69 research outputs found
Procedure of building the university graduate training practice-oriented model
The aim of the article is to develop and prove the procedure of practical oriented graduate training model based on bringing the educational situation to the conditions of professional activity. Methods. The methods involve comparative analysis of documents (professional and Federal State Educational Standard papers); analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the problem of vocational teacher education, professional-pedagogical training modeling. Results. Inadequacy in the requirements for professional teacher competence identified by professional and Federal State Educational Standards has been revealed. Based on the Master’s programme «Methodology and methods of social education» as an example, the method of educational programs development is described on the basis of underlining professional labor actions that meet the requirements of the profession.Scientific novelty. The contradictions of practice-oriented training in the context of the university education are identified; the ways of the contradictions elimination through the use of the university educational environment opportunities were justified. Practical significance. The practical significance lies in the justification of the procedure of professional training cluster model constructing. The description of the sequential steps required for the practice-oriented educational program development is givenЦелью статьи является разработка и обоснование процедуры построения практико-ориентированной модели подготовки выпускника на основе приближения образовательной ситуации к условиям профессиональной деятельности. Методы, использованные в работе: сравнительный анализ документов (профессионального и федерального государственного образовательного стандарта); обобщение содержания отечественных и зарубежных источников по проблеме профессионально-педагогического образования; моделирование профессионально-педагогической подготовки. Результаты. Выявлены несоответствия в требованиях к профессиональным компетенциям педагога, предъявляемые профессиональными и Федеральными государственными образовательными стандартами. На примере магистерской программы «Методология и методика социального воспитания» продемонстрирован способ разработки образовательной программы на основе выделения трудовых действий, соответствующих требованиям профессии. Научная новизна. Обозначены противоречия практико-ориентированной подготовки в университетах и показаны пути их разрешения через использование возможностей образовательной среды высшего учебного заведения. Практическая значимость работы заключается в предложении процедуры построения кластерной модели профессиональной подготовки. Описаны последовательные шаги разработки практико-ориентированной образовательной программыРоссийский научный фон
Objective of study: refining immune diagnostics of systemic scleroderma through determining ceruloplasmin antibodies, its amount and enzymatic activity, as well as control of effectiveness of therapy with ceruloplasmin-based immobilized magnetocontrollable immunosorbents.Materials and methods. 30 apparently healthy individuals and 68 patients with systemic scleroderma were examined. The study included patients with referral diagnosis of systemic scleroderma who signed an informed consent. The study was performed in accordance with the principles of World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki rev. 2013 (ACR/EULAR). All participants had their blood tested with the method of immunoenzymatic determination of antibodies to ceruloplasmin upon admission to hospital and prior to discharge.Results. It was established that patients with systemic scleroderma show reduced oxidase activity of ceruloplasmin, increased ceruloplasmin levels, as well as elevated antibodies to ceruloplasmin compared with the control group. A link between the amount of antibodies to the studied enzyme, and the activity, nature, course and stage of the disease was established. It was found that there is a reliable negative correlation between the level of ceruloplasmin antibodies, and the amount of RBCs, the hemoglobin level. For the first time a complex assessment of three parameters was employed, the parameters being the enzymatic activity, ceruloplasmin amount, and antibodies to ceruloplasmin. It was established that autoantibodies to ceruloplasmin are more often found in systemic scleroderma patients who show a high disease activity, subacute course with involvement of the liver, lungs, and with anemia. It was found that antibodies to ceruloplasmin are detected at early stages of systemic scleroderma development and can be used in timely diagnosis of the condition. It was shown that the change of parameters under study over time can serve as a basis on which to evaluate the effectiveness of administered therapy.Conclusion. Decreased enzymatic activity of ceruloplasmin, its elevated amount and increased antibodies to ceruloplasmin can be taken as additional diagnostic tools in evaluation of systemic scleroderma activity. These parameters promote a more accurate assessment of the disease activity and of the nature of the pathologic process; they can serve as an indication of a variety of clinical forms of the disease. Employing these parameters for monitoring of administered therapy in hospital settings permits a more accurate assessment of its effectiveness and making adjustments. Studying ceruloplasmin antibody formation, amount of ceruloplasmin and its biochemical activity extends the existing concept of rheumatic disease pathogeny, outlines a way forward for further research and reflects the involvement of antioxidant system in immune disorders
