1,327 research outputs found

    Multilingual Lexical Semantic Resources for Ontology Translation

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    We describe the integration of some multilingual language resources in ontological descriptions, with the purpose of providing ontologies, which are normally using concept labels in just one (natural) language, with multilingual facility in their design and use in the context of Semantic Web applications, supporting both the semantic annotation of textual documents with multilingual ontology labels and ontology extraction from multilingual text sources

    Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study of CuI Binding to His111 in the Human Prion Protein Fragment 106-115

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    The ability of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) to bind copper in vivo points to a physiological role for PrPC in copper transport. Six copper binding sites have been identified in the nonstructured N-terminal region of human PrPC. Among these sites, the His111 site is unique in that it contains a MKHM motif that would confer interesting CuI and CuII binding properties. We have evaluated CuI coordination to the PrP(106-115) fragment of the human PrP protein, using NMR and X-ray absorption spectroscopies and electronic structure calculations. We find that Met109 and Met112 play an important role in anchoring this metal ion. CuI coordination to His111 is pH-dependent: at pH >8, 2N1O1S species are formed with one Met ligand; in the range of pH 5-8, both methionine (Met) residues bind to CuI, forming a 1N1O2S species, where N is from His111 and O is from a backbone carbonyl or a water molecule; at pH <5, only the two Met residues remain coordinated. Thus, even upon drastic changes in the chemical environment, such as those occurring during endocytosis of PrPC (decreased pH and a reducing potential), the two Met residues in the MKHM motif enable PrPC to maintain the bound CuI ions, consistent with a copper transport function for this protein. We also find that the physiologically relevant CuI-1N1O2S species activates dioxygen via an inner-sphere mechanism, likely involving the formation of a copper(II) superoxide complex. In this process, the Met residues are partially oxidized to sulfoxide; this ability to scavenge superoxide may play a role in the proposed antioxidant properties of PrPC. This study provides further insight into the CuI coordination properties of His111 in human PrPC and the molecular mechanism of oxygen activation by this site.Fil: Arcos López, Trinidad. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzado; MéxicoFil: Qayyum, Munzarin. University of Stanford; Estados UnidosFil: Rivillas Acevedo, Lina. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzado; MéxicoFil: Miotto, Marco César. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Investigaciones para el Descubrimiento de Fármacos de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto de Investigaciones para el Descubrimiento de Fármacos de Rosario; Argentina. Max Planck Laboratory for Structural Biology; ArgentinaFil: Grande Aztatzi, Rafael. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzado; MéxicoFil: Fernandez, Claudio Oscar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Investigaciones para el Descubrimiento de Fármacos de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto de Investigaciones para el Descubrimiento de Fármacos de Rosario; Argentina. Max Planck Laboratory for Structural Biology; ArgentinaFil: Hedman, Britt. University of Stanford; Estados UnidosFil: Hodgson, Keith O.. University of Stanford; Estados UnidosFil: Vela, Alberto. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzado; MéxicoFil: Solomon, Edward I.. University of Stanford; Estados UnidosFil: Quintanar, Liliana. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzado; Méxic

    Efecto de la fuente de nitrógeno en la distribución de asimilados y composición de savia en ajipa (Pachyrhizus ahipa (Wedd.) Parodi)

