivity of the pathogen is developed, due to decrease in total number of CD14+ cells, along with increased relative number of monocytes expressing HLA-DR activation marker (pro-inflammatory phenotype). Meanwhile, expression of the CD80 co-stimulatory molecule on monocytes was within normal values

    Synthesis of 1-azinyl-1'-isopropenylferrocenes

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    In this work we combine olefins and azines fragments on the ferrocene matrix by regioselective acetylation of azines followed by the Wittig reaction.This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant № 19-73-00243) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project № 20-43-660054)

    Влияние режима закалки контрастными температурами на всходы новых для России теплолюбивых овощных культур

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    Under conditions of low temperature, seedlings of heat-loving vegetable crops are more strongly affected by various pathogenic micromycetes, and the content of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of plants decreases. Using fungicides cannot constantly interrupt the spread of pathogens and the death of plants. The authors determined the effect of the hardening regime, including the four-day keeping of germinating seeds of Momordica (Momordica charantia L.), asparagus cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.), kiwano (Cucumis metuliferus E. Mey. ex Naudin), Benincasa (Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.) and anguria (Cucumis anguria L.) at a variable temperature during the day - hardening (10℃) at night and optimal (30℃) during the day for keeping pigments in leaves and damage to seedlings by pathogenic micromycetes at low temperatures (6–15 ℃). This effect allowed authors to assess the therm adaptive potential in experiments conducted in 2018–2022. Microbiological analysis of the soil on PDA medium (potato dextrose agar) showed the presence of Fusarium spp. in the amount of 290 CFU/g of earth. The trap method revealed the presence of Pythium Pringsh in the soil. The most significant reduction in the death of seedlings was achieved in seedlings of anguria - 29 times, Kivano, Benincasa and cowpea - 2.5, 2.0 and 1.3 times, respectively. Periodic hypothermia in 3 cultures out of 5 - Kiwano, Cowpea, and Benincasa - reduced the ascorbic acid content in the leaves by 17%, 36% and 3%. The range of photosynthetic pigments - chlorophylls (a + b) in the variant with hardening increased, respectively, in 4 (except cowpea) crops out of 5 by 8–40%, and carotenoids in 3 crops - Momordica, Anguria and Benincasa - by 46, 3 and 8% respectively. The ratio of chlorophylls a/b in most cultures, both in control (at the optimum temperature) and after low-temperature exposure, was close to 2.0. Only in Anguria did this ratio decrease from 2.8 to 2.1. Asparagus cowpea showed a decrease in the content of both ascorbic acid (by 36%) and photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids) - by 6–8% in the hardening option.В условиях низкой температуры всходы теплолюбивых овощных культур сильнее поражаются различными патогенными микромицетами, а в листьях растений снижается содержание фотосинтетических пигментов. Использование фунгицидов не всегда способно прервать распространение патогенов и гибель растений. Для оценки термоадаптивного потенциала в опытах, проведенных в 2018–2022 гг., определяли влияние режима закалки, включающего четырехдневное выдерживание прорастающих семян момордики (Momordica charantia L.), спаржевой вигны (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.), кивано (Cucumis metuliferus E. Mey. ex Naudin), бенинказы (Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.) и ангурии (Cucumis anguria L.) при переменной в течение суток температуре – закаливающей (10℃) ночью и оптимальной (30℃) днем, на содержание пигментов в листьях и поражение сеянцев патогенными микромицетами в условиях пониженных температур (6–15 ℃). Микробиологический анализ почвы на среде КДА показал наличие  Fusarium spp.  в количестве 290 КОЕ/г почвы. Методом ловушек выявлено присутствие в почвогрунте Pythium Pringsh. Наибольшее снижение гибели всходов достигнуто у сеянцев ангурии –  в 29 раз, кивано, бенинказы и вигны – в 2,5; 2,0 и 1,3 раза соответственно. Периодическая гипотермия у 3 культур из 5 − кивано, вигны, бенинказы – снизила содержание аскорбиновой кислоты в листьях соответственно на 17; 36 и 3%.  Содержание фотосинтетических пигментов ‒ хлорофиллов (a + b) в варианте с закалкой увеличилось соответственно у 4 (за исключением вигны) культур из 5 на 8–40%, а каротиноидов у 3 – момордики, ангурии и бенинказы – на 46; 3 и 8% соответственно. Соотношение хлорофиллов a/b у большинства культур как в контроле (при оптимальной температуре), так и после низкотемпературного воздействия было близким к 2,0. Лишь у ангурии это соотношение уменьшилось с 2,8 до 2,1.  Спаржевая вигна показала уменьшение содержания в варианте закалки как аскорбиновой кислоты (на 36%), так и фотосинтетических пигментов (хлорофиллов и каротиноидов) – на 6–8%

    Improvement of the Scientifically-Substantiated Model of Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare Provision During Mass Events by the Example of FIFA World Cup-2018 in Russia

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    In 2018, between June14 and July 15, final matches of the FIFA World Cup-2018 were held in 11 cities of the Russian Federation. That event was the biggest mass event with international participation in the history of Russia. During the period, in the process of sanitary-epidemiological welfare provision, developed earlier scintific-and-practical achievementds for prevention of emergency situations of sanitary-epidemiologoical character were implemented to the fullest extent. Objective of the study – analysis of evolution of the developed in Russia scientifically-substantiated approaches in the sphere of sanitary-epidemiological welfare provision of mass events and aggregation of the results of their implementation during preparation and holding of FIFA World-Cup-2018. Utilized were information-analytical materials from the Rospotrebnadzor Administrations by the constituent entities of the Russian Federatuion, Centers of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the entities of the Russian Federation, RusRAPI “Microbe” of the Rospotrebnadzor, data from Organizing Committee “Russia-2018”, Federal Turism Agency, information published in periodical press. Scientifically substantiated model of sanitary-epidemiological welfare provision during mass events was developed in the Russian Federation. It includes expert evaluation and quantification of potential epidemic hazard of mass event which allows for targeted prophylactic and anti-epidemic measures with rationalized loads and adequate frequency of repeat. The paper discusses the complex of measures carried out during preparation and holding of FIFA World Cup-2018 by the functional areas: sanitary protection of the territory; epidemiological surveillnace over relevant  anthropozoonotic, natural-focal zoonotic, sapronotic infectious diseaseas; sanitary surveillance over communal facilities, catering facilities, sites of accomodation of the participants and guests; sanitary-hygienic monitoring of ambient environment objects; provision of anti-epidemic preparadeness and readiness of the Rospotrebnadzor authorities and institutions and medical organizations; provision of readiness of laboratory facilities; involvement of additional forces and capacities and interagency cooperation in response to emergency situations of sanitary-epidemiological character