12 research outputs found


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    In this paper, for the diagnosis of diseases of the reproductive function of cows (sealing ovaries) on the basis of the obtained data the biochemical study of blood in health and disease, the method of discriminant analysis.В данной работе для диагностики патологии репродуктивной функции коров (уплотнение яичников) на основании полученных при биохимическом исследовании данных крови применен метод дискриминантного анализа. При этом вероятность ошибочной диагностики составила менее 0,1 %


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    The work presents the preliminary results of modeling interference elektromyographic signal. This model shows the possibility of obtaining information about the shape, duration, repetition frequency of the single motor unit action potential (SMUAP) of the elektromyographic interference signal.В работе представлены предварительные результаты моделирования интерференционного электромиографического сигнала. Данная модель показывает возможности получения информации о форме, частоте, длительности следования потенциала действия отдельной двигательной единицы (ПДОДЕ) интерференционного электромиографического сигнала.У роботі представлені попередні результати моделювання інтерференційного електроміографічного сигналу. Дана модель дає можливість отримання інформації про форму, частоту, тривалість слідування потенціалу дії окремої рухової одиниці (ПДОРО) інтерференційного електроміографічного сигналу.


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    The paper formulated the basic requirements for a surgical navigation system. The process of development the navigation system for rhinosurgery was reviewed. Preliminary results on system development are presented.В работе сформулированы основные требования, предъявляемые к хирургической навигационной системе. Рассмотрен процесс разработки навигационной системы для ринохирургии, а также представлены предварительные результаты по разработке системы


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    Досвід проведення стереотаксичних обчислень з використанням інтраопераційної комп’ютерної томографії

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    Stereotaxical computation method with intraoperative CT is described. Capabilities of recent stereotaxical guide with intraoperative CT and digital image segmentation are adduced and analysed.Рассмотрена методика проведения стереотаксических расчетов при интраоперационном применении рентгеновского компьютерного томографа. Приведена методика использования стандартных стереотаксических ориентиров при проведении интраоперационной компьютерной томографии.Розглянуто методику проведення стереотаксичних розрахунків при інтраопераційному використанні рентгенівського комп’ютерного томографа. Наведено методику використання стандартних стереотаксичних орієнтирів при проведенні інтраопераційної комп’ютерної томографії.

    An experience of applying stereotaxical computations with an intra-operative computer tomography

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    Stereotaxical computation method with intraoperative CT is described. Capabilities of recent stereotaxical guide with intraoperative CT and digital image segmentation are adduced and analysed


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    The authors suggested the 3D-superlattice (3DSL) model to describe the effect of coplanar assembly of the hydroxyapatite (HA) nanocrystallites on local electronic state of ions in mineralized bone. This model is based on the main structural and functional relationships between adjacent levels of the hierarchical organization of bone tissue. In the framework of the 3DSL model the authors predicted the distinct assembly-to-crystal red shift of the unoccupied electronic states located near the bottom of the conduction band in HA and dependence of this shift on the ratio of the thickness of the hydrated layer to the crystallite size. To check these predictions the experimental X-ray absorption studies of native bone are performed near the Ca2р1/2,3/2-, P2р1/2,3/2- и O1s edges. Comparison of the measured spectra with the known spectra of the reference compounds has confirmed appearance of the distinct assembly-to-crystal red shift. The observed effect is the ground for development of new diagnostic methods for bone status and imaging changes in the local electronic structure of bone tissue by using ultrasoft X-ray absorption spectroscopy and measuring the assembly-tocrystal shifts. The experimental data analysis proved the applicability of the 3DSL model for better understanding of the hierarchical organization of bone at nanolevel

    Possibilities of Automated Diagnostics of Odontogenic Sinusitis According to the Computer Tomography Data

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    Individual anatomical features of the paranasal sinuses and dentoalveolar system, the complexity of physiological and pathophysiological processes in this area, and the absence of actual standards of the norm and typical pathologies lead to the fact that differential diagnosis and assessment of the severity of the course of odontogenic sinusitis significantly depend on the measurement methods of significant indicators and have significant variability. Therefore, an urgent task is to expand the diagnostic capabilities of existing research methods, study the significance of the measured indicators, and substantiate the expediency of their use in the diagnosis of specific pathologies in an automated mode. Methods of digital filtering, image segmentation and analysis, fluid dynamics, and statistical and discriminant analysis were used. Preliminary differential diagnosis of odontogenic sinusitis can be performed by densitemetric analysis of tomographic images of the maxillary sinuses, performed using frontal multiplanar reconstructions according to a given algorithm. The very manifestation of the characteristic changes in the densitography of the maxillary sinus allows for the initiation of certain pathological processes and permits the development of the effectiveness of the diagnosis of the pathology of the sinus sinuses, which can be realized automatically in real life

    Research Active Posterior Rhinomanometry Tomography Method for Nasal Breathing Determining Violations

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    This study analyzes the existing methods for studying nasal breathing. The aspects of verifying the results of rhinomanometric diagnostics according to the data of spiral computed tomography are considered, and the methodological features of dynamic posterior active rhinomanometry and the main indicators of respiration are also analyzed. The possibilities of testing respiratory olfactory disorders are considered, the analysis of errors in rhinomanometric measurements is carried out. In the conclusions, practical recommendations are given that have been developed for the design and operation of tools for functional diagnostics of nasal breathing disorders. It is advisable, according to the data of dynamic rhinomanometry, to assess the functioning of the nasal valve by the shape of the air flow rate signals during forced breathing and the structures of the soft palate by the residual nasopharyngeal pressure drop. It is imperative to take into account not only the maximum coefficient of aerodynamic nose drag, but also the values of the pressure drop and air flow rate in the area of transition to the turbulent quadratic flow regime. From the point of view of the physiology of the nasal response, it is necessary to look at the dynamic change to the current mode, given the hour of the forced response, so that it will ensure the maximum possible acidity in the legend. When planning functional rhinosurgical operations, it is necessary to apply the calculation method using computed tomography, which makes it possible to predict the functional result of surgery