70 research outputs found

    Fiscal Policy in a Decentralized Space of the Financial System of Ukraine

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    The article deals with fiscal policy in the decentralized space of the financial system of Ukraine. The methodology of complex, systematic assessment of fiscal policy in the decentralized space of the financial system of the state is grounded. It is proved that effective methodological approach to assessing fiscal policy in the decentralized space of the financial system of the state is a vector auto regression (VAR), which provides dynamic correlation of time series with simultaneous determination of each exogenous and endogenous variable in the system, in case of fiscal impulses (shocks) in economy. The production-institutional function is used which, when adapting to the relationship between GDP and tax burden with specific statistics, changes the type of trend of tax revenue. A method for evaluating the effectiveness of financing targeted programs for decentralized territory has been developed. The dynamics of direct and indirect taxes to the state and local budgets are analyzed and the fiscal significance of VAT in GDP, the state budget and tax revenues of Ukraine is determined. The amount of tax debt and the state budget deficit has been estimated and the structure of tax benefits in terms of taxes and fees in Ukraine is presented. The projected values of real tax revenues per capita are substantiated and the forecast parameters of the level of subsidization of local budgets of decentralized territories are given


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    In this work hemoglobin (Hb) association with lipid bilayers was investigated using fluorescent probe pyrene. Model membranes were prepared from zwitterionic lipid phosphatidylcholine (PC), anionic lipid phosphatidylglycerol (PG) and cholesterol (Chol). Hb-lipid binding was followed by the pyrene fluorescence quenching. Hb-induced decrease of pyrene monomer fluorescence was followed by the increase of relative intensities of vibronic bands. Presumably, Hb penetration into the bilayer increases the space between neighbouring lipids and promotes water penetration into the membrane core. Pyrene excimer emission quenching was interpreted in terms of resonance energy transfer. The greatest depth of Hb penetration into the lipid bilayer was observed in PC vesicles. In Chol-containing liposomes sterol condensing effect prevents deep protein penetration into the membrane. PG has an ability to stabilize lipid bilayers due to the ordered state of its lipid tails and H-bonding interactions between lipid molecules. This also can prevent Hb access to the inner membrane regions. KEY WORDS: hemoglobin, model membranes, protein-lipid complexes, pyrene, fluorescence spectroscopy. ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ЗВ'ЯЗУВАННЯ ГЕМОГЛОБІНУ З ФОСФОЛІПІДНИМИ МЕМБРАНАМИ ЗА ДОПОМОГОЮ ПІРЕНУ O.К. Куценко, Г.П. Горбенко, В.М. Трусова Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна, пл. Свободи, 4, Харків, 61077 В даній роботі комплексоутворення гемоглобіну (Hb) з ліпідними бішарами різного складу досліджувалось за допомогою флуоресцентного зонду пірену. Зв'язування Hb з ліпідами характеризувалось гасінням флуоресценції зонда, що супроводжувалось зростанням відносної інтенсивності вібронних смуг. Можливо, Hb, проникаючи у бішар, розсуває сусідні молекули ліпідів, сприяючи проникненню води у мембрану. Гасіння випромінювання ексимерів інтерпретувалось у термінах резонансного переносу енергії. Найбільша глибина проникнення білка спостерігалась у РС везикулах. У ліпосомах, які містили Chol, конденсуючий ефект стерола перешкоджав проникненню білка у мембрану. Структурні властивості PG сприяють стабілізації ліпідного бішару, що також може перешкоджати проникненню Hb у внутрішні регіони мембрани. КЛЮЧОВІ СЛОВА: гемоглобін, модельні мембрани, білок-ліпідні комплекси, пірен, флуоресцентна спектроскопія. ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ СВЯЗЫВАНИЯ ГЕМОГЛОБИНА С ФОСФОЛИПИДНЫМИ МЕМБРАНАМИ С ПОМОЩЬЮ ПИРЕНА O.К. Куценко, Г.П. Горбенко, В.М. Трусова Харьковский национальный университет имени В.Н. Каразина, пл. Свободы, 4, Харьков, 61077 В данной работе комплексообразование гемоглобина (Hb) с липидными бислоями различного состава исследовалось с помощью флуоресцентного зонда пирена. Связывание Hb с липидами характеризовалось тушением флуоресценции пирена, что сопровождалось увеличением относительной интенсивности вибронных полос пирена. Возможно, Hb, проникая в бислой, раздвигает соседние молекулы липидов, способствуя проникновению воды в мембрану. Тушение испускания эксимеров интерпретировалось в терминах резонансного переноса энергии. Наибольшая глубина проникновения белка наблюдалась в РС везикулах. В липосомах, содержащих Chol, конденсирующий эффект стерола препятствовал проникновению белка в мембрану. Структурные свойства PG способствуют стабилизации липидного бислоя, что также может препятствовать проникновению Hb во внутренние области мембраны. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: гемоглобин, модельные мембраны, белок-липидные комплексы, пирен, флуоресцентная спектроскопия