Сatalase antibodies in patients with systemic scleroderma as a diagnostic and prognostic marker of the disease
The study covered 30 apparently healthy individuals and 38 patients with systemic scleroderma. The patients gave their consent to participate in the study in accordance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki in the current (2013) version (ACR/EULAR). The donors and patients had their blood tested for catalase antibodies with immunoenzyme assay and using magnetic sorbents upon hospital admission and before discharge. It was found that the patients with systemic scleroderma had a reduced oxidase activity of catalase as well as elevated catalase antibodies, compared with the controls. We revealed a statistically significant regularity that the concentration of catalase immunoglobulins is associated with activity and course of the disease. To assess the activity of systemic scleroderma we performed a complex evaluation of two parameters: enzymatic activity and catalase antibody levels. It was established that catalase autoantibodies are mostly revealed in patients with high-activity scleroderma, subacute and acute course of the disease, and when the lungs, skin, kidneys, joints and nervous system were involved, which was conclusively confirmed by a correlation analysis. It is especially important that catalase antibodies should be revealed at early stage of the disease development; they are of especial diagnostic importance, and their changes over time may form the basis for assessing efficiency of administered therapy. The changes in biochemical activity of catalase, elevated antibody titers provide additional criteria of diagnosis in systemic scleroderma. Monitoring of these parameters in hospital settings helps to evaluate the effectiveness of administered therapy and adjust its correction, which is confirmed by inclusion of such extracorporal techniques as plasma separation into the combined treatment schedules. Studying biochemical activity of catalase and formation of catalase antibodies expands our understanding of scleroderma development and opens new avenues for research
Synthesis of multi-loop automatic control systems by the nonlinear programming method
The article deals with the problem of calculation of the multi-loop control systems optimal tuning parameters by numerical methods and nonlinear programming methods. For this purpose, in the paper the Optimization Toolbox of Matlab is used
Ferromagnetic resonance with long Josephson junction
© 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd.In this work we propose a hybrid device based on a long Josephson junction (JJ) coupled inductively to an external ferromagnetic (FM) layer. The long JJ in a zero-field operation mode induces a localized AC magnetic field in the FM layer and enables a synchronized magnetostatic standing wave. The magnetostatic wave induces additional dissipation for soliton propagation in the junction and also enables a phase locking (resonant soliton synchronization) at a frequency of natural ferromagnetic resonance. The later manifests itself as an additional constant voltage step on the current-voltage characteristics at the corresponding voltage. The proposed device allows to study magnetization dynamics of individual micro-scaled FM samples using just DC technique, and also it provides additional phase locking frequency in the junction, determined exclusively by characteristics of the ferromagnet
Mobility of Russian University Students as a Phenomenon and a Management Problem
Данная исследовательская статья построена на материалах опроса, проведенного в 2019 году в рамках проекта «Рождение российской магистратуры», который инициировал Институт образования НИУ ВШЭ. Респондентами стали студенты 25 вузов России: обучающиеся по программе бакалавриата – 3751 человек; обучающиеся по программе магистратуры – 1147 человек. Актуальность исследования обусловлена развитием такого нового явления в высшей школе, как формирование и сопровождение мобильности субъектов образовательного процесса, обеспечение условий для ее реализации. Цель статьи – выявление управленческих проблем в сфере реализации студенческой мобильности, рассматривающейся авторами в аспекте интернационализации образования и субъектной активности студентов в построении траектории профессионального развития. Интерпретация ответов респондентов и анализ государственных документов и локальных нормативных актов вузов позволили определить ресурсы мобильности студентов и управленческие проблемы. К числу ресурсов студенческой мобильности относятся: государственная и финансовая поддержка академической мобильности; активизация внутренних ресурсов вузов; проявление субъектной активности студентов в сфере построения траектории своего профессионального развития. Сдерживающими факторами являются: нормативно-правовая неопределенность в сфере исходящей мобильности; неготовность образовательной среды к реализации входящей студенческой мобильности иностранных студентов; ограниченность финансовых ресурсов, необходимых для реализации разноплановых задач мобильности. В ходе исследования выявилась проблема встречной активности субъектов образовательного процесса, к которой не готовы современные вузы, – профессиональная мобильность студентов. Реализация студенческой мобильности требует от вузов формирования конкурентного преимущества на рынке образовательных услуг; создания «интернациональной среды» для интеграции иностранных студентов в российское образование; разработки механизмов организационно-нормативного сопровождения входящей и исходящей