424 research outputs found

    Magnetsko-optička svojstva legure In1−xGaxP

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    The room-temperature dependence on composition of the energy gap is measured for the ternary alloy system In1−xGaxP semiconductors. The cross-over point from the direct to indirect optical transition energy gap is found at x = 0.718. An empirical relation for the alloy system energy-gap dependence is found for both direct and indirect transition regions. From the empirical relations belonging to the direct region transition, the values of the expected indirect energy transition at Γc1 are calculated. The difference between these values and the corresponding indirect energy (Γc1−Xc1) are also calculated. The change of Eg due to the effects of magnetic field up to 1.6 T (Tesla) was also measured. The magnetic coefficient is found to be between 3.33×10−7 and 3.87×10−7 eV/T for x = 0.31 to x = 1. A clear deviation of the magnetic coefficient occurred for the change from the direct-region to that of the indirect-region transition.Mjerili smo ovisnost energijskog procijepa u trojnom sustavu poluvodičke legure In1−xGaxP na sobnoj temperaturi. NaĆĄli smo prijelaznu točku od izravnih k neizravnim optičkim prijelazima za x = 0.718. Izveli smo iskustvenu ovisnost energijske ovisnosti energijskog procijepa tog sustava za izravne i neizravne prijelaze. Na osnovi iskustvene ovisnosti za područje izravnih prijelaza izračunali smo energiju neizravnih prijelaza za Γc1. Izračunali smo također razlike tih vrijednosti koje odgovaraju energiji neizravnih prijelaza (Γc1−Xc1). Promjene Eg zbog učinaka magnetskog polja mjerili smo do 1.6 T. NaĆĄli smo magnetski koeficijent između 3.33 × 10−7 i 3.87 × 10−7 eV/T za x = 0.31 do x = 1. OpaĆŸa se jasan otklon magnetskog koeficijenta pri prijelazu od izravnih k neizravnim prijelazima

    Genetic diversity of domestic and commercial turkey breeds: assessment using RAPD-PCR technique

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    This study was undertaken on 50 local (Black, Red and Narragansett) and 26 commercial turkey breeds (Black, White and Red). Out of twenty random primers used, twelve were able to amplify and showed bands. The total fragment number over all the turkey samples was 324 with size range of fragments from 220 to 2800 bp. Polymorphic fragments and unique bands in all breeds were 60 and 18, respectively. The Nei’s gene diversity for overall breeds averaged 0.44. The genetic distance among all turkey breeds ranged from 0.144 to 0.575. The higher genetic distance in local breeds was 0.667 between both (Black and Red) and (Black and Narragansett). On the other hand, the lowest distance was 0.269 between the Narragansett and Red breeds. The overall dendrograms showed three main clusters, the first cluster branch consisted of (local and commercial) black breeds; the second cluster included (local and commercial) Red breeds, while the third cluster included local Narragansett and commercial White breeds. These results showed that the three local turkey breeds are independent to one another

    Neurological manifestaions among Sudanese patients with multiple myeloma

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    Background: Multiple myeloma may involve the nervous system at every level, including the neuromuscular junction, peripheral nerve, plexus, spinal nerve root, spinal cord, meninges, and brain. Such involvement may be primary or secondary, as well as non-invasive paraneoplastic effects.Objective: To find out the perevalence and pattern of CNS manifestations in Sudanese patients with multiple myeloma seen in Al-Shaab Teaching Hospital and Khartoum Nuclear Hospital.Methodology: This is a prospective descriptive cross sectional, hospital based study. It was conducted in Al-Shaab Teaching Hospital and Khartoum Nuclear Hospital in the period from June2009 to June 2010. 50 patients with multiple myeloma were included in the study.Results: Males were more than females with ratio of 2.8:1. The common (36%) age of presentation was between 55-64 years. There was increased incidence of multiple myeloma in patients from the west of Sudan. Farmers and free workers had high incidence of multiple myeloma (34% and 27%respectively). The study demonstrated that the most common non-  neurological symptoms was locomotor symptoms (24%) ,while the most common neurological symptoms were backache and neck pain .The most common neurological findings were cord compression (8%) followed by peripheral neuropathy (2%) and CVA (2%). 22% of patients completed treatment with good response, 12% with partial response, 18% with no response and 48% are still on treatment.Conclusion: CNS involvement among our studied group was not  uncommon.Keywords: neuromuscular, paraneoplastic, monoclonal immunoglobulin

