224 research outputs found

    Изучение биоразнообразия и распределения стафилинид (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) в агроландшафте на Северо-Западе России

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    В условиях Ленинградской области на поле пшеницы и в примыкающих к нему полуестественных биотопах было обнаружено 62 вида стафилинид из 38 родов. Они отличаются по занимаемому пространству и обилию на различных участках агроландшафта. Наиболее массовыми видами на поле пшеницы являлись Philonthus cognatus Steph., Dinaraea angustula (Gyll.) и Aloconota gregaria (Er.), а в примыкающих биотопах – Drusilla canaliculata (F.) и Zyras humeralis (Grav.). Население стафилинид поля и примыкающих к нему полуестественных биотопов сильно обособлено

    Распределение жужелиц рода Poecilus Bonelli, 1810 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) в агроландшафте на Северо-Западе России

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    В агроландшафтах Северо-Запада России обитают три вида рода Poecilus Bonelli, 1810: P. cupreus (L.), P. versicolor (Sturm) и P. lepidus (Leske). Два массовых вида – P. cupreus и P. versicolor отличаются по занимаемому пространству и обилию на различных участках ландшафта. P. cupreus встречается в основном на полях, реже на их обочинах. P. versicolor обитает преимущественно на обочинах полей, реже встречается на возделываемых землях и опушках леса. Третий вид, P. lepidus, отмечен единично только на сухих прогреваемых открытых участках, как на полях, так и на обочинах. В целом население жужелиц рода Poecilus на поле и его обочинах существенно отличается

    Distribution of ground beetles of the genus Amara Bonelli, 1810 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the agrolandscape in Northwestern Russia

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    The article investigates the abundance of beetles of the genus Amara in the agrolandscape of the Leningrad Region. In the period from 2004 to 2010, 14 Amara species were collected by pitfall trapping. Amara fulva (O.F. Müll.) is the most common species in the potato and clean fallow fields, Amara similata (Gyll.) – in the grain and grasses fields, and A. communis (Pz.) ˗ in adjacent semi-natural habitats respectively. The cluster analysis shows that assemblages of ground beetles of the genus Amara in fields of different crops, field boundaries, and adjacent habitats are separated from each other. In the agrolandscape, the population of beetles of the genus Amara reaches its greatest species richness and abundance in perennial grassfields. In addition, to our best knowledge, this research was a first time when Amara ingenua (Duft.) was observed feeding on the flowering spikelets of timothy grass (Phleum pratense L.)

    Transport properties of the azimuthal magnetorotational instability

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    The magnetorotational instability (MRI) is thought to be a powerful source of turbulence in Keplerian accretion disks. Motivated by recent laboratory experiments, we study the MRI driven by an azimuthal magnetic field in an electrically conducting fluid sheared between two concentric rotating cylinders. By adjusting the rotation rates of the cylinders, we approximate angular velocity profiles ω ∝ r q . We perform direct numerical simulations of a steep profile close to the Rayleigh line q & −2 and a quasiKeplerian profile q ≈ −3/2 and cover wide ranges of Reynolds (Re ≤ 4 · 104 ) and magnetic Prandtl numbers (0 ≤ Pm ≤ 1). In the quasi-Keplerian case, the onset of instability depends on the magnetic Reynolds number, with Rmc ≈ 50, and angular momentum transport scales as √ PmRe2 in the turbulent regime. The ratio of Maxwell to Reynolds stresses is set by Rm. At the onset of instability both stresses have similar magnitude, whereas the Reynolds stress vanishes or becomes even negative as Rm increases. For the profile close to the Rayleigh line, the instability shares these properties as long as Pm & 0.1, but exhibits a markedly different character if Pm → 0, where the onset of instability is governed by the Reynolds number, with Rec ≈ 1250, transport is via Reynolds stresses and scales as Re2 . At intermediate Pm = 0.01 we observe a continuous transition from one regime to the other, with a crossover at Rm = O(100). Our results give a comprehensive picture of angular momentum transport of the MRI with an imposed azimuthal field

    Consumer credit in comparative perspective

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    We review the literature in sociology and related fields on the fast global growth of consumer credit and debt and the possible explanations for this expansion. We describe the ways people interact with the strongly segmented consumer credit system around the world—more specifically, the way they access credit and the way they are held accountable for their debt. We then report on research on two areas in which consumer credit is consequential: its effects on social relations and on physical and mental health. Throughout the article, we point out national variations and discuss explanations for these differences. We conclude with a brief discussion of the future tasks and challenges of comparative research on consumer credit.Accepted manuscrip

