13 research outputs found

    Леся Українка та Михайло Грушевський: творчі контакти та суспільно-політичні погляди

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    The article is devoted to the study of little-known pages of Ukrainian journalism, in particular, the critical socio-historical and epistolary heritage of Lesya Ukrainka and M. Hrushevsky as iconic figures of Ukrainian culture. It is pointed out that the insufficient study of creative contacts between the writer Lesya Ukrainka and the political and public figure, the historian, the publicist M. Hrushevsky, is caused by ideological factors, which in Soviet times led to the withdrawal of information about the contacts of these figures from scientific communication. It was emphasized that the dominant direction of the "Great Ukrainian" and "Daughter of Prometheus", as evidenced not only by their literary-critical, journalistic works but also their correspondence, was the departure from the traditional Little Russian type of thinking, formation of European spiritual landmarks and values, reflection on Ukrainian "Historical" fate. The use of the historical method revealed the common socio-political views of Lesya Ukrainka and M. Hrushevsky on the role of the Ukrainian intellectuals, the development of Ukrainian culture, the formation of the European vector of development, bridging the gap and returning to a one-stage life with the Western world.Стаття присвячена вивченню маловідомих сторінок української публіцистики, зокрема критичної суспільно-історичної та епістолярної спадщини знакових постатей української культури Лесі Українки та М. Грушевського. Вказано, що недостатнє вивчення на сьогодні творчих контактів письменниці Лесі Українки й політичного та громадського діяча, історика, публіциста М. Грушевського зумовлено ідеологічними чинниками, що в радянський час призвело до вилучення відомостей про контакти цих діячів із наукової комунікації.  Наголошено, що домінантним напрямом творчості «Великого українця» і «Дочки Прометея», що засвідчують не тільки їх літературно-критичні, публіцистичні твори, але й листування, був відхід від традиційного малоросійського типу мислення, формування європейських духовних орієнтирів та цінностей, роздуми над українською «історичною» долею. Використання історичного методу дозволило виявити спільність у соціально-політичних поглядах Лесі Українки та М. Грушевського щодо ролі української інтелігенції, розвитку української культури, вироблення європейського вектора розвитку, подолання розриву й повернення до одностадіальності життя із західноєвропейським світом. &nbsp

    Decision support system for quality management of cosmetic products

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    The paper describes the structure and the mathematical core of the decision support system developed by the authors for assessing the quality of cosmetic products based on machine learning approaches. The main goal of the study was to improve the system of quality control of cosmetic products, in particular, the quality of perfumes and cosmetics using intelligent methods of data processing, formalization of knowledge and experience of the experts, thus providing automatization of the decision-making process. The practical-oriented goal of the study was to obtain knowledge-supported decisions regarding the quality of the cosmetic products using the developed system of quality assessment based on intelligent methods of data processing, providing the possibility of unsupervised learning and adjustment of the developed system when changing final product characteristics. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Transfer of technology of “Green chemistry” in education

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    Работа посвящена проблемам «зеленой химии» и внедрению технологий «зеленой химии» в образование. Ученые и преподаватели Уральского федерального университета предлагают раскрыть значимость химии для школьников и студентов бакалавриата и магистратуры, способствовать поддержке талантливой молодежи, будущего нашей науки и производства. Обсуждается один из способов достижения этой цели – реализация проекта «Зеленая химия». Работа в этом направлении с использованием дистанционных технологий обучения позволит увеличить интерес молодежи к химическим наукам.The work deals with the problems of “green chemistry” and the introduction of technology “green chemistry” in education. Scientists and teachers of Ural Federal University offer to reveal the importance of chemistry for high school and undergraduate and graduate students, to help support talented young people, which are the future of our science and industry. One way to achieve this goal is the implementation of the project “Green Chemistry”. The work in this direction with the use of distance learning technologies will increase the interest of young people in the chemical sciences


