16 research outputs found

    Мультимодальный подход к дифференциальной диагностике метастатического поражения при раке молочной железы: описание клинического случая

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    Modern complex and morphological diagnostics are important conditions for optimal therapeutic algorithm development if breast cancer relapse is suspected. This article shows the importance of a multimodal approach to the differential diagnostics of secondary tumor lesions. Modern clinical and radiologic evaluation, interventional technologies, trustworthy morphological investigstion and multidisciplinary teamwork facilitated to make correct diagnosis of sarcoidosis in patient with lesions suspicious for breast cancer relapse and schedule correct treatment. Современная комплексная диагностика и качественный морфологический диагноз являются важными условиями выработки оптимального лечебного алгоритма при подозрении на рецидив рака молочной железы. На собственном клиническом примере показана важность мультимодального подхода к дифференциальной диагностике вторичного опухолевого поражения. Благодаря современной клинико-рентгенологической диагностике, интервенционным технологиям, качественному морфологическому анализу и тесному взаимодействию всех членов мультидисциплинарной команды у пациентки с подозрением на рецидив рака молочной железы удалось верифицировать поражение неопухолевого генеза (саркоидоз) и спланировать правильную тактику лечения. 

    Хирургическое лечение «раннего» рака молочной железы: что изменилось? (опыт международного сотрудничества)

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    The study included patients with noninvasive cancer and stage T1a-b-cN0M0 invasive breast cancer who were treated between 1985 to 2009 in Russia (at the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center and at the Clinic of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Training, 1036 patients), and in the Netherlands (LUMC, 560 patients, National Cancer Register, 22196 patients). The comparative analysis of surgery types between countries was carried out. The frequency of organ-preserving surgeries for early breast cancer in Russian and in the Netherlands was identical (53.7 % and 52.5 %). The percentage of organ-preserving surgeries over the past 20 years in Russia was not significantly changed, whereas the decrease in the rate of organ-preserving treatment from 56.2 % to 41.2 % was observed in the Netherlands.This is most likely due to an increase in the number of patients in postmenopause (>60 years) from 53.1 % to 63.8 %. The main type of organ-preserving treatment in Russia is radical resection of the breast. In the Netherlands, lumpectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy or axillary lymphodissection is the most common form of breast-conserving surgery today.В исследование включены пациентки с неинвазивным раком и раком молочной железы c T1a-b-cN0M0 стадией, получившие лечение с 1985 по 2009 г. в России (РОНЦ им. Н.Н. Блохина РАМН и Клиника РМАПО – 1036 больных) и в Нидерландах (LUMC – 560 пациенток, Национальный Канцрегистр – 22196 больных). Проведен сравнительный анализ типов выполненных операций по странам, а также во временных подгруппах. Частота органосохраняющего лечения при «раннем» раке молочной железы вРоссии и Нидерландах идентична – 53,7 % и 52,5 %. Доля органосохраняющих операций в течение 20 лет в России существенно не изменилась, тогда как в Нидерландах отмечено уменьшение доли органосохраняющего лечения с 56,2 % до 41,2 %, что, вероятнее всего, объясняется увеличением числа пациенток, находящихся в постменопаузе (>60 лет) с 53,1 % до 63,8 %. Основным вариантом органосохраняющего лечения в России является радикальная резекция молочной железы, в Нидерландах – лампэктомия с БСЛУ или аксиллярной лимфодиссекцией, причем БСЛУ и в настоящее время не является «рутинной» операцией во всей стране

    Ribociclib for the treatment of hormone-positive HER2-negative breast cancer

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    Breast cancer steadily holds leading market positions in the malignancy morbidity and mortality pattern. The treatment of metastatic breast cancer remains an extremely topical issue, when its aim is not only to prolong the patient’s life, but also to preserve its quality. Due to advances in molecular diagnostics, it has become possible to use several new classes of drugs in recent times. CDK4/6 inhibitors that demonstrate high efficacy in the first-line therapy for luminal metastatic breast cancer is one of these groups. This review presents data from recent registration studies and a description of observations from our own clinical experience


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    Aim. Search of association of polymorphisms in DEFВ1, IL-10, TNF-a and TLR2 genes with development of chronic generalized periodontitis in representatives of Ural region (Caucasian race). Materials and methods. 142 patients, that were split into 3 groups, took part in the study: a group of patients with periodontitis, a group with frequent inflammatory disease of upper respiratory tract and a comparison group - healthy donors. A study of polymorphic markers was carried out: DEFB1 (-44G/C), DEFB1 (-20A/G), IL-10 (-1082 A/G), TNF-a (-308 G/A), Arg753Gln and Arg677Trp using PCR in real time mode. Results. Association of infectious pathology of upper respiratory tract and development of periodontitis diseases with markers in DEFB1 (-44G/C) and Arg753Gln and Arg677Trp genes was determined. Significant differences in distribution of genotypes and alleles of genes IL-10 and TNF-a in the group of patients with periodontitis and comparison group were not detected. Conclusion. DEFB1 (-44G/C) polymorphism can be examined as a marker of periodontitis development risk

    Preliminary results of accelerated partial breast irradiation in the combination organ-saving treatment of patients with early-stage breast cancer

