6 research outputs found

    Loci Memoriae Hungaricae

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    Köszönetnyilvánítás - 7 ; Bevezetés a „Kacsamesék”-nemzedékről - 11 ; I. Az elfelejtett évtizedek – A kortárs emlékezetpolitika és a nyolcvanas évek -23 ; I.1. Trauma és nosztalgia – kapcsolódási pontok - 26 ; I.2. Nosztalgia, retró és a (hon)vágy tárgya - 32 ; I.2.1. Posztmodern és nosztalgia - 33 ; I.2.2. Posztkommunista nosztalgia vagy retró? - 36 ; I.3. Megáll az dő - 37 ; ; II. Az olvashatatlan nyolcvanas évek - 45 ; II.1. Glasznoszty és nyitás - 45 ; II.2. Ideológia, paródia és peresztrojka - 52 ; II.3. Sajtó és cenzúra - 56 ; II.3.1. A habermasi nyilvánosság és kritikája - 56 ; II.3.2. A botrány - 61 ; II.4. Technomédiumok a nyolcvanas évek Magyarországán - 63 ; II.5. „Ez 142 embernek tetszik” – A nyolcvanas évek multimedialitása a Web 2.0 közegében - 65 ; II.6. Konklúzió - 67 ; III. A rítus retorikája – Nagy Imre újratemetésének mediatizált emlékezete - 71 ; III.1. Az újratemetés mint rituális tett - 71 ; III.1.1. Előkészületek - 76 ; III.1.2. Díszletek - 76 ; III.2. Beszédek - 80 ; III.2.1. Magyarság - 80 ; III.2.2. Emlékezés és felejtés - 84 ; III.2.3. A demokrácia mint toposz - 86 ; III.3. Az újratemetés mint médiaesemény - 88 ; III.4. Az újratemetés mint emlékezethely - 93 ; III.4.1. Kultusz és irónia - 94 ; III.4.2. Mediális reflexiók - 98 ; III.4.3. Közös Siker (a Visszajátszás és a Szabadság tér ’89 című műsorok) - 100 ; III.4.4. A magyar szabadság éve - 103 ; III.5. A pusztában bolyongás kockázatairól és ígéreteiről - 104 ; IV. István, a király – Kultusz és nosztalgia - 109 ; IV.1. „Amikor én még kissrác voltam” – Az emlékezet lehetőségei - 109 ; IV.2. „Pogánynak tartanak” – Rock és államszocializmus - 110 ; IV.3. „Nem lesz ebből már soha szent király!” – István király emlékezete a 80-as években - 111 ; IV.4. „Koppány vezér! Ne hidd, hogy én nem szeretlek!” – István és Koppány viszonya - 112 ; IV.5. „Szállj fel, szabad madár” – A királydombi előadás és a szabadság fuvallata - 114 ; IV.6. A megkeseredő allegóriák - 117 ; IV.7. „Ismerjük az ősi rendet” – Variált ismétlés és adaptációk - 120 ; IV.7.1. „És mégis közel” – A színpadi tér az István, a királyban - 123 ; IV.7.2. „Én, István, akit nemzettél, atyám” – A szereplők kiválasztása - 125 ; IV.7.3. „Mindenkinek helyzete van” – Jelmezek és allegorizálhatóság - 129 ; IV.8. „Te kit választanál?” – Azonosulás az István, a királyban - 131 ; IV.9. Ártalmas emlékezés és az emlékezet finomhangolása az István-kultuszban - 133 ; V. Molnár Csilla balladája – Az első magyar szépségverseny visszhangjai - 137 ; V.1. Szépségkirálynők Magyarországon és a világon – Az első magyar szépségverseny előtt - 140 ; V.2. Az első magyar szépségverseny kulturális kontextusa - 142 ; V.2.1. A kor nőideálja, avagy miért (nem) önellentmondás a „szovjet szépségverseny”? - 142 ; V.2.2. A füredi Anna-bál - 143 V.3. A szépség ideológiája – Szépségversenyek, peresztrojka és ellentmondások a hivatalos beszédrendben - 144 ; V.4. „Business” – A nyugati morál kritikája - 146 ; V.5. „Ami érdek nélkül tetszik” – A tisztaság és a „business” - 150 ; V.6. „Biznisz” - 154 ; V.7. Csilla(g) – sztár- és celebkultusz a nyolcvanas években - 157 ; V.8. „Vadszocializmus”, avagy jelentéseltolódások 1989 után - 162 ; V.9. Az idők jelei - 164 ; VI. Összegzés – Távolodás a nyolcvanas évektől - 167 ; VII. Források - 171 ; VIII. Felhasznált szakirodalom - 175 ; XIX. Névmutató - 18

