646 research outputs found


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    Against the background of the decline structure of hydrocarbon reserves in Russia, the maintenance of a stable level of production and enhanced oil recovery at mature fields is associated with the introduction of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). The real and possible impact of digitalization on the oil recovery factor and impact of the technological solutions on the development hard-to-recover reserves have been сonsidered in the article. Special attention has been paid to the transition to intellectual methods of management, within the framework of digitalization, which ensure the effective management for all company’s processes, provide objective and transparent information for making accurate and operational management decisions. To ensure a significant effect from the digital transformation of the industry, it is necessary to create favorable investment conditions, including government regulation and stimulation


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    Досліджено особливості емоційно-особистісних тенденцій у правопорушників зі специфічними розладами особистості. Показано, що стійкі індивідуально-емоційні реакції аномальних особистостей, їх несвідомі спрямованості зумовлюють особливості їхньої соціальної поведінки, зокрема протиправної, шляхом активації захисних та компенсаторних механізмів. Провідні емоційно-особистісні тенденції психопата зумовлюють викривлення особистісної спрямованості та можливостей довільної регуляції власної поведінки, що, у свою чергу, створює умови для більш легкого формування протиправної поведінки, ніж у психічно здорової особистості.It has been noted that the problem of unlawful behavior of an abnormal person remains relevant for many years. Classical is the notion about an abnormal or psychopathic personality as one that is characterized by the disharmony of the development of character traits, the presence of emotional and volitional disorders as the leading features of pathology with the relative adequacy of the cognitive sphere’s functioning. At the same time, the study of the influence of the features of the structural and dynamic characteristics of the emotional and personal sphere of a psychopathic person on the formation of obedient or unlawful behavior of these persons requires further development. In this regard, the authors carried out the research on the relationship of personality-emotional pathology and criminal behavior. The objective of the study was to identify the features of offenders’ emotional and personal tendencies, who are abnormal individuals, in connection with the mechanisms of forming illegal forms of behavior in them. To identify the features of emotional response, 100 people were examined, who, according to the diagnostic criteria of the ICD-10, were diagnosed of specific personality disorders and brought to criminal liability as a result of their unlawful actions. The research was conducted by using the Color Choices Method. The hypothesis of the study was the assumption that persistent individual and emotional reactions of abnormal individuals, their unconscious orientation predetermine the peculiarities of their social behavior, in particular, unlawful, by activating protective and compensatory mechanisms. It has been demonstrated that the distinctive feature of psychopathic perpetrators is the isolation of the violet color as the most emotionally attractive one. Persistent personal tendencies of the psychopath, which predetermine a positive emotional reaction to the purple stimulus, are related to the reduction of adaptive possibilities as a consequence of the deformation of the integrative role of self-consciousness and the orientation towards the realization of subconscious aspects of emotions. The described characteristics cause functional weaknesses in the system of interaction of an abnormal personality with the surrounding world. The leading emotional and personal tendencies of the psychopath cause distortion of the personal orientation and possibilities of arbitrary regulation of their own behavior, which, in turn, creates conditions for easier formation of illegal behavior than in a mentally healthy person. Prophylactic work to prevent the abusive behavior of an abnormal person should take into account the peculiarities of the emotional and personal tendencies

    Інтимно-особистісна сфера в системі життєвих цінностей аномальної особистості – правопорушника