    Studying informativity of specific IgE levels to whole cow milk allergen and its components, as well as to soy and gluten in children

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    Successive development of immunological tolerance to cow’s milk proteins largely depends on the timeliness and validity of the elimination diet and is most difficult in IgE-mediated food allergy. From 2012 to 2017, when examining children aged 3 months to 10 years, we found some cases with high levels of specific IgE to beta-lactoglobulin that exceeded the levels of specific IgE to the whole cow’s milk allergen (the latter is often used as a screening allergen). The aim of this study was to assess the informativity of studying the levels of specific IgE to the whole cow’s milk allergens in blood serum of children at early, preschool and primary school age. We have also included gluten (gluten) and soy as possible components of early childhood nutrition into the list of allergens under study. The study involved 100 children aged 9 months to 12 years. Clinical selection criteria included presence of anamnestic data on exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, urticaria, exacerbation of rhinitis/asthma, diarrhea, constipation or abdominal pain in response to usage of cow’s milk and/or dairy products during the last 6 months. It is shown that extended study of specific IgE levels to whole cow’s milk allergen, its components, as well as to soy and gluten, increases the accuracy of laboratory diagnostics and differential diagnosis of IgEmediated form of food allergy to cow’s milk proteins, compared with determination of serum IgE to whole cow’s milk as a screening test. A detailed study of specific IgE to milk components allowed to confirm the presence of IgE-mediated form of allergy to cow’s milk in 7% of the examined children with signs of food allergy, but in absence of specific IgE to whole cow’s milk allergen. We have also shown that in 29% of cases, the level of specific IgE to milk components was higher than those to whole cow’s milk allergen. The results of this study may be of practical importance, since the form of food allergy, as well as intensity and dynamics of reduction of production of specific IgE, are accepted criteria to forecast development of tolerance to cow’s milk proteins. In addition, identification of specific allergen (including soy bean allergen) that causes the most intense production of specific IgE, may be importance for administration of a reasonable elimination diet. The most significant allergens for diagnosis and differential diagnostics of allergy to cow’s milk in children, in addition to the “whole cow’s milk, f2” preparation, are the following allergens: “whey, f236”, “beta-lactoglobulin, f77” and “soy, f14”


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    The method of carbon containing electrode (CCE) modification with tosylated arendiazonium salts (ADT) was proposed for the voltammetric (VA) determination of caffeine in beverages. The comparison of chemical spontaneous and electrochemical modification approaches was carried out for ADT modified CCE for VA caffeine determination for the first time. A new class of ADT is characterized by high solubility and stability for one month that plays significant role in the process of electrode surface modification. Salts with nitro and carboxy substituents were tested. The optimal conditions for the spontaneous chemical modification of the CCE were selected: ADT modifier with NO2 substituent, electrode immersion time in the modifier solution for 10 seconds, modifier concentration of 5 mg / dm3. ADT deposition on the electrode surface was confirmed by the IR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy with the formation of covalent bonds between the carbon atoms of electrode surface and the benzene rings of the modifier. It was shown that the electroactive surface area increases by two times after the modification. Consequently, the technique sensitivity increasing the detection limit of 51 mg / dm3 and linear range extension from 154 up to 500 mg / dm3 was observed. While applying the modified electrode, the analysis time was reduced to 15 minutes. Furthermore, the suitability of CCE modified with NO2 substituent was tested for the analytical purposes. As a result, the caffeine was determined in some tonic and carbonated drinks. The comparison of the results obtained by the proposed method with ADT modified CCE and the level declared by the manufacturer was carried out. The high compliance was established. In addition, the obtained data was consistent with the results by the independent spectrophotometric method.Keywords: caffeine, diazonium aromatic salts, modifier, carbon-containing electrode, voltammetry, spontaneous modification, SEM, IR spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2020.24.1.007E.V. Dorozhko, A.O. Gusar, E.A. Bedareva, G.B. Slepchenko, M.E. Trusova, E.I. Korotkova National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University,Lenina prosp., 30, Tomsk, 634050, Russian FederationПредложен способ модификации углеродсодержащих электродов (УСЭ) тозилатными солями арендиазония (АДТ) с нитро- и карбоксизаместителями для вольтамперометрического (ВА) определения кофеина в напитках. Впервые проведено сравнение спонтанного химического и электрохимического способов модификации УСЭ АДТ для ВА определения кофеина. Новый класс АДТ обладает хорошей растворимостью, стабильностью в течение одного месяца, что играет немаловажную роль в процессе модификации поверхностей электродов. Подобраны оптимальные условия спонтанной химической модификации УСЭ: модификатор АДТ с NO2-заместителем, время погружения электрода в раствор модификатора − 10 с, концентрация модификатора − 5 мг/дм3. Методами инфракрасной спектроскопии (ИК-спектроскопии) и сканирующей электронной микроскопии (СЭМ) подтверждено закрепление АДТ на поверхности УСЭ с образованием ковалентных связей между атомами углерода электродной поверхности и бензольными кольцами модификатора. Показано, что после модификации площадь электроактивной поверхности увеличивается в два раза. В результате этого наблюдается возрастание чувствительности определения кофеина с пределом обнаружения 51 мг/дм3 и расширение диапазона определяемых концентраций: 154-500 мг/дм3. При использовании модифицированного электрода время анализа сократилось до 15 минут. Кроме этого, наблюдалась стабильность поверхности электрода без обновления в течение недели. При апробации пригодности для аналитических целей УСЭ, модифицированного АДТ с NO2-заместителем, проведено определение кофеина в некоторых тонизирующих и газированных напитках. Полученные значения содержания кофеина в напитках разработанным методом с использованием УСЭ, модифицированного спонтанным химическим способом АДТ с NO2-заместителем, наглядно демонстрируют соответствие значениям, заявленным производителем, а также согласуются с результатами независимого спектрофотометрического метода. Ключевые слова: кофеин, ароматические соли диазония, модификатор, углеродсодержащий электрод, вольтамперометрия, спонтанная модификация, СЭМ, ИК-спектроскопия, циклическая вольтамперометрияDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2020.24.1.00