    Loci Memoriae Hungaricae

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    Miklós Takács: Preface - 7 ; 1. Theoretical reflections ; Zsófia O. Réti: Memory of Networks, Networks of Memory - 10 ; Gábor Palkó: The Phenomenon of “Linked Data” from a Media Archaeological Perspective - 23 ; 2. Digital Memory in Everyday Life ; Norbert Krek: Lieux de Mémoire and Video Games: Mnemonic Representations of the Second World War in First Person Shooter Games of the Early Twenty-first Century - 32 ; Antti Vallius: Landscapes of Belonging: Visual Memories in the Digital Age - 43 ; László Z. Karvalics: Defining Two Types of Cultural “Micro-heritage”: Objects, Knowledge Dimensions and a Quest for Novel Memory Institutions - 58 ; 3. New Media for Old Ideologies Tuija Saresma: Circulating the Origin Myth of Western Civilization – The Racial Imagery of the ‘Men of the North’ as an Imaginary Heritage in White Supremacist Blogs - 68 ; Klára Sándor: Versions of Folk History Representing Group Identities: The Battle for the Masternarrative - 82 ; 4. Rethinking Hungarian Collective Memory Katalin Bódi: Image and Imagination: The Changing Role of Art from the Nineteenth Century to the Present in Hungarian National Memory - 92 ; Zsófia Fellegi: Digital Philology on the Semantic Web: Publishing Hungarian Avant-garde Magazines - 105 ; Norbert Baranyai: Cult, Gossip, Memory—Aspects of Mediating Culture in Krisztián Nyáry’s Portraits of Writers in Facebook Posts - 117 ; Notes on Contributors - 127 ; Index - 13

    Nagy Imre újratemetésének mediatizált emlékezete

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    The paper examines the reburial of Imre Nagy in 1989 as a potential lieu de mémoire. The event was and is considered as a concentrated and symbolic representation of the change of the regime. Besides, the reburial also articulated one of the primary stakes of the 1989 processes in Hungary: it managed to integrate the muted memory of 1956 into officially acknowledged cultural memory. The paper argues that the reburial operates in a ritual temporality which is used to create and accentuate a sense of continuity between 1956 and 1989. How is this temporality influenced by the medial environment, the television and radio broadcast of the reburial? How does the ritual quality contribute to the event becoming a site of memory? How is the reburial represented in contemporary popular culture? These are the questions the paper seeks to answer.The paper examines the reburial of Imre Nagy in 1989 as a potential lieu de mémoire. The event was and is considered as a concentrated and symbolic representation of the change of the regime. Besides, the reburial also articulated one of the primary stakes of the 1989 processes in Hungary: it managed to integrate the muted memory of 1956 into officially acknowledged cultural memory. The paper argues that the reburial operates in a ritual temporality which is used to create and accentuate a sense of continuity between 1956 and 1989. How is this temporality influenced by the medial environment, the television and radio broadcast of the reburial? How does the ritual quality contribute to the event becoming a site of memory? How is the reburial represented in contemporary popular culture? These are the questions the paper seeks to answer

