96 research outputs found

    Isolation of Porphyrins from Heavy Oil Objects

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    The chapter describes the opportunities of extracting porphyrins by polar solvents (acetone, N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), isopropanol, and acetonitrile) and sulfuric acid from various highly molecular petroleum fractions and residues. It has been found that the predissolution of petroleum objects such as asphaltenes and resins in aromatic solvents allows improving the extraction of porphyrins by means of reducing their association with polycondensed heteroatomic structures. Based on the absorption spectra and mass spectra, primary types of porphyrins in obtained extracts were revealed. The distinctions between porphyrin extractions in resins and asphaltenes were revealed. Sulfuric acid extraction allows producing highly concentrated primary extracts of demetallated porphyrins. The share of porphyrin fractions in obtained extractions was 13.0–24.2 wt%, which depends on the concentration of metal porphyrins in initial asphaltenes and resins

    Способ оценки качества точечного сварного соединения

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    The method of spot weld quality assurance of assemblies of sheets of high-strength stainless steels is developed. The X-ray optical scheme of shooting of a welding point is described. The algorithm of definition of a depth of a cast core of a spot weld is offered.Разработан способ оценки качества точечного сварного соединения сборок листов высокопрочных нержавеющих сталей. Описана рентгенооптическая схема съемки сварной точки. Предложен алгоритм определения глубины залегания литого ядра сварной точки

    Перфузионный комплекс для восстановления и поддержания жизнеспособности донорской печени ex vivo: первое экспериментальное исследование

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    Introduction. Successful liver transplantation including from donors with a sudden irreversible cardiac arrest requires the use of modern hardware and technical support to maintain, select and sustain organ viability for the period from harvesting to transplantation to the recipient.Materials and methods. Hardware-software system (HSS) developed by the Russian State Scientific Center for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics (RTC) was used for testing of normothermic perfusion of donor’s liver ex vivo. The experiment was conducted on the isolated pig liver (Duroc breed) in accordance with the ethical principles.Result. During perfusion spontaneous recovery of bile outflow through the cannula installed in the common bile duct (volume of bile released – 240 ml) was observed, and the color and uniformity of the perfused liver did not differ from the normal parameters. Biochemical indicators were stabilized at the physiological values after 40 minutes of perfusion procedure.Conclusion. Isolated liver transplant was completely restored after 30 minutes of warm ischemia and was functioning well due to ex vivo perfusion procedure on the new perfusion device. The first case of the new device usage for normothermic liver ex vivo demonstrated hopeful results to be further investigated.Введение. Сокращение числа посмертных доноров со стандартными характеристиками органов является главной проблемой трансплантологии. Развитию программ пересадки печени отвечает разработка перфузионного аппаратно-технического обеспечения, позволяющего восстанавливать, проверять, сохранять и поддерживать жизнеспособность органа ex vivo. В статье приводятся данные о первичном отечественном экспериментальном опыте перфузии донорской печени на разработанном перфузионном комплексе.Материалы и методы. Для апробации нормотермической перфузии донорской печени в целях восстановления и сохранения жизнеспособности органа после 30-минутного периода асистолии был использован разработанный экспериментальный образец аппаратно-программного комплекса (АПК). Аппарат для перфузии донорской печени ex vivo был разработан в ФГАНУ «Центральный научно-исследовательский и опытно-конструкторский институт робототехники и технической кибернетики» (ЦНИИ РТК) при поддержке Министерства образования и науки РФ. Эксперимент был проведен на изолированной печени свиньи в соответствии с международными этическими требованиями к исследованиям на животных.Результат. В процессе перфузии наблюдалось спонтанное восстановление оттока желчи через канюлю, установленную в общий желчный проток (объем отделяемой желчи – 240 мл), цвет и однородность перфузируемой печени не отличались от нормальных параметров. Биохимические показатели стабилизировались на уровне физиологических значений через 40 минут проводимого сеанса нормотермической аппаратной перфузии.Вывод. В результате проведенной апробации АПК на свиной печени продемонстрировано, что новое устройство позволяет проводить нормотермическую перфузию и тем самым восстанавливать функцию печени после 30-минутной тепловой ишемии. Первое применение аппарата показывает обнадеживающий результат. Требуются дальнейшие исследования для внедрения в клиническую практику трансплантологии методов аппаратного восстановления и сохранения жизнеспособности трансплантатов ex vivo

