18 research outputs found

    Morphological and phylogenetic features of the Crimean population of <i>Juniperus deltoids</i> R.P. Adams

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    Juniperus deltoides is a relict species from the Tertiary Period. It is a typical representative of the Mediterranean group of the section Juniperus. It is included in the Red Books of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Until recently, it was believed that a population of J. oxycedrus grew in Crimea. Currently, J. deltoides is described as a cryptic species, morphologically difficult to distinguish from J. oxycedrus. As a result, it became necessary to conduct a series of detailed studies to determine the morphological and phylogenetic features of the Crimean cryptic population in order to identify it as being one of the species of the cryptic pair. The studies were carried out in two stages: at the first stage, the morphological features of the vegetative and generative organs and their difference from J. oxycedrus were determined; the second stage included genetic research. The length of the needles of the Crimean population is 12.94 ± 0.19 mm, which corresponds to the Eastern Italian population of J. deltoides. At the same time, the width of the needles is 1.39 ± 0.02 mm, which is typical of the Portuguese population of J. oxycedrus. The dimensions of the cones are d1 (conditional height) = 7.54 ± 0.14 mm, and d2 (conditional width) = 9.11 ± 0.09 mm, which is more in line with J. deltoides. The shapes of the cones are very diverse. Some individuals have cones, the covering scales of which are visually indistinguishable, and their tops are completely fused. A similar phenomenon is characteristic of the Western Mediterranean populations of J. oxycedrus. Morphological analysis of the vegetative and generative organs of J. deltoides showed that when these two traits are combined, it is not possible to reliably distinguish between J. deltoides and J. oxycedrus individuals. Nuclear (ITS internal transcribed spacer) and chloroplast (petN-psbM, trnS-trnG) non-coding regions of the genome were used for genetic analysis. Studies have shown that the nuclear regions of genes have greater variability than chloroplast regions. The sequences obtained in this work formed a clade with J. deltoides samples 9430 and 9431 (BAYLU) growing in Turkey, which makes it possible to assign the samples studied to J. deltoides

    Поведение радионуклида 106Ru в водных растворах при центрофугировании, ультрафильтрации и ионном обмене

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    The paper presents the results of 106Ru radionuclide behavior regularities study in aqueous solutions in a wide pH range by ultrafiltration, ion exchange and centrifugation methods. The regions of 106Ru various species existence in solution have been established: cationic 106Ru species at pH &lt; 3.5; the transition region of non-ionic species formation in the range of pH 3.5–4.2 and the region of non-ionic species predominant formation at pH &gt; 4.2. A characteristic feature of the studied solutions is the formation of non-ionic particles by microconcentrations of 106Ru via pseudocolloids at lower pH values as compared to ruthenium solutions with a concentration of 10-6–10-4 mol/dm3. The established regularities of the behavior of ruthenium radionuclides can be utilized to increase the efficiency of ion exchange and membrane separation methods at nuclear and radiation facilities for technological solutions and liquid radioactive waste treatment.Представлены результаты изучения закономерности поведения радионуклида 106Ru в водных растворах в широком интервале рН методами ультрафильтрации, ионного обмена и центрифугирования. Установлены области существования различных форм 106Ru в растворе: катионные формы 106Ru существуют при рН &lt; 3,5; переходная область формирования неионных форм находится в интервале рН 3,5–4,2 и область преимущественного образования неионных форм при рН &gt; 4,2. Характерной особенностью изученных растворов является образование рутением-106 концентрацией 10-11 моль/дм3 неионных частиц за счет псевдоколлоидообразования при более низких значениях рН по сравнению с растворами рутения в концентрации 10-6–10-4 моль/дм3. Установленные закономерности поведения радионуклидов рутения могут быть использованы для повышения эффективности способов ионного обмена и мембранного разделения при очистке технологических растворов и жидких радиоактивных отходов, образующихся на ядерных и радиационных объектах

    Evaluation of students hostel conditions by students of pharmacy

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    The article presents and discusses the Pharmaceutical students survey’s results of all courses from the first to the fifth who live in the hostels of the Ural State Medical University.В статье приводятся и обсуждаются результаты анкетирования студентов фармацевтического факультета, обучающихся на 1-5 курсах и проживающих в корпусах общежитий Уральского государственного медицинского университета