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    The study of the peculiarities of the structural and dynamic characteristics of the value and content sphere of the anomalous personality remains within the scope of actual psychological problems. The purpose of this study is to analyze the peculiarities of value orientations that represent the intimate and personal sphere, in the ideal representation, within conscious and unconscious aspects, as well as to analyze the place of the intimate and personal sphere in the structure of the assessment of reality in persons with specific personality disorders, who committed illegal actions. The authors have studied 100 individuals with personality abnormalities and unlawful behavior. The control group consisted of 50 individuals without personality abnormalities who did not commit offenses and would refer to the main group according to socio-demographic indicators. To obtain results that reflect the system of attitudes of studied individuals to leading values in their own assessment factors, reflecting the leading bases of classification of the validity of these individuals, the authors used J. Kelly’s Test Repertoire of Role Constructs. Subjects’ perceptions of the ideal hierarchy of terminal values were researched using the rank grid as a variant of J. Kelly’s Test Repertoire. To evaluate the systems of conscious values, the authors used E. B. Fantalova’s technique of “Correlation of “value” and “accessibility” in different spheres of life”. Unconscious aspects of attitudes towards these values were studied using the Color Test of the Attitudes of A. M. Etkind. Rank structures were obtained which allowed to distinguish the comparative features of the ideal, conscious and unconscious aspects of the attitude towards values of intimate and personal relations of anomalous persons in comparison with the control group. The data obtained demonstrated that the system of attitude towards the values of the intimate and personal sphere in the control group, was more harmonious and formed than in the main group, with an overall high assessment of the values of the intimate and personal orientation. It is demonstrated that defined structural and dynamic characteristics of the value sphere of anomalous individuals indirectly determine personal disharmony. These differences are at the root of the motivational and contentious conflict associated with the intimate and personal relationships of the anomalous individuals. This internal conflict of psychopathic personality causes the failure of its self-realization in this sphere of vital activity. It is emphasized that psycho-corrective work with anomalous personalities should be directed to harmonization, increase of structure and awareness of their own system of value orientations, in particular values, which represent the intimate and personal sphere.Приведены результаты анализа особенностей ценностных ориентаций, представляющих интимно-личностную сферу, в идеальном представлении, в осознаваемом и неосознаваемом аспектах, а также места интимно-личностной сферы в структуре оценивания действительности у лиц со специфическими личностными расстройствами, которые совершали противоправные действия. Показано, что выявленные структурно-динамические характеристики ценностной сферы аномальных личностей опосредованно детерминируют личностную дисгармонию. Определение этих закономерностей позволит приблизиться к выявлению ресурсов и инструментов социализации людей со специфическими расстройствами личности, развитию их адаптивных возможностей и потенций саморегуляции, что является психологической базой предупреждения противоправного поведения.Подано результати аналізу особливостей ціннісних орієнтацій, які презентують інтимно-особистісну сферу, в ідеальному уявленні, в усвідомлюваному та неусвідомлюваному аспектах, а також місця інтимно-особистісної сфери у структурі оцінювання дійсності в осіб зі специфічними розладами особистості, які вчинили протиправні дії. Показано, що визначені структурно-динамічні характеристики ціннісної сфери аномальних особистостей опосередковано детермінують особистісну дисгармонію. Визначення цих закономірностей дозволить наблизитись до виявлення ресурсів та інструментів соціалізації людей зі специфічними особистісними розладами, розвитку їх адаптивних можливостей і потенцій саморегуляції, що є психологічною базою запобігання протиправній поведінці

    α-aminophosphonates and imines on the basis of citral, citronellal, and (-)-myrtenal

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    The Kabachnik-Fields reaction of citral with dialkyl phosphites in the presence alkyl amines; the imine formation reaction of E,Z-citral, R,S-citronellal, and (R)-(-)-myrtenal with primary amines; and Pudovik reactions of prenyl imines obtained with dialkyl phosphites or with O,O-dialkyl trimethylsilylphosphites were studied. On the basis of these studies, new unsaturated prenyl imines and α-aminophosphonates were prepared. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Prevalence of sleep disorders in teenage girls in Irkutsk (questionnaire data)

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    Background. Adequate sleep ensures a person’s physical and psycho-emotional well-being. Adolescence is one of the critical stages of life. The exclusive attention of specialists and leveling the impact of adverse factors on the body during this period is the key to the proper development and preservation of the health of adolescents. Meanwhile, sleep problems in teenage girls remain poorly understood.The aim. To study the features of the sleep regime and quality of sleep of teenage girls in the city of Irkutsk.Materials and methods. A survey of 422 teenage girls in the city of Irkutsk was conducted using a translated version of a questionnaire about adolescent sleep habits to subjectively assess their sleep and wakefulness. Two groups were formed: group I – girls with sleep problems (n = 171); group II – girls without sleep problems (n = 251).Results. Sleep disorders among teenage girls in the city of Irkutsk occurred with a frequency of 40.52 %. In most cases, a complex effect of various unfavorable factors on the sleep process has been identified. The adolescents with sleep disorders we  examined were characterized by higher rates of sleep latency, later bedtime, earlier awakening, decreased time of night sleep, as well as changes in the sleep shift indicator towards its increase. These violations were noted both on weekdays and on weekends.Conclusions. Sleep problems were reported in 40.52% of respondents. The complex impact of various unfavorable factors on sleep quality has been revealed. The features of sleep hygiene of teenage girls are reflected. The group of girls with sleep problems was characterized by increased sleep latency, later bedtime, earlier awakening, reduced sleep time, and an increase in sleep shift

    Obstructive sleep apnea and amyloid-β42 in adolescents: The results of a pilot study