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    7 páginas, 4 figuras, 1 tabla y 17 referencias. Trabajo presentado en el VI Simposium Nacional - II Ibérico sobre nutrición mineral de las plantas, Sevilla, del 12 al 15 de Noviembre de 1996. Entidades colaboradoras Junta de Andalucía, Universidad de Sevilla, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Sociedad Española de Fisiología Vegetal, El Monte, Caja de Huelva y Sevilla y Gat Fertiliquidos. Editores Científicos: Rafael Sarmiento Solís, Eduardo O. Leidi Montes y Antonio Troncoso de Arce. (Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla).[EN]:Ahipa (Pachyrhizus ahipa (Wedd.) Parodi) is a legume root crop of Andean origin which accumulates carbohydrates of industrial interest in its tuberous roots and rotenone in leaves and seeds. The aim of this work was the study of lhe effect of N source (nitrate vs symbiotic N2, fixation) on growth, assimilate partitioning and xylem sap composition. The treatments consisted in: (a) plants inoculated with an specific Rhizobium strain irrigated wilh a N free nutrient solution (T-N2); and (b) non inoculated plants irrigated with a nutrient solution contai ning 4 mM NO3K (T-NO3). Main differences in growth and assimilate allocation were observed between plants grown in different treatments: N2,-fixing plants showed an increased earliness and reduced tuberous root growth in comparison with NO3-fed plants . Dry matter allocation into leaves and shoots was higher in NO -fed plants lhan in N2-fixing plants. Nitrogen concentration in leaves, stems and roots was higher in N2-fixing plants than in NO3-fed plants. At early growth stages, main xylem sap nitrogenous solutes were amino acids and amides. At flowering, N2-fixing plants showed high concentratÍon ofureides (allantoin+allantoic acid) and the amino acid L-canavanine[ES]:La ajipa (PachyrhiZlls ahipa (Wedd) Parodi), leguminosa de origen andino, se caracteriza por la acumulación de hidratos de carbono de interés industrial en sus raíces tuberosas y la presencia de rotenona en hojas y semillas. En este trabajo hemos estudiado el efecto de la nutrición nitrogenada (fijación simbiótica de N2 ó N mineral) sobre el crecimiento, partición de asimilados y composición de savia de xilema. Los tratamientos consistieron en: (a) plantas inoculadas con una cepa especifica de Rhizobium spp. (T-N2) y (b) plantas no inoculadas (T-NO3). Las planta se cultivaron en perlita/vermiculit y se regaron con solución de Hewitt sin N (T-N2) o 4 mM NO3K (T-NO3). Se observaron importantes diferencias debidas a la fuente de N: las plantas T-N, presentaron una mayor precocidad en la floración y fructificación y un menor desarrollo de la raíz tuberosa en comparación con las plantas T-NO2. La acumulación de materia seca en hojas y tallos de las plantas también fue superior en las plantas T-NO3. La concentración de N en hojas, tallos y raices fue superior en la plantas T-N2. En estadios tempranos de crecimiento, los componentes principales de savia de xilema, en ambos tratamientos. eran aminoácidos y amidas. En floración, las plantas T-N2, presentaban altas concentraciones de ureidos (alantoina+ácido alantoico) y el principal aminoácido transportado era L-canavanina.Sección de Nutrición Mineral de la Sociedad Española de Fisiología Vegetal y Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla, CSIC.Peer reviewe

    Trends in Underground Mining

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    In this document, we will talk through information collected on all trends in mining in the underground environment as much as what happens in the world as or new machinery America provides the highest mining production in underground mining. We often discover opportunities for improvement in both productivity and costs. Of all these methods, braking is not only the most common, but also offers the largest share of overall production, nearly 50 percent. These underground mining methods are often determined by the deposits and the economics of mining and are therefore somewhat beyond the control of the operator(Trends in underground mining for gold and base metals | McKinsey, s.&nbsp;f.

    Effect of antibiotics on mechanical properties of Bordetella pertussis examined by atomic force microscopy.

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    In recent years, the coevolution of microorganisms with current antibiotics has increased the mechanisms of bacterial resistance, generating a major health problem worldwide. Bordetella pertussis is a bacterium that causes whooping cough and is capable of adopting different states of virulence, i.e. virulent or avirulent states. In this study, we explored the nanomechanical properties of both virulent and avirulent B. pertussis as exposed to various antibiotics. The nanomechanical studies highlighted that only virulent B. pertussis cells undergo a decrease in their cell elastic modulus and height upon antimicrobial exposure, whereas their avirulent counterparts remain unaffected. This study also permitted to highlight different mechanical properties of individual cells as compared to those growing in close contact with other individuals. In addition, we analyzed the presence on the bacterial cell wall of Filamentous hemagglutinin adhesin (FHA), the major attachment factor produced by virulent Bordetella spp., under different virulence conditions by Force Spectroscopy

    Fully Convolutional Networks for Continuous Sign Language Recognition

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    Continuous sign language recognition (SLR) is a challenging task that requires learning on both spatial and temporal dimensions of signing frame sequences. Most recent work accomplishes this by using CNN and RNN hybrid networks. However, training these networks is generally non-trivial, and most of them fail in learning unseen sequence patterns, causing an unsatisfactory performance for online recognition. In this paper, we propose a fully convolutional network (FCN) for online SLR to concurrently learn spatial and temporal features from weakly annotated video sequences with only sentence-level annotations given. A gloss feature enhancement (GFE) module is introduced in the proposed network to enforce better sequence alignment learning. The proposed network is end-to-end trainable without any pre-training. We conduct experiments on two large scale SLR datasets. Experiments show that our method for continuous SLR is effective and performs well in online recognition.Comment: Accepted to ECCV202

