2,714 research outputs found
BeppoSAX observations of the quasar Markarian 205
We present the first BeppoSAX observation (0.1 to 220 keV) of the quasar Mrk
205. We have searched for the unusual Fe line profile claimed in the XMM-Newton
spectrum which has been widely discussed in recent literature. We find no
evidence for a broad, ionized Fe line component in our data. We detect for the
first time a Compton hump in this object. Besides, when this component is
included in the fit, the line strength diminishes, in agreement with a recent
re-analysis of the XMM-Newton data, but with better constraints on the
reflection component thanks to the PDS instrument (15-220 keV). We interpret
this fact as another indication for illumination of a distant and cold material
rather than reprocessing in the highly ionized inner parts of an accretion
disk. We cannot constrain the presence of a high energy cutoff but we confirm
the existence of a variable soft excess (one year timescale).Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&
How unprovable is Rabin's decidability theorem?
We study the strength of set-theoretic axioms needed to prove Rabin's theorem
on the decidability of the MSO theory of the infinite binary tree. We first
show that the complementation theorem for tree automata, which forms the
technical core of typical proofs of Rabin's theorem, is equivalent over the
moderately strong second-order arithmetic theory to a
determinacy principle implied by the positional determinacy of all parity games
and implying the determinacy of all Gale-Stewart games given by boolean
combinations of sets. It follows that complementation for
tree automata is provable from - but not -comprehension.
We then use results due to MedSalem-Tanaka, M\"ollerfeld and
Heinatsch-M\"ollerfeld to prove that over -comprehension, the
complementation theorem for tree automata, decidability of the MSO theory of
the infinite binary tree, positional determinacy of parity games and
determinacy of Gale-Stewart games are all
equivalent. Moreover, these statements are equivalent to the
-reflection principle for -comprehension. It follows in
particular that Rabin's decidability theorem is not provable in
-comprehension.Comment: 21 page
Domain-specific metadata for model validation and performance optimisation
Domain-specific metadata for model validation and performance optimisation
The HRX-BL Lac sample - evolution of BL Lac objects
The unification of X-ray and radio selected BL Lacs has been an outstanding
problem in the blazar research in the past years. Recent investigations have
shown that the gap between the two classes can be filled with intermediate
objects and that apparently all differences can be explained by mutual shifts
of the peak frequencies of the synchrotron and inverse Compton component of the
emission. We study the consequences of this scheme using a new sample of X-ray
selected BL Lac objects comprising 104 objects with z<0.9 and a mean redshift
z=0.34. 77 BL Lacs, of which the redshift could be determined for 64 (83%)
objects, form a complete sample. The new data could not confirm our earlier
result, drawn from a subsample, that the negative evolution vanishes below a
synchrotron peak frequency log (peak-frequency) = 16.5. The complete sample
shows negative evolution at the 2 sigma level ( = 0.42 +- 0.04). We
conclude that the observed properties of the HRX BL Lac sample show typical
behaviour for X-ray selected BL Lacs. They support an evolutionary model, in
which flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQ) with high energetic jets evolve
towards low frequency peaked (mostly radio-selected) BL Lac objects and later
on to high frequency peaked (mostly X-ray selected) BL Lacs.Comment: 24 pages, 35 figures, accepted by A&
Contacting single bundles of carbon nanotubes with alternating electric fields
Single bundles of carbon nanotubes have been selectively deposited from
suspensions onto sub-micron electrodes with alternating electric fields. We
explore the resulting contacts using several solvents and delineate the
differences between Au and Ag as electrode materials. Alignment of the bundles
between electrodes occurs at frequencies above 1 kHz. Control over the number
of trapped bundles is achieved by choosing an electrode material which
interacts strongly with the chemical functional groups of the carbon nanotubes,
with superior contacts being formed with Ag electrodes.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe
Compton reflection in AGN with Simbol-X
AGN exhibit complex hard X-ray spectra. Our current understanding is that the
emission is dominated by inverse Compton processes which take place in the
corona above the accretion disk, and that absorption and reflection in a
distant absorber play a major role. These processes can be directly observed
