25 research outputs found


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    Purpose: to analyze the indicators of disability of the Chornobyl victims.Materials and Methods. Data provided by the State Medical Service Center “Center of Medical Statistics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” and expert commissions to establish a relationship of diseases with the consequences of the Chernobyl accident were analyzed.Results. The total number of Chernobyl victims in the last decade has decreased by 26 %. It is shown increasing of disability among the affected population. Malignancy and circulatory system diseases are the two groups of diseases remain the main causes of the disability. More than 380000 Chernobyl victims have been able to obtain material support due to the work of expert commissions.Conclusions. Health indicators of the Chernobyl victims continue to deteriorate, indicating the necessity to introduce new methods of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the specified population, as well as updating the existing system of expertise.Мета: провести аналіз показників інвалідності постраждалих внаслідок аварії на ЧАЕС.Матеріали і методи. У дослідженні використовували дані, надані ДЗ «Центр медичної статистики МОЗ України» та експертних комісій із встановлення зв’язку захворювань з наслідками аварії на ЧАЕС.Результати. Загальна кількість постраждалих внаслідок аварії на ЧАЕС за останнє десятиріччя зменшилась на 26 %. Водночас зростають показники інвалідності серед постраждалого населення. Дві групи захворювань залишаються основними причинами інвалідності постраждалих внаслідок аварії на ЧАЕС – новоутворення та хвороби системи кровообігу. Завдяки діяльності експертних комісій більше 380 тис. постраждалих внаслідок Чорнобильської катастрофи змогли отримати матеріальну підтримку.Висновки. Показники здоров’я постраждалого внаслідок аварії на ЧАЕС населення продовжують погіршуватися, що свідчить про необхідність впровадження в практику нових методів діагностики, лікування та реабілітації вказаної популяції, а також оновлення існуючої системи медико-соціальної експертизи

    Stabilized Phase Variants of <I>Vibrio cholerae</I> El Tor P-18895

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    Produced have been stabilized phase variants of V. cholerae El Tor P-18895 (O- and rugose colonies). Frequency of reversion to initial ST-phenotype does not exceed 10 %. Identity of the origin is verified in VNTR. Evaluated has also been their activity by means of the following diagnostic tests: agglutination assay, sensitivity to diagnostic bacteriophages test, and studies of growth behavior in solid nutrient media. Stabilized variants of V. cholerae El Tor P-18895 can be deployed for further investigations of peculiarities of biofilm formation on various surfaces, bacterial resistance to environmental factors, and for the enhancement of methods for isolation of cholera vibrio variants from ambient environment

    Disturbance indicator values for European plants

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    Motivation Indicator values are numerical values used to characterize the ecological niches of species and to estimate their occurrence along gradients. Indicator values on climatic and edaphic niches of plant species have received considerable attention in ecological research, whereas data on the optimal positioning of species along disturbance gradients are less developed. Here, we present a new data set of disturbance indicator values identifying optima along gradients of natural and anthropogenic disturbance for 6382 vascular plant species based on the analysis of 736,366 European vegetation plots and using expert-based characterization of disturbance regimes in 236 habitat types. The indicator values presented here are crucial for integrating disturbance niche optima into large-scale vegetation analyses and macroecological studies. Main types of variables contained We set up five main continuous indicator values for European vascular plants: disturbance severity, disturbance frequency, mowing frequency, grazing pressure and soil disturbance. The first two indicators are provided separately for the whole community and for the herb layer. We calculated the values as the average of expert-based estimates of disturbance values in all habitat types where a species occurs, weighted by the number of plots in which the species occurs within a given habitat type. Spatial location and grain Europe. Vegetation plots ranging in size from 1 to 1000 m(2). Time period and grain Vegetation plots mostly sampled between 1956 and 2013 (= 5th and 95th quantiles of the sampling year, respectively). Major taxa and level of measurement Species-level indicator values for vascular plants. Software format csv file

    Gas distribution in a packed bed with jet gas injection

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