11 research outputs found

    Numbers in simultaneous interpreting: a multimodal analysis

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    This study examines the use of numbers in simultaneous translation in combination with gestures in speech. The following types of gesture functions were analyzed: adapters, pragmatic, representational and deictic. The results show that adapters were the most commonly used type of gestur

    Влияние украинского фактора на политическую элиту и гражданское общество Приднестровья

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    There are studied political, social and other grounds of formation of the Transdniestrian political elite and civil society as self-sustained political phenomena. These institutes have been developing not isolatedly but in the framework of those political processes that were typical for the region during the period of its establishment and existence in different social and political conditions. There are summarized and analyzed different aspects of the Ukrainian factor impact over these processes as by direct influence of the Ukrainian political elite and civil society, as well as in the context of ideological concepts formulated in the Ukrainian political discourse during a long period of time.Concrete methods of the Ukrainian political class impact over the Transdniestrian political elite and civil society are also presented. A very special activity of the Ukrainian side could be seen up to 2014, when the Transdniestrian political elite had been considered in Kiev as an independent subject with its own interests that in its turn determined the choice of certain forms of impact. Direct inter-elite communication used to be one of the most meaningful forms of such impact, that allowed to identify the sides’ interests and to find mutually acceptable decisions on the highest and high levels.Since 2014 the situation has changed dramatically. The Ukrainian political elite refuses to recognize the Transdniestrian political elite’s status of a separate (independent) subject and considers it to be a tool for the Russia’s interests’ implementation. There appears a special role of the border factor as of a key resource for pressure over the Transdniestrian political elite, its business interests, options for traffic etc. The same way the Ukrainian side minimized contacts with the Transdniestrian civil society. But at the same time Ukrainians keep for themselves the option for monitoring the Transdniestrian political system.In the Ukrainian political narrative there appears a contradiction, when the Ukrainian political authorities can’t use a symbolic potential of a number of Transdniestrian locations, actual for the modern political ideology of Ukraine only because that these locations are situated on the territory controlled by the Transdniestrian political elite whilst Ukrainians avoid any contacts with the latter.рассматриваются политические, социальные и иные предпосылки формирования политической элиты и гражданского общества Приднестровья как самостоятельных политических феноменов. Данные институты развивались не изолированно, а в рамках тех политических процессов, которые были характерны для региона в процессе его становления и существования в различных социально-политических условиях. Обобщены и проанализированы различные аспекты влияния на данные процессы украинского фактора как с точки зрения прямого влияния украинской политической элиты и гражданского общества, так и в контексте идеологических концепций, сформулированных в украинском политическом дискурсе в течение длительного периода времени.Представлены конкретные методы влияния украинского политического класса на политическую элиту и гражданское общество Приднестровья. Особая активность украинской стороны наблюдалась в период до 2014 года, когда приднестровская политэлита рассматривалась в Киеве как самостоятельный субъект со своими интересами, что обуславливало выбор тех или иных форм влияния. Одной из наиболее значимых форм такого влияния выступала прямая межэлитная коммуникация, позволявшая на высшем и высоком уровне идентифицировать интересы сторон и находить взаимоприемлемые решения.После 2014 года ситуация драматическим образом меняется. Украинская политическая элита отказывается признавать статус самостоятельного субъекта за приднестровской политической элитой и рассматривает ее в качестве инструмента реализации российских интересов. При этом особую роль начинает играть фактор границы как ключевой ресурс воздействия украинской стороны на приднестровскую политэлиту, ее бизнес-интересы, возможности передвижения и т. д. Аналогичным образом украинская сторона сводит к минимуму контакты с приднестровским гражданским обществом, оставляя за собой, однако, опцию мониторинга приднестровской политической системы.В украинском политическом нарративе складывается противоречие, когда украинская власть не может использовать символический потенциал целого ряда приднестровских локаций, актуальный для современной политической идеологии Украины, только потому, что они находятся на подконтрольной приднестровской политической элите территории, контактов с которой украинская власть избегает


