25 research outputs found


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    The results of mycological studies of variety of biosamples during gastrointestinal, respiratory and. genitourinary diseases in different patients we analyzed during the period from 2006 to 2010 years. Different types of fungi were found at gastritis (15-30 % of cases), gastric cancers (5-30 %), duodenal ulcer (3-12 % ), diseases of the respiratory system. (9-14 %). In the cases of prophylactic gynecological evaluations the fungi were found in 12-15 % of women; among these 19-28 % were healthy non-pregnant women and. 14-32 % healthy pregnant women


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    The aim of the work is to study a mechanism of formation of a monolayer in a multilayered ion beam nanostructured coating by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and a model of formation and growth of a monolayer by ion beam sputtering of target substrate with an ion assisting. To investigate the mechanism of formation and growth of monolayer in the coating a technique of sample preparation was developed for further study using electron microscopy Tescan MIRA (Czech Republic), allowing to obtain image surface of an object with high resolution, especially at low accelerating voltages. For the study of thin films, transmission electron microscopy is used much more frequently than scanning, so a console has been designed that allows to obtain images in the passing electrons – TE detector for study by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM – Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy). During study of monolayers by transmission electron microscopy using a TE detector, a mechanism of the formation of monolayer in multilayer ion-beam nanostructured coating has been proposed, consisting of the following steps: the adsorption of chromium particles on the substrate surface; surface diffusion to the stage of a screw dislocation; 2D-growth of chromium monolayer (2D-formation terraces) of 2D-islands; 2D→3D transition – the transition to three-dimensional island growth mode (3D-growth) by the mechanism of Stransky – Krastanow. The model of formation and growth of monolayer under ion-beam sputtering of a target with ion-assisted substrate has been developed.Целью данной работы является изучение механизма формирования монослоя в многослойном ионно-лучевом наноструктурном покрытии методом просвечивающей электронной микроскопии, а также разработка модели формирования и роста монослоя при ионно-лучевом распылении мишени с ионным ассистированием подложки. Для исследования механизма формирования и роста монослоя в покрытии была разработана методика препарирования образцов для их последующего изучения с использованием электронного микроскопа Tescan MIRA (Чехия), позволяющего получить изображения поверхности исследуемого объекта с высоким разрешением, особенно при низких ускоряющих напряжениях. Для исследования тонких пленок метод просвечивающей электронной микроскопии используется гораздо чаще, чем сканирующей, поэтому разработана приставка, позволяющая получать изображения в проходящих электронах – TE-детектор для исследования методом сканирующей просвечивающей электронной микроскопии (STEM – Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy). При изучении монослоев методом просвечивающей электронной микроскопии с использованием TE-детектора предложен механизм формирования монослоя в многослойном ионно-лучевом наноструктурном покрытии, состоящий из следующих этапов: адсорбция частиц хрома на поверхности подложки; поверхностная диффузия к ступени винтовой дислокации; 2D-рост монослоя хрома (формирование 2D-террас) из 2D-островков; 2D→3D-переход – переход в режим роста трехмерных островков (3D-рост) по механизму Странского – Крастанова. Разработана модель формирования и роста монослоя при ионно-лучевом распылении мишени с ионным ассистированием подложки.

    On the application of dynamic screening method to resource queueing system with infinite servers

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    Infinite-server queues are a widely used modelling tool thanks to their analytical tractability and their ability to provide conservative upper bounds for the corresponding multi-server queueing systems. A relatively new research field is represented by resource queues, in which every customer requires some volume of resources during her staying in the queue and frees it only at the end of the service. In a nutshell, in this paper the joint distribution of the processes describing the number of busy servers and the total volume of occupied resources is derived and the parameters of the corresponding bidimensional Gaussian distribution are explicitly calculated as a function of the arrival process characteristics and the service time and customers capacity distributions. The aim of this paper is twofold: on one side it summarizes in a ready-to-be-used way the main results for different arrival processes (namely, Poisson processes, renewal processes,MAP, andMMPP), on the other it provides a detailed description of the employed methodology, presenting the key ideas at the basis of powerful analysis tools (dynamic screening and asymptotic analysis methods), developed in the last two decades by Tomsk researchers

    Infinite-server tandem queue with renewal arrivals and random capacity of customers