    Determination of puberty in gilts: contrast of diagnostic methods

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    Background Early onset of a gilt´s puberty is needed for adequate economic performance in farms, because it indicates her reproductive performance and longevity. Therefore, an effective diagnosis is needed. Our purpose was to compare different procedures (external characteristics, blood progesterone analysis and ultrasonography diagnosis) to detect puberty in 70 gilts (Topigs TN70; 240 days old) on farm conditions. Postmortem examination was the standard reference. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify which combination of independent variables (predictors) best predicts the status of gilts. Results Puberty (46/70 gilts; 65.71%) was characterized by the presence of follicles larger than 6 mm, corpus albicans, corpus rubrum, and corpus luteum (postmortem examination). Vaginal length, body condition, backfat, carcass weight and progesterone blood concentration were significantly higher in pubertal than prepubertal gilts (P < 0.05). Two types of ultrasonography equipment (DELTA and W3) were compared and performed by the same senior technician (V1). The results obtained by two technicians with different levels of experience (V1 and V2, a junior technician) using W3 were also compared. Ultrasonography provided better results than other diagnostic techniques, although the effectiveness of the ultrasonography changed with technological improvements and with increased expertise of technicians. The most accurate results were found by V1/DELTA (Nagelkerke´s R2 = 0.846; Sensitivity = 0.956; Specificity = 0.958; Positive predictive value = 0.978; Negative predictive value = 0.920; Area under ROC curve = 0.957). Results using the W3 equipment could be improved when used in conjunction with vaginal length (V1; Nagelkerke´s R2 = 0.834; Sensitivity = 0.933; Specificity = 0.958; Positive predictive value = 0.977; Negative predictive value = 0.885; Area under ROC curve = 0.972) or progesterone concentration (V2; Nagelkerke´s R2 = 0.780; Sensitivity = 0.955; Specificity = 0.826; Positive predictive value = 0.915; Negative predictive value = 0.905; Area under ROC curve = 0.970). Conclusions Ultrasonography provided better results than other diagnostic techniques. The effectiveness of the ultrasonography changes with technological improvements and with increased expertise of technicians. Results using the W3 equipment could be improved when used along with vaginal length (V1) or progesterone concentration (V2). Accuracy parameters are a guide to choose puberty diagnosis, but the farms must also evaluate effect on gilts, ease and cost of administration

    Probability-Based Dynamic Time Warping for Gesture Recognition on RGB-D Data

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    Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) is commonly used in gesture recognition tasks in order to tackle the temporal length variability of gestures. In the DTW framework, a set of gesture patterns are compared one by one to a maybe infinite test sequence, and a query gesture category is recognized if a warping cost below a certain threshold is found within the test sequence. Nevertheless, either taking one single sample per gesture category or a set of isolated samples may not encode the variability of such gesture category. In this paper, a probability-based DTW for gesture recognition is proposed. Different samples of the same gesture pattern obtained from RGB-Depth data are used to build a Gaussian-based probabilistic model of the gesture. Finally, the cost of DTW has been adapted accordingly to the new model. The proposed approach is tested in a challenging scenario, showing better performance of the probability-based DTW in comparison to state-of-the-art approaches for gesture recognition on RGB-D data

    Cambios en el consumo y la corporación musical hasta la llegada de Spotify. Estudio del caso de Amaral.

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    La música ha estado presente prácticamente a lo largo de toda la historia de la humanidad. El hecho de que la población pudiera comenzar a consumirla de forma grabada cambió el panorama sonoro, ampliando las formas de consumo y de entretenimiento de las sociedades. La figura de los grupos de música o cantantes comenzó a popularizarse y esto generó toda una industria a su alrededor. Sin embargo, con la llegada de la era digital y la expansión de las nuevas tecnologías y plataformas como Spotify, los tipos de consumo de música por parte de la población y la forma de promoción de los grupos y cantantes cambiaron. En este trabajo se analiza la evolución de la música como elemento social y económico de nuestra sociedad; así como un estudio de caso del desarrollo corporativo del grupo musical Amaral, a través de las distintas formas de difusión y promoción que ha vivido a lo largo de su trayectoria.<br /

    Preliminary observations on carcass traits and meat yield of five types of Brahman-influenced grass-fed bulls

