131 research outputs found

    The Nature of Thermopower in Bipolar Semiconductors

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    The thermoemf in bipolar semiconductors is calculated. It is shown that it is necessary to take into account the nonequilibrium distribution of electron and hole concentrations (Fermi quasilevels of the electrons and holes). We find that electron and hole electric conductivities of contacts of semiconductor samples with connecting wires make a substantial contribution to thermoemf.Comment: 17 pages, RevTeX 3.0 macro packag

    Capture of particles of dust by convective flow

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    Interaction of particles of dust with vortex convective flows is under theoretical consideration. It is assumed that the volume fraction of solid phase is small, variations of density due to nonuniform distribution of particles and those caused by temperature nonisothermality of medium are comparable. Equations for the description of thermal buoyancy convection of a dusty medium are developed in the framework of the generalized Boussinesq approximation taking into account finite velocity of particle sedimentation. The capture of a cloud of dust particles by a vortex convective flow is considered, general criterion for the formation of such a cloud is obtained. The peculiarities of a steady state in the form of a dust cloud and backward influence of the solid phase on the carrier flow are studied in detail for a vertical layer heated from the sidewalls. It is shown that in the case, when this backward influence is essential, a hysteresis behavior is possible. The stability analysis of the steady state is performed. It turns out that there is a narrow range of governing parameters, in which such a steady state is stable.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, published in Physics of Fluid

    Model of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of integrative components of functional literacy In children with hearing and speech impaired

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    Статья посвящена вопросу психолого-педагогической диагностики функциональной грамотности у детей с нарушениями слуха и речи. В образовательных программах для детей с нарушениями слуха и речи основное внимание уделяется развитию интегративных компонентов функциональной грамотности, что связано с трудностями обучающихся в коммуникации с окружающими. Известно, что развитие интегративных компонентов функциональной грамотности возможно лишь в условиях целенаправленного педагогического воздействия с учетом особенностей интеллектуального и речевого развития каждого ученика. Авторами рассмотрена специфика формирования функциональной грамотности у детей с нарушениями слуха и речи, показана необходимость диагностики уровня ее развития.The article is devoted to the issue of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of functional literacy in children with hearing and speech impairments. In educational programs for children with hearing and speech impairments, the main attention is paid to the development of integrative components of functional literacy, which is associated with the difficulties of students in communicating with others. It is known that the development of integrative components of functional literacy is possible only under the conditions of purposeful pedagogical influence, taking into account the peculiarities of the intellectual and speech development of each student. The authors considered the specificity of the formation of functional literacy in children with hearing and speech impairments, and showed the need to diagnose the level of its development

    Use of information and communication technologies for counseling parents of children with disabilities

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    Статья посвящена проблеме консультирования родителей детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья в условиях дистанционного обучения.The article is devoted to the problem of counseling parents of children with disabilities in the situation of distance learning

    Neutral Particles in Light of the Majorana-Ahluwalia Ideas

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    The first part of this article (Sections I and II) presents oneself an overview of theory and phenomenology of truly neutral particles based on the papers of Majorana, Racah, Furry, McLennan and Case. The recent development of the construct, undertaken by Ahluwalia [{\it Mod. Phys. Lett. A}{\bf 9} (1994) 439; {\it Acta Phys. Polon. B}{\bf 25} (1994) 1267; Preprints LANL LA-UR-94-1252, LA-UR-94-3118], could be relevant for explanation of the present experimental situation in neutrino physics and astrophysics. In Section III the new fundamental wave equations for self/anti-self conjugate type-II spinors, proposed by Ahluwalia, are re-casted to covariant form. The connection with the Foldy-Nigam-Bargmann-Wightman- Wigner (FNBWW) type quantum field theory is found. The possible applications to the problem of neutrino oscillations are discussed.Comment: REVTEX file. 21pp. No figure

    Jets and energy flow in photon-proton collisions at HERA

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    Properties of the hadronic final state in photoproduction events with large transverse energy are studied at the electron-proton collider HERA. Distributions of the transverse energy, jets and underlying event energy are compared to \overline{p}p data and QCD calculations. The comparisons show that the \gamma p events can be consistently described by QCD models including -- in addition to the primary hard scattering process -- interactions between the two beam remnants. The differential jet cross sections d\sigma/dE_T^{jet} and d\sigma/d\eta^{jet} are measured

    Statistical Mechanics and the Physics of the Many-Particle Model Systems

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    The development of methods of quantum statistical mechanics is considered in light of their applications to quantum solid-state theory. We discuss fundamental problems of the physics of magnetic materials and the methods of the quantum theory of magnetism, including the method of two-time temperature Green's functions, which is widely used in various physical problems of many-particle systems with interaction. Quantum cooperative effects and quasiparticle dynamics in the basic microscopic models of quantum theory of magnetism: the Heisenberg model, the Hubbard model, the Anderson Model, and the spin-fermion model are considered in the framework of novel self-consistent-field approximation. We present a comparative analysis of these models; in particular, we compare their applicability for description of complex magnetic materials. The concepts of broken symmetry, quantum protectorate, and quasiaverages are analyzed in the context of quantum theory of magnetism and theory of superconductivity. The notion of broken symmetry is presented within the nonequilibrium statistical operator approach developed by D.N. Zubarev. In the framework of the latter approach we discuss the derivation of kinetic equations for a system in a thermal bath. Finally, the results of investigation of the dynamic behavior of a particle in an environment, taking into account dissipative effects, are presented.Comment: 77 pages, 1 figure, Refs.37