12 research outputs found


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    SUMMARY. The article provides a review of the literatureon complications of influenza and acute respiratoryinfections with pneumonia, encephalitis and theirpossible agents. The description of cases of pneumoniaand encephalitis in the soldier on a background of acuterespiratory disease is illustrated.Key words: pneumonia, encephalitis, military.Наводиться огляд літератури стосовно усклад-нення грипу та гострих респіраторних захворюваньпневмонією, енцефалітом та можливі їх збудники.Приведено опис випадку розвитку пневмонії та енце-фаліту у військовослужбовця на фоні гострого респі-раторного захворювання.Ключові слова: пневмонія, енцефаліт, військо-вослужбовці

    Noncrystalline structures of ultrathin unsupported nanowires

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    Computer simulations suggest that ultrathin metal wires should develop exotic, non-crystalline stable atomic structures, once their diameter decreases below a critical size of the order of a few atomic spacings. The new structures, whose details depend upon the material and the wire thickness, may be dominated by icosahedral packings. Helical, spiral-structured wires with multi-atom pitches are also predicted. The phenomenon, analogous to the appearance of icosahedral and other non-crystalline shapes in small clusters, can be rationalized in terms of surface energy anisotropy and optimal packing

    The epitaxy of gold

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    Applications in Surface Science

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    The prevalence of abnormal glucose regulation in patients with coronary artery disease across Europe: The Euro Heart Survey on diabetes and the heart

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    Aim The objective behind the Euro Heart Survey on diabetes and the heart was to study the prevalence of abnormal glucose regulation in adult patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods and results The survey engaged 110 centres in 25 countries recruiting 4196 patients referred to a cardiologist due to CAD out of whom 2107 were admitted on an acute basis and 2854 had an elective consultation. Patient data were collected via a web-based case record form. An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was used for the characterisation of the glucose metabolism. Thirty-one per cent of the patients had diabetes. An OGTT was performed on the 1920 patients without known diabetes, of whom 923 had acute and 997 had a stable manifestation of CAD, respectively. In patients with acute CAD, 36% had impaired glucose regulation and 22% newly detected diabetes. In the stable group these proportions were 37% and 14%. Conclusion This survey demonstrates that normal glucose regulation is less common than abnormal glucose regulation in patients with CAD. OGTT easily discloses the glucometabolic state and should be a routine procedure. The knowledge of glucometabolic state among these patients should influence their future management because it has great potential to improve the outcome