49 research outputs found

    In Search of Possible Associations between Planetary Nebulae and Open Clusters

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    We consider the possibility of cluster membership for 13 planetary nebulae that are located in close proximity to open clusters lying in their lines of sight. The short lifetimes and low sample size of intermediate-mass planetary nebulae with respect to nearby open clusters conspire to reduce the probability of observing a true association. Not surprisingly, line of sight coincidences almost certainly exist for 7 of the 13 cases considered. Additional studies are advocated, however, for 6 planetary nebula/open cluster coincidences in which a physical association is not excluded by the available evidence, namely M 1-80/Berkeley 57, NGC 2438/NGC 2437, NGC 2452/NGC 2453, VBRC 2 & NGC 2899/IC 2488, and HeFa 1/NGC 6067. A number of additional potential associations between planetary nebulae and open clusters is tabulated for reference purposes. It is noteworthy that the strongest cases involve planetary nebulae lying in cluster coronae, a feature also found for short-period cluster Cepheids, which are themselves potential progenitors of planetary nebulae.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP (December 2007

    TEM analysis of apatite surface layers observed on zinc based glass polyalkenoate cements

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    peer-reviewedGlass polyalkenoate cements (GPCs) are acid base cements formed by the reaction of an aqueous solution of polyalkenoic acid, usually polyacrylic acid (PAA) with an acid degradable aluminosilicate glass. The result of the reaction is cement consisting of reacted and unreacted glass particles embedded in a polysalt matrix. In addition to these conventional GPCs, aluminium free glass polyalkenoate cements based on zinc silicate glasses (Zn-GPCs) exhibit significant potential as bone cements for several reasons. Primarily, they are formulated without the inclusion of aluminium (Al) [1] in the glass phase and thus eliminate clinical complications arising from the release of the Al3+ ion from the cement in vivo. Such complications have, in the past, included aluminium induced encephalopathy [2-5] and defective mineralisation of cancellous bone [6]. Secondly, Zn-GPCs set without a significant evolution of heat, when compared with commercial bone cements such as Spineplex ® (Stryker, Limerick, Ireland). Finally, these materials can be tailored to release clinically beneficial ions into surrounding tissues [7]. In addition to Zn, these cements have been synthesized to contain strontium (Sr) [8, 9]. Both Sr and Zn inhibit osteoclastic turnover and promote osteoblastic turnover, resulting in increased bone strength and decreased fracture risk [10-14].Acceptedpeer-reviewe

    Bright Planetary Nebulae and their Progenitors in Galaxies Without Star Formation

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    We present chemical abundances for planetary nebulae in M32, NGC 185, and NGC 205 based upon spectroscopy obtained at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope using the Multi-Object Spectrograph. From these and similar data compiled from the literature for other Local Group galaxies, we consider the origin and evolution of the stellar progenitors of bright planetary nebulae in galaxies where star formation ceased long ago. The ratio of neon to oxygen abundances in bright planetary nebulae is either identical to that measured in the interstellar medium of star-forming dwarf galaxies or at most changed by a few percent, indicating that neither abundance is significantly altered as a result of the evolution of their stellar progenitors. Several planetary nebulae appear to have dredged up oxygen, but these are the exception, not the rule. The progenitors of bright planetary nebulae typically enhance their original helium abundances by less than 50%. In contrast, nitrogen enhancements can reach factors of 100. However, nitrogen often shows little or no enhancement, suggesting that nitrogen enrichment is a random process. The helium, oxygen, and neon abundances argue that the typical bright planetary nebulae in all of the galaxies considered here are the progeny of stars with initial masses of approximately 1.5 Msun or less, based upon the nucleosynthesis predictions of current theoretical models. These models, however, are unable to explain the nitrogen enrichment or its scatter. Similar conclusions hold for the bright planetary nebulae in galaxies with ongoing star formation. Thus, though composition varies significantly, there is unity in the sense that the progenitors of typical bright planetary nebulae appear to have undergone similar physical processes. (Abridged)Comment: accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Comparability of Raman Spectroscopic Configurations: A Large Scale Cross-Laboratory Study

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from the American Chemical Society via the DOI in this recordThe variable configuration of Raman spectroscopic platforms is one of the major obstacles in establishing Raman spectroscopy as a valuable physicochemical method within real-world scenarios such as clinical diagnostics. For such real world applications like diagnostic classification, the models should ideally be usable to predict data from different setups. Whether it is done by training a rugged model with data from many setups or by a primary-replica strategy where models are developed on a 'primary' setup and the test data are generated on 'replicate' setups, this is only possible if the Raman spectra from different setups are consistent, reproducible, and comparable. However, Raman spectra can be highly sensitive to the measurement conditions, and they change from setup to setup even if the same samples are measured. Although increasingly recognized as an issue, the dependence of the Raman spectra on the instrumental configuration is far from being fully understood and great effort is needed to address the resulting spectral variations and to correct for them. To make the severity of the situation clear, we present a round robin experiment investigating the comparability of 35 Raman spectroscopic devices with different configurations in 15 institutes within seven European countries from the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) action Raman4clinics. The experiment was developed in a fashion that allows various instrumental configurations ranging from highly confocal setups to fibre-optic based systems with different excitation wavelengths. We illustrate the spectral variations caused by the instrumental configurations from the perspectives of peak shifts, intensity variations, peak widths, and noise levels. We conclude this contribution with recommendations that may help to improve the inter-laboratory studies.COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)Portuguese Foundation for Science and TechnologyNational Research Fund of Luxembourg (FNR)China Scholarship Council (CSC)BOKU Core Facilities Multiscale ImagingDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation

