2,123 research outputs found

    Електронний підручник як засіб оптимізації післядипломної підготовки спеціалістів охорони здоров’я

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    Aim. To determine the scientific and methodological approaches to elaboration of electronic textbooks.Materials and methods. The methods of analysis and generalization were used in the study.Results. The study gave a possibility to assess domestic regulatory support for elaboration and implementation of electronic textbooks, define their types, basic characteristics and basic principles of development. The authorial definition of an “electronic textbook” and an algorithm to create electronic textbooks are presented.Conclusions. The algorithm for electronic textbook elaboration created in the study has been used to develop an electronic textbook of the second type “Pharmaceutical and biomedical aspects of medicines” for postgraduate training of healthcare professionals.Цель: определение научно-методических подходов к созданию электронного учебника.Материалы и методы. В работе были использованы методы анализа и обобщения.Результаты исследования. Изучено отечественное нормативное обеспечение создания и внедрения электронных учебников с обозначением их типов, базовых характеристик и основных принципов разработки. Представлены авторское определение понятия «электронный учебник» и алгоритм его создания.Выводы. Отработан алгоритм создания электронного учебника, на основании которого создан электронный учебник второго типа для системы последипломного образования специалистов охраны здоровья «Фармацевтические и медико-биологические аспекты лекарств».Мета: окреслення науково-методичних підходів до створення електронного підручника.Матеріали та методи. У роботі були використані методи аналізу та узагальнення.Результати дослідження. Вивчено вітчизняне нормативне забезпечення створення та упровадження електронних підручників із визначенням їх типів, базових характеристик та основних принципів розробки. Наведено авторське визначення поняття «електронний підручник» та алгоритм його створення.Висновки. Опрацьовано алгоритм створення електронного підручника, на основі якого розроблено електронний підручник другого типу для системи післядипломної освіти фахівців охорони здоров’я «Фармацевтичні та медико-біологічні аспекти ліків»

    Relapses In multiple sclerosis.

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    Exact causes of contradictions in the understanding of relapsing course as characteristic phenomenon of multiple sclerosis (MS) and primarily relapsing-remitting type are still considered to be “sub rosa”. We tried to determine connection and correlation between seasonal dynamic factors, chronometric parameters of disease progression (age, disease duration) and frequency of relapses and the role of gender differences as well. A four-year prospective study included complete registration of all cases of MS exacerbations in resident patients with a relapsing-remmiting course of the disease according to McDonald criteria in Volyn region of Ukraine in 2010. Each patient had neurological score based on EDSS scale to ensure compliance with inclusion criteria. 128 patients (44 males and 84 females) with a remitting-recurring course of the disease were involved in this study. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 18, MedCalc and Microsoft Excel software using standard descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. In total, 197 cases of MS relapses were registered. Episodes of relapses prevailed in winter-spring period. Multiple regression model including suggested climate factors showed multiple correlation coefficient – 0.55 (p<0.01). The prevalence of MS was higher in females, while general incidence of recurrences was similar to males. However, relapse rate in different age groups differs: the rate of recurrence increases in women aged after 50 years (mean annualized relapse rate (ARR)=0.66), while it slowly decreases in men with aging. The duration of the disease did not have significant effect on the course of MS in women, whereas weak negative relationship (0.24, p<0.001) between the duration of the disease and the frequency of MS in men was showed. Correspondingly, the average negative correlation (-0.37, p<0.001) was detected between the age of disease onset and the incidence of MS recurrence in males, while this connection was not observed in females. We established that the recurrence of MS is a result of multifactorial influence of external and internal factors. Individual seasonal climate variability did not have sufficient force of influence. Therefore, combined effect of corresponding climate changes played a significant role. Furthermore, it is quite probable that interactions of MS with external factors influencing the human body can be mutually integrated

    A case of Susac’s syndrome: bilateral retinal vessel occlusion in the presence of autoimmune inflammatory endotheliopathy

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    The paper presents a case with a classic triad (bilateral inferotemporal branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO), multifocal callosal micro-infarcts, and sensorineural hearing loss) of Susac’s syndrome in a female patient following COVID-19 infection. We report clinical examination data, particularly, eye examination data and neurological status with brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results. Special attention was given to the diagnostic value of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in Susac’s syndrome, which allows detecting characteristic focal atrophic changes in the inner retina with a preserved structure of the photoreceptor layer. Identification of the typical neurological, ocular or otological symptoms should raise suspicion for the syndrome, which is critical for early administration of the systemic steroid therapy