    Nanosystems for Health and Environment

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    Context. The Sun is the most studied of all stars, which serves as a reference for all other observed stars in the Universe. Furthermore, it also serves the role of a privileged laboratory of fundamental physics and can help us better understand processes occuring in conditions irreproducible on Earth. However, our understanding of our star is currently lessened by the so-called solar modelling problem, resulting from comparisons of theoretical solar models to helioseismic constraints. These discrepancies can stem from various causes, such as the radiative opacities, the equation of state as well as the mixing of the chemical elements


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    The relevance of the work is conditioned by the need to identify facies types of volcanogenic complexes in order to identify patterns of localization of hydrothermal mineralization in them. The purpose of the study is the substantiation of the necessity to study the facies of the volcanogenic rocks and their role in controlling the localization of hydrothermal mineralization. The research methodology is based on the data of geological surveys of volcanogenic complexes and on laboratory studies of rocks. Results. The article considers the problem of facies of volcanogenic rocks of continental volcanogenic formations. The analysis of representations of M. A. Usov, Yu. A. Kuznetsov, V. K. Monich, E. B. Yakovleva, A. I. Semenov and other researchers is presented. The author associates himself with M. A. Usov and Yu. A. Kuznetsov, and understands the conditions of formation of volcanic rocks by the facies. The main factor is the depth, the secondary one is geological and structural features of the environment. The author is guided by proposed principles and proposes his own classification of facies volcanogenic rocks of the orogenic series. Facies were distinguished by depth of formation, and subfactions were distinguished by secondary factors. Effusive-pyroclastic facies include effusive, extrusion and volcanogenic-sedimentary subfacies. The vent facies covers a neck, a dyke and extrusive subfamilies. Subvolcanic facies is presented by the subfamily of subvolcanic intrusions and the dyke one. A hypabyssal facies includes subfile hypabyssal intrusions and dykes. Each subfamily is characterized by its inherent bodies of the corresponding shape. The characteristic of the named facies, subfamily and bodies is presented. In conclusion, the need is emphasized to study and discuss the issue in order to identify patterns of localization of mineralization of volcanic formations

    Geoecological zoning of developed territories

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    The article contains information on methods of geoecological zoning carried out based on the assessment of cartographic material using geoinformation technologies for the analysis of factographic cartographic material. The proposed methodology complements the existing methodological recommendations on geological and environmental research, developed by VSEGINGEO. The paper reflects the basic principles of obtaining the initial environmental information for creation of a map evaluation model of the Salekhard Area, and the rationale for selecting factors and numerical criteria for an integrated environmental assessment of the territory, taking into account the specifics of nature-technogenic conditions of the Severnoye Priobye region (West Siberia). The article briefly describes the main natural factors of the region of research, including landscape, geological, radiation, engineering-geological, geocryological, hydrogeological factors. Separate block describes the objects of technogenic load, including technogeneally-transformed landscapes in residential areas, corridors of transport communications, industrial and energy zones, and local ecologically significant objects. Ecological significance of natural and technogenic factors affected conducted ranking of their numerical parameters of the evaluation criteria. The article shows the application of a method of expert scoring for obtaining an integral assessment of the ecological state of the geological environment and creating a map of the regionalization of the Salekhard Area. Based on obtained cartographic model, a brief analysis of the existing ecological situation in the Salekhard Area shows the territories of favorable, satisfactory, tense, and crisis ecological states. The geoinformation-integrated model serves as the basis for determination of ecologically significant factors at the points of mapping the state of the geological environment, which allows for the further development of the territory to take into account possible environmental risks and make competent design decisions

    Epidemiological Evaluation of Colorectal Cancer Risk Factors Associated with the Sources of Water Consumption and the Some Features of Diet in Perm Krai

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) dominants in incidence and mortality among all malignant tumors, it is observed both globally and different regions of Russia. The results of analytical epidemiological study «case-control» on the impact of the colorectal cancer risk factors are presented. Considered risk factors were associated with the sources of water consumption and the some features of diet in Permski Krai. Questionnaire surveys of 200 patients with CRC and 200 healthy individuals were performed. Observation and control groups were spread evenly by sex, age and ethnicity. It was determined following risk factors: consumption of municipal unboiled water and well water, sour cream intake, high concentration of salt in the food, fat, fried and spicy meal as well. There were protective factors such us consumption of municipal boiled water and intake of total dairy products more than 1000 g per week