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    Benefiting from interventions of the savanna ecosystem, breeders in Los Llanos of Apure State (Venezuela) are exploring the opportunity to improve cattle genetics by implementing crossbreeding programs. &nbsp;Fifty yearling bulls of five types of Brahman influence [ST-Brahman (n = 10), F1 Angus x Brahman (F1-Angus; n = 10), F1 Chianina x Brahman (F1-Chianina; n = 10), F1 Romosinuano x Brahman (F1-Romosinuano; n = 10), and F1 Simmental x Brahman (F1-Simmental; n = 10)] were selected to be compared in carcass performance (linear measurements, quality and quantity indicators, Venezuelan and U.S. grades, and cutability) at a desirable conformation endpoint with a suitable market weight of 480 kg.&nbsp; Shorter ST-Brahman carcasses exhibited the most abundant finish, significantly different from the longer F1-Simmental and F1-Romosinuano counterparts.&nbsp; All carcasses fell into the A youngest maturity and were eligible for the USDA "Bullock “class designation; 62% reached the top Venezuelan quality grade, 96% graded US Standard and 64% reached the US yield grade 1, indicating superior cutability. Significant differences in yield of individual cuts (ribeye + strip loin, and cuts from the round) were detected between F1-Romosinuano and St-Brahman, F1-Angus and F1-Chianina counterparts.&nbsp; F1-Chianina bulls had slight but significant advantages in yield of high-valued boneless cuts as compared to those of F1-Romosinuano and F1-Simmental counterparts. Conversely, F1-Romosinuano outperformed F1-Chianina in 1.73 percentage points of medium-valued boneless cuts (P &lt; 0.05). &nbsp;Under the sample selection criteria and harvest endpoint, slight changes in carcass performance can be expected from crossbreeding.Con intervenciones del ecosistema sabana y aplicando un manejo adecuado de los pastos, ganaderos de Los Llanos del Estado Apure (Venezuela) estan explorando mejorar la genética del ganado con programas de cruzamiento.&nbsp; Cincuenta machos enteros añosos de cinco tipos raciales con influencia Brahman [Brahman puro (n = 10), F1 Angus x Brahman (F1-Angus; n = 10), F1 Chianina x Brahman (F1-Chianina; n = 10), F1 Romosinuano x Brahman (F1-Romosinuano; n = 10) y F1 Simmental x Brahman (F1-Simmental; n = 10)] se compararon en desempeño de la canal (mediciones lineales, indicadores de calidad y cantidad, categorías de clasificación y rendimiento carnicero) a un punto final de conformación deseable con un peso corporal aproximado de 480 kg.&nbsp; Canales más cortas de Brahman puros exhibieron acabado más abundante, diferente (P&lt;0.05) de las contrapartes más largas F1-Simmental y F1-Romosinuano.&nbsp; Todas las canales cayeron en la madurez más joven (A) y fueron elegibles para la designación de clase "Bullock" del USDA; el 62% alcanzó el grado de calidad superior venezolano (categoría A), el 96% calificó en el grado de calidad Standard y el 64% alcanzó el grado máximo de rendimiento carnicero (grado 1 USDA).&nbsp; Los toretes F1-Chianina tuvieron ventajas leves pero significativas en rendimiento en cortes deshuesados de alto valor, en comparación con los de F1-Romosinuano y F1-Simmental.&nbsp; Por el contrario, F1-Romosinuano superó a F1-Chianina en 1,73 puntos porcentuales de cortes deshuesados de valor medio (P &lt;0.05).&nbsp; Bajo los criterios de selección de la muestra y el punto final de la cosecha, no se pueden esperar grandes cambios en el rendimiento carnicero a partir del cruzamiento.Com o uso de tecnologias em um ecossistema de savana e aplicando um manejo adequado das pastagens, os criadores de Los Llanos do Estado de Apure (Venezuela) estão tentando melhorar a genética do gado através da utilização de programas de cruzamento. &nbsp;Cinquenta bovinos machos não castrados, com peso de abate de ~480 kg, de cinco cruzamentos com Brahman [Brahman puro (n = 10), F1 Angus x Brahman (F1-Angus; n = 10), F1 Chianina x Brahman (F1-Chianina; n = 10), F1 Romosinuano x Brahman (F1-Romosinuano; n = 10) e F1 Simental x Brahman (F1-Simental; n = 10)], foram comparados quanto às características (medidas lineares, indicadores de qualidade e quantidade e rendimento de desossa) y tipificacao de carcaça.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Carcaças de Brahman puros apresentaram maior cobertura de gordura do que carcaças de animais F1-Simmental e F1-Romosinuano (P&lt;0.05).&nbsp; Todas as carcaças foram com maturidade “A” (jovem / Bullock), sendo que 96% se qualificaram no grau de qualidade USDA “Standard” e 64% alcançaram o grau máximo de rendimento de desossa (grau 1). &nbsp;Pelo padrão venezuelano, 62% das carcaças alcançaram o grau de qualidade superior (categoria A). &nbsp;Diferenças significativas foram detectadas no rendimento de cortes individuais (filé de costela e contrafilé e cortes do coxão) entre carcaças de F1-Romosinuano e F1-Simental e F1-Angus e F1-Chianina. Carcaças de F1-Chianina apresentaram maiores rendimentos em cortes desossados de alto valor em comparação com F1-Romosinuano e F1-Simmental. &nbsp;Carcaças de F1-Romosinuano tiveram 1,73 pontos percentuais a mais de rendimento em cortes desossados de valor intermediário, que carcaças de F1-Chianina (P &lt;0,05). Segundo os critérios de seleção da amostra e o ponto final de abate, não se podem esperar grandes mudanças na qualidade e rendimento das carcaças de diferentes cruzamentos. &nbsp