академической мобильности; организации нового сценария взаимодействия вуза со студентами, проявляющими профессиональную мобильность в период обучения в вузе. Статья может представлять интерес для руководителей отечественных вузов.The paper is based on a survey conducted within the framework of the project «The Birth of a Russian Master» (initiated by the Institute of Education, HSE), its respondents being 3751 Bachelor’s degree students and 1147 Master’s degree students from 25 Russian universities. The importance of analysing students’ academic mobility, the organizational and financial measures taken to support it is proved by its increasing development. The purpose of this article is to identify management problems in the implementation of student mobility. Student mobility as a phenomenon is considered in two aspects: internationalization of education and students’ activity in building the trajectory of their professional development. Interpreting respondents’ answers, analysing government documents and university regulations made it possible to distinguish student mobility resources and management problems. The resources of student mobility include: state and non-state financial support for academic mobility, organizational and financial resources of universities, students’ activity in the sphere of their professional development. The academic mobility deterrents are: gaps in university regulation, limited financial resources, lacking readiness of the educational environment to implement incoming international students’ mobility. The study revealed the students’ professional activity and mobility, which are not taken into account within the educational process. As the authors conclude, it is necessary to create an «international environment» for international students’ integration in Russian education; to develop normative support of incoming and outgoing academic mobility; to organize a new scenario of university interaction with working students. The article may be of interest to the leaders of Russian universities.Проект реализуется победителем программы «Стипендиальная программа Владимира Потанина» Благотворительного фонда Владимира Потанина.Тhe project is implemented by the winner of the Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Program of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation
Magnetic resonances in EuSnAs single crystal
In this work, we report the broad-band ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy
of EuSnAs single crystals at different temperatures in combination with
magnetization measurements and structural characterization. We observe
conventional collective acoustic resonance mode of the A-type antiferromagnetic
spin-flop phase in the Eu sub-lattice, and its transition to the paramagnetic
resonance above the ordering temperature. Furthermore, we observe reproducibly
additional well-defined spectral line. The origin of the additional line
remains unclear. However, its temperature dependence attributes it to magnetism
in the Eu sub-lattice.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 34 reference
Experience of eradicating parasites of laboratory rats in conventional vivarium
The purpose of the research is to test different dehelminthization schemes of laboratory rats infected with cestodes Rodentolepis nana and nematodes Syphacia muris and evaluate the significance of combined environment disinfection measures. The practical experience of eradication (helminth eradication) in animals in a conventional vivarium was described.Materials and methods. Experiments were conducted to study the efficacy of anthelmintics and administration schemes against cestode and nematode infections in laboratory rats. In the first experiment, praziquantel was used at a dose of 10 mg/kg to treat rats infected with R. nana. In the second experiment, the comparative efficacy of fenbendazole, albendazole, and pyrantel was evaluated against syphaciosis at the recommended dosages of 20, 10, and 12.5 mg/kg, respectively. Each drug was given orally, individually, twice with an interval of 7 days. The third experiment tested different schemes for treating syphaciosis with fenbendazole. One group of rats was given the drug orally individually using an esophageal tube at a dose of 20 mg/kg once a day for 7 consecutive days. Other groups were given fenbendazole daily with food for 7 days (150 mg fenbendazole per 1 kg of food). In all three experiments, all animals were divided into groups, and their cells underwent a complex of additional disinfection measures, and those kept in cages without disinfection.Results and discussion. Praziquantel showed 100% efficacy at a single dose of 10 mg/kg in R. nana therapy. In animals without additional disinfection procedures, cestode eggs were again recorded starting from day 14 after the drug administration. In the group of animals with disinfection measures, pathogens were not detected during the experiment. Double administration of fenbendazole, albendazole and pyrantel in the recommended dosages against syphaciosis did not result in eradicated nematodes in the animals. The disinfection did not affect the obtained results. Fenbendazole administered daily for 7 days ensured helminth eradication in animals. However, on day 7 after the therapy, Syphacia sp. eggs were again found in the groups that received the drug individually intragastrically through a tube, regardless of whether their cells were disinfected. The animals that received fenbendazole with food and were regularly disinfested remained free from nematodes throughout the experiment until the additional disinfection measures were cancelled. In the absence of disinfection, released helminth eggs were recorded on day 14 after therapy
