17 research outputs found

    The effect of Omega 3 fatty acid on the lipid profile of hemodialysis patient

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    Coronary heart diseases (CHD) are the main cause of mortality in hemodialysis patients. Lipid profile abnormality in hemodialysis patients including hypertriglyceridemia , normal total cholesterol, modest decline in HDL rise in LDL are effected by omega 3 speculative. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of omega 3 fatty acid on lipid profile in hemodialysis patients. this clinical trial was performed on 16 hemodialysis patients with hypertriglyceridemia. They were asked to consume 2 gr pearl omega 3 each day for 3 months. Lipid profile was obtained by enzymatic method before and after treatment with omega 3 and the data were analysed. Consumtion of omega 3 for 3 months lowered the serum triglyceride (p<0.05). HDL increased but there was no change in total cholesterol and LDL. Consumtion of omega 3 lowered the risk of CHD in hemodialysis patients by reducing the serum triglycerid

    A Randomized Comparison of Granisetron Plus Dexamethason with Granisetron alone for the Control of Acute Chemotherapy-Induced Emesis and Nausea

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    &quot;nIntroduction: Chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat cancer may cause nausea and emesis by inducing the release of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in the small intestine. Blockage of 5-HT3 receptors in the small intestine by 5-HT3 receptor antagonists might prevent the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy for cancer. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy and tolerability of the 5-HT3 receptor antagonists (granisetron) and granisetron plus dexamethasone in the treatment of acute chemotherapy induced digestive emesis and nausea. &quot;nMaterials and Methods: Patients on their first course of emetic chemotherapy (cisplation or doxorubicin based regimen) were randomly placed into two treatment groups. Group A received a one-time administration of granisetron 3 mg, IV and group B received granisetron plus dexamethasone 8 mg IV. For each study the drug were administered one time, 30 minutes before infusion of chemotherapy emetic agent. For the efficacy assessment, response data were recorded every 6 hours for a total of 24 hours, after the start of the chemotherapy infusion. &quot;nResults: A total of 138 patients [86 males, 52 females with amean age of 48 (a range between 15-82 years)] were involved in the study . Of these, 125 were evaluable. &quot;nDiscussion: The ability of granisetron plus dexamethason to prevent acute emesis was significantly better than, administering granisetron alone (66.7% vs 42.8% respectively) (p&amp;lt;0.001). &quot;nThe combination of granisetron and low-dose dexamethasone is superior to granisetron alone to control acute emetic episodes in patients receiving emetogenic chemotherapy

    In vitro/vivo

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    The Effect of Colchicine in Improving the Symptoms of Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Due to low effectiveness of drugs in osteoarthritis treatment, finding new drugs always consider. Although colchicine has been described as a disease moderator medicine for osteoarthritis disease or symptoms, few studies have been carried out about the effect of it in soothing symptoms of patients with knee osteoarthritis. METHODS: This RCT was conducted on 62 patients with idiopathic knee osteoarthritis. Pain intensity, the degree of functional disability, and the patients&rsquo; clinical health were assessed by VAS, modified WOMAC index and modified HAQ questionnaire, respectively. The patients were then randomly assigned to two groups of oral colchicine group (0.5mg/bid) and placebo group and undergone treatment for 4 months. Assessment repeated in 3rd and 4th months. IRCT code: IRCT2015071623240N1. FINDINGS: Compared to the beginning of the study, the intensity of pain in both groups was reduced and the degree of functional disability and the patients&rsquo; clinical health were improved in the 3rd and 4th months of study, too. Nevertheless, the percentages of pain severity improvement in colchicine group in comparison to placebo were significantly higher (3rd mo: 29% vs. 16%, respectively, p=0.030; 4th mo: 37% vs. 20%, respectively, p=0.014). In addition, the percentages of physical function improvement in colchicine group in comparison to placebo were significantly higher (3rd mo: 26% vs. 16%, respectively, p=0.048; 4th mo: 28% vs. 20%, respectively, p=0.036). CONCLUSION: Use of colchicine for four months in patients with knee osteoarthritis can reduce pain and improve physical function

    Hepatitis C virus infection in hemodialysis patients in Maracaibo, Venezuela

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    Over a two year period, the incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection was evaluated in 29 hemodialysis patients, aged between 15 and 75 years (mean ± SD: 45 ± 39.5 years), from the University Hospital Hemodyalisis Unit, Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela. Anti-HCV antibodies were determined using a fourth generation ELISA (Innotest HCV Ab IV) kit and positive blood samples were tested using a recombinant assay kit (Inno-LIA HCV Ab III), both kits from Innogenetics N.V., Belgium. The findings indicate a lack of HCV seroconversion in the hemodialysis patients over the study period, confirmed by the recombinant assay. Risk factors for HCV infection were 0.3270 (95% confidence interval: 0.01323-8.080) in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The findings suggest a lack of significant sources for HCV infection due to the preventive measures to avoid its transmission in the hemodialysis unit