21 research outputs found

    Conditional Born–Oppenheimer Dynamics: Quantum Dynamics Simulations for the Model Porphine

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    We report a new theoretical approach to solve adiabatic quantum molecular dynamics halfway between wave function and trajectory-based methods. The evolution of a N-body nuclear wave function moving on a 3N-dimensional Born–Oppenheimer potential-energy hyper-surface is rewritten in terms of single-nuclei wave functions evolving nonunitarily on a 3-dimensional potential-energy surface that depends parametrically on the configuration of an ensemble of generally defined trajectories. The scheme is exact and, together with the use of trajectory-based statistical techniques, can be exploited to circumvent the calculation and storage of many-body quantities (e.g., wave function and potential-energy surface) whose size scales exponentially with the number of nuclear degrees of freedom. As a proof of concept, we present numerical simulations of a 2-dimensional model porphine where switching from concerted to sequential double proton transfer (and back) is induced quantum mechanically


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    Improving the quality of education needs to move her to an innovative way of development. The paper states that innovation in education – a key condition of its availability, efficient use of resources. Innovations in Education author examines how the introduction of something new in higher education, the implementation of new ideas, new methods. Reviewed state of scientific and technical progress in Ukraine, noting that the volume of scientific and technical work performed by enterprises grows. Emphasizes the role of higher education, which is an integral component of the economy. Systematized indicators characterizing the level of development of higher education in Ukraine. The changes that have occurred and the factors that led to them. Emphasized the importance of implementing the various components of the innovation in the educational process and proved a number of measures for its development. Revealed the importance of financial components to provide the resource base for the transition of the educational sector in the innovation way of development. The need for structural changes in higher education, in training, which has a positive impact on the socio-economic performance of the country and the economic activity of the population. It is emphasized that confirm the activity of higher education transition to an innovative way of development is closely associated with this process in a secondary school. And therefore stresses the need for further computerization and informatization of secondary school and in higher education needs to accelerate the development and implementation of new learning technologies, formation of creative innovation teams and ensure their mobility, financial security model of higher education, including through public-private partnership

    Development of Object State Evaluation Method in Intelligent Decision Support Systems

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    Accurate and objective object analysis requires multi-parameter estimation with significant computational costs. A methodological approach to improve the accuracy of assessing the state of the monitored object is proposed. This methodological approach is based on a combination of fuzzy cognitive models, advanced genetic algorithm and evolving artificial neural networks. The methodological approach has the following sequence of actions: building a fuzzy cognitive model; correcting the fuzzy cognitive model and training knowledge bases. The distinctive features of the methodological approach are that the type of data uncertainty and noise is taken into account while constructing the state of the monitored object using fuzzy cognitive models. The novelties while correcting fuzzy cognitive models using a genetic algorithm are taking into account the type of data uncertainty, taking into account the adaptability of individuals to iteration, duration of the existence of individuals and topology of the fuzzy cognitive model. The advanced genetic algorithm increases the efficiency of correcting factors and the relationships between them in the fuzzy cognitive model. This is achieved by finding solutions in different directions by several individuals in the population. The training procedure consists in learning the synaptic weights of the artificial neural network, the type and parameters of the membership function and the architecture of individual elements and the architecture of the artificial neural network as a whole. The use of the method allows increasing the efficiency of data processing at the level of 16–24 % using additional advanced procedures. The proposed methodological approach should be used to solve the problems of assessing complex and dynamic processes characterized by a high degree of complexity


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    Abstract: The need for continuously raising modern labour market requirements to professional skills in the scientific and technological progress was revealed. Under the circumstances, the formation of lifelong learning, transfer of knowledge from one generation to another is becoming topical. The nature of lifelong education and its components was highlighted. Particular attention was given to higher education, which occupies an important place in the system of lifelong education, in the formation of the main productive force of society. Emphasis was put on the fact that the problem of its formation and development gets great attention in Western Europe. The features of lifelong learning in several European countries were revealed. The rationale was provded for further enhancement of lifelong learning, including the formation of a paradigm of educational environment and more efficient use of the synergetic approach for this purpose


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    Abstract: As emphasized by the authors the Ukrainian village, unfortunately, continues to remain in decay. The number of villages in the country decreases every year. Among the reasons for this negative phenomenon one can mention a complex of living conditions, professional and cultural isolation, the turnover of the young staff. The article presents data on the number of rural settlements where there are no children, youth. The authors focus on the complex of social problems in rural areas. Particular attention is paid to the analysis and assessment of the social sphere, on the basis of which it was concluded that no link of the social sphere now meets the real needs of the population. It is noted that the rural housing stock is worn out both physically and mentally, has a low level of comfort. It is also noted that the problem of improvement of rural settlements remains urgent. Unsatisfactory state of living conditions in rural areas, water supply of rural residents have a negative impact on their health. The data is provided on the significant reduction of rural establishments, where villagers could get medical care or health services. It is noted that the main medical facility here is the obstetric point. But, as follows from the above analysis, the network of these facilities is reduced. The authors reveal in detail the features of the rural educational environment. In particular, it is noted that not all the rural areas can provide the locals with the necessary educational services. The role of culture in the revival of rural areas is also emphasized and the current state of this sector is analyzed. The necessity of a comprehensive approach to the further development of the rural social sphere as an important factor in the revival of rural areas, improvement of living conditions in rural areas, the attractiveness of rural areas, especially for young people, and the ways to achieve this are grounded