    InvestigaciĂłn del efecto de la temperatura de recocido sobre las propiedades Ăłpticas de pelĂ­culas delgadas de CdSe

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    Introduction: CdSe is an important II–VI semiconducting material dueto its typical optical properties such as small direct band gap (1.7 eV) anda high refractive index and, thus, a major concern is focused on the investigation of optical properties of CdSe thin films which is important topromote the performances of the devices of solid -state such as SC (solar cells), thin film transistors, LED (light-emitting diodes), EBPL (electron–beam pumped lasers) and electroluminescent devices. In the presentwork, CdSe thin films were deposited by thermal evaporation method andthe results have been analysed and presented. Materials and Methods:CdSe thin films has been deposited on glass microscopic slides as substrates of (75×25×1 mm) under room temperature using PVD technique.CdSe blended powders gets evaporated and condensed on the substrate.The film thickness (t = 100 5 nm) which is measured using Michelsoninterferometry method. Transmission spectrum, from 200-1100 nm, arescanned using two beams UV–VIS Spectrophotometer (6850 UV/Vis.Spectrophotometer-JENWAY). The deposited films then were annealedat temperature range of (1500C to 3500C) under vacuum to have a stable phase of the material and prevent surface oxidization. Results andDiscussion: A transmittance spectrum of CdSe thin film is scanned overwavelength range 200 to 1100 nm using a (6850 UV/Vis. Spectrophotometer-JENWAY) at room temperature. The transmittance percentagebetween the as-deposited film and the annealed films change varies from(17.0%) to (47.0%). It is clearly seen that there is a shift toward higher energy (Blue Shift) in the transmittance spectrum. As annealing temperatureincreased the transmittance edge is shifted to the longer wavelength (i.e.,after annealing the CdSe films shows red shifts in their optical spectra).The band gap was found within the range 1.966-1.7536 eV for CdSe thinfilm. As annealing temperature increases, the Eg continuously decreases.Conclusions: CdSe thin films have been deposited using Physical VaporDeposition (PVD) Technique. It is found that the transmission for asdeposited films is (17%) and increases to (47%) as annealing temperature increases. Beside this the energy gap for as- deposited CdSe film is(1.966eV) and decreased from (1.909 eV) to (1.7536eV) as the annealingtemperature increases. There is a strong red shift in optical spectrum ofthe annealed CdSe films. There is a gradual shift of the annealed filmsthin film spectra as compared of bulk CdSe film

    Medications package inserts’ usefulness to doctors and patients: Sudanese doctors perspective

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    Background: Written medication information is important for both doctors and patients. In the developing countries, the medication package inserts (PIs) represent the most available and easily accessible source of written medication information. The main objective of the present study was to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of Sudanese doctors toward written medication information in the PIs, and its usefulness for both doctors and patients.Methods: Four hundred (n=400) doctors were randomly selected and addressed with an open to answer the questionnaire composed of fifteen questions (n=15).Results: A big majority (95.7%) of the respondents considered the medications’ PIs, which they regularly read (93.2%), as a reliable and useful source of medication information in their prescribing. Only a minority of the respondent doctors (43.6%) used to advise their patients to read the PIs, whereas a majority (62.4%) of respondents believed that patients might find difficulty in understanding written medication information in the PI. The majority (61.3%) of respondent used to rely on pharmacists to provide patients with the needed medication information. The majority of the respondents (82.2%) used to inform their patients about the possible medication side effects. Respondents ranked medications’ dose (79.5%), how to use it (77.3%) and information about side effects (73%) on top of patients’ medication information most needed particulars.Conclusion: Doctors should give more attention to their patients’ medication information specific needs, advice and motivate them to read the PIs before using their medications

    Aerobic bacteria in safe type chronic suppurative otitis media in Gezira State, Sudan

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    Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is a challenging disease with a high burden on society in developing countries. Information regarding CSOM in Sudanese patients is scarce. This study aimed to identify aerobic bacteria involved in CSOM and to determine their sensitivity towards commonly prescribed antibiotics. A multi-center prospective cross sectional study was conducted between June 2012 and October 2013 in private and public ENT clinics in Gezira State, Sudan. The study included 217 CSOM patients most of whom were males or had unilateral disease. The most common isolates were Staphylococcus aureus (42.6%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (14.7%), Pseudomonas aeroginosa (12.5%) and Proteus mirabilis (10.2%). The sensitivity of all isolates was highest towards gentamicin and ciprofloxacin while multiple drug resistance was prominent towards amoxyclav, cotrimoxazole, cefuroxime, cefaclor and ceftriaxone. Ciprofloxacin and gentamicin appear to be the best choices for empiric therapy in patients with CSOM. In contrast, the use of amoxyclav, cotrimoxazole, cefuroxime, cefaclor and ceftriaxone should be discouraged.Keywords: Aerobic bacteria, Chronic suppurative otitis media, Gezira State, Sudan

    An interactive channel model of the Basal Ganglia: bifurcation analysis under healthy and parkinsonian conditions.