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    Background. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a chronic condition characterized by repetitive collapse of the upper airway during sleep leading to intermittent hypoxia, excessive arousals and disrupt of sleep homeostasis. OSA is associated with obesity as well as pathological dynamics of cerebral beta-amyloid and dementia.The aim. Comparative assessment of the plasma beta-amyloid 42 levels in adolescents, depending on the presence or absence of OSA and obesity.Materials and methods. Seventy-four obese and non-obese male adolescents were included in the study. All participants underwent polysomnography to verify OSA and measure sleep parameters, and venipuncture for the assessment of betaamyloid 42 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).Results. After polysomnography all adolescents have been divided into four study groups: OSA obese (group 1; n = 28); non-OSA obese (group 2; n = 20); OSA non-obese (group 3; n = 11), and non-OSA non-obese (group 4 – control; n = 15). OSA obese adolescents had significant elevations in beta-amyloid 42 plasma levels compared with participants from three other groups (р = 0.007, p = 0.047 and p = 0.0002, correspondingly). Compared to both OSA non-obese adolescents and the control group, non-OSA obese patients had similar beta-amyloid 42 blood concentrations (p = 0.167 and p = 0.155, correspondingly). However, patients from the group 3 showed significantly higher beta-amyloid 42 plasma levels than controls (p = 0.004).Conclusions. Thus, OSA, accompanied by intermittent nocturnal hypoxia, and particularly OSA and obesity comorbidity, in adolescents is associated with increased beta-amyloid 42 circulating concentrations, which has a major role in pathogenesis of dementia. Beta-amyloid 42 plasma level may be recommended for use as early biomarker of cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative diseases, but future researches are needed


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    Today, the problem of early diagnosis of hematological changes predisposing to the development of thrombotic complications in patients with essential hypertension (EH) is an urgent problem that requires close attention not only of physicians, but also of pediatricians. The aim of the study was the development of prognostic criteria for risk of prothrombotic changes (PC) in adolescents with EH, timely preventive measures and prevention of thrombotic complications. Sixty adolescents with EH without PC and 37 adolescents with EH and PC were examined. We used the following methods: clinical anamnestic (including genealogy), functional and ultrasound, laboratory, mathematical and statistical. To create a mathematical model of forecasting, discriminant analysis was used, with the help of which from the 59 proposed predictors the algorithm selected 8 most informative features: the C777T polymorphism of the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene, the A66G gene of the methionine synthase reductase gene, the daily diastolic blood pressure level, the level of the nocturnal systolic arterial pressure-time index of hypertension, systolic blood pressure during the day, weighed down by thrombotic genealogically history, early onset of thrombosis, burdened thrombotic genealogical history. Our method for predicting the risk of developing PC allows to place adolescents with EH having an increased risk of developing these coagulation shifts in a separate group, to identify thrombogenic risk in adolescence and, if necessary, to initiate preventive measures in time to reduce the incidence of thrombotic complications of EH and mortality of patients

    The Role of Red Yeast Rice Based Preparations for Non-Pharmacological Correction of Dyslipidemia in Patients with Low and Moderate Cardiovascular Risk (Expert Opinion)

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    The Russian Federation is among countries with high cardiovascular risk. Hypercholesterolemia is a leading risk factor for the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. To achieve low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) targets, such approaches as lifestyle changes and pharmacological correction, based on the use of statins, are applied. At the same time, a significant proportion of the population has moderate hypercholesterolemia and is characterized by low or moderate cardiovascular risk. Although first-line recommendations should be followed, a healthy lifestyle alone is not enough to achieve target levels of LDL-C, which means that even people with low to moderate risk may end up with the prospect of lifelong therapy with lipid-lowering drugs. These individuals do not have an indication for lipid-lowering therapy, and they are usually recommended a change in diet and supplementation. Innovative nutritional strategies have been developed to manage dyslipidemia. They were based either on changing some "risky" food components or on encouraging the consumption of "healthy" functional foods and/or nutraceuticals. Nutraceuticals (registered as food supplements in Russia) is an innovative way to help control LDL-C at low and moderate risk individuals without lipid-lowering drugs and as nutritive support for the cholesterol-lowering diet. Red yeast rice (RYR) based preparations have been already developed and available at the moment. RYR based preparations can be considered in patients with low and moderate cardiovascular risk, who have not reached the target level of LDL-C and have no indications for statin therapy or have statin intolerance. RYR based preparations contains a statin-like substance monacolin K in a dose of 3 mg. In randomized clinical trials, it was proved that the use of high-quality RYR nutraceutical leads to a decrease in LDL-C by an average of 20% without increasing the risk of side effects like for statins. Evaluation of dietary supplements and functional foods should necessarily include not only evidence of beneficial effects with respect to effects on the lipid profile and atherosclerosis, but also proven good tolerability. The manufacturing standard for these products is also important, guaranteeing component standardization and quality. RYR analogues should guarantee the absence of mycotoxin in their composition. In Russia, programs are needed for the primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases with effects on hypercholesterolemia at the population level