5,938 research outputs found

    Duality Invariant Magnetohydrodynamics And Dyons

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    The theory of magnetohydrodynamics is extended to the cases of a plasma of separate magnetic and electric charges, as well as to a plasma of dyons respectively. In both these cases the system possesses electric-magnetic duality symmetry. In the former case we find that because of the existence of two independent generalized Ohm's law equations, the limit of infinite electric and magnetic conductivity results in the vanishing of both electric and magnetic fields, as well as the corresponding currents. In the dyonic case, we find that the resulting duality-invariant system of equations are equivalent to those of ordinary MHD, after suitable field redefinitions.Comment: 11 pages, late

    Niche Construction and the Evolution of Leadership

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    We use the concept of niche construction - the process whereby individuals, through their activities, interactions, and choices, modify their own and each other\u27s environments - as an example of how biological evolution and cultural evolution interacted to form an integrative foundation of modern organizational leadership. Resulting adaptations are formal structures that facilitate coordination of large, postagrarian organizational networks. We provide three propositions explaining how leadership processes evolve over time within and between organizations in order to solve specific coordination problems. We highlight the balancing act between self-interests and group interests in organizations and show how leadership must regulate this tension to maintain organizational fitness. We conclude with predictions about the future evolution of leadership in organizations

    Production surfaces and economic optima for corn yields with respect to stand and nitrogen levels

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    This study presents production functions for three experiments on corn in Iowa. It is fourth in a series of studies designed to derive corn response surfaces, yield isoquants and economic optima in fertilizer use.:! It differs from previous studies in that, for the first time, stand (plant population) is included as a variable input along with a plant nutrient (nitrogen). The analysis permits estimation of yield response to stand and to nitrogen as well as to the interaction between stand and nitrogen. Knowledge of this type is relevant, not only for farm recommendations, but also for improved planning of fertilization experiments. The first experiment reported involved stand levels on Shelby loam and was conducted in Ringgold County in 1956. The other two experiments reported were conducted in 1953, with variable stand and nitrogen levels on Marshall and Seymour silt loams, respectively, and were located in Fremont and Wayne counties.3 Each of these experiments included an early and an adapted variety of corn (Iowa 4297 or Iowa 4397 and A.E.S. 801, respectively)

    Non-additive properties of finite 1D Ising chains with long-range interactions

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    We study the statistical properties of Ising spin chains with finite (although arbitrary large) range of interaction between the elements. We examine mesoscopic subsystems (fragments of an Ising chain) with the lengths comparable with the interaction range. The equivalence of the Ising chains and the multi-step Markov sequences is used for calculating different non-additive statistical quantities of a chain and its fragments. In particular, we study the variance of fluctuating magnetization of fragments, magnetization of the chain in the external magnetic field, etc. Asymptotical expressions for the non-additive energy and entropy of the mesoscopic fragments are derived in the limiting cases of weak and strong interactions.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Testing for Features in the Primordial Power Spectrum

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    Well-known causality arguments show that events occurring during or at the end of inflation, associated with reheating or preheating, could contribute a blue component to the spectrum of primordial curvature perturbations, with the dependence k^3. We explore the possibility that they could be observably large in CMB, LSS, and Lyman-alpha data. We find that a k^3 component with a cutoff at some maximum k can modestly improve the fits (Delta chi^2=2.0, 5.4) of the low multipoles (l ~ 10 - 50) or the second peak (l ~ 540) of the CMB angular spectrum when the three-year WMAP data are used. Moreover, the results from WMAP are consistent with the CBI, ACBAR, 2dFGRS, and SDSS data when they are included in the analysis. Including the SDSS galaxy clustering power spectrum, we find weak positive evidence for the k^3 component at the level of Delta chi' = 2.4, with the caveat that the nonlinear evolution of the power spectrum may not be properly treated in the presence of the k^3 distortion. To investigate the high-k regime, we use the Lyman-alpha forest data (LUQAS, Croft et al., and SDSS Lyman-alpha); here we find evidence at the level Delta chi^2' = 3.8. Considering that there are two additional free parameters in the model, the above results do not give a strong evidence for features; however, they show that surprisingly large bumps are not ruled out. We give constraints on the ratio between the k^3 component and the nearly scale-invariant component, r_3 < 1.5, over the range of wave numbers 0.0023/Mpc < k < 8.2/Mpc. We also discuss theoretical models which could lead to the k^3 effect, including ordinary hybrid inflation and double D-term inflation models. We show that the well-motivated k^3 component is also a good representative of the generic spikelike feature in the primordial perturbation power spectrum.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures; added new section on theoretical motivation for k^3 term, and discussion of double D-term hybrid inflation models; title changed, added a new section discussing the generic spikelike features, published in IJMP

    Models of the SL9 Impacts II. Radiative-hydrodynamic Modeling of the Plume Splashback

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    We model the plume "splashback" phase of the SL9 collisions with Jupiter using the ZEUS-3D hydrodynamic code. We modified the Zeus code to include gray radiative transport, and we present validation tests. We couple the infalling mass and momentum fluxes of SL9 plume material (from paper I) to a jovian atmospheric model. A strong and complex shock structure results. The modeled shock temperatures agree well with observations, and the structure and evolution of the modeled shocks account for the appearance of high excitation molecular line emission after the peak of the continuum light curve. The splashback region cools by radial expansion as well as by radiation. The morphology of our synthetic continuum light curves agree with observations over a broad wavelength range (0.9 to 12 microns). A feature of our ballistic plume is a shell of mass at the highest velocities, which we term the "vanguard". Portions of the vanguard ejected on shallow trajectories produce a lateral shock front, whose initial expansion accounts for the "third precursors" seen in the 2-micron light curves of the larger impacts, and for hot methane emission at early times. Continued propagation of this lateral shock approximately reproduces the radii, propagation speed, and centroid positions of the large rings observed at 3-4 microns by McGregor et al. The portion of the vanguard ejected closer to the vertical falls back with high z-component velocities just after maximum light, producing CO emission and the "flare" seen at 0.9 microns. The model also produces secondary maxima ("bounces") whose amplitudes and periods are in agreement with observations.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures (figs 3 and 4 in color), accepted for Ap.J. latex, version including full figures at: http://oobleck.tn.cornell.edu/jh/ast/papers/slplume2-20.ps.g

    The CFEPS Kuiper Belt Survey: Strategy and Pre-survey Results

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    We present the data acquisition strategy and characterization procedures for the Canada-France Ecliptic Plane Survey (CFEPS), a sub-component of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey. The survey began in early 2003 and as of summer 2005 has covered 430 square degrees of sky within a few degrees of the ecliptic. Moving objects beyond the orbit of Uranus are detected to a magnitude limit of mRm_R=23 -- 24 (depending on the image quality). To track as large a sample as possible and avoid introducing followup bias, we have developed a multi-epoch observing strategy that is spread over several years. We present the evolution of the uncertainties in ephemeris position and orbital elements as the objects progress through the epochs. We then present a small 10-object sample that was tracked in this manner as part of a preliminary survey starting a year before the main CFEPS project. We describe the CFEPS survey simulator, to be released in 2006, which allows theoretical models of the Kuiper Belt to be compared with the survey discoveries since CFEPS has a well-documented pointing history with characterized detection efficiencies as a function of magnitude and rate of motion on the sky. Using the pre-survey objects we illustrate the usage of the simulator in modeling the classical Kuiper Belt.Comment: to be submitted to Icaru
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