511 research outputs found

    The on-axis view of GRB 170817A

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    The peculiar short gamma-ray burst GRB 170817A has been firmly associated to the gravitational wave event GW170817, which has been unaninmously interpreted as due to the coalescence of a double neutron star binary. The unprecedented behaviour of the non-thermal afterglow led to a debate about its nature, which was eventually settled by high-resolution VLBI observations, which strongly support the off-axis structured jet scenario. Using information on the jet structure derived from multi-wavelength fitting of the afterglow emission and of the apparent VLBI image centroid motion, we compute the appearance of a GRB 170817A-like jet as seen by an on-axis observer and we compare it to the previously observed population of SGRB afterglows and prompt emission events. We find that the intrinsic properties of the GRB 170817A jet are representative of a typical event in the SGRB population, hinting at a quasi-universal jet structure. The diversity in the SGRB afterglow population could therefore be ascribed in large part to extrinsic (redshift, density of the surrounding medium, viewing angle) rather than intrinsic properties. Although more uncertain, the comparison can be extended to the prompt emission properties, leading to similar conclusions.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to A&A. Comments and suggestions are welcom

    Structure of Gamma-Ray Burst jets: intrinsic versus apparent properties

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    With this paper we introduce the concept of apparent structure of a GRB jet, as opposed to its intrinsic structure. The latter is customarily defined specifying the functions epsilon(theta) (the energy emitted per jet unit solid angle) and Gamma(theta) (the Lorentz factor of the emitting material); the apparent structure is instead defined by us as the isotropic equivalent energy E_iso(theta_v) as a function of the viewing angle theta_v. We show how to predict the apparent structure of a jet given its intrinsic structure. We find that a Gaussian intrinsic structure yields a power law apparent structure: this opens a new viewpoint on the Gaussian (which can be understood as a proxy for a realistic narrow, well collimated jet structure) as a possible candidate for a quasi-universal GRB jet structure. We show that such a model (a) is consistent with recent constraints on the observed luminosity function of GRBs; (b) implies fewer orphan afterglows with respect to the standard uniform model; (c) can break out the progenitor star (in the collapsar scenario) without wasting an unreasonable amount of energy; (d) is compatible with the explanation of the Amati correlation as a viewing angle effect; (e) can be very standard in energy content, and still yield a very wide range of observed isotropic equivalent energies.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Accepted by MNRA

    Luminosity function and jet structure of Gamma Ray Bursts

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    The structure of Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) jets impacts on their prompt and afterglow emission properties. The jet of GRBs could be uniform, with constant energy per unit solid angle within the jet aperture, or it could instead be structured, namely with energy and velocity that depend on the angular distance from the axis of the jet. We try to get some insight about the still unknown structure of GRBs by studying their luminosity function. We show that low (1e46-1e48 erg/s) and high (i.e. with L > 1e50 erg/s) luminosity GRBs can be described by a unique luminosity function, which is also consistent with current lower limits in the intermediate luminosity range (1e48-1e50} erg/s). We derive analytical expressions for the luminosity function of GRBs in uniform and structured jet models and compare them with the data. Uniform jets can reproduce the entire luminosity function with reasonable values of the free parameters. A structured jet can also fit adequately the current data, provided that the energy within the jet is relatively strongly structured, i.e. E propto theta^{-k} with k > 4. The classical E propto theta^{-2} structured jet model is excluded by the current data.Comment: 11 pages, 2 tables, 7 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Gamma-ray burst jet propagation, development of angular structure, and the luminosity function

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    The fate and observable properties of gamma-ray burst jets depend crucially on their interaction with the progenitor material that surrounds the central engine. We present a semi-analytical model of such interaction, which builds upon several previous analytical and numerical works, aimed at predicting the angular distribution of jet and cocoon energy and Lorentz factor after breakout, given the properties of the ambient material and of the jet at launch. Using this model, we construct synthetic populations of structured jets, assuming either a collapsar (for long gamma-ray bursts -- LGRBs) or a binary neutron star merger (for short gamma-ray bursts -- SGRBs) as progenitor. We assume all progenitors to be identical, and we allow little variability in the jet properties at launch: our populations therefore feature a quasi-universal structure. These populations are able to reproduce the main features of the observed LGRB and SGRB luminosity functions, although several uncertainties and caveats remain to be addressed.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures. Revised version, submitted to A&A (several new figures and expanded discussion. Conclusions unchanged). Comments and suggestions are welcome

    Resolving the decades-long transient FIRST J141918.9+394036: an orphan long gamma-ray burst or a young magnetar nebula?

