18 research outputs found

    Petri nets with may/must semantics: Preserving properties through data refinements

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    Many systems used in process managements, like workflow systems, are developed in a top-down fashion, when the original design is refined at each step bringing it closer to the underlying reality. Underdefined specifications cannot however be used for verification, since both false positives and false negatives can be reported. In this paper we introduce colored Petri nets where guards can be evaluated to true, false and indefinite values, the last ones reflecting underspecification. This results in the semantics of Petri nets with may- and must-enableness and firings. In this framework we introduce property-preserving refinements that allow for verification in an early design phase. We present results on property preservation through refinements. We also apply our framework to workflow nets, introduce notions of may- and must-soundness and show that they are preserved through refinements. We shortly describe a prototype under implementation

    The Emptiness Problem for Tree Automata with at Least One Disequality Constraint is NP-hard

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    The model of tree automata with equality and disequality constraints was introduced in 2007 by Filiot, Talbot and Tison. In this paper we show that if there is at least one disequality constraint, the emptiness problem is NP-hard

    The composition of Event-B models

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    The transition from classical B [2] to the Event-B language and method [3] has seen the removal of some forms of model structuring and composition, with the intention of reinventing them in future. This work contributes to thatreinvention. Inspired by a proposed method for state-based decomposition and refinement [5] of an Event-B model, we propose a familiar parallel event composition (over disjoint state variable lists), and the less familiar event fusion (over intersecting state variable lists). A brief motivation is provided for these and other forms of composition of models, in terms of feature-based modelling. We show that model consistency is preserved under such compositions. More significantly we show that model composition preserves refinement

    Реконфигурирование компонентно-ориентированных систем на базе графовых грамматик

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    Dynamic reconfigurations can modify the architecture of component-based systems without incurring any system downtime. In this context, the main contribution of the present article is the establishment of correctness results proving component-based systems reconfigurations using graph grammars. New guarded reconfigurations allow us to build reconfigurations based on primitive reconfiguration operations using sequences of reconfigurations and the alternative and the repetitive constructs, while preserving configuration consistency. A practical contribution consists of the implementation of a component-based model using the GROOVE graph transformation tool. Then, after enriching the model with interpreted configurations and reconfigurations in a consistency compatible manner, a simulation relation is exploited to validate component systems’ implementations. This sound implementation is illustrated on a cloud-based multitier application hosting environment managed as a component-based system.Динамические реконфигурирования могут изменять архитектуру компонентно-ориентированных систем, не подвергаясь никакому системному простою. В этом контексте основной вклад данной статьи – доказательство результатов корректности реконфигурирования систем, используя графовые грамматики. В этой статье предложены новые охраняемые реконфигурирования на базе логики Хоара, которые построены на основе примитивных операций по реконфигурированию и включают последовательности реконфигурирований, альтернативные и повторяющиеся конструкции, сохраняя при этом непротиворечивость конфигураций. Практический вклад состоит в описании имплементации компонентно-ориентированной модели, используя программный инструмент GROOVE для преобразования графов. После обогащения модели интерпретированными конфигурациями и реконфигурированиями, совместимого с непротиворечивостью, отношение симуляции используется для доказательства корректности имплементации, выполненной под GROOVE. Эта имплементация иллюстрирована на примере многоуровневого облачно-ориентированного приложения

    Decentralised Evaluation of Temporal Patterns over Component-based Systems at Runtime

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    Long version of the paper accepted for FACS 2014 - The 11th International Symposium on Formal Aspects of Component SoftwareInternational audienceSelf-adaptation allows systems to modify their structure and/or their behaviour depending on the environment and the system itself. Since reconfigurations must not happen at any but in suitable circumstances, guiding and controlling dynamic reconfigurations at runtime is an important issue. This paper contributes to two essential topics of the self-adaptation---a runtime temporal properties evaluation, and a decentralization of control loopsSelf-adaptation allows systems to modify their structure and/or their behaviour depending on the environment and the system itself. Since reconfigurations must not happen at any but in suitable circumstances, guiding and controlling dynamic reconfigurations at runtime is an important issue. This paper contributes to two essential topics of the self-adaptation - a runtime temporal properties evaluation, and a decentralization of control loops. It extends the work on the adaptation of component-based systems at runtime via policies with temporal patterns by providing a) a specific progressive semantics of temporal patterns and b) a decentralised method which is suitable to deal with temporal patterns of component-based systems at runtime

    A Model for Recursive-Parallel Programs

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    We define a formal model for a class of recursive-parallel systems with specific invocation and synchronization primitives. This original model is infinite-state but can still be analyzed successfully using the "well-structured transition systems" approach. STS definition. The article is organized as fo..