    Ecological Features of Pollen Dispersal in Populations of Pinus brutia var. pityusa (Steven) Silba Mountain Crimea

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    Вылет и распространение пыльцы является важнейшим этапом репродуктивного цикла различных видов анемофильных растений и играет существенную роль в процессах естественного воспроизводства их природных популяций. Ее качественные и количественные характеристики определяют эффективность формирования семян, стабильность смены поколений и поддержания внутривидового разнообразия. В работе приведены результаты исследований особенностей распространения пыльцы в связи с динамикой условий произрастания в природных популяциях P. brutia var. pityusa Горного Крыма. При проведении исследований использовали методы таксации и фенологических наблюдений. Выявлены некоторые особенности прохождения фенофазы пыления в западной и восточной части распространения P. brutia var. pityusa в Горном Крыму. Установлено, что в природных популяциях P. brutia var. pityusa Горного Крыма начало высыпания и распространения пыльцы происходит в конце апреля – начале мая. В западных территориях произрастания этот процесс начинается раньше в сравнении с восточными. Выявлено изменение фенофазы пыления с увеличением высоты местопроизрастания древостоев, в верхнем поясе она наступает позже и увеличивается по продолжительности. Сумма активных температур выше 5° в период начала пыления в прибрежной зоне произрастания P. brutia var. pityusa в западных территориях изменяется в пределах 467°– 493°, в восточных варьирует от 418° до 439°. На основе анализа многолетних данных выявлены тенденции повышения среднемесячных температур весеннего периода. Общий рост среднемесячной температуры апреля в течение 190 лет в западных территориях проведения наблюдений составил 1,3°, в восточных этот показатель за 140 лет увеличился на 2,0°. Значительное изменение температурного режима во временных масштабах, сопоставимых с продолжительностью жизни отдельных деревьев, оказывает влияние на состояние и демографическую структуру популяций. Дальнейший рост температур может вызвать фенологическую дивергенцию – смещение во времени биоэкологических оптимумов лета пыльцы и рецептивной фазы женской шишки на неопределенный срок, что снижает возможности реализации последующих этапов репродуктивного цикла. С учетом данных явлений наиболее кризисная ситуация в настоящее время складывается в восточной части природных популяций P. brutia var. pityusa Горного КрымаPollen emission and dispersal is the major stage of the reproductive cycle of anemophilous plants critical for sustaining their natural populations. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of pollen determine the efficiency of seed formation, stability of generational change and maintenance of intraspecific diversity. This paper studies the process of pollen flight in connection with the dynamics of growth conditions in natural populations of P. brutia var. pityusa in the Crimean Mountains. Methods of forest inventory and phenological observations were used. Some features of the pollen emission phenophase in the western and eastern coastal habitats of P. brutia var. pityusa in the Crimean Mountains were revealed. It has been established that in the natural populations of P. brutia var. pityusa in the Crimean Mountains, the onset of pollination occurs in late April – early May. In the western areas, this process begins earlier in comparison with the eastern ones. It was revealed that the pollination phenophase changes with an increase in the altitude of the forest stands; in the upper zone, it occurs later and increases in duration. The sum of active temperatures above 5° at the beginning of P. brutia var. pityusa pollination in its coastal growth area varies within 467°–493° in the western territories, and from 418° to 439° in the eastern territories. Based on the analysis of the long-term data on average monthly temperatures in spring, trends to their increase were revealed. The total increase in the average monthly temperature in April was 1.3° in the western territories based on 190 years of observations, and in the eastern territories this parameter has increased by 2.0° over 140 years. A significant change in the temperature regimen within a lifespan of individual trees affects the state and demographic structure of populations. A further increase in temperature can cause phenological divergence – a shift of the bioecological optimums of pollen flight and the receptive phase of the female cone for an unpredictable time period, which reduces the chances of implementing the subsequent stages of the reproductive cycle. Taking into account these phenomena, a critical situation is currently developing in the eastern part of the natural populations of P. brutia var. pityusa in the Crimean Mountain