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    Ofek (2017) identified FIRST J141918.9+394036 (hereafter FIRST J1419+3940) as a radio source sharing similar properties and host galaxy type to the compact, persistent radio source associated with the first known repeating fast radio burst, FRB 121102. Law et al. (2018) showed that FIRST J1419+3940 is a transient source decaying in brightness over the last few decades. One possible interpretation is that FIRST J1419+3940 is a nearby analogue to FRB 121102 and that the radio emission represents a young magnetar nebula (as several scenarios assume for FRB 121102). Another interpretation is that FIRST J1419+3940 is the afterglow of an `orphan' long gamma-ray burst (GRB). The environment is similar to where most such events are produced. To distinguish between these hypotheses, we conducted radio observations using the European VLBI Network at 1.6 GHz to spatially resolve the emission and to search for millisecond-duration radio bursts. We detect FIRST J1419+3940 as a compact radio source with a flux density of 620±20 μJy620 \pm 20\ \mathrm{\mu Jy} (on 2018 September 18) and a source size of 3.9±0.7 mas3.9 \pm 0.7\ \mathrm{mas} (i.e. 1.6±0.3 pc1.6 \pm 0.3\ \mathrm{pc} given the angular diameter distance of 83 Mpc83\ \mathrm{Mpc}). These results confirm that the radio emission is non-thermal and imply an average expansion velocity of (0.10±0.02)c(0.10 \pm 0.02)c. Contemporaneous high-time-resolution observations using the 100-m Effelsberg telescope detected no millisecond-duration bursts of astrophysical origin. The source properties and lack of short-duration bursts are consistent with a GRB jet expansion, whereas they disfavor a magnetar birth nebula.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Bulk Lorentz factors of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    Knowledge of the bulk Lorentz factor Γ0\Gamma_{0} of GRBs allows us to compute their comoving frame properties shedding light on their physics. Upon collisions with the circumburst matter, the fireball of a GRB starts to decelerate, producing a peak or a break (depending on the circumburst density profile) in the light curve of the afterglow. Considering all bursts with known redshift and with an early coverage of their emission, we find 67 GRBs with a peak in their optical or GeV light curves at a time tpt_{\rm p}. For another 106 GRBs we set an upper limit tpULt_{\rm p}^{\rm UL}. We show that tpt_{\rm p} is due to the dynamics of the fireball deceleration and not to the passage of a characteristic frequency of the synchrotron spectrum across the optical band. Considering the tpt_{\rm p} of 66 long GRBs and the 85 most constraining upper limits, using censored data analysis methods, we reconstruct the most likely distribution of tpt_{\rm p}. All tpt_{\rm p} are larger than the time tp,gt_{\rm p,g} when the prompt emission peaks, and are much larger than the time tpht_{\rm ph} when the fireball becomes transparent. The reconstructed distribution of Γ0\Gamma_0 has median value \sim300 (150) for a uniform (wind) circumburst density profile. In the comoving frame, long GRBs have typical isotropic energy, luminosity, and peak energy Eiso=3(8)×1050\langle E_{\rm iso}\rangle=3(8)\times 10^{50} erg, Liso=3(15)×1047\langle L_{\rm iso}\rangle=3(15) \times 10^{47} erg s1^{-1} , and Epeak=1(2)\langle E_{\rm peak}\rangle =1(2) keV in the homogeneous (wind) case. We confirm that the significant correlations between Γ\Gamma and the rest frame isotropic energy (EisoE_{\rm iso}), luminosity (LisoL_{\rm iso}) and peak energy (EpeakE_{\rm peak}) are not due to selection effects. Assuming a typical opening angle of 5 degrees, we derive the distribution of the jet baryon loading which is centered around a few 106M10^{-6} {\rm M_{\odot}}.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The short gamma-ray burst population in a quasi-universal jet scenario