    Leleplezett prosopopeia, megrekedt szinekdoché: Műfajpoétikai kérdések Dragomán György A fehér király című művében

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    György Dragomán’s second novel, The White King, while being extremely popular with literary audiences, also gained considerable critical acclaim. The story of Djata, the young boy who has to grow up without his father in an unnamed Eastern European dictatorship has been translated to thirty languages due to its powerful images and complex, yet easily readable language, which works well with adolescents as well. Using close reading, the present paper focuses on the genre related dilemmas of the novel. The paper uses Paul de Man’s understanding of prosopopeia and the concept of dysfunctional synecdoche to argue that the genres of “father novel”, bildungsroman and dystopia are each other’s logical consequences and as such are intermingled in The White King.György Dragomán’s second novel, The White King, while being extremely popular with literary audiences, also gained considerable critical acclaim. The story of Djata, the young boy who has to grow up without his father in an unnamed Eastern European dictatorship has been translated to thirty languages due to its powerful images and complex, yet easily readable language, which works well with adolescents as well. Using close reading, the present paper focuses on the genre related dilemmas of the novel. The paper uses Paul de Man’s understanding of prosopopeia and the concept of dysfunctional synecdoche to argue that the genres of “father novel”, bildungsroman and dystopia are each other’s logical consequences and as such are intermingled in The White King

    Telling the Untellable: Trauma and Sexuality in Big Little Lies

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    The problem of sexual violence, including rape, domestic assault, sexual harassment, and molestation has recently become a topical issue both in public discourse and popular culture. The unspoken individual traumas have found their way to the world of TV series, such as HBO’s mini-series Big Little Lies. The essay explores the unique ways in which the television series treats sexuality and personal traumas. It argues that while by no means can it be regarded as a soap opera, Big Little Lies occasionally uses and rewrites the genre-specific codes of this traditionally low-prestige television genre intended for women to alter the representation of individual traumas in popular culture. The use of flashbacks and involuntary repetition as narrative elements along with the retrospective framework of a criminal investigation make the serial form much suited to examine individual traumas. The television series attempts the almost impossible: to speak of the trauma’s unspeakability, and simultaneously it seeks to maintain its high viewership. (ZsOR

    Iron overload of human colon adenocarcinoma cells studied by synchrotron-based X-ray techniques

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    Fast- and slow-proliferating human adenocarcinoma colorectal cells, HT-29 and HCA-7, respectively, overloaded with transferrin (Tf), Fe(III) citrate, Fe(III) chloride and Fe(II) sulfate were studied by synchrotron radiation total-reflection X-ray spectrometry (TXRF), TXRF-X-ray absorption near edge structure (TXRF-XANES), and micro-X-ray fluorescence imaging to obtain information on the intracellular storage of overloaded iron (Fe). The determined TfR1 mRNA expression for the investigated cells correlated with their proliferation rate. In all cases, the Fe XANES of cells overloaded with inorganic Fe was found to be similar to that of deliquescent Fe(III) sulfate characterized by a distorted octahedral geometry. A fitting model using a linear combination of the XANES of Tf and deliquescent Fe(III) sulfate allowed to explain the near edge structure recorded for HT-29 cells indicating that cellular overload with inorganic Fe results in a non-ferritin-like fast Fe storage. Hierarchical cluster analysis of XANES spectra recorded for Fe overloaded HT-29 and HCA-7 cells was able to distinguish between Fe treatments performed with different Fe species with a 95 % hit rate, indicating clear differences in the Fe storage system. Micro-X-ray fluorescence imaging of Fe overloaded HT-29 cells revealed that Fe is primarily located in the cytosol of the cells. By characterizing the cellular Fe uptake, Fe/S content ratios were calculated based on the X-ray fluorescence signals of the analytes. These Fe/S ratios were dramatically lower for HCA-7 treated with organic Fe(III) treatments suggesting dissimilarities from the Tf-like Fe uptake