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    Objective: to develop and introduce an accelerated partial breast irradiation procedure in patients with early-stage breast cancer after organ-saving operations using three-dimensional conformal teleradiotherapy (3D CRT) and to assess the preliminary results of treat- ment.Subjects and methods: the trial enrolled 48 patients with verified T1-2N0-1micM0 stage breast cancer who received organ-saving treatment in the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, in 2008–2012. The median age of the patients was 63 years. All the patients underwent organ-saving operations with subsequent 3D CRT applied to the resected tumor bed with margins. Radiotherapy with a dose of 2.5 Gy was performed twice daily; the daily dose was 5 Gy; the course dose was 40 Gy. Indications for accelerated partial irradiation of the tumor bed were listed; the data of randomized trials were given.Results. The median follow-up was 27 months; locoregional recurrences or distant metastases were found in no patients. Late radia- tion skin and soft tissue injuries were seen in no cases. All the patients were ascertained to have early-stage grade I radiation cutane- ous injuries according to the RTOG-EORTC classification. Excellent, good, fair, and poor cosmetic results were obtained in 12 (25 %), 34 (71 %), 2 (4 %), and 0 patients, respectively.Conclusion. The developed accelerated partial breast irradiation procedure in patients with early-stage breast cancer after organ- saving operations at the median follow-up of 27 months showed good results, such as no local recurrences or distant metastases. Excel- lent and good cosmetic results were noted in 96 % of the patients


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    Background. We previously found that a decrease in the number of NKT cells and activated CD 25+ peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) before neoadjuvant chemotherapy was associated with an increased likelihood of disease progression in patients with locally advanced triple-negative breast cancer (TN BC).The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the initial number of NKT-and CD 25+ PBLs and relapsefree survival (RFS)/overall survival (OS ) in patients with TN BC who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy with cisplatin and paclitaxel followed by surgery.Material and Methods. The study included patients with stage II and III TN BC. The follow-up time was 36 and 66.9 months. Immediately before chemotherapy, the percentage of CD 3+CD 16+CD 56+ (NKT) -, CD 25+- and CD 8+ PBLs was determined by flow cytometry. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out using the Statistics 7 software package. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to determine the relationship between immunological parameters and RFS/ OS .Results. The decreased level of NKT cells before treatment was associated with a decrease in the 3-year RFS [Me: 20.1 (0.533 and 39.7) months] compared to that observed in patients with higher percentage of these cells than in the control (Me was not achieved). There were no statistically significant differences in the 3-year OS between the groups. The initially reduced number of CD 25+ lymphocytes in comparison with the control was associated with decreased rates of both RFS and OS . The difference in DFS and OS was more significant between the groups of patients who simultaneously had an increased initial number of both NKT and CD 25+ cells and patients in whom both cell populations were below normal levels.Conclusion. The initial (prior to chemotherapy) number of NKT and activated CD 25+ PBLs can apparently be a predictive factor in TN BC patients, who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy with cisplatin and paclitaxel

    Efficacy and safety of cisplatin and paclitaxel (PlaTax regimen) in the neoadjuvant treatment of patients with stage II–III triple-negative breast cancer

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    Background. Treatment results for the patients with stage II–III triple negative breast cancer (TN BC) have to be improved. Not only the new treatment regimens, but new predictive and prognostic factors should to be developed.Materials and methods. We included 98 patients with stage II–III TN BC in our study. We studied efficacy and safety of PlaTax regimen (cisplatin 75 mg / m2 day 1 + paclitaxel 80 mg / m2 days 1, 8, 15, course every 4 weeks) in this cohort of patients. We assessed pathologic response, survival and factors, which were relevant for predicting response and prognose survival.Results. PlaTax regimen is characterized by high efficacy and tolerable toxicity. Clinical efficacy was 85.8 %, pCR achievement was 60.5 %, tpCR achievement was 58.1 %. The regimen has low haematological toxicity (neutropenia III–IV grades – 4.1 %); the most frequent adverse events were polyneuropathy (18.5 %) and decreased renal function (24.5 %). 3-year progression-free survival was 68.4 %, most of the relapses (92 %) occurred during first 2 years. 3 year overall survival was 77.6 %. The most relevant predictive factor was level of Ki-67 ≥50 % (pCR 38.5 % vs. 68.7 %, p = 0.038). pCR achievement was the most important prognostic factor, resulting in improved 3-year progressionfree survival (44.3 % vs. 89.1 %, p &lt;0.0001), and 3-year overall survival (61.5 % vs. 91.6 %, p = 0.001). Not only the residual disease, but also the size of residual tumor was important from prognostic point of view. Other important prognostic factors were size of the tumor, status of regional lymph nodes, grade. Delay in surgical treatment more than a month lead to decreased 3-year progression-free survival: 87.1 % vs. 62.5 % (p = 0.047).Conclusions. Our data suggest that studied regimen could be an option for patients with stage II–III TN BC. The assessment of the predictive and prognostic factors will help improve the treatment results for patients with stage II–III TN BC


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    The study included patients with noninvasive cancer and stage T1a-b-cN0M0 invasive breast cancer who were treated between 1985 to 2009 in Russia (at the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center and at the Clinic of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Training, 1036 patients), and in the Netherlands (LUMC, 560 patients, National Cancer Register, 22196 patients). The comparative analysis of surgery types between countries was carried out. The frequency of organ-preserving surgeries for early breast cancer in Russian and in the Netherlands was identical (53.7 % and 52.5 %). The percentage of organ-preserving surgeries over the past 20 years in Russia was not significantly changed, whereas the decrease in the rate of organ-preserving treatment from 56.2 % to 41.2 % was observed in the Netherlands.This is most likely due to an increase in the number of patients in postmenopause (&gt;60 years) from 53.1 % to 63.8 %. The main type of organ-preserving treatment in Russia is radical resection of the breast. In the Netherlands, lumpectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy or axillary lymphodissection is the most common form of breast-conserving surgery today