219 research outputs found

    The Gervais-Neveu-Felder equation and the quantum Calogero-Moser systems

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    We quantize the spin Calogero-Moser model in the RR-matrix formalism. The quantum RR-matrix of the model is dynamical. This RR-matrix has already appeared in Gervais-Neveu's quantization of Toda field theory and in Felder's quantization of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Bernard equation.Comment: Comments and References adde

    On the Space of KdV Fields

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    The space of functions A over the phase space of KdV-hierarchy is studied as a module over the ring D generated by commuting derivations. A D-free resolution of A is constructed by Babelon, Bernard and Smirnov by taking the classical limit of the construction in quantum integrable models assuming a certain conjecture. We propose another D-free resolution of A by extending the construction in the classical finite dimensional integrable system associated with a certain family of hyperelliptic curves to infinite dimension assuming a similar conjecture. The relation of two constructions is given.Comment: 13 page

    Integrability and Conformal Symmetry in Higher Dimensions: A Model with Exact Hopfion Solutions

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    We use ideas on integrability in higher dimensions to define Lorentz invariant field theories with an infinite number of local conserved currents. The models considered have a two dimensional target space. Requiring the existence of Lagrangean and the stability of static solutions singles out a class of models which have an additional conformal symmetry. That is used to explain the existence of an ansatz leading to solutions with non trivial Hopf charges.Comment: 30 pages, plain late

    Form factors of the XXZ model and the affine quantum group symmetry

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    We present new expressions of form factors of the XXZ model which satisfy Smirnov's three axioms. These new form factors are obtained by acting the affine quantum group Uq(sl2^)U_q (\hat{\frak s \frak l_2}) to the known ones obtained in our previous works. We also find the relations among all the new and known form factors, i.e., all other form factors can be expressed as kind of descendents of a special one.Comment: 11 pages, latex; Some explanation is adde

    Null-vectors in Integrable Field Theory

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    The form factor bootstrap approach allows to construct the space of local fields in the massive restricted sine-Gordon model. This space has to be isomorphic to that of the corresponding minimal model of conformal field theory. We describe the subspaces which correspond to the Verma modules of primary fields in terms of the commutative algebra of local integrals of motion and of a fermion (Neveu-Schwarz or Ramond depending on the particular primary field). The description of null-vectors relies on the relation between form factors and deformed hyper-elliptic integrals. The null-vectors correspond to the deformed exact forms and to the deformed Riemann bilinear identity. In the operator language, the null-vectors are created by the action of two operators \CQ (linear in the fermion) and \CC (quadratic in the fermion). We show that by factorizing out the null-vectors one gets the space of operators with the correct character. In the classical limit, using the operators \CQ and \CC we obtain a new, very compact, description of the KdV hierarchy. We also discuss a beautiful relation with the method of Whitham.Comment: 36 pages, Late

    On the Quantum Inverse Problem for the Closed Toda Chain

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    We reconstruct the canonical operators pi,qip_i,q_i of the quantum closed Toda chain in terms of Sklyanin's separated variables.Comment: 16 page

    Quantization of Solitons and the Restricted Sine-Gordon Model

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    We show how to compute form factors, matrix elements of local fields, in the restricted sine-Gordon model, at the reflectionless points, by quantizing solitons. We introduce (quantum) separated variables in which the Hamiltonians are expressed in terms of (quantum) tau-functions. We explicitly describe the soliton wave functions, and we explain how the restriction is related to an unusual hermitian structure. We also present a semi-classical analysis which enlightens the fact that the restricted sine-Gordon model corresponds to an analytical continuation of the sine-Gordon model, intermediate between sine-Gordon and KdV.Comment: 29 pages, Latex, minor updatin

    Ring-shaped exact Hopf solitons

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    The existence of ring-like structures in exact hopfion solutions is shown.Comment: version accepted for publication in JMP, includes symmetry transformation for finite paramete

    Toroidal Soliton Solutions in O(3)^N Nonlinear Sigma Model

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    A set of N three component unit scalar fields in (3+1) Minkowski space-time is investigated. The highly nonlinear coupling between them is chosen to omit the scaling instabilities. The multi-soliton static configurations with arbitrary Hopf numbers are found. Moreover, the generalized version of the Vakulenko-Kapitansky inequality is obtained. The possibility of attractive, repulsing and noninteracting channels is discussed.Comment: to be published in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Integrable subsystem of Yang--Mills dilaton theory

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    With the help of the Cho-Faddeev-Niemi-Shabanov decomposition of the SU(2) Yang-Mills field, we find an integrable subsystem of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory coupled to the dilaton. Here integrability means the existence of infinitely many symmetries and infinitely many conserved currents. Further, we construct infinitely many static solutions of this integrable subsystem. These solutions can be identified with certain limiting solutions of the full system, which have been found previously in the context of numerical investigations of the Yang-Mills dilaton theory. In addition, we derive a Bogomolny bound for the integrable subsystem and show that our static solutions are, in fact, Bogomolny solutions. This explains the linear growth of their energies with the topological charge, which has been observed previously. Finally, we discuss some generalisations.Comment: 25 pages, LaTex. Version 3: appendix added where the equivalence of the field equations for the full model and the submodel is demonstrated; references and some comments adde