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    Українське Полісся — специфічний регіон з особливими умовами прояву негативних наслідків Чорнобильської катастрофи. Саме тут поширені ґрунти, в яких ,37Сз набуває більшої біодоступності, тому критичними для життєдіяльності можуть стати території з порівняно помірними (близько 40 кБк м'2) рівнями забруднення цього радіонукліда, особливу увагу привертають шість забрудне'них поліських районів Рівненської області. (To elucidate the factors influencing perception of radiation risk in people in Ukraine we conducted a survey using self-administered questionnaire consisting of 37 questions including 5 questions about radiation contamination of their living places and foodstuffs, and 9 questions about radiation and risk. The subjects were high school or university students and their parents living in Rivne city and region. The survey was carried out in randomly selected high schools and universities. The study represents high school pupils and students aged 15 and older who permanently reside in Rivne region. In this survey area we distributed 550 questionnaires to students and their parents, respectively. A total of 91% students responded to the questionnaire, while in parents only 83% responded. Results of the questionnaire poll among schoolchildren, students and their parents in Rivne region are described in relation to their attitude to the consequences of Chornobyl accident and their attitude to nuclear energy and its development in Ukraine. Although more than 25 years have elapsed since the Chernobyl accident occurred most Ukrainian people showed a fear of the Chernobyl accident. For most people radiation and nuclear energy is the reason of various illnesses, genetic diseases, and cancer. Perception by young people and their parents of consequences of Chernobyl accident is practically identical. However young people estimate development of nuclear industry more optimistically. The overstatement of radiological consequences of Chernobyl accident strengthens radioanxiety in population for their health. This stress factor is more harmful than insignificant accidental doses. In addition, forming of public opinion is carried out by public ecological organizations which resist building of new NPP units. So attitude toward nuclear energy and to the nuclear industry remains sufficiently negative.

    The structure of infant mortality under 6 months of age in the Sverdlovsk region for the period 2016-2017 according to the findings of forensic medical examination.

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    The article presents a statistical analysis of data on the structure of child mortality in the Sverdlovsk region for the period 2016-2017. Data analysis revealed the main causes of death among children, the study was conducted on the basis of a forensic report using modern statistical methods.Статья содержит статистический анализ данных о структуре детской смертности на территории Свердловской области за 2016-2017 год. Анализ данных позволил выявить основные причины смерти детей до 6 месяцев. Исследование проведено на основании изучения судебномедицинских протоколов вскрытий с использованием современных статистических методик


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    Application liquid oligodienes as a part of polymeric compositions on the basis of 1,4-cispolyisoprene SKI-5 rubber is investigated. Extent of influence of quantity of an entered oligomer and his functionality on rheological and elastic and strength properties of elastomeric compositions is established. Nature of dispersing action functional and nonfunctional oligodienes is defined

    Aminomethyl bi- and terpyridines as luminescent probes for Zn2+ ions

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    2,2'-Bi- and 2,2':6',2''-terpyridines, bearing aminomethyl and aryl substituents, show a significant increase in emission intensity and bathochromic emission wavelength change upon the addition of zinc ions in aqueous solution, and they can be used as luminescent probes for zinc ions in physiological media

    The threatened miscarriage in the 1 st trimester as a factor of perinatal pathology for women with treated recurrent prematurity

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    There are studies about the gestation course, childbearing and perinatal outcomes of women with treated recurrent prematurity, various reproductive onsets and different by clinical progression options for threatened miscarriage in the 1 st trimester. The elaboration distinctions of their fetoplacental ineptitude are full-scale assessed. There is also an estimation of the health status of their children in the dynamics of the first 3 years of life, which includes the cardiovascular system testing

    Application of interactive teaching methods in the educational process of CTI students

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    The purpose of the work is to analyze of using interactive teaching methods in the educational process of students with reference to specific disciplines in Chemical Technology Institute. The learning outcomes were evaluated, the conclusions about the applicability of the interactive methods were formulated. Increasing the level of knowledge and practical skills of students for their use in professional activities were noted.Целью исследования является изучение применения интерактивных методик обучения в образовательном процессе студентов химико-технологического института на примере конкретных дисциплин. Оценены результаты обучения, сделаны выводы о применимости интерактивных методов. Было отмечено повышение уровня знания и практических навыков студентов для их применения в профессиональной деятельности

    Synthesis, structure and luminescence of ruthenium complexes with 6-cyano-2,2'-bipyridines

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    The crystallographic data, NMR and UV-VIS spectra and luminescence of the heteroleptic complexes [Ru(L)(bpy)2](PF6)2 (L = 5-aryl-6-cyano-2,2'-bipyridine) are described