    Формы нахождения радионуклида кобальта-60 в растворах борной кислоты

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    In this work, the speciation of 60Co radionuclide in model solution of spent fuel pool coolant is studied by ultrafiltration and centrifugation. The effect of pH and composition of the solution on the 60Co radionuclide speciation is shown; the limitss in existence of ionic and non-ionic (pseudocolloidal) forms are defined. A great part of 60Co states at ionic form represented by hydrated cation of 60Co in the solutions of boric acid 20 g/L at 4–8 pH value. The size of non-ionic forms of 60Co in this pH range is 1–50 nm. Starting with pH 8, the соntent of non-ionic forms increases dramatically and reaches 100 % at pH value 10–11, which is due to formation of CoOH+ ions and their increased sorption activity at forming pseudocolloids. Introduction of iron (III) ions to the solution, which are precursors of corrosion products, shifts the formation of nonionic forms of 60Co to lower pH area.Исследовано состояние радионуклида 60Co в модельных растворах теплоносителя бассейна выдержки отработавшего ядерного топлива с использованием методов ультрафильтрации и центрифугирования. Показано влияние pH и состава раствора на формы нахождения радионуклида 60Co, установлены границы существования ионных и неионных (псевдоколлоидных) форм. В растворах борной кислоты 20 г/л при рН 4–8 большая часть 60Co находится в ионном состоянии в виде гидратированного катиона Co2+. Размер неионных форм кобальта в данном интервале рН составляет 1–50 нм. Начиная с рН 8 доля неионных форм резко увеличивается и достигает 100 % при рН 10–11, что связано с образованием ионов CoOH+ и их повышенной сорбционной активностью при образовании псевдоколлоидов. Внесение в раствор ионов железа (III), являющихся предшественниками продуктов коррозии, сдвигает образование неионных форм 60Co в более низкую область pH

    Management of dismenorea in outpatient settings: modern opportunities

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    The article considers the causes for the development and modern methods of managing dysmenorrhea. The conservative therapy includes the use of combined hormonal contraceptives, physiotherapy procedures, vitamins and symptomatic drugs. The authors stress the significance of Nimesil® in the first-line therapy of primary dysmenorrhea of the syndrome along with the combined hormonal contraceptives and symptomatic agents. The use of this drug is characterized by rapid onset of effect, strong analgesic effect and good tolerability

    Dynamic loads control in a pump complex with adjustable pipeline valves

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    An electromechanical system of dynamic loads reduction in pump complex pipeline network is developed on the basis of locking and regulating stopcock variable-frequency electric drive. It is proved that irregular rate of pipeline valves control is an efficient way of dynamic loads reduction. An adjustable valve pipeline network model taking into account wave processes in the pipeline and stopcock hydraulic resistance nonlinear dependence on the relative rate of its opening is offered

    Identification of TAAR5 Agonist Activity of Alpha-NETA and Its Effect on Mismatch Negativity Amplitude in Awake Rats

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    Mismatch negativity (MMN) is a well-defined component of human event-related potentials that reflects the pre-attentive, stimulus-discrimination process and is associated with involuntary switching of attention. MMN-like responses detected in animal models provide an opportunity to investigate the neural mechanisms of this process that involves several neurotransmitter and neuromodulator systems. Trace amines are believed to play a significant role in neuromodulation of synaptic transmission. The present study aimed to determine the role of trace amine-associated receptor 5 (TAAR5) in the MMN-like response in rats. First, using a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) cAMP biosensor, we performed unbiased screening of TAAR5 ligands from a commercially available compound library (661 compounds) and identified 2-(alpha-naphthoyl)ethyltrimethylammonium iodide (alpha-NETA) as a potent (EC50 150 nM) TAAR5 agonist. Then, we recorded auditory event-related potentials during an oddball paradigm in awake freely moving rats that were intraperitoneally injected with a vehicle or two doses of the putative TAAR5 agonist alpha-NETA. The MMN-like response was increased by alpha-NETA 3 mg/kg dose, but not by 1 mg/kg dose or 0.9% saline solution. These results suggest that the MMN-like response in rats may be modulated, at least in part, through TAAR5-dependent processes