    New ex-OH maser detections in the northern celestial hemisphere

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    Aims.Molecular masers, including methanol and hydroxyl masers, and in particular the ones in excited rotational states (ex-OHmasers), are one of the most informative tools for studying star-forming regions. So, the discovery, of new maser sources in theseregions is of great importance. Many studies and surveys of ex-OH maser sources have been carried out in the southern celestialhemisphere, but only a few have been done in the northern hemisphere. The specific aim of this work is to close this gap.Methods.The star-forming regions in the northern hemisphere with known active methanol masers were observed to search for newex-OH maser sources with the 32 m and 16 m radio telescopes of the Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre (VIRAC).Results.Three OH maser lines in the excited state at the 6035 MHz in three northern hemisphere star-forming regions are detected.The maser 189.030+0.783 was previously known, but we suggest this maser is a possible variable. We confirm recent detections ofthe ex-OH masers 85.41+0.00 and 90.92+1.49 by other authors. The magnetic field strength in the masering regions is estimated byusing right circular polarization (RCP) and left circular polarization (LCP) pair splitting. The high-velocity resolution provides uswith an estimation of a comparatively small magnetic field strength for the 189.030+0.783 and 90.92+1.49 star-forming regionsComment: 6 pages 1 figure 4 table

    "Digital petrophysics" in studies of porosity properties of low- permeable reservoirs

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    The article focuses on study in the properties of low-permeable reservoirs. The object of the research is the Bazhenov formation rocks taken from a well drilled in an oilfield of the West Siberian basin. A series of experiments were carried out to determine porosity of rocks by different methods: the helium saturation, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), microcomputed tomography (mCT). A comparative analysis was conducted to assess the efficiency of different methods. The obtained results have shown that common methods of petrophysical surveys are insufficient for carbonate-argillaceous Low-permeable rocks, containing a great amount of hand extractable organic matter. The additional data received by the mCT method gave an opportunity to increase sufficiently the reliability of the research results. We have concluded that the most efficient method for the study of low-permeable rocks is a combined use of the NMR and the mCT

    Modulating effect of liposomal miR-101 on the processes of amyloidogenesis, smell, sleep and neuroinflammation in experimental Alzheimer's disease

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    The current therapy for Alzheimer's disease does not give patients a chance of recovery. Therefore, it is relevant to study the novel factors of influence, in particular microRNA, on the pathogenic mechanisms of amyloidosis. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of miR-101 on early predictors of amyloidosis in experimental Alzheimer's disease in animals. The study was carried out on 25 male rats of 14 months of age. A model of Alzheimer's disease was created by intrahippocampal administration of Aβ40 aggregates to animals. Ten days later, a 10-day course of nasal administration of miR-101 in liposomes was launched. The level of endogenous Aβ42 and cytokines (TNFα, IL-6 and IL-10) was determined in the supernatants of the nerve tissues of the target brain structures (hippocampus, olfactory bulbs, and olfactory tubercles). A neuroethological method of presenting smells of isovaleric acid and peanut butter was used to assess the olfactory system functional state in the experimental rats. In the course of polygraphic registration of the sleep-wakefulness cycle, the representation of wakefulness and individual sleep phases, as well as proportion of incomplete and complete sleep cycles were determined. It was shown that injection of Aβ40 aggregates into the hippocampus simulates an amyloidogenic state in the rat’s hippocampus and olfactory tubercles, but not in the olfactory bulbs. Moreover, a pro-inflammatory state was registered in the hippocampus of the animal brain (an increase in the concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-6), while the cytokine level in the olfactory bulbs and tubercles did not change. When studying the functional state of olfactory analyzers in the rats with Alzheimer's disease, we revealed negative changes in behavioral response to the smell of isovaleric acid and peanut butter. In terms of somnograms, the Aβ40 toxicity caused reduction in the deep slow-wave sleep stage combined with deficiency of the paradoxical sleep phase, and predominance of incomplete sleep cycles. Nasal therapy with miR-101 in liposomes normalized the level of Aβ42 in the hippocampus and olfactory tubercles and decreased the level of proinflammatory cytokines in the hippocampus. MiR-101 prevented olfactory disfunctions in assessing smells of isovaleric acid and peanut butter, increased the ratio of deep slow-wave sleep and paradoxical sleep in the cycle structure and restored proportion of complete sleep cycles in animals. Thus, liposomal miR-101 has an anti-amyloidogenic and anti-inflammatory effect in rats with a model of Alzheimer's disease. It helps to restore the functional state of olfactory analyzer and optimize structural organization of the sleep-wakefulness cycle in sick animals

    Building a Model of Long-Term Forecasting of the Natural Gas Production in Ukraine for Managerial Decision-Making

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    The article analyzes the dynamics of the natural gas production in Ukraine for 2009–2018, carries out a fractal analysis of the time series of the natural gas production indicators. The mathematical model of the natural gas production in Ukraine is developed taking into view the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol and parts of the territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions (with introduction of the correction coefficient). The long-term forecast of the natural gas production for 2019–2027 is accomplished using the Holt’s method – with the purpose of usage for managerial decision-making at all levels of power. The average absolute percentage error was 2,026%, which does not exceed 10%. This indicates a high accuracy of the forecast. The forecast of the natural gas production in Ukraine for 2019-2027, in the presence of the correction coefficient, is made without considering new investments and modern technologies. It is specified that in order to improve the natural gas production in Ukraine in 2019-2027, we need programs to support the development of the natural gas production at the State level; the State guarantees on projects, which envisage the introduction of new types of equipment and new low-waste, resource-saving technological processes used in the production of natural gas. Besides, it is necessary to create favorable investment climate that will attract funds of foreign investors from the world financial market for modernization of the natural gas industry in Ukraine