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    Generalized forms of meningococcal infection are characterized by high risk of complication and fatal outcomes. In Russian Federation, 2016, meningococcal infection was the second most common cause of pediatric deaths (25%) due to infectious diseases after community associated-pneumonia. Mandatory vaccination against meninococcal infection is not regulated, and immunization coverage according to epidemic indications is insufficient. During first 6–8 hours of illness clinical signs of this infection may be non-specific, because of that it is difficult to make correct diagnosis at outpatient department. Aim of the study was to analyze mistakes of diagnostics of meningococcal infection and to assess factors influencing the disease outcome. Material and methods. Retrospective cohort study was performed including 113 pediatric cases of generalized meningococcal infection occurred in Arkhangelsk region (46 cases with fatal outcome and 67 patients, who recovered). Factors influencing the outcome were recognized using Cox regression. Results. Median age of patients was 11 months. Clinical forms were meningitis (13,3%), meningococcemia (40,7%), mixed form (46%). The diagnosis of meningococcal infection was made at outpatient department in 36,9% of cases. The main causes of diagnostic mistakes were the lack of experience among primary care physicians and non-specificic symptoms during the first hours of the disease. Age younger 2 years, septic shock and time between onset of the diseases and admission to the hospital were associated with fatal outcome. Conclusion. To manage meningococcal disease we need to have good compliance with clinical guidelines for outpatient departments and hospitals; to optimize medical students education for prevention of diagnostic mistakes. Vaccination is the most effective method of prevention of deaths associated with meningococcal infection.Генерализованные формы менингококковой инфекции отличаются высоким риском развития осложнений и летальных исходов. В Российской Федерации (РФ) в 2016 г. менингококковая инфекция заняла второе место (25%) после внебольничных пневмоний в структуре причин смерти детей от инфекционных заболеваний. Обязательная вакцинация против менинкогокковой инфекции не регламентирована, а охват иммунизацией по эпидемическим показаниям недостаточный. В первые 6–8 ч симптомы этой инфекции неспецифические, поэтому клиническая диагностика инфекции на догоспитальном этапе представляет сложность. Цель: анализ причин диагностических ошибок при оказании медицинской помощи пациентам с менингококковой инфекцией и оценка факторов, влияющих на исход болезни. Материалы и методы. Проведено ретроспективное когортное исследование 113 случаев генерализованной менингококковой инфекции у детей, проживающих в Архангельской области (46 умерших от менингококковой инфекции детей и 67 пациентов, у которых заболевание закончилось выздоровлением). Для выявления факторов, влияющих на исход заболевания, использовали регрессионный анализа Кокса. Результаты. Средний возраст пациентов составил 11 месяцев. Клинические формы были представлены менингитом в 13,3% случаев, менингококцемией – в 40,7% случаев, смешанной формой – у 46% детей. При направлении в стационар менингококковая инфекция была диагностирована в 36,9% случаев. Главными причинами ошибок диагностики менингококковой инфекции были – отсутствие опыта у врачей первичного звена и неспецифичность симптоматики в первые часы болезни, а факторами, влияющими на исход, – возраст младше 2 лет, наличие септического шока и своевременность госпитализации. Заключение. Для решения проблемы менингококковой инфекции необходимо: соблюдение клинических рекомендаций при оказании медицинской помощи на догоспитальном этапе и в стационаре; оптимизация образовательного процесса для профилактики ошибок диагностики. Наиболее эффективным способом предотвращения летальности от менингококковой инфекции является специфическая профилактика

    Meningococcal infection in children: factors influencing outcome

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    Generalized forms of meningococcal infection are characterized by high risk of complication and fatal outcomes. In Russian Federation, 2016, meningococcal infection was the second most common cause of pediatric deaths (25%) due to infectious diseases after community associated-pneumonia. Mandatory vaccination against meninococcal infection is not regulated, and immunization coverage according to epidemic indications is insufficient. During first 6–8 hours of illness clinical signs of this infection may be non-specific, because of that it is difficult to make correct diagnosis at outpatient department. Aim of the study was to analyze mistakes of diagnostics of meningococcal infection and to assess factors influencing the disease outcome. Material and methods. Retrospective cohort study was performed including 113 pediatric cases of generalized meningococcal infection occurred in Arkhangelsk region (46 cases with fatal outcome and 67 patients, who recovered). Factors influencing the outcome were recognized using Cox regression. Results. Median age of patients was 11 months. Clinical forms were meningitis (13,3%), meningococcemia (40,7%), mixed form (46%). The diagnosis of meningococcal infection was made at outpatient department in 36,9% of cases. The main causes of diagnostic mistakes were the lack of experience among primary care physicians and non-specificic symptoms during the first hours of the disease. Age younger 2 years, septic shock and time between onset of the diseases and admission to the hospital were associated with fatal outcome. Conclusion. To manage meningococcal disease we need to have good compliance with clinical guidelines for outpatient departments and hospitals; to optimize medical students education for prevention of diagnostic mistakes. Vaccination is the most effective method of prevention of deaths associated with meningococcal infection

    Localized nonlinear waves in a semiconductor with charged dislocations

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    To describe a nonlinear ultrasonic wave in a semiconductor with charged dislocations, an evolution equation is obtained that generalizes the well-known equations of wave dynamics: Burgers and Korteweg de Vries. By the method of truncated decompositions, an exact analytical solution of the evolution equation with a kink profile has been found. The kind of kink (increasing, decreasing) and its polarity depend on the values of the parameters and their signs. An ultrasonic wave in a semiconductor containing numerous charged dislocations is considered. It is assumed that there is a constant electric field that creates an electric current. The situation is similar to the case of the propagation of ultrasonic waves in piezoelectric semiconductors, but in the problem under consideration, instead of the electric field due to the piezoelectric properties of the medium, the electric field of dislocations appears

    Drug Safety for Children — International Monitoring Data for 50 Years

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    The review article presents a summary of adverse drug reactions (ADR)  in children, information about which was received in 1968–2018 in the International database VigiBase (Uppsala monitoring center, UMC).  Of the  18.4 million Individual Safety Case Reports (ICSR)  received over  50 years by VigiBase, 1.47 million ICSR contain information on the  safety of pharmacotherapy in patients under the  age of 18,  including: 34 510  reports contain information on ADR  in children under the  age  of 27 days, 415  678  — in children aged  28 days  to 23 months, 613 676 — aged 2 to 11 years and 405 202 ICSR — in patients aged 12 to 17 years inclusive. During 2018  141 655 ICSR ADR of children in VigiBase was received. The most common reason for submitting reports on adverse effects in children was vaccines, antibiotics, non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, analgesics-antipyretics, anti-acne and valproic acid. The most common side effects of drugs in children were the following ADR: hyperthermia, rash, vomiting, nausea, urticaria, diarrhea, itching, headache, erythema at injection site, convulsion. Separate data on 6 age groups about 10 most frequent ADR in children and  about 10 medicines which ICSR most often arrived in VigiBase for 50 years and for 2018  are given