445 research outputs found

    The End Game of Deregulation: Myopic Risk Management and the Next Catastrophe

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    By using the Kingston Fossil Fuel Plant’s spill into the Emory River as a case study, this article offers several explanations for why the twentieth century dynamic of crisis and reform has disappeared in the early twenty-first century. In Part I, it is argued that regulated industries dominate regulatory debates on Capitol Hill and at the federal agencies to an unprecedented extent. Part II examines what is known about the Kingston spill and the implications of that information for recurrence of such events. Part III explains how the EPA and Congress responded to this disaster, highlighting how politics driven by a deregulatory ideology eventually took over the EPA’s science-based rulemaking process. Part IV offers suggestions for rebuilding regulatory agencies like the EPA and for restoring public trust in government.The Kay Bailey Hutchison Center for Energy, Law, and Busines

    Hubungan Iklim Kerja dengan Komitmen Organisasi suatu Studi Evaluasi Kinerja Karyawan ( Kasus Karyawan PT. Telkom Pekanbaru)

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    Conducive working climate is important in determining the performance of employees.High or absence of organizational commitment in self- employees are also caused by the working climate in the company.If the employment is climate conducive companies can make employees comfortable, and ultimately the commitment of employees in the company formed to even increased. And so the goal can be achieved with good company . The purpose of this research study is to know how existing work on climate PT. TELKOM Pekanbaru, to know how commitment the organization to the staff of PT. TELKOM Pekanbaru and to determine the relationship of working climate and organizational commitment staff of PT. TELKOM Pekanbaru. In analyzing this study used a statistical technique and model used in this study is the Product Moment Correlation .Based on the results of the questionnaire data processing obtained results show that there is a strong relationship between working climate and organizational commitment on the staff of PT.TELKOM Pekanbaru, where the calculation results obtained from the correlation coefficient of 0,699 and hypotheses obtained by calculating t table value of 1,995 with df : 69, and α = 0.05, and t value of 8,1225 . Thus H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted , this means working climate has a significant relationship with organizational commitment on staff of PT . TELKOM Pekanbaru.Thus it can be seen that the working climate has sizable relations with the organizations commitment to the staff of PT. TELKOM Pekanbaru. Keywords : Working Climate , Organizational Commitmen

    Saltwater intrusion in Denmark

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    The studies investigating saltwater intrusion in Denmark have been reviewed to identify the main characteristics and features that have an impact on coastal aquifers interacting with the sea. Traditionally, in regions with wet climate, saltwater intrusion is not appointed as a frequent problem and it is more commonly linked to areas affected by water scarcity. Nevertheless, multiple factors that can induce the salinization of coastal aquifers have been found for Denmark such as the presence of coastal drained lowlands with the water table below the sea level or karstic features and buried valleys in carbonate and detrital systems respectively that can act as preferential flow paths for saline water. Eustatic changes have been also played an important role in the salinization of aquifers, in deep aquifers saline ancient connate water can be identified and in small islands, a delicate equilibrium of freshwater lenses is generated over saline water. As the water supply in this country depends almost exclusively on groundwater, saltwater intrusion can jeopardize fresh groundwater resources in coastal areas. An overview of the cases already studied, questions about the magnitude of these issues and the future perspectives with climate changes are discussed to put into context what is already known and what are the next challenges.Se han revisado los estudios que han investigado la intrusión marina en Dinamarca para identificar las principales características que afectan a los acuíferos costeros en su interacción con el mar. Tradicionalmente, en regiones con clima húmedo, la intrusión marina no es considerada como un problema frecuente ya que se suele asociar con áreas afectadas por la escasez de agua. Sin embargo, se han identificado múltiples factores que pueden generar la salinización de acuíferos costeros en Dinamarca como la presencia de tierras bajas drenadas a lo largo de la costa con niveles freáticos por debajo del nivel del mar o el flujo preferente a través de morfologías kársticas o paleovalles en acuíferos carbonatados o detríticos respectivamente. Los cambios eustáticos han jugado también un papel importante en la salinización de acuíferos, en acuíferos profundos se pueden llegar a identificar aguas connatas antiguas y en islas de reducido tamaño, se establece un delicado equilibrio con lentes de agua dulce sobre aguas salinas. Debido a que este país depende casi exclusivamente de las aguas subterráneas para el abastecimiento de la población, la intrusión marina podría poner en riesgo los recursos subterráneos de agua dulce en las zonas costeras. La revisión de casos estudiados plantea una serie de cuestiones acerca de la magnitud de los problemas existentes y las perspectivas futuras considerando cambios climáticos. Con esta revisión se ha puesto en contexto el estado actual de conocimiento acerca de la intrusión marina en el país y se han identificado los desafíos que podría ser necesario acometer en el futuroNext-Generation EU funding: Programa Maria Zambrano Senior MZSA0

    Persepsi Dan Partisipasi Masyarakat Terhadap Sumber Daya Hutan (Studi Kasus Tahura Bukit Barisan, Kawasan Hutan Sibayak II, Kabupaten Karo)

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    Tahura Bukit Barisan has good variety potentials to be developed. However, Tahura Bukit Barisan's management can not get maximal result if the rate of human's perception and participation haven't been known yet. Whereas, the rate of people's perception and participation in existing can be base for UPT Tahura Bukit Barisan manager to empower community, so that they will be more active in managing and using forest potency. So, the rate of community perception and participation of Tahura Bukit Barisan have to been known. Sampling technique uses purposive sampling. This research uses primer and secondary data. Primer data collected from survey and direct interview by quisioner. Then, counted the rate of community perception and participation by using formula, then it will be grouped into three categories namely high, medium and low. The result showed the level of peoples in Dolat Rayat, Jarang Uda and Merdeka Village are grouped into good perception, but rate of community participation for some activities such as planning, actuating, and evaluation are low
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