through the shape of the continuum, the Compton reflection hump around 30 keV,
and the iron fluorescence line at 6.4 keV. We demonstrate the capabilities of
Simbol-X to constrain complex models for cases like MCG-05-23-016, NGC 4151,
NGC 2110, and NGC 4051 in short (10 ksec) observations. We compare the
simulations with recent observations on these sources by INTEGRAL, Swift and
Suzaku. Constraining reflection models for AGN with Simbol-X will help us to
get a clear view of the processes and geometry near to the central engine in
AGN, and will give insight to which sources are responsible for the Cosmic
X-ray background at energies above 20 keV.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the proceedings of the second
Simbol-X Symposium "Simbol-X - Focusing on the Hard X-ray Universe", AIP
Conf. Proc. Series, P. Ferrando and J. Rodriguez ed
GI2T/REGAIN spectro-interferometry with a new infrared beam combiner
We have built an infrared beam combiner for the GI2T/REGAIN interferometer of
the Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur. The beam combiner allows us to record
spectrally dispersed Michelson interference fringes in the near-infrared J-, H-
or K-bands. The beam combiner has the advantage that Michelson interferograms
can simultaneously be recorded in about 128 different spectral channels. The
tilt of the spectrally dispersed fringes is a measure of the instantaneous
optical path difference. We present the optical design of the beam combiner and
GI2T/REGAIN observations of the Mira star R Cas with this beam combiner in the
spectral range of 2.00 micron - 2.18 micron (observations on 22 and 25 August
1999; variability phase 0.08; V-magnitude approx. 6; seven baselines between
12m and 24m; reference stars Vega and Beta Peg). The spectrograph of the beam
combiner consists of an anamorphotic cylindrical lens system, an image plane
slit, and a grism. A system of digital signal processors calculates the
ensemble average power spectrum of the spectrally dispersed Michelson
interferograms and the instantaneous optical path difference error in real
time. From the observed R Cas visibilities at baselines 12.0m, 13.8m and 13.9m,
a 2.1 micron uniform-disk diameter of 25.3mas +/-3.3mas was derived. The
unusually high visibility values at baselines >16m show that the stellar
surface of R Cas is more complex than previously assumed. The visibility values
at baselines >16m can be explained by high-contrast surface structure on the
stellar surface of R Cas or other types of unexpected center-to-limb
variations. The R Cas observations were compared with theoretical Mira star
models yielding a linear Rosseland radius of 276Rsun +/-66Rsun and an effective
temperature of 2685K+/-238K for R Cas at phase 0.08.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, see also
http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/div/speckle, SPIE conf 4006 "Interferometry in
Optical Astronomy", in pres
3D characterisation of hydrogen environmentally assisted cracking during static loading of AA7449-T7651
In this investigation, synchrotron X-ray microtomography was used to perform 3D in situ observations of crack initiation and growth during hydrogen environmentally assisted cracking (HEAC) in tensile samples of AA7449-T7651. Two smooth tensile samples with a 1 mm diameter gauge section were held at a fixed displacement (â30% of yield stress) in warm, moist air (â76âC, 73% relative humidity). The samples were then imaged repeatedly using X-ray tomography until they fractured completely. The tomograms showing the nucleation and evolution of intergranular cracks were correlated with electron microscopy fractographs. This enabled the identification of crack initiation sites and the characterisation of the crack growth behaviour relative to the microstructure. The samples were found to fracture within an environmental exposure time of 240 min. Some cracks in both samples nucleated within an exposure time of 80 min (33â40% of the total lifetime). Many cracks were found to nucleate both internally and at the sample surface. However, only superficial cracks contributed to the final fracture surface as they grew faster owing to the direct environmental exposure and the larger crack opening. HEAC occurred prominently via brittle intergranular cracking, and cracks were found to slow down when approaching grain boundary triple junctions. Additionally, crack shielding from nearby cracks and the presence of coarse AlâCuâFe particles at the grain boundaries were also found to temporarily reduce the crack growth rates. After prolonged crack growth, the HEAC cracks displayed ductile striations and transgranular fracture, revealing a change in the crack growth mechanism at higher stress intensity factors
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