Characteristics of patients with interstitial lung diseases according to the register of the specialized department of the regional clinical hospital
Interstitial lung diseases (ISL) unite a large number of nosological units. The analysis of the clinical characteristics of patients that were hospitalized to the specialized department of the regional hospital with this pathology identified similar clinical symptoms: respiratory function disorders, gas exchange disorders, and radiological changes. The leading clinical symptom – dyspnea - is accompanied by respiratory function disorders of the restrictive type, and in some patients of the obstructive type, hypoxemia, the development of pulmonary hypertension and chronic pulmonary heart diseaseИнтерстициальные заболевания легких (ИЗЛ) объединяют большое количество нозологических единиц. Анализ клинической характеристики пациентов, госпитализированных в специализированное отделение областной больницы с этой патологией, на основании составленного регистра выявил сходные клинические симптомы: нарушения дыхательной функции, газообмена, рентгенологические изменения. Ведущий клинический симптом – одышка – сопровождается нарушениями дыхательной функции по рестриктивному, а у ряда пациентов и по обструктивному типу, гипоксемией, развитием легочной гипертензии и хронического легочного сердц
Фенологические наблюдения как основа формирования базы данных феноспектров древесных растений
Relevance. A study of the seasonal (phenological) phenomena and natural connections between them on the background of the relevant environmental conditions is of great scientific and practical interest. Knowledge of the dynamics of the seasonal development of woody plants helps in the selection of species and their assessment from an aesthetic and sanitary points of view, as well as in the development and implementation of measures to increase the sustainability of urban green spaces. Materials and methods. The purpose of these studies is to create a database of the dynamics of seasonal development of North American woody plants based on the results of many years of phenological monitoring (2003-2017). The 20 species and forms of North American woody introducers e of the VNIISPK arboretum genetic collection were the objects. Results. It was revealed that the growing season of woody North American plants corresponds to the climatic conditions of the forest-steppe zone of central Russia. The species with the earliest beginning of the growing season (the third decade of March) were distinguished. There were Mahonia pinnata, M. aquifolia, Betula lenta and B. lutea. On the basis of phenological calendars, phenological spectrums have been constructed. These consist of three lines (the development of leaves, shoots, flowers and fruits) with the corresponding color symbols. It has been revealed that phenospectrums vary depending on the conditions of the year. As a result, the database of 20 species and forms of North American woody plants was formed in the form of phenological spectrums against the background of registration of weather conditions in the forest-steppe zone of Russia. The database includes three options for the possible dynamics of the seasonal development of introduced North American plants. The created database allows observing, comparing, evaluating and forecasting changes in the seasonal rhythm of the studied species of introduced North American plants.Актуальность. Изучение сезонных (фенологических) явлений и закономерных связей между ними на фоне соответствующих условий среды представляет большой научный и практический интерес. Знание динамики сезонного развития древесных растений помогает при подборе видов и их оценке с эстетической и санитарно-гигиенической точек зрения, при разработке и проведении мероприятий по повышению устойчивости городских зеленых насаждений. Фенологические наблюдения за интродуцированными видами растений в новых условиях имеют важное значение и определяют их устойчивость к неблагоприятным факторам среды, способность давать полноценные плоды и семена и возможность ввода их в культуру. Материалы и методы. Объектами служили 20 видов и форм древесных интродуцентов зоны Северной Америки генетической коллекции дендрария ВНИИСПК. Цель данных исследований – создание базы данных динамики сезонного развития североамериканских древесных растений по результатам многолетнего фенологического мониторинга (2003-2017 годы). Результаты. Выявлено, что вегетационный период древесных североамериканских растений соответствует климатическим условиям лесостепной зоны Центральной России. Выделены виды с наиболее ранним началом вегетации (третья декада марта): магония перистая (Mahonia pinnata), магония падуболистная (M. aquifolia), береза вишневая (Betula lenta) и береза американская (B. lutea). На основе фенокалендарей построены феноспектры, состоящие из трех строк (развитие листьев, побегов, цветов и плодов) с использованием в них соответствующих цветовых обозначений. Выявлено, что феноспектры различаются в зависимости от условий года. В результате сформирована база данных 20 видов и форм североамериканских древесных растений в виде фенологических спектров на фоне фиксирования погодных условий в условиях лесостепной зоны России. База данных включает в себя три варианта возможной динамики сезонного развития североамериканских интродуцентов. Созданная база данных позволяет проводить наблюдение, сравнение, оценку и прогноз изменений в сезонной ритмике изученных видов североамериканских интродуцентов
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