101 research outputs found

    Organizing high-technology medicine in traumatology and orthopedics

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    The article reviews in details regulating documents of Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, resolutions of the Government of Russian Federation concerning providing high-technology medicine in traumatology and. orthopedics and. prospects of development of organizational problems on the realizing of high-technology medicine. High-technology medicine is the complex of treatment and. diagnostics medical services, that are realized in hospital conditions with use of complex and. (or) unique resource-demanding medical technologies. Hightechnology medicine is provided under the standards of medical aid approved by the orders of Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation for federal special-purpose medical institutions providing high-technology medicine and is financed by federal budget. Selection of patients and their referral to the Commission of the subject of Russian Federation is realized by Medical commissions of medical organizations where patients are treated and observed after recommendations of doctor in charge on the basis of the excerpt from medical documentation of the patients. In 2013—2014 development of the further problems on the providing of high-technology medicine is planned: optimization of kinds of high-technology medicine, development of innovative technologies, training of the personnel, licensing of medical organization taking into account providing kinds of high-technology medicine, development of information-analytical system of high-technology medicine, united choice of medical organization. for providing high-technology medicine by the doctor and. the patient. In 2015—2020 the transfer of high-technology kinds of medicine in the system of compulsory medical insurance is planned. 55 billions rubles a year are needed for the development of resource-demanding technologies including transplantation, complex kinds of prosthetics, robotized and innovative technologies. Organization, in federal state institutions special bed funds providing permanent innovative development of medical aid. is prognosed

    Results and prospects of collaboration of Scientific Center of Reconstructive and Restorative Surgery SB RAMS and A.E. Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry SB RAS

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    The article presents main results of collective researches of Scientific Center of Reconstructive and Restorative Surgery SB RAMS and A.E. Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry SB RAS. Introduction of obtained results in clinical practice produces good effect and allows to hope for further collaboration

    Big data analytics for continuous assessment of astronaut health risk and its application to human-in-the-loop (HITL) related aerospace

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    © 2017, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. The man-instrumentation-equipment-vehicle-environment ecosystem is complex in aerospace missions. Health status of the individual has important implications on decision making and performance that should be factored into assessments for probability of success/risk of failure both in offline and real-time models. To date probabilistic models have not considered the dynamic nature of health status. Big Data analytics is enabling new forms of analytics to assess health status in real-time. There is great potential to integrate dynamic health status information with platforms assessing risk and the probability of success for dynamic individualized real-time probabilistic predictive risk assessment. In this research we present an approach utilizing Big Data analytics to enable continuous assessment of astronaut health risk and show its implications for integration with HITL related aerospace mission


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    Coxarthorosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disorder affecting all layers of population with increasing sickness rate among adult people. Coxarthoris is characterized by steadily progressive course leading patients to disability without ability of self-service. Closer attention of all kinds of medical workers is necessary in diagnostics and. rendering of all kinds of assistance available for this category of patients: not only qualified, medical attention, but also help in social rehabilitation

    Assessing socio-economic damage caused by coxarthrosis in the population

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    Background. About 40 % of patients diagnosed with coxarthrosis annually seek medical help and receive social support due to this disease. Increased use of an expensive surgery for treatment of coxarthrosis and projected growth of its prevalence in the population determine the relevance of socio-economic analysis. The aim of the study. To assess the value and structure of economic damage caused by the delivering health and social care to patients with coxarthrosis at the state level of the Russian Federation. Methods. To assess economic damage, we used the average annual number of various categories of patients and disabled people with coxarthrosis in the Irkutsk region for 2008–2017. Three main categories were identified: patients who visited the outpatients’ clinic; patients with total hip replacement; disabled people due to coxarthrosis. For each category, we calculated weighted average damage per  1  conventional patient, taking into account direct and indirect costs and subsequent multiplication by the average annual number of individual categories of patients. Calculations were performed in 2017 prices. Results. The average annual socio-economic damage from coxarthrosis amounted to 1.39 (1.34÷1.43) billion rubles or 0.1 % of the gross regional product. The most of the damage (64.4 %) were indirect costs associated with disability due to coxarthrosis, 22.2  % of the total amount were the costs of hip replacement surgery, 13.4 % were the costs of outpatient visits. Indirect economic losses due to disability in patients of working age were 4.2 times higher than losses due to disability of oldage pensioners. Conclusion. The results of the study confirm the economic feasibility of surgical treatment of coxarthrosis, especially in patients of working age

    Innovations for diagnostics and treatment of injuries and disorders of musculoskeletal system in Irkutsk Scientific Center of Surgery and Traumatology (to the 70th anniversary of Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics)

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    The article summarizes experience and achievements of Irkutsk Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (now - Irkutsk Scientific Center of Surgery and Traumatology) over a 70-year period. The development of new methods of diagnostics and treatment and organization of health care for patients with traumatological and orthopedic pathology are highly influenced by the Institute. The team of Irkutsk Scientific Center of Surgery and Traumatology developed a new promising direction of combined tension-band osteosynthesis, substantiated organ-sparing endoprosthesis replacement, created new technologies of treatment of chronic osteomyelitis, developed concept of treatment of spinal trauma and spinal cord injuries, determined regularities of cross-system organization of physiological functions at the musculoskeletal system pathology, created original technologies and instruments for the treatment of musculoskeletal system traumas and disorders. Innovations created in ISCST include 330 patents. Irkutsk Scientific Center of Surgery and Traumatology was awarded Governor's Award in Science and Technics for the development and introduction in clinical medicine of new diagnostic and treatment methods and of candidate medicines in 2012 and 2013