    A Case of Medullary Carcinoma of the Jejunum Combined with the Intestinal Lymphangiectasia Accompanied by the Malabsorption Syndrome

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    Aim: to present a clinical and morphological observation of an extremely rare combination of medullary carcinoma of the jejunum and intestinal lymphangiectasia in a 33-year-old patient with clinical features of malabsorption syndrome over the 10 years.Key points. An autopsy revealed a tumor formation spreading from the wall of the jejunum to the mesentery, with metastases to the mesenteric lymph nodes. The medullary carcinoma with positive expression of СD117, DOG1, EMA, PanCK, PDL-1, vimentin, mosaic non-intense expression of CA19-9, calretinin, CD10, CDX2, CEA, MUC-5AC, SATB2, and negative reaction to ALK, CD3, CD8, CD20, CD30, CD31, CD34, CD45, CD56, chromogranin, CK7, CK20, desmin. The proliferative index was high: Ki-67 > 80 %. Moreover, during the histological examination of the intestinal wall, intestinal lymphangiectasia complicated by the malabsorption syndrome was revealed.Conclusion. The uniqueness of this clinical and morphological case is in the combination of medullary carcinoma of the jejunum metastasized to the mesenteric lymph nodes with the underlying intestinal lymphangiectasia accompanied by the development of malabsorption syndrome

    Caffeine determination in beverages by voltammetry with the carbon-containing electrodes modified with aryldiazonium salts