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    A tandem of two queues with infinite number of servers is considered. Customers arrive at the first stage of the tandem according to a renewal process, and, after the completion of their services, go to the second stage. Each customer carries a random quantity of work (capacity of the customer). In this study service time does not depend on the customer capacities; the latter are used just to fix some additional features of the system evolution. It is shown that the two-dimensional probability distribution of the total capacities at the stages of the system is two-dimensional Gaussian under the asymptotic condition of a high arrival rate. Numerical experiments and simulations allow us to determine the applicability area for the asymptotic result

    On the Total Amount of the Occupied Resources in the Multi-resource QS with Renewal Arrival Process

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    In this paper we analyse a multi-resource queueing system with renewal arrival process and arbitrary service time distribution. In more detail, we apply the dynamic screening method to obtain the asymptotic expression for the stationary probability distribution describing the process of the total volume of the occupied resource in the system. Finally we verify the goodness of the obtained Gaussian approximation by means of discrete event simulation

    Two-Phase Resource Queueing System with Requests Duplication and Renewal Arrival Process

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    In this paper, we analyze a two-phase resource queueing system with duplication at the second phase under the assumption that customers enter the system according to a renewal process and take up random resource amounts that do not affect the time of their service (for video-conference or streaming traffic). We apply the dynamic screening method and the asymptotic analysis method to obtain an approximation for the stationary probability distribution of the total amount of occupied resources in the system under increasing arrival rate. In more detail, we show that the three-dimensional probability distribution of the total resource amounts on the system blocks is three-dimensional Gaussian, obtain its parameters (means vector and covariance matrix) and verify the correctness of the asymptotic using discrete-event simulatio


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    Aim. Study of mechanisms of attenuation of cold-adapted (ca) influenza virus strain A/ Krasnodar/101/35/59 (H2N2), associated with disruption of NS1 protein functions. Materials and methods. Study of interferonogenic activity of ca strain A/Krasnodar/101/35/59 (H2N2), its parent variant A/Krasnodar/101/59 (H2N2), virulent strain A/WSN/33 (H1N1) and a number of single gene and multiple gene reassortants between these strains, obtained using reverse genetics, was carried out. Study of dynamics of IFNp gene expression was carried out by using a methodical approach of RT-PCR in real time mode. Results. Inclusion of PB-1 gene of ca strain A/ Krasnodar/101/35/59 (H2N2) with reversion to wild type into genome composition of virulent strain А/WSN/33 (H1N1) does not result in a sharp change of interferonogenic activity of the reassortant. At the same time, similar inclusion of PB-1 gene of ca strain resulted in an incredible growth of interferonogenic activity of the reassortant. On the other hand, inclusion of NP-gene of wild type strain A/Krasnodar/101/59 (H2N2) into genome composition of the wild type strain А/WSN/33 did not differ by effect on interferonogenicity of the reassortant from inclusion of NP-gene of ca strain. Conclusion. Both constellations of genes of parent variants and mutations localized in these genes could affect formation of attenuation phenotype of reassortants. The data obtained allow to assume possible mechanisms of attenuation of ca strains, associated with disruption of NS gene function

    Inclusion of site-specific mutations in the PB1-gene of a virulent A/WSN/33 (H1N1) strain of influenza A virus changes its phenotypic characteristics

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    Aim. Study of changes in the phenotypic characteristics of the virulent A/WSN/33 (H1N1) strain of influenza A virus under the influence of the inclusion of site-specific mutations in the PB1-gene of this strain.Materials and methods. Using a two-step polymerase reaction in the PB1 gene of A/ WSN/33 (H1N1) strain were included ts mutations taken from the genome of attenuated CA donors-strains: A/Ann Arbor/6/60 (H2N2), A/Leningrad 134/17/57 (H2N2) and A/ Krasnodar/101/35/59. Ts-phenotype, att-phenotype, immunogenicity, as well as weight loss in mice infected with these mutants were studied in the obtained site-specific mutants.Results. It was shown that the inclusion of ts mutations from the genome of CA donorsstrains of attenuation in the PB1 gene of the virulent A/WSN/33 (H1N1) strain leads to a change in the phenotypic characteristics of this strain to different degrees.Discussion. Analysis of the genome of CA strains- donors of attenuation of influenza virus indicates the crucial importance of the presence of functional defects in the PB1– protein for the formation of the attenuation phenotype of the virus.Conclusion. The technology of site-specific mutagenesis canbe successfully used to modify the PB1 gene of a virulent influenza A virus strain in order to construct a new generation of live influenza vaccines