515 research outputs found

    Structure of 5-nitro-2-tosylaminobenzaldehyde di(morpholin-4-yl)aminal Complex with Carbon Tetrachloride

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    The 5-nitro-2-tosylaminobenzaldehyde di(morpholin-4-yl)aminal forms a stable complex with carbon tetrachloride in the crystal phase. X-ray structural study of this complex indicates an essentially shortened intermolecular contact of 2.89 Å between the oxygen atom of the nitro group and one of the chlorine atom of the CCI4 molecule. Quantum-chemical calculations by semiempirical AMI method showed that the formation of such complex did not cause considerable decrease of system energy or change of charge distribution in molecules. It was supposed that this associate has van der Waals character

    Research of the overall chemical and amino acid composition of meat from young animals of new sheep genotypes

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    The paper presents the results of the investigation of the overall chemical composition (mass fraction of moisture, fat, protein and ash) and the amino acid composition of mutton from the experimental animals of new genotypes: Sovetsky Merino x Dzhalginsky Merino and Sovetsky Merino x Stavropolsky breed. As a control, meat of purebred Sovetsky Merino was studied. The experimental and control rams were slaughtered at the age of 8 months by the conventional technology. Meat samples for laboratory examination were taken a day after slaughter. The results of the analysis of the overall chemical composition showed that lamb meat of new genotypes had lower moisture content and higher content of fat and protein compared to the control. Analysis of the amino acid composition of meat proteins of genotypes Sovetsky Merino x Dzhalginsky Merino and Sovetsky Merino x Stavropolsky breed revealed lower content of essential amino acids compared to the control. Comparison of amino acid scores showed that the amino acid composition of meat proteins from the experimental animals was limited by valine and lysine, respectively. It was concluded by the results of the investigations of the amino acid composition of proteins that the biological full value of proteins of mutton from new genotypes was 22.9% and 30.3% lower than that of the control

    Application of Radiation Technologies for Quality Improvement of LEDs Based upon AlGaAs

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    The investigation results of the radiation resistance and reliability of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based upon AlGaAs are presented. The radiation model and the reliability model are described for LEDs. Preliminary irradiation by gamma-quanta and fast neutrons makes it possible to improve the radiation resistance and reliability of the LEDs during further operation. Based on the developed models, radiation technologies are proposed, and the use of which allows increasing the service properties of the LEDs. The suggested technologies can be used for other types of semiconductor devices


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    Purpose: to define of the system condition of prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child, implementation of family planning for HIV-infected women.         Material and methods. In this study are used: statistical, analytical, organizational and conceptual methods from medical documents and official information.Results. The study determined that the major problems of HIV transmission from mother to child in Ukraine is unplanned pregnancy of HIV-infected women and associated with this low commitment to their timely HIV testing, prenatal surveillance, ARVP during pregnancy, timely hospitalization for childbirth, examination of newborn and optimal care by him; late stages of HIV infection in pregnant women; injecting drug taking; risk sexual behavior during pregnancy.Conclusions. Prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child in Ukraine may essential improving due to optimization of family planning service and improvement of health and social care for HIV-infected women.Мета: визначити стан системи профілактики передачі ВІЛ від матері до дитини, заходів з планування сім’ї для ВІЛ-інфікованих жінок.Матеріали і методи. У дослідженні вивчалися матеріали медичної та статистичної документації, використані статистичний, аналітичний, організаційний та концептуальний методи.Результати. Встановлено, що основними проблемами передачі ВІЛ від матері до дитини в Україні є непланованість вагітності та пов'язана з цим низька прихильність до своєчасного обстеження на ВІЛ, допологового нагляду, АРВ-профілактики під час вагітності, своєчасної госпіталізації на пологи, обстеження новонародженого та оптимального догляду за ним; пізні стадії ВІЛ-інфекції у вагітних; споживання ін'єкційних наркотиків; ризикована статева поведінка під час вагітності.Висновки. Профілактику вертикальної передачі ВІЛ в Україні можливо суттєво покращити за рахунок оптимізації діяльності служби планування сім’ї та покращення надання медико-соціальної допомоги ВІЛ-інфікованим жінкам

    The formation of strategies for effective management of business environment of the region

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    This study is aimed to explore the opportunities of creating conditions which is necessary for successful development of small and medium enterprises of Russia and the Belgorod region in particular in the chemical industry of leather and footwear sector. The system of criteria for the assessment of the entrepreneurial activity of small and medium enterprises is proposed. The directions of development of small and medium enterprises in the chemical industry of leather and footwear sector are designedyesБелгородский государственный университе

    The study of the role of maternal and fetal risk factors in the development of placental insufficiency

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    The objectives were to study the role of maternal and fetal risk factors in the development of placental insufficiency (PI) and fetal growth retardation syndrome (FGRS


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    The article deals with a problem of building an anti-trust compliance system in state executive authorities from the point of view of contemporary risk management. The authors expound a well-known instrument based on the bow-tie diagram construction which successfully helps to develop effective measures to prevent violation of anti-trust legislation cases by state executive authorities. They also give some numeric results of statistical modelling of anti-trust legislation violation risks by state executive authorities by means of the Monte-Carlo method


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    The article deals with a problem of building an anti-trust compliance system in state executive authorities from the point of view of contemporary risk management. The authors expound a well-known instrument based on the bow-tie diagram construction which successfully helps to develop effective measures to prevent violation of anti-trust legislation cases by state executive authorities. They also give some numeric results of statistical modelling of anti-trust legislation violation risks by state executive authorities by means of the Monte-Carlo method.В работе предлагается взгляд на проблематику построения системы антимонопольного комплаенса в исполнительных органах государственной власти с позиции общей философии, теории и практики современного риск-менеджмента. Изложен известный метод анализа рисков, основанный на построении диаграммы «галстук-бабочка», позволяющий осознанно разрабатывать эффективные меры предупреждения рисков нарушения антимонопольного законодательства исполнительными органами государственной власти. Приведены результаты статистического моделирования рисков нарушения антимонопольного законодательства исполнительными органами государственной власти при помощи метода Монте-Карло