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    Предложен способ модификации углеродсодержащих электродов (УСЭ) тозилатными солями арендиазония (АДТ) с нитро- и карбоксизаместителями для вольтамперометрического (ВА) определения кофеина в напитках. Впервые проведено сравнение спонтанного химического и электрохимического способов модификации УСЭ АДТ для ВА определения кофеина. Новый класс АДТ обладает хорошей растворимостью, стабильностью в течение одного месяца, что играет немаловажную роль в процессе модификации поверхностей электродов. Подобраны оптимальные условия спонтанной химической модификации УСЭ: модификатор АДТ с NO2-заместителем, время погружения электрода в раствор модификатора − 10 с, концентрация модификатора − 5 мг/дм3. Методами инфракрасной спектроскопии (ИК-спектроскопии) и сканирующей электронной микроскопии (СЭМ) подтверждено закрепление АДТ на поверхности УСЭ с образованием ковалентных связей между атомами углерода электродной поверхности и бензольными кольцами модификатора. Показано, что после модификации площадь электроактивной поверхности увеличивается в два раза. В результате этого наблюдается возрастание чувствительности определения кофеина с пределом обнаружения 51 мг/дм3 и расширение диапазона определяемых концентраций: 154-500 мг/дм3. При использовании модифицированного электрода время анализа сократилось до 15 минут. Кроме этого, наблюдалась стабильность поверхности электрода без обновления в течение недели. При апробации пригодности для аналитических целей УСЭ, модифицированного АДТ с NO2-заместителем, проведено определение кофеина в некоторых тонизирующих и газированных напитках. Полученные значения содержания кофеина в напитках разработанным методом с использованием УСЭ, модифицированного спонтанным химическим способом АДТ с NO2-заместителем, наглядно демонстрируют соответствие значениям, заявленным производителем, а также согласуются с результатами независимого спектрофотометрического метода.The method of carbon containing electrode (CCE) modification with tosylated arendiazonium salts (ADT) was proposed for the voltammetric (VA) determination of caffeine in beverages. The comparison of chemical spontaneous and electrochemical modification approaches was carried out for ADT modified CCE for VA caffeine determination for the first time. A new class of ADT is characterized by high solubility and stability for one month that plays significant role in the process of electrode surface modification. Salts with nitro and carboxy substituents were tested. The optimal conditions for the spontaneous chemical modification of the CCE were selected: ADT modifier with NO2 substituent, electrode immersion time in the modifier solution for 10 seconds, modifier concentration of 5 mg / dm3. ADT deposition on the electrode surface was confirmed by the IR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy with the formation of covalent bonds between the carbon atoms of electrode surface and the benzene rings of the modifier. It was shown that the electroactive surface area increases by two times after the modification. Consequently, the technique sensitivity increasing the detection limit of 51 mg / dm3 and linear range extension from 154 up to 500 mg / dm3 was observed. While applying the modified electrode, the analysis time was reduced to 15 minutes. Furthermore, the suitability of CCE modified with NO2 substituent was tested for the analytical purposes. As a result, the caffeine was determined in some tonic and carbonated drinks. The comparison of the results obtained by the proposed method with ADT modified CCE and the level declared by the manufacturer was carried out. The high compliance was established. In addition, the obtained data was consistent with the results by the independent spectrophotometric method.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ и ЧНФ в рамках научного проекта № 19-53-26001.Current study was funded by RFBR and Czech Science Foundation according to the research project № 19-53-26001

    Efficacy of topical agents in the background therapy of atopic dermatitis in children

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    Atopic dermatitis (AtD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with complex etiopathogenesis, which begins in childhood. Purpose of the study: To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of Skin-cap cream as a topical background therapy in children with diabetes. Materials and methods: The study included 77 children aged 1 to 11 years with moderately severe AtD with a widespread lesion of the skin (33,5%), skin itching, inflammatory skin reaction and exacerbations occurring 3 to 4 times a year. During the study, two arms of children were formed: the treatment arm - 39 children with an average course of the disease (SCORAD index = 33,9 ± 2,2 points), who received the background therapy with the prescription of Skin-cap cream. Comparison arm: 38 children (SCORAD index = 34,2 ± 2,1 points), who received Afloderm cream as a background therapy. Results: Patients of the treatment arm showed a significant dynamics of relief of AtD symptoms as compared with the comparison arm. the differences in the duration of dermal manifestations were as follows: in the treatment arm, the time of reducing hyperaemia was 4,4 ± 1,2 days, in the comparison arm, hyperaemia was reduced at 5,7 ± 1,5 days (p< 0.05), the mean duration of alleviation of the skin itching was 3,0 ± 0,9 days and 5,8 ± 1,4 days (p< 0,05) at 6,8 and 7,3 days in the treatment arm and the comparison arm, respectively. Conclusions: The conducted study confirmed the high efficacy of the use of Skin-cap cream as a topical agent for background therapy of AtD, as compared to topical glucocorticosteroids


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    Symptoms of diseases of the upper respiratory tract are manifestations of general intoxication and local pathological changes such as running nose and coughing, and it is the cough that takes the first place as the reason for applying to the doctor. This article shows the results of a clinical performance study of cough therapy, using Dyshi warming gel for children. Ninety children aged 3–7 years with infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract (URT) participated in the study. When the unproductive cough persisted after five days of treatment additional therapy by warming products was indicated for children. The children of Group 1 (basic), in addition to standard therapy, used the Dyshi warming gel for children. Children of Group 2 (comparison group) received Dr. Mom Phyto Ointment. In Group 3 (control) – only standard therapy, without the use of other ether oil-based gel and ointments with warming effect. The effectiveness of treatment was assessed according to the clinical survey. On days 8–11 after the first examination in Group 1 compared to Group 2 a decrease in the day and night cough was noted by the Visual Analogue Scale by more than 4 points. There was a decrease of the duration of the disease therapy by 4 days (28.6%) in the group that used the Dyshi warming gel for children as opposed to the control group. The regression of daytime and night cough in the studied group was only reliably observed in Group 1 patients