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    We describe a model of the short gamma-ray burst (SGRB) population under a `quasi-universal jet' scenario in which jets can differ in their on-axis peak prompt emission luminosity LcL_c, but share a universal angular luminosity profile (θv)=L(θv)/Lc\ell(\theta_v)=L(\theta_v)/L_c as a function of the viewing angle θv\theta_v. The model is fitted, through a Bayesian hierarchical approach inspired by gravitational wave (GW) population analyses, to 3 observed SGRB samples simultaneously: the Fermi/GBM sample of SGRBs with spectral information in the catalogue (367 events); a flux-complete sample of 16 Swift/BAT SGRBs also detected by GBM, with a measured redshift; and a sample of SGRBs with a binary neutron star (BNS) merger counterpart, which only includes GRB~170817A at present. The results favour a narrow jet core with half-opening angle θc=2.11.4+2.4\theta_c=2.1_{-1.4}^{+2.4} deg (90\% credible intervals from our fiducial `full sample' analysis) whose on-axis peak luminosity is distributed as p(Lc)LcAp(L_c) \propto L_c^{-A} with A=3.20.4+0.7A=3.2_{-0.4}^{+0.7} above a minimum luminosity Lc=52+11×1051L_c^\star = 5_{-2}^{+11}\times 10^{51} erg s1^{-1}. For θv>θc\theta_v>\theta_c, the luminosity scales as a power law θvαL\ell\propto \theta_v^{-\alpha_L} with αL=4.71.4+1.2\alpha_L=4.7_{-1.4}^{+1.2}, with no evidence for a break. While the model implies an intrinsic `Yonetoku' correlation between LL and the peak photon energy EpE_p, its slope is somewhat shallower EpL0.4±0.2E_p\propto L^{0.4\pm 0.2} than the apparent one, and the normalization is offset towards larger EpE_p, due to selection effects. The implied local rate density of SGRBs is between about 100 up to several thousands of events per Gpc3^{3} yr, in line with the BNS merger rate density inferred from GW observations. Based on the model, we predict 0.2 to 1.3 joint GW+SGRB detections per year by the Advanced GW detector network and Fermi/GBM during the O4 observing run.Comment: 30 pages, 23 figures, submitted to A&A. Comments are welcome

    Unveiling the population of orphan Gamma Ray Bursts

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    Gamma Ray Bursts are detectable in the gamma-ray band if their jets are oriented towards the observer. However, for each GRB with a typical theta_jet, there should be ~2/theta_jet^2 bursts whose emission cone is oriented elsewhere in space. These off-axis bursts can be eventually detected when, due to the deceleration of their relativistic jets, the beaming angle becomes comparable to the viewing angle. Orphan Afterglows (OA) should outnumber the current population of bursts detected in the gamma-ray band even if they have not been conclusively observed so far at any frequency. We compute the expected flux of the population of orphan afterglows in the mm, optical and X-ray bands through a population synthesis code of GRBs and the standard afterglow emission model. We estimate the detection rate of OA by on-going and forthcoming surveys. The average duration of OA as transients above a given limiting flux is derived and described with analytical expressions: in general OA should appear as daily transients in optical surveys and as monthly/yearly transients in the mm/radio band. We find that ~ 2 OA yr^-1 could already be detected by Gaia and up to 20 OA yr^-1 could be observed by the ZTF survey. A larger number of 50 OA yr^-1 should be detected by LSST in the optical band. For the X-ray band, ~ 26 OA yr^-1 could be detected by the eROSITA. For the large population of OA detectable by LSST, the X-ray and optical follow up of the light curve (for the brightest cases) and/or the extensive follow up of their emission in the mm and radio band could be the key to disentangle their GRB nature from other extragalactic transients of comparable flux density.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    GRB 190114C: from prompt to afterglow?

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    GRB 190114C is the first gamma-ray burst detected at Very High Energies (VHE, i.e. >300 GeV) by the MAGIC Cherenkov telescope. The analysis of the emission detected by the Fermi satellite at lower energies, in the 10 keV -- 100 GeV energy range, up to ~ 50 seconds (i.e. before the MAGIC detection) can hold valuable information. We analyze the spectral evolution of the emission of GRB 190114C as detected by the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) in the 10 keV -- 40 MeV energy range up to ~60 sec. The first 4 s of the burst feature a typical prompt emission spectrum, which can be fit by a smoothly broken power-law function with typical parameters. Starting on ~4 s post-trigger, we find an additional nonthermal component, which can be fit by a power law. This component rises and decays quickly. The 10 keV -- 40 MeV flux of the power-law component peaks at ~ 6 s; it reaches a value of 1.7e-5 erg cm-2 s-1. The time of the peak coincides with the emission peak detected by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board Fermi. The power-law spectral slope that we find in the GBM data is remarkably similar to that of the LAT spectrum, and the GBM+LAT spectral energy distribution seems to be consistent with a single component. This suggests that the LAT emission and the power-law component that we find in the GBM data belong to the same emission component, which we interpret as due to the afterglow of the burst. The onset time allows us to estimate the initial jet bulk Lorentz factor Gamma_0 is about 500, depending on the assumed circum-burst density.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, in press, accepted for publication in A&