    Some reproduction behaviour features of families with cancer children

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    Purpose: The research studies behavior of families having children with cancer, in a stressful situation and the role of various factors influencing reproductive strategy of this group of families.Materials and methods. Questioning of 798 mothers from the different regions of the Russian Federation having disabled children with cancer, ages from 5 till 18 years, in the remission. Results. Child cancer changes the system of parents’ vital values towards a pro-family orientation –family, children, health become their priorities. The analysis of average ideal (2.5), average desirable (2.6) and average expected (2.1) indicators showed high reproductive potential of respondents, which is more if compared with similar indicators in other domestic sociological researches. 40,8% of respondents proved the influence of child cancer on their family planning behavior. The article gives a detailed analysis of the factors determining these families reproduction strategy: socio-economic, socio-psychological and sociocultural, personal features of respondents, medical characteristics of the disease and the therapy methods. Summary. The research proves that the majority of the families with cancer children consolidates to overcome the difficulties connected with cancer treatment, becomes more patriarchal and close-knit. The role of family values, paternity, motherhood, and, accordingly, the need in more children increases in this group of families. The families need psychological and medico-social support taking into account the complex of their problems

    Use of Levosimendan in Cardiac Anesthesiology

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    The authors consider the main aspects of the rational use of the novel inotropic drug levosimendan in cardiosurgical patients on the basis of the results of the trials described in the literature and on their own findings in this review. The purpose of the analysis made was to provide a rationale for the effective use of this drug. The review shows the role of the ultrasound indicator left ventricular ejection fraction, the prognostic scale EuroSCORE, and the natriuretic peptides NT-proBNP and BNP in defining indications for levosimendan administration for preoperative preparation. There are original data on the lower level of the natriuretic peptides due to levosimendan therapy. The target hemodynamic monitoring values indicating that it is essential to use levosimendan in postperfusion heart failure are discussed. It is shown that it is expedient to use levosimendan simultaneously with traditional medical measures, by taking into account the pharmacokinetic features of a calcium sensitizer. The problem of levosimendan readministration in patients operated on the heart as well is stated. That there are no clear algorithms for repeated use of the drug is shown. At the same time, possible options of this therapy in different clinical situations are given. Key words: levosimendan, cardiosurgery, heart failure

    Определение функционального состояния фруктовых продуктов по параметрам их электрического импеданса

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    Розглянуто можливість визначення функціонального стану фруктів за модулем і фазою їх імпедансу, отриманих за вимірюванням на трьох частотах 20, 100 та 500 кГц. Функціональний стан визначався за динамікою параметрів електричного імпедансу під час деструктивних процесів, викликаних дегідратацією та гниття. На основі експериментально отриманих даних на трьох частотах змодельовані зміни амплітудно- та фазочастотної характеристик. Визначено характерні критерії, за якими можливо виконувати оцінку функціонального стану продуктів.Introduction. To assess the freshness of various products are often used measuring impedance module. But due to the structure of plant foods diagnostic value should have exactly a complex component of impedance. Article tasked with developing criteria for assessing the functional state of the products subject to a comprehensive component of the impedance. Research methodology. To determine the functional status of the fruit were measured module and phase of impedance at the three frequencies of 20, 100 and 500 kHz. Criteria for recognition of functional status determined by the dynamics of changes in the parameters of the complex impedance due to destructive processes caused by dehydration and putrefaction processes. Data processing and analysis. On the basis of experimental data obtained at three frequencies modeled frequency and phase response and their changes during losing of freshness and appearance of destructive processes. Discussion and conclusions. In fresh and stale fruit modulus and phase of the impedance at low and high frequencies have characteristic differences. But this is especially evident on the phase-frequency characteristic, which can be seen that the value of the phase with the loss of freshness at low frequency decreases and increases at high more than twice during one week. Therefore, to assess the functional state of fresh and stale products we suggest use phase portraits of phase response.Рассмотрена возможность определения функционального состояния фруктов по модулю и фазе их импеданса, измеренных на трех частотах 20, 100 и 500 кГц. Функциональное состояние определялось по динамике изменений параметров электрического импеданса вследствие деструктивных процессов, вызванных дегидратацией и гниения. На основе экспериментально полученных данных на трѐх частотах смоделированы изменения амплитудно-частотной и фазочастотной характеристик. Определены характерные критерии, по которым можно проводить оценку функционального состояния свежих и несвежих продуктов