    Effets de sollicitations hydriques cycliques sur le gonflement d’un sol argileux traité à la chaux

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    Le traitement à la chaux améliore le comportement des sols fins. En dehors de ces applications classiques en terrassement, le traitement à la chaux permet aussi de réduire le gonflement des sols très argileux. Toutefois, dans le long terme, la pérennité des effets positifs de la chaux reste toujours en question. En effet, certains auteurs ont montré que les sols traités peuvent retrouver leur potentiel de retrait/gonflement après quelques cycles successifs d’humidification/séchage. Dans ce contexte, cette étude expérimentale a été entreprise pour évaluer les effets successifs d’humidification/séchage sur le comportement d’une argile traitée à la chaux. Elle a été menée à partir de prélèvements réalisés dans un remblai expérimental réalisé en argile traitée à la chaux. Ces travaux ont été complétés par des expériences menées sur des échantillons d’argile, traitée ou non, préparés en laboratoire. Des œdomètres à succion contrôlée par la méthode osmotique ont été employés pour soumettre les différents matériaux testés à des cycles hydriques. L’analyse des résultats obtenus montre que le traitement de la chaux permet de réduire considérablement la capacité de gonflement de l’argile dans le court terme. Toutefois, les échantillons prélevés sur le remblai expérimental présentent un potentiel de gonflement/retrait de Tordre de 5 à 8 % alors que le potentiel de retrait/gonflement des éprouvettes d’argile traitée préparées en laboratoire est quasi nul. Les résultats obtenus tendent ainsi à indiquer que l’efficacité du traitement à la chaux sur le gonflement d’une argile plastique diminue avec le temps

    DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2010.12.002 Performance of lime-treated silty soil under long-term hydraulic conditions

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    The durability of the mechanical improvements brought by lime once the involved earth structures are exposed to long-term hydraulic conditions (long-term water contact and water circulation) is still under discussion. This paper aims at assessing i) the impact of such hydraulic conditions on the mechanical shear strength of a lime-treated silty soil, and ii) the effect of initial conditions (lime content and compaction conditions) on the lime treatment durability. The results showed that water contact leads to a significant decrease in shear strength. The results also indicated that the mechanical performance of soils exposed to water circulation is highly related to the quantity of water passing through the soil specimens and hence to the permeability of the soils: the lower the permeability, the better the durability. Futhermore, it has been observed that a lime content higher than the lime modification optimum (LMO) enables a better homogeneity of the treatment, giving rise to a longer resistance to water circulation

    Water retention curves of lightweight cemented soils

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    In the present paper an experimental investigation on water retention properties of lightweight cemented soils (LWCS) taking into account the effects of air foam content and curing time is presented. This experimental study, aimed at determining the suction range corresponding to significant changes in water content, is preliminary to future investigations devoted to durability properties of LWCS systems against wetting and drying cycles. Test results showed that water retention capacity is slightly affected by the curing time for the considered time interval (i.e. 30 and 90 days). Furthermore, the addition of air foam does not affect water retention properties of treated samples. Large voids are present in the samples as footprints of air bubbles added upon mixing, leading to an increase of the porosity of samples without altering the microstructure of the matrix

    Laboratory Studies of Nonlinear Optical Signals for Caries Detection

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    International audienceMultiphoton confocal microscopy and nonlinear spectroscopy are used to investigate the caries process in dentin. Although dentin is a major calcified tissue of the teeth, its organic phase comprises type I collagen fibers. Caries drive dentin demineralization and collagen denaturation. Multiphoton microscopy is a powerful imaging technique: the biological materials are transparent to infrared frequencies and can be excited to penetration depths inaccessible to 1-photon confocal microscopy. The laser excitation greatly reduces photodamage to the sole focal region, and the signal-to-noise ratio is improved significantly. The method has been used to follow pathologic processes involving collagen fibrosis or collagen destruction based on their 2-photon excited fluorescence (2PEF) emission and second harmonic generation (SHG). Combining multiphoton imaging with nonlinear spectroscopy, we demonstrate that both 2PEF and SHG intensity of human dentin are strongly modified during the tooth caries process, and we show that the ratio between SHG and 2PEF signals is a reliable parameter to follow dental caries. The ratio of the SHG/2PEF signals measured by nonlinear optical spectroscopy provides valuable information on the caries process, specifically on the degradation of the organic matrix of dentin. The goal is to bring these nonlinear optical signals to clinical application for caries diagnosis