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    Oscillations in the basal ganglia are an active area of research and have been shown to relate to the hypokinetic motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease. We study oscillations in a multi-channel mean field model, where each channel consists of an interconnected pair of subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus sub-populations.To study how the channels interact, we perform two-dimensional bifurcation analysis of a model of an individual channel, which reveals the critical boundaries in parameter space that separate different dynamical modes; these modes include steady-state, oscillatory, and bi-stable behaviour. Without self-excitation in the subthalamic nucleus a single channel cannot generate oscillations, yet there is little experimental evidence for such self-excitation. Our results show that the interactive channel model with coupling via pallidal sub-populations demonstrates robust oscillatory behaviour without subthalamic self-excitation, provided the coupling is sufficiently strong. We study the model under healthy and Parkinsonian conditions and demonstrate that it exhibits oscillations for a much wider range of parameters in the Parkinsonian case. In the discussion, we show how our results compare with experimental findings and discuss their possible physiological interpretation. For example, experiments have found that increased lateral coupling in the rat basal ganglia is correlated with oscillations under Parkinsonian conditions

    Doctor-Patient Communication A Requisite for Better Medication History Taking: Insight from Sudan

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    Despite the awareness of doctors about the significance of obtaining a comprehensive medication history for patients, they often neglect this in their practice, resulting in an incomplete patient medication list. The study aimed to investigate the role of communication skills as a crucial part of optimal pharmacotherapy. An observational, cross-sectional study was carried out at internal medicine department in a tertiary hospital, Wad Medani, Sudan.  The research instrument was a form involved a checklist rating a doctor’s performance during the medical encounters. Among 94 medical doctors, 51% were males and 6.15 (SE) was the average years of experience. About 13% of participants received under-graduation training in communication skills, while 21% had it after post-graduation. Concerning communication skills evaluation, 61% of specialists, 29% of registrars, and 7% of house officers reported an excellent performance. Gender and doctors’ ranking in a medical team had a significant role in communication skills (P-value <0.05) with an overall adjusted R2 of 0.339. Specialists were the most knowledgeable and skillful in obtaining structured medication history; 67% reported an excellent performance. Communication skills had a remarkable impact in getting patient medication history (P-value: <0.05) with an overall adjusted R2 of 0. 763.The study concluded that; gender and doctors’ ranking in the medical team were the main predictors for doctors to be a good communicator. Communication skills have a significant role in medication history taking. There was a gap in knowledge and training in communication skills among internal medicine doctors specifically, “house officers.” This gap negatively contributed to obtaining a comprehensive patient medication history

    Outcomes of integrating a clinical pharmacist in the pediatric cardiology ward

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    To date, very limited data are available on clinical pharmacist's services in pediatric cardiology. The aim of this review was to assess "drug-related problems" (DRPs) and patient outcomes during the involvement of the clinical pharmacist in the pediatric cardiology ward. Studies published between January 2000 and November 2021 were searched across Medline, PubMed, Google Scholar, Elsevier, and ScienceDirect for “DRPs” and “patient outcome” with “clinical pharmacist” and “pediatric cardiology”. Results revealed that the incorporation of clinical pharmacists in the multidisciplinary team can detect and resolve DRPs, reduce the overall burden of healthcare costs, and improve drug safety in pediatric cardiology patients. Most DRPs identified and interventions proposed by the clinical pharmacists were accepted by the physicians. Studies have also reported a positive impact on patient outcomes, including: shorter hospital stay, fewer disease events, optimal anticoagulation levels, lipid levels, and blood pressure. Moreover; pharmacist-led discharge medication counseling resulted in better medication adherence, fewer medication discrepancies, and a lower incidence of cardiovascular-associated hospital readmissions. In summary, there is growing evidence that integration and interventions of clinical pharmacists into cardiology ward has a positive influence on DRPs and patient outcomes