    Dynamics of the Free Surface of a Conducting Liquid in a Near-Critical Electric Field

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    Near-critical behavior of the free surface of an ideally conducting liquid in an external electric field is considered. Based on an analysis of three-wave processes using the method of integral estimations, sufficient criteria for hard instability of a planar surface are formulated. It is shown that the higher-order nonlinearities do not saturate the instability, for which reason the growth of disturbances has an explosive character.Comment: 19 page


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    The prevalence of coxarthrosis in Ust-Ordynsk Buryat Region was defined as 19,8 ‰0 This article gives complex characteristics of coxarthrosis in the named region

    Microbial β-glucosidases from cow rumen metagenome enhance the saccharification of lignocellulose in combination with commercial cellulase cocktail

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    Background A complete saccharification of plant polymers is the critical step in the efficient production of bio-alcohols. Beta-glucosidases acting in the degradation of intermediate gluco-oligosaccharides produced by cellulases limit the yield of the final product. Results In the present work, we have identified and then successfully cloned, expressed, purified and characterised 4 highly active beta-glucosidases from fibre-adherent microbial community from the cow rumen. The enzymes were most active at temperatures 45–55°C and pH 4.0-7.0 and exhibited high affinity and activity towards synthetic substrates such as p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside (p NPbetaG) and p NP-beta-cellobiose, as well as to natural cello-oligosaccharides ranging from cellobiose to cellopentaose. The apparent capability of the most active beta-glucosidase, herein named LAB25g2, was tested for its ability to improve, at low dosage (31.25 units g-1 dry biomass, using p NPbetaG as substrate), the hydrolysis of pre-treated corn stover (dry matter content of 20%; 350 g glucan kg-1 dry biomass) in combination with a beta-glucosidase-deficient commercial Trichoderma reseei cellulase cocktail (5 units g-1 dry biomass in the basis of p NPbetaG). LAB25g2 increased the final hydrolysis yield by a factor of 20% (44.5 ± 1.7% vs. 34.5 ± 1.5% in control conditions) after 96–120 h as compared to control reactions in its absence or in the presence of other commercial beta-glucosidase preparations. The high stability (half-life higher than 5 days at 50°C and pH 5.2) and 2–38000 fold higher (as compared with reported beta-glucosidases) activity towards cello-oligosaccharides may account for its performance in supplementation assays. Conclusions The results suggest that beta-glucosidases from yet uncultured bacteria from animal digestomes may be of a potential interest for biotechnological processes related to the effective bio-ethanol production in combination with low dosage of commercial cellulases

    Diversity of hydrolases from hydrothermal vent sediments of the Levante Bay, Vulcano Island (Aeolian archipelago) identified by activity-based metagenomics and biochemical characterization of new esterases and an arabinopyranosidase

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    A metagenomic fosmid expression library established from environmental DNA (eDNA) from the shallow hot vent sediment sample collected from the Levante Bay, Vulcano Island (Aeolian archipelago) was established in Escherichia coli. Using activity-based screening assays, we have assessed 9600 fosmid clones corresponding to approximately 350 Mbp of the cloned eDNA, for the lipases/esterases/lactamases, haloalkane and haloacid dehalogenases, and glycoside hydrolases. Thirty-four positive fosmid clones were selected from the total of 120 positive hits and sequenced to yield ca. 1360 kbp of high-quality assemblies. Fosmid inserts were attributed to the members of ten bacterial phyla, including Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Acidobateria, Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia, Chloroflexi, Spirochaetes, Thermotogae, Armatimonadetes, and Planctomycetes. Of ca. 200 proteins with high biotechnological potential identified therein, we have characterized in detail three distinct α/β-hydrolases (LIPESV12_9, LIPESV12_24, LIPESV12_26) and one new α-arabinopyranosidase (GLV12_5). All LIPESV12 enzymes revealed distinct substrate specificities tested against 43 structurally diverse esters and 4 p-nitrophenol carboxyl esters. Of 16 different glycosides tested, the GLV12_5 hydrolysed only p-nitrophenol-α-(L)-arabinopyranose with a high specific activity of about 2.7 kU/mg protein. Most of the α/β-hydrolases were thermophilic and revealed a high tolerance to, and high activities in the presence of, numerous heavy metal ions. Among them, the LIPESV12_24 was the best temperature-adapted, retaining its activity after 40 min of incubation at 90 °C. Furthermore, enzymes were active in organic solvents (e.g., >30% methanol). Both LIPESV12_24 and LIPESV12_26 had the GXSXG pentapeptides and the catalytic triads Ser-Asp-His typical to the representatives of carboxylesterases of EC
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